CMST 192: Exam 3: Chapters 7-11

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Competitive interrupting is more of a challenge for women than for men. a) True b) False


Cultures that are collectivist are also likely to be high-power distance cultures a) True b) False


Empathic listening is composed of the following response styles a) probing b) advising c) evaluating d) interpreting


Empathy is one way to counter attribution errors. a) True b) False


Framing is the influence wording has on our perception of choices. a) True b) False


George thinks that people from Mexico are lazy. "Look," he says, "Rafael always sleeps late and he takes a nap every afternoon." The fact that Rafael worked 60 hours a week and coached his son's little league team seemed to escape George's attention. George is guilty of a) the fundamental attribution error b) self-serving bias c) the primacy effect d) both b and c


Guidelines for appropriate self-disclosure include a) being sensitive to cultural differences regarding self-disclosure. b) self-disclosing all at once, not in bit by bit c) self-disclosing when the other person rarely, if ever, discloses. d) self-disclosing whenever you feel the need.


High power-distance dimension countries place a relatively strong emphasis on maintaining power differences. a) True b) False


High-context communication style is more typical of collectivist than individualist cultures. a) True b) False


How many morphemes are in the word "dog"? a) one b) two c) three d) four


If you are in a class where the professor encourages students to ask questions and even to disagree with what he or she says, that class is marked by a a) low-PD culture b) high-PD culture c) low-context communication style d) high-context communication style


In feminine cultures, gender roles are less rigid and more overlapping. a) True b) False


Individualist cultures tend to be more competitive than collectivist cultures. a) True b) False


Individualist cultures tend to use a communication style that is explicit and direct in order to prevent misunderstanding and miscommunication. a) True b) False


Individualist cultures typically use a low-context style a) True b) False


Individualistic cultures are likely to: a) emphasize personal characteristics to explain behavior b) encourage consensus decision making c) make most decisions according to the greater good d) be sensitive to situational causes


Integration is maintaining one's ethnic identity while also becoming an active part of the dominant culture. a) True b) False


John describes taxes as an investment in society, while George describes taxes as a burden on the public. The way John and George talk about taxes is an example of a) framing b) description c) linguistic determinism d) a signal reaction


Research indicates that men self-disclose emotions to men more than they do to women. a) True b) False


Research shows that texting has resulted in a negative relationship between the use of text language and success in usage of Standard English. a) True b) False


Skeptics are belief driven. a) True b) False


Stereotypes are a) false generalizations about groups b) a type of mental schema. c) a type of mental script d) all of the above


Stereotypes are negative and should be avoided. a) True b) False


The Law of Very Large Numbers posits that a) with a large enough sample absolutely anything is probable. b) with a large enough sample unusual occurrences are likely to occur to someone, somewhere, some time. c) with a large enough sample, some events are certain to occur. d) b & c


The competent communicator primarily uses the shift response, not the support response. a) True b) False


The process whereby we formulate increasingly vague conceptions of our world by leaving out details associated with objects, events, and ideas is a) abstracting b) bypassing c) displacement d) perception


The tendency to overemphasize personal characteristics and underemphasize situational causes of others' behavior is known as the fundamental attribution error. a) True b) False


Using language to shape meaning for others is called framing. a) True b) False


When we nod our head and murmur, "Uh-huh," at our friend's conversation, but are thinking about something else entirely, we are guilty of a) pseudolistening b) glazing over c) ambushing d) support responding


Which of the following is not a part of perception? a) conceptualizing b) selecting c) organizing d) interpreting


Without structure you have no language. a) True b) False


You notice that your professor has pictures in his office of himself with a woman about his ages, and pictures of several children. You conclude that he is married and has a family. Your conclusion is an example of a(n) a) inference b) description c) sense experience d) judgment


A specialized language unique to a profession or group is called a) syntax b) jargon c) dialect d) euphemism


According to _______, interacting and becoming more familiar with members of stereotyped groups can diminish prejudice resulting from stereotyping. a) self-fulfilling prophecy b) contact theory c) the primacy effect d) none of the above


According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis a) thinking and perception occur independent of language b) language influences our thinking and perception c) nonverbal communication is based on verbal communication d) none of the above


Active listening is always appropriate. a) True b) False


All euphemisms are inappropriate. a) True b) False


All languages have the same word order. a) True b) False


All of the following are elements of perception EXCEPT a) selection b) appropriation c) organization d) interpretation


All stereotypes are negative; they put down groups. a) True b) False


Catharsis is an appropriate goal for self-disclosure. a) True b) False


Diminishing power imbalances between men and women will eradicate communication differences between men and women. a) True b) False


Individuals in happy relationships typically explain the nice behaviors of their partners in situational terms rather than as personal traits. a) True b) False


Inferences are subjective evaluations of objects, events, or ideas. a) True b) False


Jargon is awkward and should be avoided when possible. a) True b) False


Muscle dysmorphia is primarily a perceptual distortion problem for women. a) True b) False


The set of rules that specifies how units of language can be meaningfully combined is a) lexicon b) syntax c) grammar d) none of the above


The tendency to overemphasize personal characteristics and underemphasize situational causes of other people's behavior is called a) self-serving bias b) negativity bias c) the fundamental attribution error d) the primacy effect


When we dominate the conversation by seizing the floor from others who are speaking we are guilty of a) Shift responding b) Glazing over c) Competitive interrupting d) Ambushing


Which of the following is not typically a characteristic of empathy? a) perspective taking b) emotional understanding c) sharing the opinion of others d) concern for others


Which of the following is true of prototypes? a) They unfairly attribute certain attributes to a person or event. b) They are generalizations about groups based on physical characteristics. c) They are the best example of a given phenomenon or person. d) They are a predictable sequence of events.


Your self-schemas or identity is a) self-serving bias b) self-esteem c) self-concept d) self-disclosure


You live in a culture where messages are expected to be communicated explicitly and precisely. You likely live in a) an individualist culture b) a masculine culture c) a low power-distance culture d) all of the above e) a and c


A collectivist culture is more likely than an individualist culture to highly value a) an orderly society. b) personal freedom. c) individual rights. d) all of the above


According to Rothwell, people who willingly accept claims without solid reasoning and valid evidence and to hold the beliefs despite significant contradictory evidence are a) true believers b) cynics c) skeptics d) experts


As long as others are observing us we cannot communicate "nothing". a) True b) False


Linguistic relativity argues that "Language influences but does not control us." a) True b) False


Low-context communication style is precise and explicit, much like a legal contract. # p. 63 a) True b) False


No culture is entirely individualist or collectivist. a) True b) False


One explanation for gender differences in communication is that men typically give more focus to status and women more weight to connection. a) True b) False


The "crucial dimension of cultural variability" (the dimension that has the most support in cross-cultural research) is a) the individualism - collectivism dimension b) the low-power - high-power dimension c) the masculine - feminine dimension d) the status - connection dimension


The capacity of language to transform a small number of phonemes into whatever words, phrases, and sentences that you require to communicate your thoughts and feelings is: a) productivity b) syntax c) self-reflexivity d) grammar


The individualism-collectivism dimension is thought to be the most important of all value dimensions that distinguishes cultures. a) True b) False


The tendency of listeners to turn the topics of ordinary conversations to themselves without showing sustained interest in others' topics is a) conversational narcissism b) support response c) pseudolistening d) ambushing


The weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, linguistic relativity, seems to have some validity. a) True b) False


Value dimensions are the deep structural reasons that many cultural differences provoke serious miscommunication and intense conflicts exist. a) True b) False


When Sara asked John if he liked their psychology class, John looked at her and without saying anything shook his head from side to side. This is an example of a) substitution b) regulation c) accentuation d) regulation


When nonverbal communication contradicts what we say verbally we tend to believe the nonverbal messages. a) True b) False


"Word origin is arbitrary, word usage is conventional." This means that a) word meaning is derived from the nature of the word itself b) if an object or event has no name we can make up a name for it c) we can't make up a meaning for a word d) we can use words in any way we wish and communication will be competent


A description is when you a) attach a positive or negative value to an object, event, or idea b) verbally report what you perceive from your senses c) draw conclusions based upon the knowledge you have about a situation d) say one thing but mean something else


A feminine culture exhibits ambitiousness, sensitivity, drive and expressiveness. a) True b) False


A friend comes to you with a problem. He has lied to his partner, and he feels terrible about it. Your initial response is, "That was a lousy thing to do." This response is a) probing b) evaluative c) interpretive d) advising


A morpheme is the smallest unit of sound in a language. a) True b) False


A shift response puts the attention during a conversation on the other person, not on you. a) True b) False


A signal reaction is a delayed, thoughtful response to language that seeks to understand a user's intended meaning of a word. a) True b) False


About 93% of the meaning of our messages is communicated nonverbally a) True b) False


According to Hofstede's research a) high-power-distance cultures attempt to flatten organizational hierarchies b) low-power-distance cultures encourage students to disagree with teachers c) low-power-distance cultures accept, even encourage status distinctions d) cultures that are collectivist are also likely to be low-power-distance cultures


According to Rothwell, "cold comfort" responses are appropriate supporting listening responses. a) True b) False


According to the theory of power-distance dimension (PD) developed by Hofstede, cultures that place a strong emphasis on maintaining power differences are a) low-PD cultures b) high-PD cultures c) medium-PD cultures d) no-PD cultures


Because of the possibility of disconfirming the other, listeners should avoid non-empathic responses. a) True b) False


Competitive interrupting a) is the same as a shift response. b) is a form of conversational narcissism. c) is a form of pseudolistening. d) all of the above


Essentially sensation and perception are the same thing. a) True b) False


Essentially, listening and hearing are the same thing. a) True b) False


In listening, the shift response is a cooperative effort to focus attention on the other person. a) True b) False


In masculine cultures, gender roles are less rigid and more overlapping. a) True b) False


Most current research now supports the conclusion that no important gender differences exist in communication. a) True b) False


The following is a valid conclusion, based on research, about gestures and cultures: a) Identical gestures always produce identical meaning in different cultures because gestures are natural displays of feelings. b) Illustrators usually come naturally to individuals from all cultures. c) There are no gestures that mean the same thing to members of different cultures. d) Every culture uses the thumbs-up sign to mean "good going" or "nice job."


The hearing process requires active effort. a) True b) False


The key distinction between a true believer and a skeptic is the strength of their belief. a) True b) False


The most successful strategy of acculturation is assimilation. a) True b) False


The primacy effect is known as the tendency to perceive information presented first as much less important than information presented later. a) True b) False


The primacy effect is the tendency to evaluate others more strongly on the basis of the most recent information or evidence available. a) True b) False


The problem with skeptics is that they often cling obstinately to erroneous beliefs even if there is a preponderance of contradictory evidence to dispute their beliefs. a) True b) False


The use of operational definitions is a way to avoid a) semantic reactions b) mislabeling c) framing d) both a and b


There are no universal emotions identified by all cultures from specific facial expressions. a) True b) False


Uncertainty reduction theory states that a) there is little we can do to reduce uncertainty in intercultural communication b) when we meet strangers our principal goal is to reduce uncertainty and to increase predictability c) spending time in another culture is sufficient to counter acculturative stress and reduce uncertainty d) all of the above


When Sally met her new boss, she greeted him with a handshake. This is an example of a) functional-professional touch b) social-polite touch c) friendship-warmth touch d) love and intimacy touch


Which of the following statements about self-concept is FALSE? a) Self-concept is a social construction, a product of interpersonal communication. b) Self-concept changes easily when faced with contradictory evidence. c) Self-concept is a person's identity. d) Self-concept is a central point of reference for a person's communication with others.


Which of the following traits are typical of a feminine culture? a) assertiveness b) less rigid gender roles c) competitiveness d) all of the above


Word origin is conventional and word usage is arbitrary. a) True b) False


Your friend says "Look at that beetle." You look to the ground assuming your friend means an insect. Instead your friend points to an automobile. You have experienced a) inferential error b) bypassing c) dead-level abstracting d) mislabeling


How we view ourselves is best defined as a) self-serving bias b) self-esteem c) self-concept d) self-disclosure


Strategies of acculturation include all of the following EXCEPT a) assimilation b) separation c) convergence d) integration


The physiological process of registering sound waves as they hit the eardrum is __________; while __________ is the active effort to construct meaning from verbal and nonverbal messages. a) comprehension/hearing b) hearing/selecting c) hearing/listening d) hearing/retaining


The types of initial verbal reactions we make when another person comes to us with a problem, reveals a frustrating event, or is experiencing an emotional crisis are known as what? a) critical listening b) evaluative response c) response styles d) none of the above


When asked about his fishing trip, Wayne held his hands about two feet apart and said, "I caught one this big." Wayne's nonverbal gesture is an example of a) a manipulator b) a signifier c) an illustrator d) an emblem


When someone says "yes" and then nods her head up and down, this is an example of a) accentuation b) contradiction c) repetition d) substitution


Which kind of touch is the most ambiguous and leads to the most misunderstandings between people? a) functional-professional touch b) social-polite touch c) friendship-warmth touch d) love and intimacy touch


Which of the following are NOT constructive goals for self-disclosure? a) gaining self-knowledge b) eliciting reassurance c) catharsis d) creating impressions e) both a and d


"I don't understand. Please explain what you mean" is a statement typical of a) a high-context communication style b) a collectivist culture c) a high power-distance culture d) a low-context communication style


A semantic reaction is a) attaching a judgment to a sense experience b) an automatic, conditioned response to a symbol c) the influence wording has on our perception of choices d) a delayed, thoughtful response to language


Attribution is a) assigning causes to people's behavior b) influenced by the consistency of a person's behavior c) often incorrect because personal traits are assumed to cause bad behavior, whereas situations often influence behavior more strongly. d) all of the above


Because Singapore is a highly collectivist culture, you can deduce from Hofsetede's research that Singapore is also a) a low-power-distance culture. b) a high-context communication culture. c) a high-power-distance culture. d) both b & c


Connotations are a) individual meanings b) subjective meanings c) the source of most signal reactions d) all of the above e) b and c only


Consistency of verbal and nonverbal communication a) increases the clarity of the message b) increases the credibility of the message c) has no impact on the credibility of the message d) both a and b


Conversational narcissism is a) a pattern of over-using the shift response b) a pattern of under-using the support response c) the tendency of listeners to turn topics of conversation to themselves d) all of the above


Every night John's family eats dinner while watching television, while Joan's family eats at the dining room table and talks. The two families act according to different a) archetypes b) prototypes c) stereotypes d) scripts


Imagine someone who, because of his or her upbringing, has the following characteristics: gets to know people quickly, speaks well in group and public settings, engages easily in interpersonal interactions. It's likely that this person grew up in a more a) collectivist culture b) rural culture c) urban culture d) individualist culture


Self-perception a) is relatively stable b) is a social construction c) influences behavior d) is all of the above


Skepticism is a) a process of doubting the validity of any claim b) a process of tearing apart and finding fault with the beliefs and values of others c) never having strong beliefs on anything d) a process of examining claims, evaluating evidence and reasoning, and drawing conclusions based on probabilities


The individual sounds that compose a specific spoken language are called a) morphemes b) articulations c) audiographs d) phonemes


The support response is a) Me-oriented b) We-oriented c) an attention-giving initiative d) both b and c


Which of the following are valid statements about nonverbal communication and children? a) Infants depend less on nonverbal communication than adults. b) Understanding sarcasm from tone of voice and facial expressions is learned quickly, usually readily identified by kindergartners. c) When children begin to learn language, nonverbal communication becomes far more important than verbal communication. d) none of the above


Which of the following is NOT part of the listening process? a) comprehending b) retaining c) responding d) relating


Which of the following is true of ethnocentrism? a) The bigger the difference found in a culture distinct from your own, the greater is the perceived inferiority of that culture. b) Ethnocentrism is a learned belief. c) It views cultures as merely different, not deficient. d) both a and b


Which of the following is/are versions of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? a) Linguistic relativity b) Linguistic determinism c) Linguistic structure d) Linguistic displacement e) both a and b


Active listening: a) is mindful b) is always appropriate c) requires focused attention d) all of the above e) a and c only


Cultural Relativism is a) the idea that cultures are different from one another b) the idea that one's own culture is superior to other cultures c) the idea that each culture should be judged by its own standards d) all of the above e) both a and c


Deborah told her mother that she failed the exam because students were talking while she was taking the exam and she could not concentrate. This is an example of a) attribution b) a schema c) self-serving bias d) all of the above e) a and c


Empathy involves a) perspective taking b) emotional understanding c) accepting the viewpoint of others d) all of the above e) a and b


Primary explanations for gender differences in communication include which of the following? a) males and females learn different communication styles as they grow up b) biological differences lead to different communication styles c) the dominance of men leads women to adopt a more accommodating communication style d) all of the above e) both a and c


Research on attribution shows that individuals in happy romantic relationships typically a) attribute bad behavior by one's partner to personal traits. b) attribute good behavior by one's partner to situational causes. c) attribute bad behavior by one's partner to situational causes. d) attribute good behavior by one's partner to personal traits. e) both c and d


Upon meeting a person from another culture in your home during an informal get-together, you address that person by his first name, a common practice in the United States. The person responds negatively to this show of disrespect. This likely illustrates differences between a) individualist and collectivist cultures b) masculine and feminine cultures c) low power-distance and high power-distance cultures d) high-context and medium-context cultures e) a and c


When we formulate perceptions of others, a) initial information influences the perception more than information that comes later. b) positive more than negative information influences the perception. c) negative more than positive information influences the perception. d) later information more than initial information influences the perception. e) both a and c


Which of these are characteristics of a collectivist culture? a) individuals see themselves as linked to one or more groups b) relationships are mostly intergroup rather than interpersonal c) competition is encouraged d) All of the above e) a and b


You are told by a friend about a couple from another culture. Their marriage was arranged by their parents. The man and woman didn't even know each other until one week prior to the marriage ceremony. The couple is probably from a a) collectivist culture b) high power-distance culture c) feminine culture d) all of the above e) a and b


Self-concept is a central point of reference for a person's communication with others. a) True b) False


Self-fulfilling prophecies make inaccurate stereotypes appear valid. a) True b) False


Self-serving bias is a) an effort to protect our self-concept and self-esteem b) the tendency to attribute successful behavior to our personal characteristics c) the tendency to attribute failure to situational circumstances d) all of the above


Each person constructs meaning from symbols by interpreting those symbols in a context. a) True b) False


Integration is usually the most successful strategy of acculturation. a) True b) False


Language is defined as: a) a structured system of symbols for communicating meaning b) arbitrary representations of frequently ambiguous referents c) the objects, events, ideas, or relationships referred to by words d) the total vocabulary used by a given culture


Multiculturalism means a) customs, practices, rituals, and behaviors that do not dehumanize people should be viewed as different, not deficient b) one group's culture has been absorbed into the dominant culture c) some cultures are superior to other cultures d) all of the above


Optimal self-esteem develops when you don't strive to build self-esteem, but instead you concentrate on goals that can be accomplished. a) True b) False


Perception is all of the following EXCEPT: a) inherently subjective and selective b) the same as sensation c) a process of "making sense" of our neural impulses sent to our brain d) a process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting data from our senses


Perception is an unbiased process. a) True b) False


Person perception is a linear, one-way process beginning with selecting, then organizing, and ending with interpreting stimuli. a) True b) False


Productivity is the "ability to use language to talk about objects, ideas, events, and relations that don't just exist in the physical here and now." a) True b) False


Reflected appraisal is evaluating yourself by comparing yourself to other people. a) True b) False


Robert's favorite movie is Casa Blanca and he judges every movie he sees by comparing it to that ideal. For Robert, Casa Blanca functions as a(n) a) archetype b) prototype c) stereotype d) script


Sandra told Harold about a traumatic experience she had as a child, and Harold responded by looking out the window and saying nothing. Harold violated which guideline for appropriate self-disclosure? a) trust b) reciprocity c) cultural appropriateness d) incremental disclosure


Self-concept changes easily when faced with contradictory evidence. a) True b) False


Self-disclosure can be unintentional. a) True b) False


Skeptics are "nay-saying, fault finding and ridiculing." a) True b) False


The majority of the world's population lives in individualist cultures. a) True b) False


The primacy effect means that a) we tend to weigh negative information more heavily than positive information when gaining an impression of someone. b) initial information is most influential in forming an impression of someone. c) we check our perceptions of others. d) we over emphasize personal traits and underemphasize situations as causes of other peope's behavior


True believers are evidence driven. a) True b) False


Uncertainty Reduction Theory argues that a) uncertainty reduces anxiety in intercultural situations b) the principal goal when strangers from different cultures meet is to reduce uncertainty and to increase predictability c) culture shock is a good thing because it wakes us up to cultural differences d) spending time in another culture is sufficient to reduce uncertainty


Using euphemisms is an imprecise use of language and should always be avoided. a) True b) False


Values are a) a learned set of enduring values, beliefs, and practices that are shared by an identifiable, large group of people with a common history b) the most deeply felt, generally shared view of what is deemed good, right, or worthwhile thinking or behavior c) what a person thinks is true or probable d) a group of people who live in a dominant culture yet remain connected to another cultural heritage


When biologists use words like "dopamine" and "cytoplasm," they are using a) syntax b) jargon c) dialect d) euphemism


While the individualist-collectivism dimension applies to the dominant culture, it does not apply to co-cultures within that dominant culture. a) True b) False


Women typically negotiate for higher initial salaries when offered new employment more often than men. a) True b) False


You are invited for a job interview. Your performance is subpar during the interview. You conclude that your inadequate performance was caused by "really stupid questions from the interviewers," not the fact that you did little preparation for the interview. This is an example of a) fundamental attribution error b) self-serving bias c) primacy effect d) all of the above e) both b and c


You are more likely to find a "self-help" section in a bookstore in a collectivist rather than an individualist culture. a) True b) False


Although word origin is arbitrary, word usage is: a) objective b) meaningless c) conventional d) unconventional


Americans and Britons speak the same language, yet they have different meanings for the same words. This is a problem of a) connotative meaning b) operational definitions c) denotative meaning d) jargon


An inference is when you a) attach a positive or negative value to an object, event, or idea b) depict to others your sensory experiences c) draw conclusions about the unknown based upon the knowledge you have about a situation d) say one thing but mean something else


Conclusions or guesses about the known based on the unknown are: a) judgments b) frames c) inferences d) descriptions


Euphemism a) is a specialized language of a group b) should always be avoided c) is language that can numb up to the unpleasant or offensive d) both b and c


The self-serving bias is a) the tendency to attribute our successful behavior to outside forces and to assign personal reasons to our failures. b) the tendency to assign personal characteristics for the success of others and environmental causes for the failures of others. c) a tendency to attribute personal characteristics for our successes and attribute environmental causes for our failures. d) none of the above


A collectivist culture in characterized by which of the following characteristics? a) cooperation is emphasized over competition b) individuals work to advance the goals of their group c) an emphasis on loyalty and responsibility d) all of the above


A predictable sequence of events that indicates what we are expected to do in a given situation is a(n) a) archetype b) prototype c) stereotype d) script


A strong correlation exists between a) the individualism-collectivism dimension and the status-connection dimension b) the low-power - high power dimension and the masculine-feminine dimension c) the masculine-feminine dimension and the individualism-collectivism dimension d) the individualism-collectivism dimension and the low-power - high-power dimension


Ethnocentrism can best be described as: a) the notion that all cultural groups should be treated equally b) a form of cultural relativism c) unique to individualist cultures d) none of the above


Mindfulness is a) working to achieve your goals while helping others to achieve theirs b) the process of piecing together seemingly unrelated information into a whole picture c) attempting to look and act similarly to your audience d) thinking about our communication with others and working to improve it


Perception is a) inherently, unavoidably selective b) shaped by our limited sensory capabilities c) the same as sensation d) both a and b


Phonology is a) the understanding of words in context b) the organization of time c) the part of grammar that describes how morphemes are constructed d) the study of how we find order within the apparent chaos of speech sounds


Primary influences on our self-esteem include: a) reflected appraisal b) social comparison c) contingencies of self-worth d) all of the above


Richard lets the door slam in your face. You assume that Richard is rude, but in actuality he simply did not see you. You are guilty in this instance of what type of error? a) lack of empathy b) primacy effect c) stereotyping d) negativity bias


Skepticism is a process of a) seeking evidence that supports accepted beliefs b) tearing apart and finding fault with the beliefs and values of others c) examining claims, evaluating evidence and reasoning, and drawing conclusions based on possibilities d) examining claims, evaluating evidence and reasoning, and drawing conclusions based on probabilities


Symbols are: a) a structured system of symbols for communicating meaning b) arbitrary representations of objects, evens, ideas or relationships c) the objects, events, ideas, or relationships referred to by words d) the total vocabulary used by a given culture


Symbols are: a) arbitrary b) representative c) exact d) both a and b


The forgetting curve shows that a) our minds do not retain every morsel of information that we hear. b) there is a significant loss of information retention in a short period of time. c) in just 24 hours we lose 80% of the information that we hear. d) a & b


The set of rules that governs the meaning of words and sentences is a) lexicon b) syntax c) grammar d) semantics


What steps can be taken to prevent the problem of mislabeling? a) Abstract the labels used in conversation. b) Operationally define significant labels. c) Apply the labels accurately once they have been operationalized. d) both b and c


Which of the following is the set of rules that governs the meaning of words and sentences? a) phonology b) syntax c) morphology d) semantics


Which of the following is/are true about ethnocentrism? a) ethnocentrism is a learned belief b) ethnocentrism is the notion that one's own culture is superior to others c) all cultures are ethnocentric d) all of the above are true e) both a and b, not c


Your cultural values encourage you to "sell yourself" during a job interview and to emphasize your personal accomplishments. You probably belong to a a) highly individualist culture b) low power-distance culture c) high power-distance culture d) both a and b e) both a and c


Your roommate comes to you with the revelation that he cheated on his girlfriend and doesn't know what to do about it. You respond, "What were you thinking? She's perfect and you blew it." This response is an example of a) probing. b) interpretation. c) advising. d) none of the above


Labels a) can influence perception b) can influence behavior c) are an exact representation of the object d) all of the above e) a and b only


Mindfulness is: a) working to improve our communication with others b) recognizing our tendency toward ethnocentrism c) an effort to reduce uncertainty d) all of the above e) both a and b


The first time you meet Phil he strikes you as an arrogant and obnoxious person. In later meetings you see indications that he might be friendlier than you'd originally thought, but you find it difficult to put aside your first impression. This is an example of a) negativity bias b) the fundamental attribution error c) the primacy effect d) all of the above e) a and c


The term "self-esteem" refers to a) the evaluative element of self-perception b) the sum total of your self-perception c) your perception of your self-worth and competence d) the social construction of your identity e) a and c


Which of the following are guidelines for appropriate self-disclosure? a) trust b) reciprocity c) cultural appropriateness d) situational appropriateness e) all of the above


Which of the following is a level of the abstraction process? a) inferences b) descriptions c) sense experience d) judgments e) all of the above


You're a student at the local community college. The college president invites you for dinner at he and his wife's house. This situation is more likely to occur in a) a collectivist culture b) a low power-distance culture c) a high power-distance culture d) a individualist culture e) both b and d


The ideal body image is a standard that has not changed for hundreds of years. a) True b) False


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Linear Equations Slope-Intercept form

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