CMJN 2100 final Auburn University (I got a 100)

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Bo burnhams film _______________ explores what?

"Eighth Grade" explores the downside and anxiety created by social media (You liked BO in EIGHTH GRADE)

Mass media/mass communication definition (these two terms mean the same thing and are used interchangeably)

"Mass communication is a powerful and pervasive mode of communication, and in modern societies, the media are important social institutions that reflect and affect the values and behaviors of large segments of the population." (Trenholm)


"The stage of the production process during which production materials and equipment are set up and sounds and images are actually recorded

Distribution in the film industry

-Distribution companies form the core of economic power in the commercial film industry -Filmmakers need them to circulate their work and exhibitors need them to supply their screens -Europe and Asia are home to some significant media companies -6 main Hollywood firms: Warner Bros, Paramount, Walt Disney/Buena Vista, Sony/Columbia, Twentieth Century Fox, and Universal.

4 types of framing (pertaining more to video work)

-Essential area -lookspace -walkspace -headroom

3 things that should be assessed in terms of the technical aspects related to the visual design/image

-Light -Recording medium -Presentation of the work

5 traditional characteristics of mass media/mass communication (Connor Likes his Phone For Texting)

-Media messages are a form of communication -The source is often a large, complex organization with a profit orientation -Receivers usually are: anonymous to both the senders and other receivers and; are out of each other's physical presence -Mass communication is indirect with limited feedback -Requires technology to create, send, and receive messages

What was occurring in 80s films?

-Nostalgia craze, especially for the 1950s, including revivals of music, fashion, and lifestyles -Example: Grease, Back to the Future extra info- providing a return to a bygone era that had become identified in contemporary culture with more innocent, happier days

the rise of exploitation films and genre films during the 1970s based on a lot of Corman's work

-Roger Corman was the "master of the exploitation film" who produced and directed cheaply made horror films, westerns, and motorcycle and gangster pictures for American National Pictures -In looking into Corman's proteges, the major studios tacitly acknowledged a significant shift in the nature of the traditional Hollywood film -1970s: film industry, led by the film school generation, would turn more frequently to the kinds of pictures made by Corman (genre pictures), drawing on the subject matter of exploitation films: gangster films, teen hot-rod flicks, science-fiction adventures, monster pictures, and horror films

How do audiences resist mass media influence?

-Selective processing (be selective) -Conducting oppositional readings (read other peoples opinions on the matter) -Use media for individual gratification (simply because you want to) Audiences resist influence by picking and choosing what they actually want to see,

The various roles of the public relations practitioner (A,A,O,C,D,P,S,E,M,S,I)

-Serve as advocates for clients seeking to build relationships with the public -Provide advice on the strategy and policy of their communications -Handle organizational functions (such as media, community, consumer, industry, and governmental relations) -Understand the attitudes and concerns of the community, consumer, employee, and public interest groups to establish and maintain cooperative relationships between them and the media -Draft press releases -Arrange and conduct programs to maintain contact between organization representatives and the public. -May be press secretaries within the government -In large organizations, they may develop overall plans and policies with other executives -Contact people, plan and research, and prepare material for distribution -Handle advertising or sales promotion to support marketing efforts -Must show creativity, initiative, and good judgment

The era in which film began to be studied

-Students who studied at major film schools were valued -Film schools functioned to provide a pool of semiskilled talent on which the industry could draw whenever there was a need for new blood -The 1960s saw a boom in film school students -Film as a subject became a feature of contemporary liberal arts education -Film school began to become more and more popular in the late 60s and early 70s

Four media functions

-Surveillance (gathering and disseminating of information) -Correlation (analysis and evaluation of information -Cultural transmission (education and socialization of receivers) -Entertainment (presentation of escapist material that provides enjoyment and gratification) we wanna SsCCE (succeed)


-any effort by an individual or organization to interpret an event or issue according to a particular viewpoint. -This can lead to a question of ethics (Spin is considered one form of propaganda. To spin something is to communicate it in a way that changes the way people are likely to perceive it) (Putting your own SPIN on something)

4 modes of film production

-large scale production -exploitation production -independent -small scale production

Producer (preproduction) role

-research -writing -law/ethics -budgets -scheduling -production -management

Media effects research

-started in 1927 with the Payne Fund studies, which intended to show how movies affected adolescents; reveals complicated relationship between media and individual -Resulted in the "magic bullet" or "all-powerful media" the effects of media. its in the name don't overthink it

stages of screenplay

1) treatment, a synopsis of action 2) one or more full length scripts 3) a final version- shooting script

5 Best Practices for Social Media Platform Marketing (Ollie Might've Ate Pams Key)

1. Develop clear objectives. Like a company might us a social media site to collect an email address and then take it from there to use both social media and email marketing to develop the relationship 2. Understand and monitor metrics. if engagement is the goal establish clear metrics such as retweets, favorites, comments, sharing. Monitor the metrics frequently to chart progress to gaol and make changes if needed 3. Know the audience 4. Communicate with your audience in the most appropriate way. understand the platform and what can boost customer engagement. 5. Keep search in mind. use appropriate keywords

When did HBO first debut?


The assembly phase

Also known as postproduction, the ___________ does not begin after the shooting is finished, rather staff members work behind the scenes throughout shooting. Editing as they go (assemblys in high school were a work in progress and things could happen mid assembly)

George Gerbner's cultivation analysis theory

Basically people believe the world is scarier than it actually is because of the TV making it seem that way but if you wanna get technical... -Depending on TV consumption patterns, viewers cultivate perceptions of the world that are consistent with TV depictions -Occurs slowly, over time with heavy viewing, mainstreaming, resonance, and "mean world syndrome" (Gerber baby on tv make you think all babies should be that cute, gerber-Gerbner) (cultivate bad perceptions because of what you're shown)

What is the name of the company that the article "The Negatives of PR and Dirty Spin Reading" is about?

Bell Pottinger (Pott is bad, and the articles name is the 'negatives of PR')

What major cable network do Robert and Michelle King work for?


Foley artist

Craftspeople who create custom sound effects for film, television, and video games (Foley just sounds loud, like music)

what characteristics of mass media/mass communication have changed?

Every individual has the opportunity to be a source now as well as the it now being a direct form of communication with unlimited feedback

Social networking sites

Facebook, LinkedIn, google+, CafeMom, gather, fit sugar (Web sites that allow individuals to connect—or network—with friends, peers, and business associates)

Approaches to production: Postmodernism

Features a collage or grab bag of techniques rather than a pure or simple form. (Blade Runner challenges what it means to be human. Scream challenges what you should expect from a horror movie and points out how stagnant the genre has become. The Truman Show challenges what it means to live.) extra info- means "after" or "beyond" modernism. While modernist art emphasizes the individual artist's self-expression and the purity of the artistic form, _____________ art is anything but pure.

Photo-sharing sites

Flikr, Instagram, Pinterest (Uploading and viewing still images for free)


Invented by Thomas Edison, it was the first film projector to produce a moving picture, which marked an important step in the development of America's motion picture industry

Hegemonic media (just sounds creepy) messages are thought to...

Keeps powerless groups from making their ideas known Hegemonic messages keep powerless groups from making their ideas known: If a huge media company wants the world thinking a certain way, it's going to be hard for me to change the world's opinion by myself (diversity in media is an illusion)

______ was the predominant channel throughout the 90's that all other channels were competing with


Context collapse

Occurs when people are forced to grapple simultaneously with otherwise unrelated social contexts that are rooted in different norms and seemingly demand different social responses (Hanging out in a bar with friends is a social context that calls for a different kind of communication than impressing a parent or a boss with one's responsibility and sobriety. So long as contexts are kept separate, it's relatively easy to adapt to one's surroundings. However, when the parent or boss walks into the bar, contexts collapse)

"Public relations is the management of communication between an organization and its publics." - Grunig and Hunt

Public relations definition

Management function of PR

Public relations is most effective when it is a strategic and integral part of decision-making by top management. Involves counseling, problem-solving, and the management of competition and conflict

Obstinate audience theory

Receivers (us) began to be viewed as creative consumers who sought out media messages according to their own needs and interpreted messages in their own ways (they were obs-alutely not about to get tricked into buying things they don't want)

Mosaic logic (TVs are like a mosaic of things)

TV has this logic TV bombards us with changing bits of information that we are responsible for cognitively reassembling Therefor TV encourages sensory involvement How to remember: asserts that TV comes at us with changing info everyday so we as receivers have to cognitive reassemble the pieces so TV encourages sensory involvement. If you're watching a break story, new pieces of info may be given every couple of minutes - you have to continue to make the story out and piece together the info

Four media functions: Entertainment

The media offer receivers an escape from the problems of everyday life. Media provide enjoyment and gratification, help us to relax, allow us to experience vicarious adventure, and arouse our emotions. The entertainment function is fulfilled by almost every medium. Reading the newspaper, flipping through a magazine, and watching a TV show or a film are all ways that we give ourselves a break from the more serious aspects of our lives.


The strategies and structures through which the dominant ideology (Ideology is the lens through which a person views the world) maintains its authority (Hedges are tall and can't really get around them, very authoritative, Hege) (synonym: authority)


Through the process of this, messages are converted into computer-readable electrical signals (or bits) that can be quickly processed, efficiently stored, and cheaply transmitted extra info- When messages are converted into digital bits that are processed almost instantaneously.

Microblogging sites

Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous (These are sites that allow users to create and exchange very short text entries.) (short is micro)

New media

Used to describe digital information technologies and platforms, including networked computing and mobile telecommunication How to remember digital info platforms (think of online NY Times)

Stages of screenplay: Treatment

a brief summary (synopsis) of action when it comes to stages of screenplay


a chain of events in a cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space


a film consists of a series of these, or still pictures

Mass media/mass communication has become...

a form of direct communication with unlimited feedback

Scenic artist

a member of the set crew responsible for painting surfaces of the set

Lead man

a member of the set crew responsible for tracking down various props and items of decor for the set (leaders have to be responsible for where things are)

space in a film

a well-defined (a place where something happens) locale

4 types of framing: Walkspace

additional space left in the frame for theperson to move into (walk into)

Visual theory of omniphasism

combines reason and intuition into a balanced whole (this word just sounds like it would be balanced)

Approaches to production: Realism

creates and sustains an illusion of reality. similar to our experience of the everyday world REALity TV extra info- Realist techniques rarely call attention to themselves. Spaces seem to be contiguous to one another within a specific scene and time seems to flow continuously and without interruption,

The one topic that does not get addressed often in sitcoms

death and true hard times


digitally created or physically created that help establish the time, place, or mood

4 types of framing: Lookspace

frame area in front of an on screen performer who is looking at an off-screen object or person

Viewers per household

how many people are watching a program at a given time

Uses and Gratifications research

how we use the media uses we can get out of the media (individual/society → media)

monitoring metrics

if engagement is the goal, establish clear metrics such as retweets, favorites, comments, sharing, and so on. Monitor the metrics frequently to chart progress to goal and make changes if needed.

The shallowing effect is related to "quick-fix" information how?

in the way that it is feared that young people would become accustomed "to a diet of quick-fix information nuggets" rather than deep and critical analyists of issues, and that they would be less patient and more dependent on instant gratification (its a shallow line of thinking!)

Mass Visual Media Design

is an intentional form of communication

social network site definition

is an online service in which members can establish relationships based on friendship, kinship, shared interests, business advantage, or other reasons.

Casting director

member who searches for and auditions performers for the film

completely filling out your profile gets you displayed in...

more search results if you are using social media as a tool to market yourself

Editor (postproduction) role

offline, online, titles, visual effects, narration, sound effects, sweetening, integration, distribution

Approaches to production: Modernism

often calls attention to forms and techniques. Fail to create a realistic world that is familiar, recognizable, and comprehensible. A modernist media artist instead feels free to explore the possibilities and limitations of the audio, video, or film medium itself without sustaining an illusion of reality

Four media functions: Cultural transmission

or education and socialization. is the process through which cultural elements, in the form of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behavioral scripts, are passed onto and taught to individuals and groups. If you're hosting a foreign exchange student you'd want to educate them on our cultural norms and evaluate them to see how they're doing. The exchange student is the receiver. -extra information Not only do the media inform receivers about events, they also socialize receivers. By observing what characters do in television dramas, we internalize behavioral norms; by viewing films, we learn about our culture's history; and by reading magazines, newspapers, and books, we confront questions of values

Magazine uses

pass time, find detailed information, gain access to valued subgroups

Newspaper uses

pass time, find mundane information, keep in touch with events, identify self as a reader

Radio uses

pass time, find mundane information, regulate moods, ease loneliness

Television uses

pass time, provides companionship, keeps in touch with events, relax, find escapist entertainment


percentage of TV households that could receive a program (Ex Ellen and Friends wedding)

Share of audience

percentage of TV sets in use tuned to a program


percentage of households viewing a TV program at one time

Affordances of Networked Media (Peters Vet Spread Searcy)

persistence visibility spreadability searchability

During the first few years of television, predictions were made that television would....

prove to be the end of both the newspaper industry and the motion picture industry

Approaches to production

realism, modernism, and postmodernism

Studio production

recording inside a studio

Location production

recording outside a studio

4 types of framing: Headroom

space above the person's head within the frame (space above a person HEAD, HEADroom)

Special and visual effects

special effects today are defined as elements that can be taped during production, whereas visual effects are added in the post-production phase. extra info- Special effects were traditionally things-like explosions or ghosts appearing, etc., whereas today, we see all of the computer-generated graphics more from the framework of "visual" effects.

The terms story and narrative are used....

synonymously (having basically the same meaning)

Four media functions: Correlation

the analysis and evaluation of information. In addition to reporting facts, the media affect receivers by interpreting news events and by analyzing social problems. The _________ function is most often found in the editorial pages of newspapers, on news analysis shows, and in magazine articles that analyze current issues." If something correlates that means it goes together. You have to evaluate someone in dating before you can see if yall go together.

One consequence of social media has been....

the blurring of lines between business relationships and personal relationships


the depiction of imaginative worlds through the use of graphics

Concept artist

the designer who creates illustrations of the settings and costumes that the director has in mind for the film (creates an idea (concept) and puts in on paper (artist)

Affordances of Networked Media: Searchability

the ease with which content can be found. Some content is relatively hidden, other information is easily discovered (low in a home movie that only family members know about; higher in a video on YouTube or a statement on a webpage)

Affordances of Networked Media: Spreadability

the extent to which a message is likely to be repeated and circulated beyond its original audience. Some content is slow to spread, other is easily forwarded (low in a whispered secret between friends; higher in a text message that can easily be passed on or a tweet that can be retweeted)

Affordances of Networked Media: Persistence

the extent to which a message remains available over time. Some content disappears immediately, other content stays around (low in face-to-face spoken interaction; higher in a written letter or contract.) like will it persist?

Stages of screenplay: Shooting script

the final version when it comes to stages of screenplay

Four media functions: Surveillance

the gathering and disseminating of information. . When we speak of the media as the "watchdogs of a free society," we are referring to the _________ function. In general, this function is fulfilled by newspapers and by radio and television news programming" - extra info Media sources affect receivers by providing them with news, by warning them of crises or dangers, and by giving them the instrumental information they need to get through a day

Cultural studies research

the interrelationship between media and cultural values and attitudes (media ↔ individual/society) culture is broad, so there can be two arrows

Affordances of Networked Media: Visibility

the number of people who have access to a message. Some content is intentionally limited, other content is designed to be available to a large audience (low in a telephone conversation; higher in a comment posted on social media or a message on a billboard).

4 types of framing: Essential Area

the recording area within the camera frame

Multiple camera production

use of more than one camera

Single-camera production

use of one camera


used to describe everything visibly and audibly present in the film before us (a deaf person would need this)

Director (production) role

visualization, interpretation, selection, visual/sound integration, graphics, lighting, casting, blocking, rehearsing, recording/airing

Effects research

what the media do to us (do to us, an effect) (media → individual)

Video-sharing sites

youtube, Vimeo, viddler (A website that lets people upload and share their video clips with the public at large or to invited guests.)

The titles of production crew members

• Director of Photography • Lighting Director • Camera Operator • Art Director • Technical Director • Editor • Audio or Video Engineer

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