CO 5704 Midterm Exam

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All of the above

Grace is A. the ability to return good for evil B. forgiving and forbearing C. the ability to change D. all of the above

being emotionally intelligent

According to Dr. Gottman, which of the following are predictors of marital success?

All of the above

Although Piper did not specifically state this, the OT mentions which of the following single adults? A. Eunuchs B. Widows C. Divorced women D. Slaves E. All of the above

None of the above

Based on Gottman's research, which of the following kinds of marriage counseling are most effective with lasting results? A. Active listening-helping couples communicate better B. Conflict resolution-helping couples 'fight' fair C. Couples who avoid fighting have better marriagtes D. None of the above

All of the above

Because marriage is referred to as 'one flesh' and Paul quoted Genesis 2:24 in Ephesians 5, this is probably an important concept. What does this passage in Ephesians mean, according to Piper? A. Having sex with a prostitute should be unthinkable because of our spiritual union with Christ. B. Sex outside of marriage creates a shell of oneness, but not the profound spiritual connection that occurs within marriage C. Paul is stating that those who have sex with prostitutes are desecrating the act of sexual union. D. All of the above

All of these were mentioned

Having the first baby was called a 'grenade' because of the changes it brings to a marriage. Which of the following were some of the suggestions for making things better? A. Let Dad be the baby's playmate B. Carve out time for the two of you C. Don't exclude Dad from baby care D. Be sensitive to Dad's needs E. All of these were mentioned

Husbands and wives should not deny one another the privilege of sexual relationships

In the NT, Paul wrote


Is this problem perpetual? If so mark TRUE. Ron want to have a baby, and his wife Ellen wants to complete vet school first, and then maybe start her own practice...and then she will be ready to think about children; maybe.

All of the above

It seems that Dr. Gottman found most wives let their husband take the lead in the marriage. But what else did he find? A. When men allow their wives to influence them by offering suggestions about the decisions they make, marriages were happier. B. Boys tend to play games focusing on the game itself, while girls' interactions are more about relationships in the early elementary school years. As a result, generally women have more relationship skills than their husbands. C. More than 80 percent of the time it's the wife who brings up sticky marital issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This is true in both unhappy and happy marriages. D. All of the above

Electronic distractions, pornography, stress, relations with in-laws, money, housework, becoming a parent, and sex

List 5 of the most typical areas of marital conflict, according to our book. No description is necessary

Becoming a dream detective

One of the ways to overcome gridlock, as described in our book, includes:


Paul devotes specific parts of his letters to giving instructions to A. Husbands B. Single People C. Wives D. All

the need for fathers to be involved in the discipline and instruction of the children

Piper points out that in Ephesians 6, it starts with an admonition for children to obey their parents, but this is followed by a command to fathers about not provoking their children to wrath. This refers to

All of the above

Promises related to single people include which of the following? A. The family of God grows through faith and regeneration, not physical procreation B. Relationships in Christ are more permanent and more precious than those in the human family. C. The church family is eternal; unfortunately many human families are merely temporary blessings for this age D. All of the above

Prepare written proposals first so that they can be read before the debate begins

Solving your solvable problems includes four steps. Which of the following are NOT one of the major steps listed under Principle 5?


True/False: Two loving and caring ways we may help divorced people are: a) to come alongside and love them through their pain, and b) the other way is take a strong stand against divorce by doing all we can biblically to prevent it from happening.

Loving leadership

The biblical teaching called "male headship" in the marital relationship can best be defined as


True/False: Wives win their husbands mainly by lives of sacrificial love, and husbands win their wives mainly by lives of sacrificial love.


True/False: The wife is usually responsible for a harsh startup in a discussion.


True/False: A principle of male headship is that the husband bears some responsibility for the moral and spiritual development of his wife.


True/False: A wife should view her husband as her perfect leader, protector, and provider.


True/False: According to Piper, divorce can be worse than being widowed


True/False: According to Piper, marriage is God's doing, and ultimately marriage is the display of God.


True/False: According to Piper, our spiritual nature is holy, but the physical nature of human beings is inherently sinful.


True/False: According to Piper, the verse on mutual submission (Ephesians 5:21) negates the distinction in roles between husband and wife.


True/False: According to our author, men need to do more housework.


True/False: According to the author of This Momentary Marriage, marriage is an eternal state.


True/False: Because in-law problems are usually conflict between the wife and her mother-in-law, in competition for love from the husband, the only way to resolve this is for the husband to firmly side with his wife against his mother


True/False: In Romans 9:8, Paul wrote: "It is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring." Piper states this means having spiritual children is an eternal blessing and marriage is not required.


True/False: One of the bars to intimacy and a one-flesh union is shame


True/False: One of the biblical purposes of marriage is to have children


True/False: People who get married and develop perpetual problems with no solution are always going to end up divorced.


True/False: Piper recommended that singles groups be exclusively for them, because marrieds and single people don't have much in common.


True/False: Piper referred to Ephesians 6, where Paul warns married Christians against sexual union with one another, except for the purposes of procreation.


True/False: Piper teaches that Christians are not free to remarry after a divorce, since it would be a sin. This applies even if the believer is innocent and has been deserted, or cheated on.


True/False: Piper's wife, who provided an introduction to the book, has the first name of Nora


True/False: Principle 1 is called "Nurture Your Fondness and Admiration"


True/False: Principle 7 is creating shared meanings. This includes exploring values, creating family rituals, and understanding the roles we play.


True/False: Ruth's marriage to Boaz is a prime example of the practice of levirate marriage


True/False: The husband's leadership as protector and provider have both physical and spiritual dimensions.

All of the above

What did Piper say about idolatry? A. Marriage can be idolatrous B. Singleness can be idolatrous C. Parents can idolize their children D. All of the above

Justification is a central part of our salvation and we need to appreciate it's significance and 'bend it outward' toward our spouses in order to display God's grace

What did Piper say about justification?

God provided clothing for Adam and Eve once they began hiding from him and from each other due to shame

What did Piper state about clothing?

All of the above

What did our author write about soft startups? A. You should share some responsibility for the problem B. Include a description of your own feelings C. Use "I" statements, such I need ___________ D. Refer to the specific situation, and avoid bringing the four horsemen into the conversation E. All of the above

Human nature dictates that it is virtually impossible to accept advice from someone unless you feel that person understands you. Avoid making your partner feel judged, misunderstood, or rejected when working on problems.

What is one of the keys to resolving solvable problems and perpetual problems?

All of the above

Which are included in the Afterword section of our book? A marital poop detector An exercise in thanksgiving Advice to forgive yourself All of the above

No remarriage after the death of a spouse

Which of the following are NOT one of the major views regarding remarriage after divorce?

Unfaithfulness (Contempt, Stonewalling, Defensiveness were)

Which of the following are NOT part of the list of the four horsemen in our reading this week?

All of the above

Which of the following are myths about marriage, according to Dr. Gottman? A. Men and women really are from different planets B. Neuroses or personality problems ruin marriages C. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours ... D. All of the above

A state of the union meeting

Which of the following are part of the Magic 6 Hours?

All of the above

Which of the following are some of the signs that a marriage is in trouble, according to our author? A. Flooding B. A harsh start-up C. Failed repair attempts D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are true about flooding? A. It's harder for a man's body to calm down after an argument than a woman's B. Sometimes it helps to take a break from the discussion when one partner is flooded C. Soothing each other can help to reduce the flooding sensations D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are true? A. Being happily married can extend your life by four years B. Being unhappily married or divorced increases your chances of illness by 35% C. Gottman studies married couples long term, and examines heart rate, blood pressure, immune system functioning, sweat output and blood flow when they are in his lab D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are true? A. Couples who simply read this book for themselves report good results in their marriage B. The Gottmans have been researching marriage for 42 years C. Having the first child is a stressful time period in most marriages D. All of the above

Father is responsible for the whole household and ultimately will be called to give an account for what he did or did not do

Which of the following behaviors is correct in a biblically structured family?

I delight for you to take the initiative in our family. I am glad when you take responsibility for things and lead with love. I don't flourish in the relationship when you are passive and I have to make sure the family works.

Which of the following best describes Piper's vision of submission in a wife?

All of the above

Which of the following did Piper say were true of marriage? A. Marriage is a display of God's grace B. Marriage is about covenant keeping C. The state of marriage requires forgiveness D. All of the Above

An unfertilized field, awaiting planting, rain, and soil enrichments (see first chapter)

Which of the following does Piper NOT identify with marriage?

In marriage, there are a lot of cow pies...but we can quit focusing on them and toss them into the compost pile.

Which of the following does Piper mention as part of marriage?

The wrath of God needs to be considered in marriage

Which of the following does Piper say is relevant to marriage?


Which of the following indicate submissiveness in a biblical manner? A. Agreeing with everything your husband says B. Leaving your brain and your dreams at the wedding altar C. Putting the will of the husband before the will of Christ D. Acting out of fear, rather than freedom E. None of the above.

You start leading parallel lives

Which of the following indicates the end of a marriage is near, according to Dr. Gottman?

Any time the children are angry, the father has sinned

Which of the following is NOT one of the possible reasons fathers are called to 'provoke not your children to wrath?"

All of the above

Which of the following is true about conflict over money? Money disputes are often perpetual Money is symbolic of emotional needs such as security and power Most money problems occur in newlyweds, at least those that lead to need for counseling. Couples who have been married longer tend to have resolved these, but at midlife, new differences of opinion may arise. All of the above

Sexuality and money are primary concerns

Which of the following is true about marriage? A. Sexuality and money are primary concerns B. The Bible commands sexual union but only for the purposes of procreation C. Contentment with Christ should put an end to sexual desire D. All of the above.

A, B, and C

Which of the following is true? A. Couples who have happy memories of their past have a good chance of improving their marriage in the present B. Fondness and admiration are antidotes for contempt C. Exercises designed to remind us of things we are grateful for in our marriages may help to "fan the flames" of fondness and admiration D. A, B, and C

All of the above

Which of the following thwarts the important principle of, "turning towards each other instead of away?" A. Reacting defensively to a perceived criticism B. Being distracted by the 'wired world' C. Mindlessly ignoring one's spouse D. All of the above

Couples need to tackle the challenge of finding their right strategy for handling solvable problems. The book provides advice for the most common issues.

Which of the following were recommended ways of coping with typical solvable problems?

Jesus' interpretation

Who offered the strictest teaching regarding divorce and remarriage?

They described themselves first, They described the situation, and They let their partner know what they needed

n the video clip from Dr. Julie Gottman, what were the three steps (in order) when those with successful marriages complained without hurting their partners?

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