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Colonization of Africa

1870s: only temper cent of the concert was under direct European control. 1900: europeans high rule over more than 90% of the African continent

Political changes in Africa

19 century: end of former African kingdoms and empires. It was rapidly changing so Africa was an organized unstable and week at the moment


A foreign government governs without settlement. Controlling from mother land


A large movement of people from the controlling country to a new territory. Though they permanently settled in the new territory they still maintained allegiance to their mother country.

European military strength/technology

Advances in shipbuilding. Repeating rifle and maxim gun. Transportation (Railroad) and communication (telegraph)

Examples of imperialism

Africa in the 19th century, American domination of Puerto Rico in the Philippines

Industrial Revolution

Began in Britain in the late 1700s. Rural societies in Europe became industrialized and urbanized. Iron and the steam engine were important. Textile industry grew.

Exploratory motives

Desire to explore the unknown and learn more about the world

What were four difficulties Europeans had with colonizing Africa

Disease. climate/terrain. Arab colonization. Military assistance

Cotton mills and factory act of 1819

East establish required education, 12 hour workdays and age limitations of nine

Three ways Europe colonized Africa

European military strength and technology. Political changes in Africa that made it unstable. European advancements in medicine like finding a cure for malaria.

Examples of colonialism

India, Australia, North America, Brazil

The chimney sweepers act of 1788

No boys should work before eight years of old or without it parents permission. Suitable clothing and living conditions had to be provided as well as the opportunity to attend church

Factory act of 1833

No children workers under nine years old. Children 9 to 13 can't work more than nine hours per day. Children are not allowed to work at night. Two hours of schooling each day. Four factory inspectors appointed.

The mines act 1842

No female, or boy under 10 could be employed underground.

Consequences of European colonization

People didn't feel loyal to the newly developed nations, Christianity was Fred, people were working for Europeans, new governments, possibly a king

Five motivations for imperialism/colonization

Political, economic, ideological, religious, exploratory

Industrial revolution pros and cons

Pros: increased wealth, mass production, access to goods at a cheaper price, new inventions made life easier, new jobs, growth of cities. Cons: dangerous, difficult working conditions, overcrowding in cities.

Economic motives

Resources and trade, Europe was overcrowded and and needed things, colonies had tons of diverse, crops and materials. Europeans would get these material and use them in European factories where they would make goods and force their colonies to buy them at a fixed price.

Religious motives

Spread Christianity, spread your European morals

Factory act of 1847

The 10 hour act. Established 10 was the maximum hours per week day for women and children to work. Eight hours on Saturday and Sundays must be off

One example of African resistance to colonial rule

The battle of Adwa: Italian Version of the treaty was different from the Amharic Version, Italy got mad and attacked but Ethiopia had time to plan.

Ideological motives

The belief that white race and culture worst. Your other races and cultures. White man's burden, Europeans should civilize people from other parts of the world

Political motivations

The nation wants to gain power, compete with other European nations and expand territory


The strong belief that the interests of the particular nation are primarily Important. Pride and loyalty to one's nation

Social Darwinism

The theory that people and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles Darwin had received in plants and animals. Survival of the fittest.

Berlin conference 1885

Western countries came together to divide up Africa among themselves into 40 states. Determined that: 1. Notify other powers before conquest 2. Effectively a coupon I to validate the conquest (treaties with local leaders, and then ministration, police force) 3. Freedom of trade in the Congo basin 4. Freedom of navigation in the in the Niger and Congo river's 5. Freedom of trade to all nations 6. Suppression of slave trade by land and sea

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