CNA quiz 6 study guide

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Which of the following should a NA do if he suspects poisoning? A. The NA should look for a container that will help determine what the resident took or ate B. The NA should offer an over-the-counter medicine to induce vomiting C. The NA should ask the resident if he is able to induce vomiting by sticking his finger down his throat D. The NA should feed the resident crackers or bread to soak up the poison

A. The NA should look for a container that will help determine what the resident took or ate

A sign that a stroke is occurring is? A. The inability to speak or to speak clearly B. Low B/P C. Gasping for air D. Abdominal pain

A. The inability to speak or to speak clearly

Insulin reaction can be caused by? A. Too little food B. Too much food C. A CVA D. Physical or emotional stress

A. Too little food

A sign of the onset of Diabetic Ketoacidosis is breath that smells? A. Oniony B. Sour C. Garlicky D. Sweet

D. Sweet

The first 2 steps to take when approaching an emergency are? A. Get assistance and perform CPR B. Perform first aid and asses the situation C. Assess the situation and asses the victim

C. Assess the situation and asses the victim

When a resident is suspected of having a heart attack, a NA should? A. Give the resident some water B. Wait and see if the episode subsides before doing anything C. Loosen clothing around the neck

C. Loosen clothing around the neck

What is the medical term for difficulty breathing? A. Syncope B. Dyspnea C. Cyanosis D. Hemiplegia

B. Dyspnea

Which of the following is best to use on a burn? A. Aloe Vera gel B. Petroleum jelly C. Burn ointment D. Cool water

D. Cool water

If a resident is in shock, a NA should? A. Give the resident a type of strong liquor, like brandy B. Quickly give the resident something to eat that can by easily absorbed C. Elevate a body part if a broken bone is suspected D. Elevate the legs unless the resident has a head or abdominal injury

D. Elevate the legs unless the resident has a head or abdominal injury

To control bleeding, a NA should? A. Lower the wound below the heart B. Apply light pressure with a bandage C. Use a topical antibiotic cream on the wound D. Hold a thick pad against the wound and press down hard

D. Hold a thick pad against the wound and press down hard

Another name for insulin reaction is? A. Pre-diabetic coma B. Hypoglycemia C. Diabetic coma D. Hyperglycemia

B. Hypoglycemia

What is the medical term for fainting? A. Dyspnea B. Syncope C. Hemiplegia D. Cyanosis

B. Syncope

Which of the following is information a NA should be prepared to give when calling emergency services? A. The correct diagnosis of the victim B. The phone number and address where the emergency is happening

B. The phone number and address where the emergency is happening

In which of the following situations should a NA give abdominal thrust to a resident? A. The resident is breathing very rapidly B. The resident cannot speak, breath, or cough C. The resident tells the NA that she feels short of breath D. The resident is coughing

B. The resident cannot speak, breath, or cough

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