Cognitive Psych Quiz 2

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Everything a person experiences is based on representations in the person's nervous system.

What does the principal of neural representation state?


What is the gap between the end of a neuron's axon and the dendrites or cell body of another neuron known as?

The Axon is at Rest

When the axon is at rest, the inside of the neuron has a charge that is 70 millivolts more negative than the outside. This difference will continue as long as

It is unlikely to be correct because there are too many stimuli in the world to have a separate neuron for each.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to specificity coding?


Which parts of neurons are also known as a "nerve fiber"?


Which substance is released when signals reach the synapse at the end of the axon?

Different parts of the brain

You are walking down the street and see a nice car drive by. You notice its color, movement, and shape. All of these features are processed

behavioral; physiological

Your author points out that studying the mind requires both __________ and __________ experiments.

resting potential

70 millivolts more negative than the outside

cell body, dendrites, and axons

The key structural components of neurons are the

Localization of function

Brain areas are specialized for specific functions.

cognitive neuroscience

The study of the physiological basis of cognition is known as

Levels of analysis

A topic can be understood by studying it at a number of different levels of a system

specificity coding

An object could be represented by the firing of a specialized neuron that responds only to that object

levels of analysis

Barbara has recently been diagnosed with abdominal cancer. Her oncologist wants to determine the best treatment method to eliminate the tumors. Her gastroenterologist is focused on relieving her symptoms and restoring normal digestive functioning. Barbara's psychologist works to help minimize her anxiety and keep her spirits up. The fact that these doctors are considering Barbara's situation with different goals and from different perspectives is similar to the idea of __________ presented in your textbook.

Specificity coding

Before the advent of intercoms, old mansions had a sash in each room. Each sash was connected to a bell on a master board in the servants' office. When someone pulled a sash in a particular room, a bell corresponding to the room would ring on the master board, informing a servant where to go to provide assistance. This system is similar to which of the following?


Cells of the nervous system that pick up information from the outside environment


Determining the sequence of DNA in humans was a major scientific advance that opened the door to new ideas about illness and approaches to treatment. An individual's unique DNA sequence is similar to which of the following?

the rate of nerve firing increased as he increased the pressure.

Edgar Adrian studied the relationship between nerve firing and sensory experience by measuring how the firing of a neuron from a receptor in the skin changed as he applied more pressure to the skin. He found that

Stimulus intensity

Firing rate of the action potentials codes the strength of a stimulus

Neural circuits

Groups of interconnected neurons

Neural networks

Groups of neurons or structures that are connected within the nervous system

neural networks

Groups of neurons or structures that are connected within the nervous system are called __________.

picket fence.

If kittens are raised in an environment that contains only verticals, you would predict that most of the neurons in their visual cortex would respond best to the visual presentation of a

Information Procession Model

In the mid-20th century, the study of the mind began using which technique or model inspired by digital computers?

Broca's area

Josiah is trying to speak to his wife, but his speech is very slow and labored, often with jumbled sentence structure. Josiah may have damage to which area of the brain?

functional connectivity

Neural activity in separate brain areas is correlated with each other

Sparse coding

Neural coding based on the pattern of activity in small groups of neurons

Population coding

Neural representation of a stimulus by the pattern of firing of a large number of neurons

Feature detectors

Neurons that respond to specific qualities of objects, such as orientation, movement, and length

feature detectors

Neurons that respond to specific qualities of objects, such as orientation, movement, and length, are called

Cell body

Part that connects the receiving and sending parts of the neuron

extrastriate body area (EBA)

Ramon is looking at photos of athletes in a sports magazine. He is focusing on their body parts, particularly their chest and legs. Which part of Ramon's brain is activated by this viewing?


Receives information

parahippocampal place area (PPA)

Sarah has experienced brain damage making it difficult for her to understand spatial layout. Which area of her brain has most likely sustained damage?


Sends information

distributed representation

Specific cognitive functions activate many areas of the brain


Structural description of the connections forming the human brain

hierarchical processing

Taking clay and sand to create bricks, which are then used to build modular wall panels, which are then assembled to construct tall buildings, is similar to which of the following neural concepts?

rate of nerve firing

The intensity of a stimulus

Sensory code

how neural firing represents various characteristics of the environment

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