CNE 251

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

How are operating system and application configuration parameters stored on a Linux system? a. In text files b. In the Registry c. In .ini files d. In the system database


What type of software can be managed with a graphical software utility, such as YaST? (Choose two.) 1. RPM packages 2. Debian packages 3. Text-based script files 4. Software compiled from downloaded source code a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 2, 4 d. 3, 4


Where can you find the vi symbolic link file on most Linux distributions? a. /usr/bin b. /usr c. /sys d. /sbin


Which Linux utility can be used to change to a different user account at the shell prompt? a. su b. chuser c. user d. swuser


Which Linux utility can be used to display a list of all running processes on your system? a. top b. env c. procman d. processes e. echo $PROCESSES


Which action, when used with the dpkg command, uninstalls a specified package and deletes all of its configuration files? a. -P b. -U c. -r d. -p


Which file is used to store group information on a Linux system that has been configured to use local authentication? a. /etc/group b. /etc/groups c. /etc/groupinfo d. /etc/local/group


Which of the following are roles of the Linux file system? (Choose two.) 1. Preserve data integrity. 2. Make data easily locatable. 3. Create automatic backups of system data. 4. Provide the user with a command-line interface. 5. Provide the user with a graphical user interface. a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 4 d. 2, 5


Which of the following manual sections contains man pages for utilities and commands that can be used by any user? a. 1 b. 3 c. 7 d. 9


Which type of shared library is integrated directly into an executable file when it is initially compiled? a. Static b. Linked c. Dynamic d. Shared


Which utility is used to view manual pages? a. man b. gman c. manual d. Kwrite


You currently have an RPM package file named evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm installed on your Linux system. What command would you enter to display summary information about the package? a. rpm -qi evolution b. rpm -s evolution c. rpm -qs evolution d. rpm -V --summary evolution


You have mounted the /dev/sdb1 partition in the /mnt directory and now need to unmount it. Which commands will do this? (Choose two.) 1. umount /mnt 2. unmount /mnt 3. unmount /dev/sdb1 4. umount /dev/sdb1 5. mount --unmount /dev/sdb1 a. 1, 4 b. 2, 3 c. 2, 5 d. 4, 5


You need to use fdisk to create a partition for the fourth SATA hard drive in your system. Which is the correct command to do this? a. fdisk /dev/sdd b. fdisk /dev/hdd c. fdisk /dev/sda4 d. fdisk /dev/sdb2


You want to use apt-get to download and install the 3dchess package on your Linux system. Which command can you use to do this? a. apt-get install 3dchess b. apt-get upgrade 3dchess c. apt-get -d install 3dchess d. apt-get -s install 3dchess


You're using man to view the man page for the Samba daemon. Which keystrokes can you use to search for the term "password" in the man page? a. /password b. /"password" c. CTRL-F d. CTRL-S


You're viewing a configuration file in vi in command mode. You need to locate a directive named server in the file. However, the file is very long and you don't want to scan through it line by line. What command can you use in command mode to search for this term? a. /server b. search=server c. /"server" d. find "server"


You've created a new swap partition (/dev/sdb1) using the fdisk utility. You need to format and enable this partition. Which commands should you use to do this? (Choose two.) 1. mkswap /dev/sdb1 2. swapon /dev/sdb1 3. swapon -a 4. mkfs -t swap /dev/sdb1 5. mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1 6. swapon --enable /dev/sdb1 a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 4, 5 d. 5, 6


You've just downloaded a file named FC-6-i386-DVD.iso and have generated a checksum value. The value generated is slightly different from that shown on the download web site. What does this imply? a. The downloaded copy is different than the original copy and shouldn't be used. b. The downloaded copy is different than the original, but the download is still usable as long as the differences are minor. c. The version number is incremented by 1 when the file was downloaded. d. The downloaded copy is exactly the same as the original copy.


You've just downloaded a file named FC-6-i386-DVD.iso to the /home/tux directory on your Linux system. What command would you use to generate a checksum value? a. sum /home/tux/FC-6-i386-DVD.iso b. verify /home/tux/FC-6-i386-DVD.iso c. rpm -V /home/tux/FC-6-i386-DVD.iso d. checksum /home/tux/FC-6-i386-DVD.iso


You've made several changes to a configuration file using vi. You realize that you've made a myriad of mistakes and want to quit without saving the changes so that you can start over. Which command will do this? a. :q! b. :exit c. :q d. :exit!


You've used the rpm command with the -V option to verify an rpm package installed on your system. The output from the command listed the following error code: S.5....T c /opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc What does this error code indicate? (Choose two.) 1. There's a problem with the size of the file. 2. There's a problem with the timestamp of the file. 3. There's a problem with the mode of the file. 4. There's a problem with a file's revision numbers. 5. There's a problem with a file's ownership. a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 3, 4 d. 4, 5


Consider the following entry in /etc/passwd: ksanders:x:1001:100:Kimberly Sanders:/home/ksanders:/bin/bash What is the primary group for this user? (Choose two.) 1. home 2. 1001 3. 100 4. users 5. ksanders 6. video a. 1, 2 b. 3, 4 c. 3, 5 d. 5, 6


Consider the following entry in /etc/shadow: ksanders:$2a%05$fHzL5vsuk3ilLIuispxqKuCFEPg50ZhF8KshQyIZH7SDERJooEJ TC:13481:30:60:7:-1:: How often must this user change her password? a. Every 30 days b. Every 60 days c. Every 7 days d. This feature is disabled. The user isn't required to change her password.


On which block is the first redundant copy of a partition's superblock stored by default on an ext4 file system? a. 0 b. 32768 c. 98304 d. 163840


What does the configure script do in an application's installation directory? (Choose two.) 1. It creates the Makefile file. 2. It compiles the source code into a binary executable. 3. It checks the local system to verify that the necessary components are available. 4. It copies the binary executable and other files, such as documentation, to the appropriate directories in the file system. 5. It verifies that the installation files haven't been corrupted or tampered with. a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 4 d. 3, 5


What does the make command do when installing an application from source code? a. It creates the Makefile file. b. It compiles the source code into a binary executable. c. It checks the local system to verify that the necessary components are available. d. It copies the binary executable and other files, such as documentation, to the appropriate directories in the file system. It verifies that the installation files haven't been corrupted or tampered with.


Which Linux utility can be used to display your network board configuration? route a. netstat b. ifconfig c. ipconfig d. echo $NETWORK_CONFIG


Which configuration file is read when a non-login bash shell is run? a. .profile b. .bashrc c. .bash_login d. .bash_profile


Which environment variable contains the directory where man page tiles are located? a. MANUAL b. MANPATH c. MANUALPATH d. MANPAGEPATH


Which file contains a list of your most recently entered shell commands? a. ~/.history b. ~/.bash_history c. /etc/bash_history d. ~/.bash_commands


Which keystroke is used for the command completion feature of bash? a. Fl b. TAB c. ENTER d. UP ARROW


Which of the following commands will display the UID of a user named dcoughanour when entered at the shell prompt? a. info dcoughanour b. id dcoughanour c. finger dcoughanour d. UID dcoughanhour


Which of the following files is used to store user accounts on a Linux system that has been configured to use local authentication? a. /etc/users b. /etc/passwd c. /etc/shadow d. /etc/local/accounts


Which of the following files is used to store user passwords on a Linux system that has been configured to use local authentication? a. /etc/users b. /etc/shadow c. /etc/passwd d. /etc/local/accounts


Which section in a man page provides a list of man pages or other resources related to the particular command or utility? a. VERSION b. SEE ALSO c. DESCRIPTION d. REFERENCES


While viewing an info node, which keystroke can be used to navigate to the next node a. /next b. N c. P d. L


While viewing an info node, which keystroke can be used to navigate to the previous node? a. N b. P c. /prev d. /up


You are working at the bash shell in a CLI-only environment on a Linux system. You have a program currently running when you discover that you need to access to the shell prompt to perform another task. You don't want to halt the first program to do this. What can you do? a. Nothing, you must halt the first program to access the shell prompt. b. You can press ALT-F2 to open an alternate console screen and access a new shell session. c. You can press CTRL-PAUSE on the keyboard. This will pause the running program while you access the shell prompt d. Press CNTL-SHIFT-F6. This will automatically open a new shell session without pausing the running program,


You need to create a new user account on a Linux system for Mike Huffman named mhuffman. Mike's password should be set to "3X.N3pl9U8HNM," and he needs a home directory created in /home/mhuffman. Which of the following commands will do this? a. useradd mhuffman b. useradd -c "Mike Huffman" -m -p "3X.N3pl9U8HNM" mhuffman c. usermod "Mike Huffman" -p "3X.N3pl9U8HNM" mhuffman d. useradd mhuffman -c "Mike Huffman" -m -p 3X.N3pl9U8HNM


You need to delete a user account named jcarr from your Linux system and remove his home directory contents. Which of the following commands will do this? a. userdel jcarr b. userdel -r jcarr c. userdel --rmhome jcarr d. usermod --delete --rmhome jcarr


You need to find out what directories in the Linux file system are included in the path. What command can OU use? (Choose two.) 1. env 2. man path 3. echo SPATH 4. show $PATH 5. writeln PATH a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 3 d. 2, 5 e. 4, 5


You need to learn about the options available for the chmod utility. Which command will display its manual page? a. manual chmod b. man chmod c. gman chmod d. man display chmod


You need to learn about the options available for the mkdir utility. Which command will display its manual page? a. gman mkdir b. man mkdir c. cat mkdir | man d. manual mkdir


You need to uninstall the Pure-FTPd service from your Linux system. You've switched to the directory where the original installation files are located. What's the first command you need to enter to uninstall this package? a. make b. ./configure c. make remove d. make uninstall


You need to use info to view information about using the smbpasswd utility. Which command will do this? a. info /smbpasswd b. info smbpasswd c. info "smbpasswd" d. show info smbpasswd


You want to create a symbolic link in your home directory that will link the manual file to the /usr/share/doc/manual directory. Which is the correct command to do this? a. ln /usr/share/doc/manual ~/manual b. ln -s /usr/share/doc/manual ~/manual c. ln ~/manual /usr/share/doc/manual d. ln -s ~/manual /usr/share/doc/manual


You're using man to view the man page for the chown utility. Which keystroke will unload the current man page and exit man? a. x b. Q c. CTRL-U d. CTRL-X


You're working with a file in vi in command mode. You locate a word in the file that needs to be deleted and place your cursor at the beginning of that word. Which command will delete this word without deleting the space that follows the word? a. dw b. de c. d$ d. dd


You've copied an executable file named from your company's server to /tmp on your Linux system. You open a shell and change to the /tmp directory. When you enter ./, the shell indicates that it can't find the file. What can you do? a. Enter the filename without the .sh extension. b. Enter the filename in all lowercase letters. c. Add a .\ before the filename when entering it at the prompt. d. Move the file to your home directory and then execute it.


You've created a new file using vi and now need to save the file without exiting the editor. Which command will do this? a. :s b. :w c. :save d. :exit


You've installed an RPM package file named evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm on your Linux system. What command would you use to uninstall this package? a. rpm -U evolution b. rpm -e evolution c. rpm -U --remove evolution d. rpm -i --remove evolution


You've just downloaded a file named BitTorrent-5.0.1.tar.gz to your home directory. Assuming the current directory is ~, what command would you enter at the shell prompt to extract all of the files from this archive? a. gzip -d ./BitTorrent-5.0.1.tar.gz b. tar -zxvf ./BitTorrent-5.0.1.tar.gz c. tar -axvf ./BitTorrent-5.0.1.tar.gz d. tar -xvf ./BitTorrent-5.0.1.tar.gz


You've just downloaded an RPM package file named evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm to your home directory. Assuming the current directory is ~, what command could you use to install the package on your system, displaying a progress indicator as the installation is completed? (Choose two.) 1. rpm -Uhv evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 2. rpm -i evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 3. rpm -ihv evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 4. rpm -U evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 5. rpm -install --progress evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 3 d. 2, 4 e. 2, 5


You've opened a text file named list.txt in vi. You move the cursor using the arrow keys to the point in the file where you need to make several changes. You try to type, but nothing happens. Why is this happening? a. The vi editor is in insert mode. You need to switch to command mode. b. The vi editor is in command mode. You need to switch to insert mode. c. The vi editor is in insert mode. You need to switch to replace mode. d. The text file is corrupt.


You've used fdisk to create a new partition on the second hard drive in your Linux system. You want to use the partition as a second swap partition for your system. Which partition type do you need to change it to? a. 1 b. 82 c. 83 d. 85 e. You can't use two swap partitions on the same system.


A user named Diana Grow has recently married and changed her last name to Nelson. You need to change her username on her Linux system. Which command will do this? a. useradd dnelson b. usermod -l "dgrow" -c "Diana Nelson" dnelson c. usermod -l "dnelson" -c "Diana Nelson" dgrow d. usermod -c "dgrow" -l "dnelson" Diana Grow


After searching for a term within a man page you need to jump to the next instance of the term in the page. Which keystroke will do this? a. Q b. P c. N d. S


What does the make install command do when installing an application from source code? a. It compiles the source code into a binary executable. b. It checks the local system to verify that the necessary components are available. c. It copies the binary executable and other files, such as documentation, to the appropriate directories in the file system. d. It creates the Makefile file. e. It verifies that the installation files haven't been corrupted or tampered with.


Where does the RPM store its database of installed packages? a. /etc/rpm b. /var/rpmdb c. /var/lib/rpm d. /tmp/rpm


Which configuration file is the first file read when a login bash shell is run? a. ~/.bashrc b. ~/.profile c. /etc/proflle d. ~/.bash...proflle e. ~/. bash_login


Which directory contains file system management utilities such as cp or rm? a. /var b. /usr c. /bin d. /dev


Which file can be used to configure the path to the man page files? a. /etc/man.txt b. /etc/man.conf c. /etc/man_dbconf d. /etc/manual.conf


Which keystroke will switch vi from command mode to insert mode? (Choose two.) 1. DELETE 2. ESC 3. INSERT 4. S 5. F1 a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 3, 4 d. 4, 5


Which mode does vi open in by default? a. Command-line mode b. Insert mode c. Command mode d. Replace mode


Which of the following commands will remove a user named dnelson from a group named editors? a. groupadd -R "dnelson" editors b. groupmod -A "dnelson" editors c. groupmod -R "dnelson" editors d. groupmod editors -R "dnelson"


Which of the following manual sections contains man pages for administrative utilities used by the root user? a. 1 b. 3 c. 8 d. 9


Which section in a man page provides a brief review of the syntax used for a particular command or utility? a. REVIEW b. SYNTAX c. SYNOPSIS d. DESCRIPTION


Which yum command generates a list of available updates for all installed packages on a Linux system? a. yum info b. yum list all c. yum list updates d. yum list available


You created an ext4 file system on the first partition on the second hard disk in your system and now need to mount it in /mnt/extraspace in read-write mode. Which commands will do this? (Choose two.) 1. mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/extraspace/ 2. mount -t ext /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extraspace/ 3. mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extraspace/ 4. mount -a /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extraspace/ 5. mount -t ext4 -o ro /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extraspace/ a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 3, 4 d. 4, 5


You have a terminal window open on your Linux system, and the current directory is /tmp. You need to use vi to edit a text file named vnc in the /etc/xinetd.d directory on your system. Which of the following commands will do this? a. vi vnc b. vi /tmp/vnc c. vi /etc/xinetd.d/vnc d. vi /etc/xinetd.d


You have an ISO image file named discimage.iso in your home directory, and you want to mount it in the /mnt directory in your Linux file system so that you can extract several files from it. Which command will do this? a. mount ~/discimage.iso /mnt b. mount -a ~/discimage.iso /mnt c. mount -o loop ~/discimage.iso /mnt d. mount -t iso9660 ~/discimage.iso /mnt


You need to delete the Temp directory within your user's home directory. Given that Temp has files in it, which is the best command to do this? a. rm Temp b. rmdir Temp c. rm -r ~/Temp d. rmdir ~/Temp


You need to find all entries in your /var/log/messages file that contain the term "scsi." Which is the correct command to do this? a. grep /var/log/messages scsi b. grep /var/log/messages "scsi" c. grep scsi /var/log/messages d. grep -find "scsi" /var/log/messages


You need to format the first partition on the slave drive on the secondary IDE channel using the ext3 file system. Which is the correct command to do this? a. mkext3fs /dev/sdd1 b. mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda4 c. mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdd1 d. mkreiserfs -t ext3 /dev/sdd1


You need to install the GNU C Compiler (gcc) package on your system. Which yum command will do this? a. yum gcc b. yum installpkg gcc c. yum install gcc d. yum update gcc


You need to search for man pages that relate to the PAM service. Which command will do this? a. which pam b. man -s pam c. apropos pam d. search pam | man


You need to search for man pages that relate to the Samba daemon. Which command will do this? a. which samba b. man -s samba c. man -k samba d. search samba | man


You need to view the last few lines of your /var/xinetd.log file. Which is the best command to do this? a. head /var/xinetd.log b. less /var/xinetd.log c. tail /var/xinetd.log d. cat /var/xinetd.log |more


You're using vi to edit a file in command mode. You try to use the BACKSPACE key to delete a word, but nothing happens. What's wrong with the system? a. You need to switch to normal mode. b. You need to press CTRL-BACKSPACE. c. Nothing is wrong. BACKSPACE doesn't work in command mode. d. You need to switch to command-line mode.


You're using vi to edit a file in insert mode. You need to switch back to command mode. Which keystroke will do this? a. INSERT b. : c. ESC d. BACKSPACE


You've created a new file using vi and need to save the file to disk and exit the program. Which command will do this? (Choose two.) 1. :w 2. :e! 3. :wq 4. :exit 5. :q a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 3, 4 d. 4, 5


You've just downloaded an RPM package file named evolution-2.6.0-41.i586. rpm to your home directory. Assuming the current directory is ~, what command could you use to check the package for dependencies? (Choose two.) 1. rpm -V evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 2. rpm --checkdeps evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 3. rpm -i evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 4. rpm -i --test evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm 5. rpm --deps evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 3, 4 d. 4, 5


You've just downloaded an RPM package file named evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm to your home directory. Assuming the current directory is ~, what command could you use to check the digital signature of the downloaded file to verify that it hasn't been tampered with? a. rpm --verify evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm b. rpm --signature evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm c. rpm --checksig evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm d. rpm -tamperproof evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm


Where are most configuration files stored in the Linux file system? a. /boot b. /var c. /usr d. /etc


Which command-line command can be used to enable syntax checking of a script while editing it in the vi editor? a. :syntax_checking on b. :syntax=enabled c. :syntax=script d. :syntax on


Which directory does the ~ character represent when used with file system commands? a. /var b. The current directory c. The root user's home directory d. The current user's home directory


Which file is checked by applications on startup for the location of shared libraries on the Linux system? a. /lib/ b. /usr/lib/ c. /etc/ d. /etc/


Which of the following commands can be used to add the users mhuffman, dnelson, and jcarr to a group named editors on a Linux system? a. groupmod editors -A "mhuffman,dnelson,jcarr" b. groupmod -R "mhuffman,dnelson,jcarr" editors c. groupadd -A "mhuffman,dnelson,jcarr" editors d. groupmod -A "mhuffman,dnelson,jcarr" editors


Which shell is the default shell for most Linux distributions? A) sh B) csh C) zsh D) bash


While viewing an info node. which keystroke can be used to navigate to the beginning of the node? a. B b. T c. /top d. HOME


You currently have an RPM package file named evolution-2.2.0-2.i586.rpm installed on your Linux system. You've recently downloaded the evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm package from What command would you use to install the newer version of this package? a. rpm -i evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm b. rpm -i --upgrade evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm c. rpm -e evolution-2.2.0-2.i586.rpm d. rpm -U evolution-2.6.0-41.i586.rpm


You have a terminal window open on your Linux system, and the current directory is your user's home directory. You need to create a new file in your home directory named resources.txt using vi. Which of the following commands will do this? a. vi resources.txt -new b. vi resources c. vi ~/resources d. vi resources.txt


You need to copy the Documents directory within your user's home directory to the /tmp directory. Given that Documents has files and subdirectories within it, which is the correct command to do this? a. cp ~/Documents ~/tmp b. cp -R ~/Documents ~/tmp c. cp ~/Documents /tmp d. cp -R ~/Documents /tmp


You need to extract a single file out of an RPM package. Which utility can be used to do this? a. tar b. rpm c. dpkg d. rpm2cpio


You need to find a file named myfile.txt somewhere in your Linux file system. Which is the correct command to do this? a. find "myfile.txt" b. find / -n myfile.txt c. find -name "myfile.txt" d. find / -name "myfile.txt"


You need to generate a listing of files and directories within the /var directory, including files in subdirectories. Which command will do this? a. ls /var b. ls -l /var c. ls -f /var d. ls -R /var


You're using vi to edit a text file in insert mode. Because of the nature of the changes you're making to the file, you need to switch to replace mode. Which keystroke will do this? a. ESC b. CTRL-X CTRL-R c. : d. INSERT


You've copied down an executable file named from your company's server to the /trnp directory on your Linux system. You change to the /tmp directory at the shell prompt. When you enter, the shell indicates that it can't find the file. What can you do? a. Enter the filename in all capital letters, b. Enter the filename without the .sh extension. c. Move the file to your home directory and then execute it. d. Add a ./ before the filename when entering it at the prompt.


You've used the rpm command with the -q --requires option to determine the components required by the rpm package. One of the required components is /usr/bin/perl. What command would you enter to find out which RPM package provides this component? a. rpm -q --provides perl b. rpm -qs --requires /usr/bin/perl c. rpm -qi --requires /usr/bin/perl d. rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/perl


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