Cold War Review

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8F - ? • College "teach-ins" • Burning draft cards • Mass demonstrations Which of the following is the best title for this list?

Protests Against the Vietnam War.

8F - How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam War affect the United States?

Reporting on military setbacks contributed to public disillusionment with the war.

1B - In 1971, President Richard Nixon claimed executive privilege to prevent newspapers from publishing classified documents. He argued that release of the Pentagon Papers, which detailed U.S. involvement in Vietnam, threatened national security. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the newspapers. Which of the following provided a legal basis for this Supreme Court decision?

The First Amendment.

8A - Which Soviet action led to the threat illustrated on this map?

The placement of nuclear weapons installations in Cuba. CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS UNDER PRESIDENT JFK.

26A - Graph of Money Spent at Motion Picture Theaters, 1931-1970. The bar graph shows the biggest increase in the years of 1946-1950. Which of these best explains the change in money spent at the movies from 1946 to 1965?

The popularity of television.

8C - What quotation from President Harry S. Truman offers a reason for U.S. involvement in the conflict between North Korea and South Korea?

"Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion . . . and will now use armed invasion and war."

8F - What was the effect of television on the development and outcome of the war? The conventional wisdom has generally been that for better or for worse it was an anti-war influence. It brought the "horror of war" night after night into people's living rooms and eventually inspired revulsion and exhaustion. The argument has often been made that any war reported in an unrestricted way by television would eventually lose public support. —Daniel Hallin, The Museum of Broadcast Communications Which article would most likely quote this excerpt?

"The Role of the Media during the Vietnam War"

14A - Post-World War II baby boom --> 1 --> Expansion of population into suburban areas --> 2 Which numbered pair of phrases best completes this diagram?

(1) Increased demand for housing; (2) Increased deforestation.

26B - The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, later renamed the March of Dimes, was established in 1938 and . . . was a grassroots campaign run primarily by volunteers. Over the years, millions of people gave small amounts of money to support both the care of people who got ___________ and research into prevention and treatment. Those contributions financed Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, and the other researchers who developed the . . . ___________ that children around the world receive today. —"March of Dimes," National Museum of American History, (accessed July 19, 2012) Which words correctly complete this excerpt?

1: polio, 2: vaccines.

8A - President John F. Kennedy responded to reports that the Soviet Union was constructing missile sites in Cuba by —

A ordering a naval blockade of Cuba.

2A - What was the most significant result of the 1957 launch of Sputnik?

A space race between the United States and the Soviet Union began.

2B - What era is most associated with the type of event in this Photograph?

A) The Roaring Twenties B) The Cold War C) The Great Depression D) The Industrial Revolution THE COLD WAR IS THE ANSWER - while the atomic bomb ended World War II, it started the cold war after World War II.

27A - • Ultraviolet-filtering lenses • High-resolution optical scanners • Remote medical diagnostics • Earth-imaging technology These technological advances can all be traced back to which industry?


23B - Soldier - Achievement -Conflict Alvin York - Led 7 men in the capture of 132 German soldiers - World War I Vernon Baker - Destroyed German defensive positions - World War II Roy Benavidez - Rescued wounded soldiers during a firefight -Vietnam War Which action did the federal government take to recognize these soldiers?

Awarding them the Congressional Medal of Honor for actions above the call of duty.

17B - Political Cartoon with water drops that read "pent up consumer demand", "Cold War Military spending", "New Industries", "Housing Boom", "Federal Highway Construction" into a bucket that says U.S. Economy. Next to the bucket is two couples in a nice boat of the water that spilled from the water drops that says "Middle Class" & couples saying "Yeah!" What is the best title for this cartoon?

Causes & Effects of Economic Prosperity in the 1950s.

26B - Picture of a Young Man Planning a Successful Future! Success doesn't just happen to a company or to an individual. Success comes as a result of clear thinking and long-range planning. And that is just what the young engineer in the picture is doing. He is studying the many possibilities of a career in guided missiles. Reproduced by permission of Honeywell International Inc. Jobs such as the ones described in this 1956 advertisement became available because —

Cold War defense programs had spurred technological innovation

8B - At the height of the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, HUAC's influence soared and contributed to a climate of domestic fear stoked by its sensational and often unsubstantiated investigations. —"The Permanent Standing House Committee on Un-American Activities," U.S. House of Representatives Historical Highlights, (accessed September 14, 2016) The committee mentioned in this statement was investigating suspected members of the —

Communist Party.

8A - Post-World War II Events World War II devastates Europe's infrastructure and economies. --> U.S. Response - ? --> Effects on Western Europe - Improved political stability• Closer ties with the United States • Recovering economies Which sentence best completes this diagram?

Congress passes a bill to provide financial assistance to Western European countries.

8D - In 1954, the Geneva Conference, which was held to negotiate peace in Indochina, resulted in two compromise agreements: a cease-fire and a final declaration. The cease-fire established a demilitarized zone at the 17th parallel in Vietnam. The final declaration provided for elections to unify Vietnam under the supervision of an international commission. The United States refused to approve the final declaration. Which policy guided U.S. opposition to this declaration?


20A - What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers Resolution?

Decisions made by the executive branch during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

8A - You, Mr. President, are not declaring a quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your demands you will use force. —Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev, letter to President John F. Kennedy, October 24, 1962 Which U.S. action is Khrushchev challenging in this excerpt?

Establishing a naval blockade to stop the shipment of missiles to Cuba.

18B - Which constitutional issue was debated after the release of the Pentagon Papers?

Freedom of the press.

17B - The ? , Then and Now Poster reads "1944 - 48 Months Training, $500/year tuition in school, $50/month student stipend" "2014 - 36 Months Training, Full in-state tuition and fees paid directly to the school, Monthly housing allowance based on E-5 dependents location pay, $1000/year books and supplies" Which option completes this title?

GI Bill.

19A - Selected Features of the War Powers Resolution, 1973 • The president may only make use of armed forces following a declaration of war, authorization by Congress, or an attack on the United States. • The president must consult with Congress regularly regarding the use of armed forces as long as troops remain in hostile situations. • Within 60 days the president will end the use of armed forces unless Congress acts to approve continued military action. How does this resolution demonstrate the principle of checks and balances?

It allows Congress to limit the military authority of the executive branch.

8C - What was the primary reason for U.S. involvement in East Asia during the early 1950s?

North Korean attempts to unify the peninsula challenged the U.S. policy of containment

1A - What does "E Pluribus Unum" mean?

Out of many, one.

27A - Special fabrics that keep the wearer cool --> Fabrics that block harmful ultraviolet rays High-strength textiles made for reentry parachutes --> Bulletproof vests for law enforcement agents Sensors to detect biological traces on planets --> Devices to monitor the presence of contaminants in water. What is one way to describe the developments shown above?

Practical applications of technologies developed for spaceflight.

8B - The 1943 Hollywood movie Song of Russia was produced with the encouragement of the Office of War Information (OWI). At the time the movie was made, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies in the fight against Nazi Germany. The movie tells the story of an American conductor who falls in love with a Russian pianist just before World War II. Together they spend time in an idealized version of the Soviet Union. When the Nazis invade, they join Soviet villagers in the resistance. Which group later investigated the political ideology and actions of many people associated with this film?

The House Un-American Activities Committee.

8E - 6 During the time between the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the start of the Tet offensive, what happened in the Vietnam War?

The U.S. government deployed more troops to Vietnam.

2B - Which of the following was a direct result of the 1957 launch of Sputnik 1?

The U.S. government founded a federal agency dedicated to space exploration.

8A - East-West Conflict in Europe During the Cold War 1946-1949- The Soviet Union forms the communist Eastern Bloc. 1947 - The United States announces the Truman Plan. 1948-1949 - The Soviet Union enforces the Berlin Blockade. 1948-1949 - ? 1949 - Western Powers form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 1955 - The Soviet Union creates the Warsaw Pact. Which statement correctly completes this time line?

The United States and Great Britain airlift supplies to West Berlin.

8C - Why did the United States intervene in Korea during the mid-twentieth century?

The United States led the international community in response to an act of aggression.

8D - Which of these best explains why worldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew increasingly hostile during the late 1960s and early 1970s?

The United States was viewed as an aggressor invading an underdeveloped nation.

8B - Which of the following is most characteristic of the Cold War?

The growth of nuclear arsenals in the United States and the Soviet Union.

8C - During the Korean War, what prevented the southern part of the peninsula from falling permanently to the invading forces?

The involvement of UN forces under the command of the United States.

27A - Freeze dried ice cream - sports helmet - sunglasses - firefighter hose & equipment Which factor links all of these modern innovations?

They each include technology that was originally developed for use in the U.S. space exploration program.

1A - Why did the United States adopt the motto In God We Trust in 1956?

To distinguish the nation from countries that restricted religious practices.

8D - On January 22, 1964, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent Secretary of Defense McNamara a memorandum that included the following recommendations: • Assign responsibilities for the total U.S. program in Vietnam to the U.S. military commander • Commit additional U.S. forces, as necessary, in support of the combat action within South Vietnam • Commit U.S. forces, as necessary, in direct actions against North Vietnam 60 61 What happened as a direct result of these recommendations?

U.S military involvement in Vietnam escalated.

8B - Which of the following resulted from McCarthyism during the 1950s?

U.S. citizens were arrested for being suspected communists.

8B - The launch of Sputnik I intensified Cold War tensions and caused the —

United States to increase spending on technology and weapons to compete with the Soviet Union.

19A - The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution increased the power of the executive branch by —

allowing the president to use military force without a declaration of war by Congress.

17B - Selected Aspects of the U.S. Economy, 1950-1960 • Civilian employment grew from 59.7 million to 66.4 million. • The gross domestic product (GDP) increased 39 percent. • The average family income increased 57.9 percent. The changes described in this list contributed most directly to —

an increase in consumer spending.

17B - Poster reads "Veterans - prepare for your future through educational training. Contact your nearest Veterans administration." The program being promoted by this poster was created to —

assist soldiers when they returned to civilian life.

17B - New Housing Units, Private Ownership greatly increased from 1945-1962. This was an economic effect of -

assistance offered by the GI Bill to soldiers returning from World War II.

8A - As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to —

bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a military conflict.

8C - The Korean War was an effort by the United States to —

carry out its policy of containing the spread of communism.

17B - Trends of the 1950s • Expansion of the middle class • Development of the interstate highway system • Growth of suburbs The trends in this list all occurred as a result of —

economic prosperity following World War II.

8F - The participants in this week's antidraft demonstration . . . are . . . students or young men . . . who are working within a coalition . . . which calls itself the Stop the Draft Week Committee. . . . —Douglas Robinson, New York Times, December 6, 1967 The demonstration described in this article was most likely prompted by —

escalated deployment of military forces to Vietnam.

8F - Newspaper headline "The New York Times, May 4, 1970, Four Kent State University Students Killed by Ohio National Guardsmen" The event described in this headline resulted in —

increased support for the antiwar movement.

8D - The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify military involvement in Vietnam was that it would —

keep communism from spreading throughout the region.

26B - The introduction of vaccines to the United States helped —

limit the spread of infectious diseases.

8F - During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the Vietnam War resulted in —

mass demonstrations by groups protesting the war.

8B - The reason . . . is not because our only powerful potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores . . . but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this Nation. . . . This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been most traitorous. . . . —Joseph McCarthy, speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950 In this excerpt, McCarthy is attempting to incite fear about —

members of the Communist Party in government positions.

27A - A heat shield material designed to act as an insulating barrier is now used to protect high-rise buildings from fires. Source: NASA This technology was originally developed primarily to —

protect the space shuttle on reentry.

Senator Joseph McCarthy is best known for his involvement in -

the Red Scare of the 1950s.

8D - The domino theory, which provided the basis for U.S. entry into the Vietnam War, was the belief that intervention was necessary to prevent —

the expansion of communism across Southeast Asia.

8D - But when we come to the possible sequence of events, the loss of Indochina, of Burma, of Thailand, of the Peninsula, and Indonesia following, now you begin to talk about areas that not only multiply the disadvantages that you would suffer, . . . but now you are talking really about millions and millions and millions of people. —President Dwight D. Eisenhower, news conference, April 7, 1954 In this excerpt, President Eisenhower is expressing concern about —

the spread of communism in Asia.

17C - During the 1950s the federal government funded educational initiatives in math and science in response to —

the successful launch of the first artificial satellite.

8E - As part of the Nixon administration's policy of Vietnamization, the U.S. military —

trained South Vietnamese forces to take over combat responsibilities from U.S. troops.

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