CLEP Human Growth and Development

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Which of the following findings is often cited as evidence for the evolutionary perspective?

Men's reproductive capabilities last until later in life then women's

Which of the following is true of menopause in men?

Menopause is physically impossible because males do not menstruate

A child who has an IQ of 55 to 70 and delete social development is classified as having a

Mild intellectual disability

Experiments use random assignment in order to

Minimize preexisting differences between the groups

Cloning uses the process of


Observational learning is often referred to as


Effective parent training might invlove

Modeling of behavior strategies

Anxiety over performance can positively motivate school achievement in children as long as a degree of anxiety is


A sudden, loud noise made in the vicinity of a newborn infant is likely to elicit which of the following reflexes?


Which parent generally provides more opportunities for attachment bonding?

Mothers, because they provide significantly more basic care

The confluence model of development suggest that

Multiple family variables flow together to produce important influences on the development of the child.

Which of the following is a cause and effect pair that could be tested in a research study using an experimental design?

Music lessons... Intelligence

Every morning for year old Marta watches her mother put on a suit, pack a lunch, and put her lunch and briefcase by the front door while preparing for work. One day marta wakes up, puts on one of her mother suits, put snacks in the lunch bag, and put the lunch bag and a backpack at the front door. She runs to her mother and says, "I'm ready for work!" Marta's behavior can best be described as

Social learning

A child observed another child being unafraid of a stranger. The observing child stops acting afraid of the stranger. This is an example of

Social referencing

Caroline tripped on the carpet and fell. When she got up, she looked at her mother, who was laughing, and she left too. This is an example of

Social referencing

What is probably the most important thing children learn from peer interactions?

Social skills

A baby smiles in response to the sound of the human voice or the sight of a human face. This is called

Social smiling

Steve is 63 years old and attends professional meetings and conferences. Though he used to focus on developing his expertise at the meetings, he now directs his energy towards spending time with close colleagues rather than learning about advancements in his field. Which of the following theories best explains Steve's shift in focus?

Socioemotional selectivity

When does "pretend play" usualy appear?

Sometime early in the second year

Which theorist argued that intelligence has an underlying common factor called "G"?


If a previously extinguished response reappears, the phenomenon is referred to as

Spontaneous recovery

If a baby responded favorable to the sound of its mother's voice but no other voices, the baby is evidencing

Stimulus discrimination

When an animal is conditioned to make a response in a particular situation, and will also make the response in similar but different situations, it exhibits the effects of


Which of the following is NOT as aspect of intelligence in Sternberg's theory's?


When using the Binet-Simon scale, what is meant by "mental age"?

The intellectual level at which the child is functioning

What may enhance the success of early intervention programs?

The involvement of parents

Freud called the middle childhood years

The latency stage

The more complex the child's social cognitive capacity _______.

The more complex the child's perceptions of relationships may become

Reciprocal determinism is

The mutual interplay of behavior, cognitive characteristics and the environment

Which of the following represents "regression" On the part of a sibling when another sibling is born?

The older child having toilet accidents even after having been potty trained.

The "nature/nurture" debate considers

The relationship(s) between genetics, environment and human development

What factor determines the sex of a child?

The sex chromosome received from the father

What is a morpheme?

The smallest unit of meaning in a sentence

The affiliation motive strengthens most often when people are in a situation involving

The threat of danger

Maturational theory focuses on

The unfolding of genetically determined developmental sequences

According to Lev Vygotsky, The range between what a child can do alone and what a child can do with assistance is referred to as

The zone of proximal development

Vygotsky Is most closely associated with

The zone of proximal development

Why my boys and girls show gender stereotype toy and activity preferences?

There are possible Biological factors, parents may encourage this through toy purchases and actions, these differences are roll modeled through television and other media, other children may encourage them

Which of the following statements about ethnicity and intelligence test scores is most accurate?

There is a greater variation in intelligence test scores within ethnic groups then there is between them

Which of the following is true about the connection between person orientated aggression and cognitive development?

There is an inverse relationship. As children mature cognitively, aggression diminishes

Which of the following is true about how middle childhood children regulate their behavior?

These children increasingly regulate their own behavior

When infants "look" at something

They actually bounce from feature to feature rather than staring

How do IQ scores at age 9 correlate with IQ scores at age 18?

They are highly positively correlated

Why might girls have a more difficult transition into junior high school than boys?

They are not. This transition is actually harder on boys because of competitive expectations

What is the advantage of a newborn having the senses of hearing and smell ?

They may assist in the attachment process

Which of the following may be true about personality differences between first born and last born children?

They may be linked to contrasts in parenting styles, they may be linked to Howe the siblings interact with each other, they may be linked to later borns feeling they have to fight for their place in the family, they may lead to clashes between the children

Which of the following is true about toddler play?

They may imitated each other but often do not interact

Which of the following accurately describes what a toddler will do when confronted with a steep slope while walking?

They usually will stop and crawl down the slope

Can infants asses depth ?

Yes, as per the "visual cliff" experiment

Can pro social behaviors be taught to young children age 3 or older?

Yes, if they are given responsibilities that model helping

Does the birth of a sibling have an impact on existing children in the family?

Yes, in both positive and negative ways

With negative reinforcement

You increase a desired behavior by taking something unpleasant away

Frued called his theory of child development


When the XY genetic code begins to assert itself

Sex organs begin to differentiate

HIV CAN be transmitted by

Sexual relations, blood transfusions, breast-feeding, shared needles

Intelligence tests

Should avoid cultural bias Should be both valid and reliable

Conduct disorder

Shows a good deal of stability across time

Parents are more likely to abuse

Sick or on healthy children

Why might a fetus move less often during the ninth month of gestation than before?

The child is larger and there is simply less room to move

Which of the following represents the microsystem?

The child's home

Vygotsky suggests

The child's interactions with adults organize the child's learning experiences

Accommodation involves

The creation of a new schema

Once motor development has been deprived

The damage can be improved with intervention

The behavior change of subjects in an experiment is

The dependent variable

Which of the following represents proximodistal development?

The fact that growth spreads outward from the spine.

Which of the following represents cephalocaudal development?

The fact that we tend to develop from the head down

Which of the following presents a child's zone of proximal development?

The gap between what the child can do now and what the child co do with help

As self concept becomes more differentiated, what is likely to happen to self esteem if a failure occurs in some area?

The greater the degree of self differentiation, the lower self esteem becomes

Is using an experimental group and a control group, it should first be considered that

The groups should be matched on all variables that may affect their performance

With cognitive scaffolding

The guidance is decreased as the child becomes more skilled

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, parents can best foster their children's moral development by

Exposing their children to more advanced moral reasoning by discussing both sides of moral dilemmas

A parent who deliberately ignore is a child's temper tantrum is attempting to discourage tantrums by


Of the following, the most common cause of learned helplessness is


Which of the following should Cheryl say to her son to encourage him to keep doing well in school?

"You're doing so well; keep up your hard work."

What is the average correlation in IQ scores for monozygotic twins reared together?


Which of the following represents the strongest correlation ?

-0.70 ( the closer to + or -1.00, the stronger the correlation)

Which of the following represents the "strongest" correlation


In accounting for the rapid expansion of a child's early vocabulary, Susan carry argued that a major role must be played by the child's own active cognitive processing. Adults simply cannot teach a child exactly what referent every word picks out. Carrie coined which of the following terms to denote this concept?

Fast mapping

In Watsons experiment with Albert, the unconditioned response was

Fear of the loud noise

The term mental operations can best be described as

Flexible and reversible.

With amniocentesis

Fluid is tested from the "sac" containing the fetus

Which of the following is scaffolding strategy for helping a child understand a story?

Focusing the child's attention on important details , using a number of questions about what the child is doing, correcting the child's misunderstandings, praising the child for the current insights they display (all of the above)

Pretend play among children

Follows many rules

The unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment was the


According to Piaget, at what age will a child begin to show autonomous morality?

9 to 11 years

Of the 46 chromosomes in a normal human cell, how many are contributed by the mother?


By what age will most children begin using two word sentences?

24 months

Ethology is an example of

A biologically-oriented theory of development

The greatest gains in visual acuity occur

From birth to 6 months

Dr Alfonzo has intensely studied a pair of conjoined twins for two years. This represents

A case study

If you salivate at the sight of a McDonald's, you are evidencing

A conditioned response

What may explain the long term effects of divorce ?

A decline in parenting after the divorce

How questions are worded may influence whether the child can answer correctly. This is an example of

A demand characteristic

anorexia nervosa is

A disorder involving self starvation

Dennis is about to begin Junior high school, and the changes in social environment that he will face include all of the following except

A less bureaucratic type of school

A researcher has noted that the more hours students spend partying, the lower their exam scores. This represents

A negative correlation

A mother nags her son until he cleans his room. A few weeks later, the sun spontaneously cleans his room because he does not want to be nagged. The mother is nagging is an example of

A negative reinforcer

What is a dyad of learning?

A pair

Vulnerability to mental disorders can be affected by

A persons current social environment, the character of earlier environments, genetic predispositions, and poor quality of the education environment.

Extinction of behavior occurs

From repeated performance of operant behavior without reinforcement

Extinction of leaning occurs

From repeated performance of operant behavior without reinforcement

Prior to implantation, how are the developing cells that will become the infant nourished ?

From the yolk of the original egg

Which of the following has been shown to lower dropout rates effectively?

Headstart, small class size, positive school climate, family support

Prosocial behavior is also sometimes referred to as


The most common cause of severe intellectual and emotional impairment in older individuals is

Alzheimer's disease

The process by which fluid from the uterus is taken early in pregnancy to determine whether the developing fetus has a genetic anomaly is called


The amniotic sac

Helps the developing fetus maintain an even temperature

Carl has survived on the street because he can adapt to the demands of street life. Carl is probably

High in practical intelligence

Bandura suggests that girls with ______ are more likely to select non traditional careers

High self efficacy

According to Jenny Werkers research, the oldest age that children can discriminate for mnemic differences in all languages is about

6-12 months

What seems to enhance the effectiveness of preschool programs for economically disadvantaged children?

If they also include parental involvement

an abstract, generalized account of repeated events is called

A script

Red green colorblind this is best described as

A sex linked recessive trait

In terms of prenatal development, alcohol would be an example of

A teratogen

According to behavioral psychologists, which of the following treatments is most likely to extinguish disruptive behavior in preschool children?

Ignoring them so that they do not receive the reinforcement they are seeking

What is the basis for most human learning ?


Ritalin is currently used to help children with the following condition


Research has shown that maternal smoking may

Be associated with poor academic performance by child later on

Research suggest that newborn color vision is poor. Why might this be?

Because the cones of the in the retinas are not highly developed

Why might preschool programs for economically disadvantaged children be needed ?

Because these children generally preform more poorly on standardized intelligence tests

How does carol gilligan explaining why young woman experience a decline in self esteem as they move through adolescence

Because they have becomes increasingly aware of the contrasts between the way they view themselves and how society views females

This stage of formal operations is characterized by

Abstract thought and hypothetical problem solving

Temperament in infants

Affects the quality of the parent/child interaction and develops through both hereditary and environmental influences

Which of the following names is associated with the research on attachment?


Erik Erickson called a period of serious questioning and soul searching

An identity crisis

Information processing theorists argue that one of the major changes that takes place from 2 to 5 years of age is

An increase in the complexity and power of working memory

What is known about the long term effects of divorce on children?

Anger toward the parent they perceive as responsible for the break up persists

A child explains thunder as "the clouds yelling at each other" this is an example of


How is obesity determined scientifically ?

By comparing weight and height

How can we assess infant visual preferences?

By measuring how long infants look at particular objects

Receptive vocabulary

Includes all of the words the child understands

What is a retrieval cue?

Any trigger that helps us pull something from memory

A stable attribution is one that

Appears unchangeable

Parent training which combines limit setting with negotiation would lead to parents who

Are authoritative, encounter less turmoil with their adolescents, and have children who do better in school

Which research question would most likely be addressed by developmental psychologist?

Are changes in executive control of attention continuous or discontinuous?

Mothers of securely attached infants

Are in-tune with their abuses and are predictable caregivers

People with bulimea

Are often normal weight

Polygenic traits

Are transmitted by combinations of pairs of genes

Which of the following is a recall task?

Asking a child to recite state capitals

D.C. has learned that his ball is called a "toy". When he sees a round light bulb he calls it a "toy". This is an example of


If intelligence is capacity, then achievement is


Although Elizabeth seven-year-old son wants to stay up past his bedtime to watch a television special, she insisted he go to bed at the usual time. She explains that he will be too tired to do well in school if he does not get his rest, and she promises to record the show for him. Diana baumrinds classification for Elizabeth's parenting style is which of the following?


Parenting characterized by consistent control, strong support, and affection for the child, is referred to as


A self-reliant child is most likely to have been raised by

Authoritative parents

Memory for events that happened in ones life is called

Autobiographical memory

Which stage in Erikson's theory involves the development of independence?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Infants who are at least distressed by their mothers departure Are said to show

Avoidant attachment

Which of the following theorists did not develop a stage theory?

B.F. Skinner

Which occupation is best suited for an individual with a conventional personality in John Holland's personality type theory?

Bank teller

Applications of learning theory to help children overcome behavior disorders or cope with adjustment problems is often referred to as

Behavior modification

Which of the following is NOT one of Selman's five levels of perspective taking skills in childhood ?

Believes in universal rules

When is the infants first word typically spoken?

Between 11 and 13 months

When does autism usually become evident?

Between 18 and 30 months

Which theorist developed intelligence testing methods at the turn of the twentieth century?


The development of walking in the infant is dependent upon

Biological maturation

In relation to physical abuse,physical neglect

Causes more deaths

Which developing system is vulnerable for the greatest period of time after conception?

Central nervous system

In terms of visual tracking in neonate

Certain forms of tracking may develop before others

According to researchers, ethnic identity or a sense of identity with ones own ethnic group

Changes throughout the lifespan

Which of the following statements about attachment is most accurate?

Childcare is unlikely to impact attachment as long as it is not of poor quality

In terms of language,

Children can understand many more words than they can speak

In the later years of middle childhood

Children evaluate their parents more critically than before

Social cognitive theorists such as Albert Bandura suggest

Children learn much of what they know though observation

Cross cultural studies examine the effects of


Both stunted growth and delayed menarche or strongly influenced by


A general nominal refers to

Classes of objects

Kareem laughs whenever his neck is touched. Now before touching his neck, his mommy says, "gotcha." Pretty soon, as soon as she says "gotcha," Kareem starts to laugh. This is an example of

Classical conditioning

When there is an extremely weak relationship between two behavioral variables, the correlation coefficient will be

Close to zero

Two 7th graders spend most of their time together talking about difficulties involving in either their parents or their history class. These discussions bring them closer and friendship, but their focus on negative aspects tend to lead to them both to be more troubled. The students behavior is example of


According to Piaget,

Cognitive developments are based on children's interactions with the environment

Piaget believed

Cognitive developments are stage based and universal

If a boy is aggressive and someone "bumps" into him, what is his likely response?

Cognitively, he is more likely to assume that the "bump" was on purpose

A researcher compares church attendance between people born in the 1940s and people born in the 1960s. The groups of people are called


When infants babble, they tend to babble

Combinations of Consonants and vowels

Which of the following cues is most useful to an infant in determining which elements go together to form a coherent object?

Common movement

According to the research on the big five model of personality, which personality trait tends to increase for both men and woman over their life spans?


Proximaldistal development is exemplified by which of the following?

Control of gross arm movements prior to fine motor control of the fingers

What is the highest level of play achieved according to Parten?


What are the differences between associative play and cooperative play?

Cooperative play involves the purpose of the group

The gradual transfer of control from a parent to a child is known as


Which of the following theorists advanced the concept of the identity crisis?

Erik Erikson

Who suggested that we develop in a healthy fashion by confronting and resolving developmental crisis in our lives?

Erik Erikson

Johnny always refers to himself as "you." This

Could represent an unusual speech pattern called pronoun reversal

A toddler with a secure attachment to a primary caregiver is most likely to

Cry when the caregiver leaves the toddler with the babysitter

What is the earliest communicative sound a child makes?


The classification of emotional disorders used by most mental health professionals is called the

DSM-IV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition)

Which of the following represents "bodily kinesthetics" intelligence?


Which of the following is the most commonly diagnosed among individuals in very late adulthood?


Of the following the most common order of occurrence of Kulber-Ross's stages of death and dying is

Denial- anger - bargaining- depression- acceptance

Jimmy looks at his homework and decides to do the math first because it always takes him the longest. Jimmy is

Using metacognition

The visual cliff was developed by Eleanor Gibson and R.D. Walk to study

Depth perception

Given the cephalocaudal pattern of development, which of the following should happen first?

Development of the brain and spinal cord

Habituation involves

Discriminating between two sights or sounds

Which of the following is a basic emotion?


The first negative emotion clearly exhibited during infancy is


When do the greatest gains in identity formation occur?

During the college years

The three behavioral styles identified by Alexander Thomas and Stella chess in their early research of infant temperament are

Easy, difficult, slow to warm up

Katlyin thinks that all people love dolls because she does. This is an example of


A developing organism is most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens during the period of


In which of the following stages of development do tissues develop into the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm germ layers?


Instruction by teachers who employ Piagetian Principles is most likely to be characterized by which of the following?

Encouragement of active experimentation

A boy who believes that he will be coming girl if he wears his sisters clothes has not achieved the concept of

Gender constancy

Seligmans learned helplessness experiment showed that dogs who were initially shocked while in harnesses

Generalized passive behavior to subsequent situations

According to Freud, children enter the latency stage at age 5 or 6 and

Generally stay there until puberty

The first two weeks of prenatal development is called the

Germinal stage

Are boys or girls more likely to "stray" from playing with gender-typed toys?


Which of the following words is most likely to be found in early infant speech ?


When Frank was a child, he moved to a new house near a major airport. At first, he was unable to sleep because of the loud noise created by the airplanes. Over time, however, he was no longer disturbed by the plane noise. A behaviorist would most likely describe the change in Frank's behavior as which of the following?


Which of the following can cause presbyopia?

Hardening of the eye lenses

Which of the following situations is likely to lead to negative outcomes for children?

Having a stay at home mother and financial problems in the family

What is the best known preschool program for economically disadvantaged children


Paul harasses and humiliates other students, calling them names and kicking them without provocation. Paul is exhibiting which of the following?

Hostile aggression

Which of the following would a cognitive theorist be the MOST likely to study?

How children perceive and mentally represent the world

Which of the following represents an information processing view of cognition ?

How people encode information, how people store information, and how people retrieve information (all of the above)

Which of the following is not a stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?


According to Freud, which aspect of our personality is present at birth?


Which of the following would be consistent with a social cognitive theory?

Identification occurs as children imitate the behavior patterns of others

Heather is currently taking courses in several different academic departments and doing volunteer work to help identify and develop her interests. She also spends a lot of time thinking about her values and goals but has not chosen a career path. Heathers identity status is referred to as

Identity moratorium

According to Erik Erickson, adolescents are primarily dealing with concerns related to

Identity vs. confusion

Improvement in memory probably indicates

Increased experiences with the environment

An experiment seeks to determine the influence of

Independent variable on the dependent variable

The prepack principle

Indicates that children will engaged in less preferred activities if they know a much preferred activity is to follow

According to Erickson, middle childhood children are in _______ stage oh psychosocial development.

Industry vs. inferiority

In comparison to adults

Infants show a preference to sweet tastes

The habituation method is demonstrated when

Infants show recognition by no longer responding to something they have seen before

Cries and coos are

Innate but modified by experience

What attachment pattern would you expect in a non-familiar perpetrator of sexual child abuse


Being able to "pretend" involves

Manipulation of symbols, cognitive sophistication, preoperational thought, and understanding the functionally of objects (all of the above)

Which of the following is true about career development?

Many factors other than desire will dictate career choice

Which of Gardner's "intelligences" is consistent with traditional intelligence tests?

Mathematical reasoning

Children in single parent homes with well adjusted mothers

May fare as well as children from homes with constantly bickering parents

Newborn infants were given either smooth or knobby pacifiers to suck. They were later allowed to look at both types of pacifiers. They look longer at the type of pacifier they had previously sucked. This finding indicates that newborn infants have

Intermodal perception

Children who are depressed tend to interpret failures as


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory, which of the following are the three major components of adult love?

Intimacy... Commitment... Passion

George is aware of his emotions in understands his personal strengths and weaknesses. George appears to have high levels of which intelligence in Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?


Which of the following dimensions of infant temperament has the strongest positive correlation with antisocial behavior later in life?

Irritable distress

By definiton, a hypothesis

Is a testable statement

A parent engages in rough and tumble play with an infant. This parent

Is likely to be a father

Which of the following make forming an identity more complicated?

Issues of gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

Research has found all of the following about obsessive compulsive disorder expect

It is caused by a disrupted relationship with the mother in the first years of life

What is valuable about ecological theory?

It makes researchers aware of the systems with which children interact

What are the effects of television viewing by children?

It probably depends on the shows being watched

If parents correct the accuracy of their children, then

It will have a little affect and may slow down acquisition of new words

Which thinker suggested that children are innately good?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jesse is a 4 month old infant who appears withdrawn ", depressed, and is losing all interest in the world.

Jesse may be a victim of self deprivation

Which thinker suggested that children are born a tabula rasa?

John locke

All of the following statements describe stage theories, expect?

Limited only to the early childhood years

Which of the following is NOT a stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?

Logical operations

Studies in which the same people are tested at different ages are called


Which of the following is a symptom most closely associated with the early stages of all Alzheimer's disease?

Loss of memory

Two young boys sitting next to each other, each drawing a separate picture with his own set of crayons, are engaging in which type of play?


Which of the following groups appears to be the most vulnerable to the effects of alcohol?

Native American woman

A theory of language development that proposes in innate language acquisition device is classified as which of the following?


Which of the following theories describes development has been depending on the unconscious mind and early experiences with parents


Children who are socially deprived and continue to be raised in those circumstances

Will probably continue to have problems that may even become more severe

An infant who is fed a balanced diet yet is not gaining enough weight would most likely be diagnosed with

Non organic failure to thrive

One of the major criticisms of the stages of dying identified by Elizabeth Kubler Ross is that

Not everyone goes through the stages in the order she describes

On which of the following types of problems should a four-year-old child and a seven-year-old child perform most similarly?

Object permanence

"Why does it get dark?" "So I can go to sleep." A child at this cognitive stage would be described as

One who is egocentric

A type of learning NOT initially dependent on a specific stimulus to produce a specific response is called

Operant conditioning

Timeout is a disciplinary technique that is based on the principles of

Operant conditioning

Autism be treated

Operant conditioning has been used to increased the child's interaction with others

Which of the following is used in socializing children?

Operant conditioning, rewards, punishments, and observational learning (all of the above)

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual stages, during the first year of life the child is in the _______ stage of development?


A child learn to call a dog "bow wow" and now calls all animals he sees "now wow". This is an example of

Over extension

Rona has learned to call a toy truck "tru". Now, whenever she sees any toy with wheels she calls it "tru". This is an example of


The developmental problems of children exposing in utero to cocaine can be compounded by

Parental neglect and rejection

Which of the following is most central to the concept of sensitive period ?

Particular experiences are specially influential at a certain time and development

Which of the following is true about depression and aging?

People who are caring for a spouse with Alzheimer's are at a risk for major depression

If an infants perceives a door as the same shape whether it is open or ajar, this represents

Perceptual constancy

And individuals distinctive ways of responding to people and events is called


During which stage of development does the Oedipus complex occur?

Phallic stage

Lance realizes his intense fear of snakes is irrational, but he can alleviate the fear only by avoiding any areas where snakes might appear. Lance is suffering from a

Phobic disorder

Five-year-old Sophia struggles to pronounce words with complex sounds, such as "play" or "stay" pronouncing them as "pay" and "tay" instead. Sophia difficulty involves which component of language?


Which of the following theorists would be most interested in how children perceive and mentally represent the world?


Which level of morality centers on typical (family, society, religion) standards of right and wrong?


Keisha politely asked her teacher to please pass her the scissors but at home demands that her little brother give them to her immediately. Keisha is demonstrating her understanding of which aspect of knowledge?


Focalization that do NOT represent objects or events are called


Which of the following may accompany Autism ?

Preservation of sameness, echolalia, self-stimulation, mental retardation

If reinforcement is to be most effective in the learning of a new behavior, the reinforcement should be

Provided soon after the desired behavior occurs

According to Frued, ego

Provides rational ways of coping with frustration

Research on newborn infants hearing shows that

React most strongly to their mothers voices

Piaget saw children as

Reactive to the environmental

Jana can tell the difference between an object she has seen before from a new one. This is referred to as

Recognition memory

Operant conditioning requires

Reinforcing the desired behavior

Drazen, a child with ADHD and ODD, is likely to be rated by his peers as being in which of the following peer status categories?

Rejected aggressive

In which of the following do girls tend to have higher self esteem and which do boys tend to have higher self esteem?

Writing, math

The repetition of an experiment by another experimenter at another time and place is called


The superego can be described as

Representing the moral standards and values of the parents

Over summer vacation, Gwen sees a boy she knows from school, but she has difficulty remembering his name. Which of her memory processes is failing in this situation?


Intonation involves

Rising and falling speech patterns

Which stage of motor development comes first?


Apparently was teaching a child to write adjusts his level of support to match the child's existing competence in writing.Which of the following concepts best describes the parents behavior?


Who introduced the concept of reinforcement into behaviorism?


Which of the following feature is associated with fetal alcohol syndrome ?

Smaller than average brain

Albert bandura is a

Social cognitive theorist

Which of the following appears to impact drop out rates the most?

Social economic status

A child is willing to explore the environment and shows positive emotions to things that she or he does not know. This child is most likely to have

Secure attachment

An infant fusses mildly when the mother leaves and seeks comfort from her upon her return. This infant shows

Secure attachment

The effects of regular viewing of Sesame Street

Seem to apply across race, gender, and living conditions

A key component of information processing views of cognitive development includes

Selective attention processes

According to Jean piaget, cognitive development begins with which of the following?

Sensorimotor activities

Language development is

Sequences and step like

Jimmy saw his favorite candy for sale in the store. He had no money, so he planned to steal it. However, he changed his mind and decided not to do it, because stealing is wrong. According to Sigmund Freud's theory, which part of Jimmy's personality prevented him from stealing?


18 month old Michael sees his mother about to put away his juice, and he yells out, "more juice" Michaels expression is an example of

Telegraphic speech

A child says "doggy go". This is an example of

Telegraphic speech

Environmental agents that can harm the embryo or fetus are called


In behaviorism, if a behavior increases we assume

That behavior has been reinforced in some way

Camille is crawling and she stops before crawling off an edge. This suggests

That crawling infants also perceive depth

Gardner believes

That intelligences have neurological bases in the brain

Newborns show preference for sounds

That match the rhythms of speech

When we say that self concept has become more "differentiate" what does that mean?

That more categories have been added to ones self description

What might we assume about a pregnant woman who has gained weight rapidly but has not increased her food intake?

That she may be developing toxemia

A preoperational child would assume

That taller glasses hold more than short glasses

If an infant reaches for a toy hidden under a cloth, what does this suggest?

That the child has a mental representation of the object in mind

In Harry Harlow's experiments, infant monkeys raised with only wire or cloth "mothers" were least fearful in strange situations in the presence of

The "mother" who had provided contact comfort

Conservation requires all of the following except:

The ability to focus on one problem at a time

Mean length of utterance refers to

The average number of morphemes a child uses in a sentence.

With the rooting flex

The baby turns the head toward the stimulus that strokes the cheek

With the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex ( ATNR)

The baby, lying on its back, turns its head to one side, extending the arm and leg on the face side of the body and flexing those on the opposite side

An infant sucks on a nipple in order to eat. A psychologist would NOT view this as the result of learning because

The behavior did not require any experience

In comparison to other infants, infant "X" is more aroused by stressors and does not calm down as rapidly as other infants. What might we assume about infant "X"?

This infant is more likely to have been exposed to cocaine in utero

According to Erickson, the primary task of adolescence is

To develop ego identity

Thalidomide was a popular drug in the 1960s given to

Treat insomnia and nausea

What is the first stage of psychosocial development according to Erik Erickson?

Trust vs. mistrust

What's the first stage of psychosocial development according to Erickson ?

Trust vs. mistrust

Which of the following is a simple reflex?

Turning toward the source of a noise

With regard to sexual maturity, females generally mature

Two years earlier than males do you

A researcher is evaluating the effects of three different types of parent education programs on adolescent mothers interactions with their toddlers. What is the independent variable in this investigation?

Type of parent education program

Lawrence Kohlberg Indicates that the postconventional morality might

Typically be demonstrated by adults

According to the information processing views

Typing on the keyboard is like our short term memory, placing information in a computer's RAM (working) memory is like short term memory, storing something to a hard drive is like long term memory, typing a password is like generating a memory retrieval code. (All of these)

Where in consciousness does I.D. reside?


A defining characteristic of children with autism spectrum disorder is

Unresponsiveness to others

Dr. Manquero has the hypothesis that ingesting chocolate prior to an exam will improve exam performance. She gives half of her participants chocolate and the other half gum, and then gives them an exam. In this experiment, what is the best way to divide the participants?

Use random assignments

Aggression in preschoolers is

Usually possession orientated

In an experiment l, subjects given various amounts of alcohol drive a course marked by orange pylons. The independent variable in this experiment is the

Various amounts of alcohol consumed

Social class differences in vocabulary development Result from social class differences in the amount of

Verbal stimulation

What two development milestones occur around the age of one year?

Walking and speaking first words

The concept of shaping suggests

We can teach complex behaviors by reinforcing small steps toward behavior goals

Intelligence tests are most appropriately used to answer which of the following questions?

What are a students cognitive strengths and weakness?

I think he United States, marital satisfaction is at its lowest at which stage of life?

When children are very young

Grammar refers to

Which words make sense together in a sentence

Which of the following words is a child likely to understand first?


Where a parent works would be considered a


The Moro reflex consists of ____

in response to startling stimulus the arms extend outwards and return to midline

Katie, a preschooler, seasonal llama at the zoo for the first time and calls it a sheep. This is an example of

😂 Over extension

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