CMCB Fire Officer 1

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The first priority during pre-incident planning is

gathering owner information

A goal of an infectious disease control program should be to:

protect the health of its members

If a complaining citizen is irate, you must

remain calm and in control

Reducing risk of exposure requires

training and education

Each individual reporting to only one supervisor is

unity of command

When delegation job duties

you should also delegate responsibility and authority

Planning is?

The foundation of the management process

When a company officer does not take steps to mitigate a hostile work environment

The officer can be help liable

National Fire Protection Association

The organizations that publishes standards for the fire service

Clear text

Using everyday language

Exposure control plan

a written document outlining infectious control required employers by standard

A RIC crew must consist of a minimum of

2 trained and equipped personnel

1021 identifies how many levels of fire officer


Optimal span of control is


Personnel costs represent as much as ________% of the operating budget



A system of values or standards of conduct that serve as a guide to decision making

Business Occupancy

Building with offices used for service type or professional transactions

Items that last longer than a year fall under shat budget


The budget that details the major purchases the department plans to make:


To improve success in delegation, you should

Give authority to match the level of responsibility

A policy is a:

Guide to decision making

The budget that provides details on reoccurring expenses

Operating budget

Unity of command, span of control, division of labor

Some of the basic principles of organization

Promotion to company officer will affect-

Team dynamics

________________ are responsible for ensuring safety of the unit

The company officer

span of control

The concept that an individual is limited in the number of subordinates that can be effectively supervised

The US agency that provides statistics of firefighter injuries

United States Fire Administration


a basic element of communication


a detailed plan of action

Division of Labor

a fire suppression group is based on the organizational principle of:


a guide to decision making

Feedback is:

a method of verifying the message


a system of conduct, principles and, morals

If an exit door is blocked, it should be corrected

before the inspection team leaves the premises

Division of labor

breaking down large jobs into smaller tasks

Diversity in the fire service is:

have a workforce that reflects the community it serves

Using the decision making process, after identifying the problem you should:

identify several solutions

When receiving citizen complaints, you should

identify the nature of the complaint

The first step in the planning process is to

identify/define the problem

Severe violations found during an inspection should be

immediately corrected

A ___________________ identifies incident priorities and objectives that dictate how how tactical operations must be conducted

incident action plan

For every emergency incident there must be an

incident action plan

Floor plans drawn during building surveys should

include a layout of individual floors

when using active listening, the company officer

is hearing what is being said


is reserved for internal communication

US census

is where demographics information can be found

Customer service satisfaction focuses on:

meeting and exceeding expectations

When notified of an inspection violation the occupant should be:

notified in writing when a follow-up inspection will be made


one function of management


percentagee of fire and emergency organizations that are volunteer

First step in the budget process


The purpose of a clear and concise IAP is to:

predict a probable safe course of events for an incident

Building occupational and code requirements are reviewed in the ___________________ step of an inspection


Before beginning an inspection, you should

review previous inspections

Letters are effective communication tools when

reviewed for accuracy

The most import role of the company officer is

safety of personnel


setting the limits for expected performance and enforcing them

a combination department is one where

some get paid and volunteer with no specific percentage requirements

The most common firefighter injury on the fire ground

sprains and strains

Who is ultimately responsible for fire department occupational safety and health

the Fire Chief

When delegating a task to a subordinate you have to ensure

the assigned firefighter is capable of doing the job

The company officer is

the first level supervisory rank


the generally accepted span of control

a message is:

the idea or term to be communicated

the sender is:

the individual who initiates the message

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

the law the covers sexual harassment in the workplace

Communication is:

the process of exchanging information

what is an unsafe condition

wet or slippery floors


One of the ways productivity can be increased

Written formal communication should be

accurate and professional in appearance

policy; procedure

A ___________ is a guide to decision making; a ___________ is a detailed plan of action

__________________ is a senior member to a new recruit for the purpose of skills improvement and position advancement

A mentor


An individual who accomplishes organizational objectives through the use of material and human resources

Data that describes the community and its population is:


___________________ prevent duplication of effort

Division of labor

Listening is an _____________ process


A sexual harassment policy must

address unwelcome and unwanted sexual behavior

For division of labor to be effective:

all positions within the organization must be clearly defined

A safety program must include

an accident/injury record-keeping system

Standard operating procedures

are the basis for must company level training

The most important aspect of delivering a public service education program is to

focus on the needs of the audience


causes the message to be misunderstood

The [pathway of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom is

chain of command

During emergency incident the company officer must project

command presence

Who has the primary responsibility of accountability for all personnel at the scene?

company officer

Effective company officers handle conflict by

confronting the problem as soon as it arises

A good principle for effective writing is to:

consider the reader

____________________ are design to ensure that recommendation made from the inspection are followed

follow up inspections

when dealing with an unethical problem you should

define the problem

Unity of command

defines the one supervisor principle

When an officer recognizes that their span of control has exceeded they should

delegate assignments

A capital budget:

details major purchases

The first step in preparing a narrative report is to

determine the purpose of the report

Pre-incident plans are essential for

determining emergencies most likely to occur

delegating can:

develop firefighters by expanding their capabilities

setting the limits for expected performance and enforcing them is


When you disagree with a department policy you should:

discuss it with management in private

One of the first skill required of a company officer when dealing with the public is

effective listening

It is common for an inspection to begin at the


Producing a well written report requires:

facts not opinions

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