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In order to justify direct-response marketing, a product really needs to be priced above


The Bentley Agency places $2,500 in radio spots and $17,500 in television spots for Darnell Insurance in June. For its efforts this month, the agency "traditionally" would receive _____ in compensation from the two media.


Growth Stage

- Sales rise rapidly, Profits reach a peak, and then they start to decline - Crucial stage to product's survival b/c competitive reactions to the product's success during this period will affect the product's life expectancy (ex: Splenda)

Maturity Stage

- The sales curve peaks and starts to decline and profits continue to fall - Characterized by intense competition b/c many brands are now in the market - stronger companies squeeze out weaker competitors

Product Adoption Process

1) Awareness 2) Interest - seeks information 3) Evaluation - considers the product's benefits and decides to try or not 4) Trial - examines, tests, or tries the product 5) Adoption - purchases, and expected to use it again

Steps to create an advertising campaign

1) identify and analyze target audience 2) define advertising objectives 3) create advertising platform 4) determine advertising appropriation 5) develop media plan 6) create advertising message 7) execute campaign 8) evaluate advertising effectiveness

The Marketing Research Process

1) locating and defining problems or issues 2) designing the research project 3) collecting data 4) interpreting research findings 5) reporting research findings

The target market of a regional shopping center typically includes at least ____ people.


Basic Survey Methods

> Mail > Telephone > Online (least expensive) > Personal Interview (most flexible)

Decline Stage

> Sales fall rapidly > The marketer considers pruning items from the product line to eliminate those that are no longer earning a profit


> facilities such as office buildings, factories, and warehouses > Nonportable major equipment such as production lines and very large machines

Which of the following is not a service product?

A 100 percent service satisfaction guarantee

Public Relations

A broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and it's stakeholders. can be directed to both internal and external stakeholders

Electronic data interchange

A commonly used computerized means of integrating order processing with production, inventory, accounting, and transportation is


A condition that exists when a research method measures what it is supposed to measure

Product Line

A group of closely related product items that are considered to be a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations (ex: shampoo products line - some for oily hair, some for dry)

Is Very Expensive Per Contact.

A major disadvantage of personal selling is that it

What is a primary difference between an industrial distributor and a manufacturers' agent?

A manufacturers' agent does not acquire title nor usually takes possession of the products whereas an industrial distributor does.

Roll-out approach

A new variety of Doritos is initially introduced in Ft. Worth, Texas; Columbia, South Carolina; Peoria, Illinois; and Spokane, Washington. After its initial success, Frito Lay markets the Doritos in those entire states, then the adjacent states, and finally the entire country. Frito-Lay is using a ____ for its new variety of Doritos


A package of aluminum foil at Kroger supermarket has only a white package with black letters stating "aluminum foil." This product is an example of a ____ brand.


A paid form of non personal communication that is transmitted to a target audience through mass media (tv, radio, internet, newspaper, magazines, erc)

Unaided Recall Test

A posttest in which respondents are asked to identify advertisements they have seen recently but are not given any recall clues

Recognition Test

A posttest in which respondents are shown the actual ad and are asked if they recognize it

News Release

A short piece of copy publicizing an event or a product the most common publicity-based public relations tool

Product Item

A specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among an organization's products

Systematic review

A suggested approach to deleting products, in which each product is evaluated periodically to determine its impact on the overall effectiveness of the firm's product mix, is called a(n)

Example of Internal Secondary Data

AOL Time Warner uses its sales reports broken down by geographic regions as part of its marketing research to determine which markets are most rapidly adopting high-speed Internet connections. In this example, AOL Time Warner is using

Which of the following is similar for both for-profit and nonprofit marketing?

Ability to use effective marketing activities

Which of the following best defines nonprofit marketing?

Activities conducted by individuals and organizations to achieve some goal other than ordinary business goals such as profit or return on investment

Early Adapters

Adopt early, choose products carefully, viewed as "the people to check with"

Early Majority

Adopt new products prior to the average person, they are deliberate and cautious

Slow feedback, high absolute-dollar outlay, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are disadvantages of which promotion mix ingredient?


Slow feedback, high absolute-dollar outlay, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are disadvantages of which promotion mix ingredient?


____ provide businesses with copywriters, artists, production coordinators, media experts, researchers, and other highly skilled specialists.

Advertising agencies

Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts?

After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, DaimlerChrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks.

A party plan.

Alison asks ten of her friends over to her home to learn about exciting new cosmetic products. A salesperson from Angel Products makes a presentation and takes the women's orders. This is an example of

Evaluation of competitors' efforts

All of the following are major steps in developing new products except

Random Sampling

All units in a population have an equal chance of appearing in the sample, and the various events that can occur have an equal or known chance of taking place

American Airlines runs a series of television commercials that show its personnel going out of their way to help customers. In addition to consumers, an important secondary audience for these ads is (are)

American Airlines employees.


An American West Airlines flight from Dallas to Houston was full, and the tickets were more expensive than the almost-empty American West flight from Chicago to Phoenix. This is an example of what kind of service pricing?


An advertisement's illustrations and layout


An arrangement in which a supplier grants a dealer the right to sell products in exchange for some type of consideration is


An online survey conducted before students could register for their fall semester classes asked, "Do you think online professor evaluation forms would be better than paper and pencil forms administered during class?" This is an example of a(n) ____ question.

Trade Sales Promotion Method

Any marketing tactic used to stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry a producer's products and market those products more aggressively is a

Stratified Sampling Example..

Assume that Verizon Wireless is interested in studying the pricing expectations of its customers. If the study calls for selecting at random 100 people from each of three age groupings

Reinforcement advertising

Assures users they chose the right brand and tells them how to get the most satisfaction from it (State Farm suggest that customers check with their agent to ensure they have the right king of coverage to protect against risks)


Because of a service's ____, standardization and quality are difficult to control.

An individual moves into the ADAPTION STAGE of the adoption process at the point when he or she.

Begins using that specific product.

Surnames and geographic names

Besides generic names, what other types of names are very difficult to protect?


Brittany recently moved to a new city and is trying to find a new mechanic to do maintenance and repair on her car. She visits several places to judge their overall appearance, cleanliness, and organization and finally chooses a mechanic. Brittany was trying to overcome the ____ aspect of services.

Arbitrary Approach

Budgeting for an advertising campaign as specified by a high-level executive in the firm -leads to underspending or overspending

Percent-of-Sales Approach

Budgeting for an advertising campaign by multiplying the firm's past and expected sales by a standard percentage

An accountant buys a supply of pencils to be used in calculating the taxes of other business firms. Based on this information, pencils in this case would be considered what type of product?


An attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-of-mouth communication is called:

Buzz Marketing

Which of the following service providers are most likely to bundle-price their services?

Cable television companies


Can be a good, service, or idea received in exchange. Tangible or Intangible -includes functional, social, and psychological utilities or benefits

_____ links the purchase of an organization's products to support philanthropic organizations favored by the target market.

Cause-related marketing

___________ links the purchase of an organization's products to support of philanthropic organizations favored by the target market

Cause-related marketing

If an advertising campaign is aimed at increasing brand awareness and consumers' knowledge of a product's features, the advertising objective should be stated in terms of _____.


OES Office Systems' use of fax machines to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is which component of the communication process?

Communication channel


Communication in news story form about the organization, its products, or both, transmitted through a mass medium at no charge

Which of the following lists forms of competitive advertising?

Comparative, reminder, reinforcement

Customer Services.

Compared with other types of retailers, department stores compete mainly on the basis of

Comparative Advertising

Compares the sponsored brand with one or more identified brands on the basis of one or more product characteristics (Advil V. Tylenol)

What type of advertising points out a brand's features and advantages that fit consumers but may not be available in other brands?


Which of the following is most likely to be considered a business service?


Advertising appropriations are largest for which type of product?

Convenience goods

Fraudulent usage, inability to attract potentially brand-loyal customers, and use by current customers but not new customers are believed to be disadvantages of..


Which of the following service providers are most likely to use demand-based pricing?

Cruise ships

Who judges service quality?


Marketing Decision Support System (MDSS)

Customized computer software that aids marketing managers in decision making by helping them anticipate the effects of certain decisions

Single-Source Data

Darcy presents an identification card at the supermarket checkout and has a microcomputer attached to her TV. Information from both of these is sent to a research facility. Darcy is providing

Secondary Data

Data compiled both inside and outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation -includes general reports by data services and internal and online databases

The use of heavy advertising in the promotion mix is least likely to occur in which product life cycle stage?


The use of heavy advertising in the promotion mix is least likely to occur in which product life cycle stage?


Exclusive Dealing

Dell Computers is a nationally recognized manufacturer of computers for the small business and home markets. If Dell were to order one of its wholesalers not to carry any computer products other than those made by Dell, this arrangement would be called

An American West Airlines flight from Dallas to Houston was full, and the tickets were more expensive than the almost-empty American West flight from Chicago to Phoenix. This is an example of what kind of service pricing?


Competition-Matching Approach

Determining an advertising budget by trying to match competitor's advertising outlays


Dial Soap's advertising slogan "Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did?" exemplifies the use of ____ advertising.

Which of the following services falls closest to the middle of the tangibility continuum?

Dinner at the Olive Garden

Accessory Equipment

Does not become part of the final physical products, but is used in production or office activities

A Cost Comparison Indicator

Domino's is looking into magazine advertising for its pizza. The company wants to reach as many people as possible, but due to budget constraints Domino's must reach consumers as efficiently as possible. What can Domino's use to evaluate various magazines?

Field Order Taker

Doug travels around to various established customers to see what new office supplies they need. His customers have come to depend on him to check their supplies. Doug is a(n) _____.

Selective Distribution; selective distribution

Durable goods such as television sets and appliances generally reach their target markets through ____; goods such as car batteries and tires generally reach their target markets through _____.

Fortify the product position

During the growth stage of the product life cycle, marketers must

Warranties, repairs, and replacement parts.

Early in the commercialization phase, marketers must make decisions about

Attempt to postpone the decline or accept its inevitability

Electronics Pro is a company that manufactures CD drives for laptop computers which are sold to major computer producers. Electronics Pro realizes that CD drives are most likely in the decline stage of the product life cycle. What are the two options this company has with regard to its CD drive product?

A marketer uses pioneer promotion in the introductory stage of the product life cycle, when there are many competitive brands.


A news story about a product is an example of sales promotion.


A reseller advertising a manufacturer's products is viewed as strong manufacturer support.


Advertising is an inflexible promotional method.


Advertising is one element of the promotion mix that is too expensive for small business firms.


An organization's promotion mix is viewed as an unchanging part of the marketing mix.


Business organizations are the only major users of advertising.


Channel capacity is determined by the most efficient component of the communication process.


Encoding is the process by which a receiver takes the coded message received from the source and converts it into ideas and concepts.


Feedback does not exist for mass communication.


If a pull policy is used in promoting a product, the producer promotes the product only to the next marketing institution down the channel.


If an organization is large and has a large promotional budget, it should utilize all four promotional methods.


Institutional advertising and promotional advertising are the two basic categories of advertising.


Promotion that focuses on creating awareness is only important when introducing a new product to the market.


Promotion to encourage trial use attempts to retain loyal customers.


Proxemic communication is communication through touching.


Public relations is a set of tools to be used primarily during crises.


Public relations is nonpersonal communication in news story form about an organization, or its products, or both, transmitted through a mass medium at no charge.


Sales promotion activity occurs more during peak selling periods than in off-peak selling periods.


Tactile communication is communication through the movement of head, eyes, arms, hands, legs, or torso.


The absolute dollar outlay for advertising is usually low.


The promotional method most commonly used for highly personal items is personal selling.


The receiver's response to the decoded message is called noise.


True/False: A hairstylist that gives good haircuts in the morning but tends to give haircuts of lesser quality in the afternoon is suffering from the challenges associated with intangibility.


True/False: Attributes that customers may be unable to evaluate even after the purchase and consumption of the service are called experience qualities.


True/False: Balancing the supply and demand of services can be done by keeping service prices the same regardless of the time of day, week, or year.


True/False: Because most services are people-based, they are susceptible to heterogeneity, or variation in demand over time.


True/False: Because of service perishability, it is difficult to price services in a manner that smoothes fluctuations in demand.


True/False: Because services are intangible by nature, marketers should downplay the tangibles associated with a particular service (such as facilities or employees).


True/False: Consumers tend to believe company-sponsored advertising more than word-of-mouth communication when gathering information on a service product.


True/False: Credence qualities are attributes, such as taste, satisfaction, or pleasure, which can be assessed only during the purchase and consumption of a service.


True/False: Customers seldom rely on the price-quality associations.


True/False: Due to increased customers' desires for personalization, service providers are using bigger sales forces.


True/False: Government has no control over service prices charged.


True/False: High-contact services are very expensive to deliver because they are equipment-intensive.


True/False: In a nonprofit organization, the direct consumers of the product are called donor publics and indirect consumers are called client publics.


True/False: Intangible cues are used to provide customers with some assurance of service quality.


True/False: Pinpointing a target market should be done only after the selection of a marketing mix.


True/False: Segmentation concepts and techniques used to segment and identify target markets are not applicable to reaching nonprofit target markets.


True/False: Selecting a marketing mix is the first step in developing any nonprofit marketing strategy.


True/False: Service industries account for less than 50 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product.


True/False: Service quality is defined as the company's perception of how well a service meets or exceeds customer expectations.


True/False: Service quality is defined by compliance with a set of specifications.


True/False: Services are products that can be touched and felt.


True/False: State and local government regulations do not affect the pricing of services.


True/False: Supplementary services are the basic services that a customer expects to receive.


True/False: The nonprofit organization does not need to develop a strategy for each of the marketing mix variables of product price, distribution, and promotion.


True/False: There is no way to combat the supply-demand problem associated with the perishability of services.


True/False: Training of employees is less important for high-contact services than it is for low-contact services.


Viral marketing is an attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-ofmouth communications.


When a firm uses mass communication, feedback is rapid.


When a push policy is used in promoting a particular product, the producer promotes the product directly to consumers.


When encoding a message, the source should use signs or symbols that are new to the audience.


While the specific communication vehicles employed in promotion have not changed, the fundamental role of promotion is changing.


Word-of-mouth communication is not especially important when people are choosing restaurants and automotive, medical, and personal services such as hair care.


Which of the following industries is most likely to employ combative promotional efforts?

Fast food

The receiver's response to a message is _____ for the source.


Advertising that encourages customers to send in reply cards for additional information aids salespeople in achieving which goal of personal selling?

Finding prospects


First to adopt new product, adventuresome

Disney decided to run its new commercials for all of its theme parks several times a day for three weeks and then not at all for two weeks. It will then run the commercials again for three more weeks. Disney is using a _____ schedule for its advertising.


Safe Auto Insurance advertises "minimum coverage for minimum budgets" for its automobile insurance. Which of the following best describes Safe Auto's approach?

For some services, customers look for the low-cost provider, which is what Safe claims to be.

Which of the following is most likely to stimulate customer loyalty?

Frequent-user incentives

Which of the following is a full-service merchant wholesaler?

General merchandise wholesaler


Grand Resorts Hawaii has just celebrated its first profit since opening two years ago. Grand Resorts Hawaii is most likely in the ____ stage of the product life cycle.

An ad that stresses "Get the real Proactiv Solution; accept no substitutes!" is best geared for which stage of the product life cycle?

Growth Stage


Haley is a graphic artist who is currently working on the development of a new container for mustard and mayonnaise. She is also developing its graphic design. Haley is likely working on the product's

An Inside Order Taker.

Hannah is a retail salesperson for Crate and Barrel in Chicago. She is most likely classified as

H&R Block, a major tax preparation firm, reported having a problem with its employees being inconsistent in the filing of returns. The firm is experiencing a problem with which of the following characteristics of the service offering?


Maria asks Glenda what housecleaning service she would recommend in Oakview. Glenda responds that Pristine Cleaning is great if you can be assured that Janice will be the person assigned to your house. Glenda's recommendation addresses which of the following service features?


The owner of the Lords and Ladies hair salon has difficulty in standardizing and controlling the quality of service that the customers in his salon receive. This problem illustrates which of the following unique features of service?


Which of the following service characteristics results in variability of service quality yet provides the opportunity for customizing services to match the specific needs of individual customers?


Which of the following statements about customer contact in services marketing is false?

High-contact services are less expensive to deliver because they are typically equipment-based.


If Best Western bundles its rooms with services such as free local phone calls, cable television, wireless Internet access, and complimentary breakfast, these services are known as ____ services.


If a firm decides to contract its physical distribution functions to third parties that have no managerial authority within the marketing channel, it is using

Achieved by informal coordination

In an administered vertical marketing system (VMS), interorganizational relationships are

Which of the following factors have contributed the least to the growth of services in the U.S. economy?

Increased number of high-tech goods

Single-source data

Information provided by a single firm on household demographics, purchases, television viewing behavior, and responses to coupons/free samples -important when gathering long-term information on customers

Hair stylists find it challenging to market their service because the customer must be involved in production (i.e., the haircut). This illustrates which of the following unique features of services?


If a nonsmoker dines in a restaurant without a no-smoking section, then the overall quality of service experienced by the nonsmoking customer probably declines. This is an example of which of the following service characteristics?


The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines

Integrated marketing communications

Internal V. External sources of secondary data

Internal: an organization's own database; sales reports, research reports External: trade associations, periodicals, govt publications, unpublished sources, and online databases (wall street journal, Bloomberg, etc)

If a firm's promotional budget were extremely limited, for which of the following reasons would it be more likely to rely on personal selling as its main promotional tool?

It is easier to measure a salesperson's effects on sales than advertising's effects on sales.

Shopping Products

Items for which buyers are willing to expend considerable effort in planning and making purchases

Industrial distributor

Jeff Wood's company buys machine tools from large producers and sells them to several Midwestern manufacturing companies. The company Jeff works for carries inventories of the tools, which reduces capital requirements for the producers. Jeff's company is an example of a(n) ____ in a distribution channel.

Straight Commission

Jose Suarez has been hired as sales manager at a new firm and is trying to come up with a sales force compensation method. He would like to have selling expenses relate directly to sales resources, an aggressive sales force, and minimization of non-selling tasks. What compensation method(s) would best fulfill his requirements?

Which is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process?

Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness

Personal Selling

Kinesics communication is an element in which type of promotional method?

Which of the following service providers would typically call their customers "clients"?


Which of the following services would a wholesaler least likely provide to a manufacturer?

Look for and coordinate supply sources

Shopping products have a ____ inventory turnover and need ____ distribution outlets than convenience goods.

Lower, fewer

Select the true statement about nonprofit marketing.

Major nonprofit marketers in the United States are social causes and charitable organizations.

Client-based relationships.

Many services base their success on building a group of satisfied customers who use their services on a regular basis over long periods of time. This critical component of success is referred to as

Phase out

Marketers of a particular brand of ice cream have decided to delete their line of ice cream bars. They will do so by letting the product decline and not change the current marketing strategy. This method of deletion is called

Width of Product Mix

Measured by the number of product lines a company offers (Toothpaste, bar soaps, deodorants, shampoos, tissues)

An example of an emerging type of power shopping center might contain

Michael's, Office Depot, T.J. Maxx, and Circuit City.

Assisting the producer's customers in selling to those customers is the major purpose of which type of salesperson?

Missionary salesperson

Aesthetic; Functional

Morgan is interested in upgrading to a new sofa for her apartment. Morgan looks online to see what new models her favorite sofa brand has available and can get information on the style and color; however, she can't actually sit on the sofa to determine its comfort level. Morgan is able to evaluate the ____ modifications to the sofa, but not the ____ modifications.

Which of the following is the most commonly used type of publicity-based public relations tool?

News release

___________ marketing includes activities conducted by individuals and organizations to achieve some goal other than ordinary business goals such as profit.


Which is the most typical distribution channel used in nonprofit organizations?

Nonprofit organization, client

Department stores.

Nordstrom's, Macy's, and JC Penney's are all considered

Cameras, Counting machines, and scanners are used most often in..


Tarzink Yogurt

Of the following choices, which would be the easiest brand name to legally protect?

Money Refunds

Offers consumers a specified amount of money when they mail in a proof of purchase, usually for multiple product purchases

___________ is the value of the benefit that is given up by selecting one alternative rather than another.

Opportunity cost

Which of the following are the three primary tasks of order processing?

Order handling, order entry, order delivery

Which of the following best describes WHOLESALERS?

Organizations or individuals who buy products for resale to government, reseller, producer, and institutional users.

Which of the following best describes wholesalers?

Organizations or individuals who buy products for resale to government, reseller, producer, and institutional users.

Consumer convenience products

Packaging is most important, as a strategic tool, for

The assumption that sales create advertising is a disadvantage of which approach to setting an advertising budget?


Marketers of services must deal with the challenges of balancing supply and demand and planning for peak and off-peak times. What characteristic of services creates these challenges?


Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is:

Personal Selling

High-priced products usually depend heavily on which promotion mix ingredient?

Personal selling

Kinesic communication is an element in which type of promotional method?

Personal selling

Which promotion mix ingredient costs considerably more than advertising to reach just one person but can provide more immediate feedback?

Personal selling

Which promotion mix ingredient costs considerably more than advertising to reach just one person but can provide more immediate feedback?

Personal selling


Photos, drawing, graphs, charts, and tables used to spark audience interest in an advertisement


Physical arrangement of an advertisement's illustration and copy

During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, which type of promotion would a firm focus on?


Rob is working on the promotional plan for a new bicycle helmet that has added technology to sense when a bicycler has fallen and had a head injury. The technology then releases an audible signal that will help others know that there is an injury which needs treatment. This is considered to be a new product that is in the introduction stage of the product life cycle. Which type of promotion should Rob focus on?


Which of the following types of promotion informs potential customers about a product and what it is?


When Blue-ray disc players were first introduced to the market, what would the logical choice for promotion have been?

Pioneer promotion

Which of the following is the best example of a high-contact service?

Plastic surgery

Specialty Products

Posses 1+ unique characteristics and generally buyers are willing to expend considerable effort to obtain them - one of a kind products -buyers plan the purchase; they know what they want and won't accept a substitute

Aided Recall Test

Posttest where respondents are shown a list of products, brands, company names, or trademarks to jog their memories. Then they are asked to identify recent ads

A television advertisement showing the safety features of the Volvo "Cross Country" Wagon would be best classified as which of the following?

Product advertising

Which of the following is not a public relations tool?

Product sample

Introduction Stage

Product's first appearance in the marketplace when sales start at zero and profits are negative (b/c initial revenues are low)

Business Products

Products bought to use in a firm's operations, to resell, or to make other products

Consumer Products

Products purchased to satisfy personal and family needs

Process materials.

Products used directly in the production of a final product but are not easily identifiable are categorized as

Which of the following issues is least important in nonprofit marketing?


Toyota's sponsorship of a major Professional Golf Association tournament would be an example of a(n) _____ tool.

Public Relations

_____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders.

Public relations

_____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders.

Public relations

Unsought Products

Purchased when a sudden problem must be solved, products of which customers are unaware. People do not necessarily think of purchasing ex: Emergency medical services, automobile repair

Late Majority

Quite skeptical of new products but adopt because of economic necessity or social pressure

Communication Channels.

Radio and television signals as well as ink on the paper of a magazine or newspaper are all considered

Sales objectives for individual salespeople can be stated in several ways. Which of the following would least likely be used for stating an individual salesperson's goal?

Ratio of profits relative to number of sales calls

Newspaper ads for Blue Haven Pools offering discounted prices during October are examples of which of the following uses of promotion?

Reducing sales fluctuations

Newspaper ads for Blue Haven Pools offering discounted prices during October are examples of which of the following uses of promotion?

Reducing sales fluctuations


Registration of a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office protects trademarks domestically for ____ years with indefinite renewals.

Which of the following involves building mutually beneficial long-term associations with a customer usually a business customer through regular communications over prolonged periods of time.

Relationship selling

Reminder Advertising

Remind consumers about an established brand's uses, characteristics, and benefits

Experimental Research

Research that allows marketers to make casual inferences about relationships (variable X causes variable Y)

Quota Sampling

Researchers divide the population into groups and then arbitrarily choose participants from each group

Direct selling, direct marketing, and vending machines are all examples of _____.


Encouraging Product Trial

Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a very short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of


Rob is working on the promotional plan for a new bicycle helmet that has added technology to sense when a bicycler has fallen and had a head injury. The technology then releases an audible signal that will help others know that there is an injury which needs treatment. This is considered to be a new product that is in the introduction stage of the product life cycle. Which type of promotion should Rob focus on?

A consumer contest is an example of:

Sales Promotion

Frequently, Burger King restaurants offer 32-ounce glasses depicting currently popular movie characters free with the purchase of a large drink. This example illustrates Burger King's use of which one of the following elements of the promotion mix?

Sales promotion

Frequently, Burger King restaurants offer 32-ounce glasses depicting currently popular movie characters free with the purchase of a large drink. This example illustrates Burger King's use of which one of the following elements of the promotion mix?

Sales promotion

Procter & Gamble periodically sends out coupons and free samples of products like Downy fabric softener. This illustrates P&G's use of which of the following elements of the promotion mix?

Sales promotion

Procter & Gamble periodically sends out coupons and free samples of products like Downy fabric softener. This illustrates P&G's use of which of the following elements of the promotion mix?

Sales promotion

Consumer Sweepstakes

Sales promotion in which entrants submit their names for inclusion in a drawing for prizes

Support Personal

Sales staff members who facilitate selling but usually are not involved solely with making sales -engage primarily in marketing industrial products, locating prospects, educating customers, building goodwill, and providing service after the sale

Order Takers

Salespeople who primarily seek repeated sales, generating the bulk of many firms' total sales


Scenario 11.1 Use the following to answer the questions. Gillette shaving razors were first manufactured in1895. Over the years, Gillette made improvements on their razors offering many "firsts" such as the Mach3, the Sensor, and the Fusion. For many years, women were forced to use razors designed primarily for men, but often marketed to women by offering them in different colors and with minimal modifications. In1998 Gillette developed the Venus razor, based on the Mach3 but made specifically for women. Gillette promoted the Venus razor heavily, with television ads and other forms of media. The Gillette product line, now owned by Procter & Gamble, continues to introduce new versions of the Venus, such as the Venus Embrace, which has additional blades and other modifications. Refer to Scenario 11.1. Tasha is shopping for personal care items at her local Target. She walks by one aisle and sees a floor-standing display for the new Venus Embrace. She hadn't thought about buying a new razor, but the display has caught her attention. Which stage of the product adoption process is Tasha most likely in at the present time?

Idea generation

Scenario 12.2 Use the following to answer the questions. Jonathan Moore, president of Polar Manufacturing Company, has just reviewed the performance reports for the previous year and sees that there are some areas in which the company needs to improve. He specifically feels they could do a better job in managing Polar's product mix. Jonathan calls a meeting of all the managers responsible for each of the product lines that Polar currently manufactures. The group decides that they need to eliminate the complete industrial product line of ice chests, and plan to do so by letting the product decline without any changes in the marketing strategy or product. The group also decides to delete Polar's line of personal thermal underwear, however this product is to be discontinued within the week due to its unprofitability. While discussing these strategies, the group has also uncovered several customer groups for which new products could be developed. The managers decide to assemble a group of people from all functional areas of the company and give them the responsibility for all aspects of the new-product development. Refer to Scenario 12.2. Polar management is currently in which stage of new product development?

Perishability; demand-based pricing

Scenario 13.2 Use the following to answer the questions. Kaycee Petit needed to find a new company to prepare her tax return this year. Kaycee looked in the yellow pages of the phone book, and went on the Internet to find information about any tax preparers in the area. She found the names and numbers of several accountants, as well as the popular HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Since Kaycee had a somewhat complicated financial situation, she decided on using an accountant rather than the two popular companies. Kaycee found the websites of three of the accountants, but the other two were not on the Internet. She visited the offices of the three accounts who had websites. The first office was in a somewhat "seedy" part of town, but had a nice interior and a receptionist. The second office was in a nicer part of town, but did not have any employees other than the accountant, and had old furniture and old carpet. The third office was all around in better condition and Kaycee felt better about its accountant, so she decided on him. Refer to Scenario 13.2. The accountant who Kaycee chose to prepare her taxes will most likely require her to schedule an appointment due to the ____ characteristic of the service. If Kaycee schedules an appointment during the month of February, the accountant will most likely use ____ when charging for the service.

The Customer Contest and the in-store rebate

Scenario 19.2 Use the following to answer the questions. The Presto Company manufactures several types of household appliances, including blenders, waffle makers, and home deep fryers. Presto sells its products to retail stores such as Kohl's, Macy's, and J.C. Penney's, through its own sales force. Kerry Wilson is one of Presto's salespeople, and is responsible for stores headquartered in Region1 of the U.S. Kerry has just come from a monthly meeting where she has been informed about the new stovetop grill that will be part of next season's lineup. Presto's marketing department has developed a promotional plan for the new grill and outlined that plan for the sales staff in the meeting. The promotional plan for the next60 days will include television commercials which demonstrate the new grill, in-store rebates, and a customer contest for the best grilled sandwich recipe. In addition, Kerry and other members of the salesforce will be given a free grill for their own home use so they can become more familiar with the product. Presto is also offering a free trip to New York City for their staff salesperson who has the highest dollar in sales to his or her stores. To encourage the retail stores to push this product, Presto will offer the retail store a $5 discount for each grill that the store purchases after the60-day promotion is over. Refer to Scenario 19.2. Which of the following are consumer sales promotion methods that Presto is using for the new stovetop grill?

Product differentiation

Schwinn has developed a new bicycle that has the strongest and lightest-weight frame of any bicycle outside of those made for racing. In addition, Schwinn has added several new features to its bike that are attractive to individuals who work as "bike messengers" in large, urban cities. Since no other company makes a bike that has these specific attributes, Schwinn is creating

As Stan and Anna Walicki meet with the account representative at Landmark Bank, they are shown a sample of what their monthly statement will look like. Providing such sample documents allows Landmark to add tangibility to which of the following service qualities?



Sebastian, Kevin's sales manager, points out to him that his last shopper in the housewares department didn't seem interested or involved as he explained the new food processor to her. Sebastian suggests that Kevin use a(n) ____ as part of his presentation next time.

Select the true statement regarding nonprofit marketing.

Segmentation techniques used to identify target markets in for-profit businesses are also applicable to reaching nonprofit target markets.


Select Comfort, a producer of adjustable air mattresses, sells most of its products through direct mail sales and on its website. This channel would be classified as

___________ quality is defined as customers' perception of how well a service meets or exceeds their expectations.


What are the three primary ways that marketers deliver services?

Service facilities, customer's home, or from a distance


Services have six basic characteristics: intangibility, inseparability of production and consumption, perishability, client-based relationships, customer contact, and

Sierra is driving to work on I-95 and notices a billboard for new salads at Wendy's. She reads the message and sees the pictures of the new salads. With reference to the communication process, which of the following is true?

Sierra is the receiver and Wendy's is the source of this communication.

The actual ads are shown in the former but not in the latter

Some of the posttest methods for measuring advertising effectiveness are based on how well consumers remember advertising and include (1) recognition tests and (2) recall tests. What is the basic difference between these two approaches?

Media Plan

Specifies the media vehicles to be used (specific magazines, tv stations, newspapers, etc.) and the schedule for running advertisements


Stacey and Evan are preparing budgets for a new product as well as finalizing plans for the full-scale marketing and manufacturing of the new Genie-Vac. They are in the ____ phase of the new-product development process

Which of the following products associated with weddings is most likely to be considered a service?

String quartet music

Which of the following is least likely to be directly involved in actually making sales?

Support salespeople

Which of the following types of salespeople facilitate the selling function but are not involved solely with making sales?

Support salespeople


Taking tasks usually performed by a marketer or researcher and outsourcing them to a crowd or potential market through an open call EX: Procter & Gamble using social networking to solicit new ideas and suggestions straight from consumers when developing new products

In which of the following does the salesperson join with people from the firm's financial, engineering, and other functional areas to engage in the personal selling process?

Team selling

Which of the following is particularly appropriate for pricey high-tech business products, such as jet aircraft and medical equipment?

Team selling

Which of the following is particularly appropriate for pricey high-tech business products, such as jet aircraft and medical equipment?

Team selling

Mandatory labeling requirements

The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act focuses on the voluntary adoption of packaging standards by firms within industries. It also provides enforcement power to the Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration, and establishes


The ability of a product to provide the same level of quality over time is called

$250?$350 billion.

The amount of annual losses companies suffer from counterfeit products is estimated to

Advertising Platform.

The basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is (are) the

Raw Materials

The basic natural materials that actually become part of a physical product (ex: minerals, chemicals, ag products)

Relationship Selling

The building of mutually beneficial long-term associations with a customer through regular communications over prolonged periods of time used in business-to-business marketing - involves finding solutions to customers' needs

Service-dominant products; good-dominant products

The continuum of tangibility goes from ____ on one end to ____ on the other end.

Integrated Marketing Communications.

The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines

In franchising, which of the following is not a benefit that the franchiser gains?

The franchiser gains more control over how the franchisees operate the establishments.


The greatest amount of responsibility for providing customer satisfaction falls on the shoulders of

Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising

The last stage in the development of any advertising campaign is

Which of the following statements applies to media planning?

The message content affects the types of media used for an advertising campaign.

What is an advertising platform most commonly based upon?

The opinions of employees within the firm or the advertising agency


The percentage of consumers in the target audience actually exposed to a particular advertisement in a stated period of time is the definition of

Product Development.

The phase of the new-product development process when the organization determines the technological feasibility of producing the product at a cost that results in a reasonable selling price is

The YMCA in mid-town Atlanta has recently upgraded its facilities, including building a new olympic-sized swimming pool and children's playground. All locations of the Atlanta "Y" are open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm, 360 days a year. The children's playground is accessible for members only, and is a fenced and secured area. During the weekdays, children under the age of 12 can engage in supervised activities at the playground, for no extra fee. Additionally, there are swimming classes for children of all ages, which is also covered by the monthly membership fee. The swimming pool has been very popular with the professionals who stop by for a swimming workout before or after work. Many of the YMCA locations are very busy all year, however, the midtown "Y" is busier during the early morning and early evenings. At a recent meeting, Maya Sinclair, its manager, shared her concerns about getting more people into the "Y" at other times of the day. She asked for ideas from her staff about how to do this. She also said that the city of Atlanta had reduced the "Y"'s funding for the next year by 20%. This would cause a need for the "Y" to either gain additional members or charge more per member for the annual fee. What type of product is the children's playground at the "Y"?

The playground is a consumer service product.

An increase in lost sales.

The result of an inventory stock out usually results in ___.

Companies tend to view promotion from many vantage points. Which of the following alternatives is most accurate?

The role of promotion is to stimulate product demand.

Companies tend to view promotion from many vantage points. Which of the following alternatives is most accurate?

The role of promotion is to stimulate product demand.

Which of the following is not true when making the sales presentation?

The salesperson should focus on anticipating questions and answering them before they're asked.

Universal product code

The series of thick and thin lines that electronically identify many products is called a(n

Which of the following target market characteristics are most important to consider before determining the promotion mix ingredients?

The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics

Which of the following target market characteristics are most important to consider before determining the promotion mix ingredients?

The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics

Creating the advertising message

The step in developing an advertising campaign that directly precedes campaign execution is _____.

Marketing Research

The systematic design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of marketing opportunities

Product Mix

The total group of products that an organization makes available to customers (ex: Procter & Gamble: health-care, beauty-care, laundry, etc.)

Acceptable and desired

The two levels of expectations that consumers generally have about services are


The verbal portion of an advertisement, including headlines, body, and signature, is called the ______.


The weakest level of brand loyalty is brand

Nonprobability Samplying

There is no way to calculate the likelihood that a specific element of the population being studied will be chosen -includes quota


Threatt Production makes low-priced, convenience products that are widely available. It is most likely to focus its promotion efforts on

Maria Martinez works for a cosmetics manufacturer and is responsible for ensuring that retailers have adequate quantities of products when they need them. However, she is directing much of her effort toward helping the retailers promote the products. She would be characterized as belonging to which group of salespeople?

Trade salespeople

Better price; gradually diminishing

Traditionally, the main advantage of a private brand over a manufacturer brand was the ____; now this advantage is _____.

What should marketers do to promote the consistency and reliability of their services most

Train employees and develop standard procedures for dealing with customers

When a salesperson asks the customer to buy the product several times throughout the sales presentation in an effort to uncover hidden objections, it is called..

Trial Closing

A breakfast cereal maker most likely will not use personal selling to promote its product.


A business usually cannot operate at peak efficiency when sales fluctuate significantly.


A communications channel is the vehicle used to transmit the coded message from the source to the receiver.


A promotion mix is a blend of four possible ingredients, which are advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion.


A television advertisement that transmits several types of audio messages and visual materials may be ineffective.


Advertising is a paid form of nonpersonal communication.


Advertising is paid nonpersonal communication transmitted through mass media.


Communication is a sharing of meaning.


Coupons are a form of sales promotion.


Demand for a product category rather than for a specific brand is called primary demand.


Effective promotional programs require management efforts such as planning, organization, implementation, and control.


Firms that link the purchase of their product to philanthropic efforts practice cause-related marketing.


If a company has very limited promotional resources, it is most likely to use mainly personal selling.


If integrated marketing communications works as intended, customers should receive clear and consistent messages.


Interference on one's television set during a commercial is an example of noise.


Marketers usually decrease expenditures in advertising for products in the decline stage.


Measuring the effect of advertising on sales is difficult.


One reason that promotion suffers from widespread criticism is that promotional efforts are highly visible and affect our everyday lives.


Personal selling makes possible immediate feedback from consumers.


Pioneer promotion neither emphasizes brand names nor compares brands.


Product placement is a form of advertising that strategically locates products or product promotions within entertainment media to reach the product's target market(s).


Promotion can assist salespeople in finding likely sales prospects.


Public relations is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between the organizations and its stakeholders.


Rapid feedback enables communicators to quickly improve the effectiveness of their communication.


Selective demand is demand for a certain brand.


Several forms of promotion can be used to complement personal selling efforts.


Signs and symbols that can have more than one meaning should be avoided.


Successful marketers that understand the significance of word-of-mouth communication seek out opinion leaders and try to encourage them to try their products in the hope they will spread favorable word about them.


The capacity of a communication channel is determined by the least efficient component of the communication process.


The geographic distribution of a firm's customers can affect the combination of promotional methods used.


The phrase, purchase products, includes the acceptance of ideas and issues.


The price of a product influences the promotion mix to be used by the producer.


The role of promotion is to communicate.


Today, technology is allowing marketers to be more precise in targeting individual customers.


True/False: A church's marketing objective could be to inform the public about its doctrine and convince people to become members.


True/False: A nonprofit organization may exist in an environment in which its goals are opposed by some members of society.


True/False: Advertisements for services use tangible cues to help customers understand the intangible attributes associated with a particular service.


True/False: Although nonprofit goals differ from for-profit goals, certain business marketing concepts can be adopted to enhance nonprofit operations.


True/False: An advantage of heterogeneity is that services can be customized.


True/False: Because of inseparability of the consumption and production of services, customers are often present when a service is produced.


True/False: Both production and consumption of services occur at the same time.


True/False: Client-based relationships are interactions that result in satisfied customers who repeatedly use a service over time.


True/False: Customer-oriented measures of employee performance may be a better basis of evaluation and rewards.


True/False: Customers are the ultimate judges of good service quality.


True/False: Demand-based pricing means lower prices during times of lower demand and higher prices during times of higher demand.


True/False: Demand-based pricing relies on information concerning peak demand times and off-peak demand times.


True/False: Distribution of services is often more direct, even if the customer must go to the service provider's facilities.


True/False: Financial price an exact dollar amount may or may not be charged for a nonprofit product.


True/False: Goods can be defined in terms of their physical attributes, but services cannot because they are intangible.


True/False: Inseparability also means that customers expect a service to be provided in a certain way by a specific person.


True/False: Intangibility of services creates promotional challenges because it is difficult to display a service in a store and to demonstrate the quality of a service.


True/False: Marketing approaches used by organizations in the for-profit sector are equally applicable to individuals and organizations in the nonprofit sector.


True/False: Marketing as a field of study does not attempt to make value judgments about what a nonprofit organization's goals should be.


True/False: Marketing attempts only to provide a body of knowledge and concepts to help further an organization's goals.


True/False: Most products possess a certain degree of intangibility.


True/False: Nonprofit organizations deal with ideas and services more often than with goods.


True/False: Nonprofit organizations that do not serve and adapt to the needs and wants of their target public may fail.


True/False: Nonprofit organizations usually have more diverse groups to serve than do for-profit organizations.


True/False: One of the best ways to better understand customer needs and expectations is to ask contact employees.


True/False: Personal selling is one noticeable marketing activity used to gain acceptance of a social idea or to solicit donations.


True/False: Sales promotion activities of a nonprofit organization may consist of special events such as fund-raising campaigns, telethons, contests, and entertainment.


True/False: Selecting a convenient location is important to the distribution of a nonprofit service.


True/False: Service providers must adjust their behavior to buyer expectations to improve quality.


True/False: Service providers offering discounts to current customers who refer new customers to them are using existing customers as a part of their service promotion strategies.


True/False: Services are highly perishable and cannot be inventoried for future use.


True/False: Services can involve both human and mechanical efforts.


True/False: Tangible attributes such as color, style, size, feel, or fit that can be evaluated prior to purchase are known as search qualities.


True/False: The U.S. economy is the world's first service economy.


True/False: The ability to customize services to match the specific needs of individual customers is an advantage to service marketers and may lead to standardized packages.


True/False: The concept of opportunity cost is important in determining the price paid by an individual for a nonprofit product.


True/False: The education a student gets is an example of the intangibility of services.


True/False: The goal of building client-based relationships is to satisfy customers so well that they become very loyal and would be unlikely to switch to competitors.


True/False: The intangible nature of services often leads customers to use prices as a measuring tool for quality.


True/False: The marketing mix strategy of a nonprofit organization should be developed to restrict alternatives.


True/False: The response that a nonprofit organization desires from its target market or public may be a change in values, financial contributions, or the donation of services.


True/False: Using promotional efforts that encourage the trial use of some services can be an effective way for customers to assess the quality of the offered service.


True/False: When a customer takes part in the production of a service, other customers can affect the outcome of the service.


When a push policy is used in promotion of a particular product, the producer promotes the product only to the next channel member.


When an individual goes out and buys a product after having seen or read an advertisement for it, feedback is occurring.


When feedback occurs, the source becomes the receiver.


Multiple packaging

Twin-packs and six-packs are examples of

A Buying Allowance.

Tyler is a purchasing agent for Kellogg's. He is currently negotiating with his suppliers to receive a _______, which is a temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing specified quantities of a product.

When deciding on sales promotion methods to employ, marketers take several factors into consideration. Which factor below is unlikely to affect decisions regarding sales promotion methods?

Type of package

Which of the following countries was the world's first service economy?

United States

Process Materials

Used directly in the production of other products but are not readily identifiable (ex: vinegar in salad dressing)


Using appointments or reservations for scheduling delivery of services is an attempt to address the ____ characteristic of services.

Regional Issues

Versions of a magazine that differ across geographic regions

Which of the following is a low-contact service?

Website design


What type of shopping center usually consists of several small convenience and specialty stores?

Ultimate Consumers

What type of shopping center usually consists of several small convenience and specialty stores?


When are marketers least likely to change a product's design, style, or other attributes?

A channel that includes both a manufacturers' agent and an industrial distributor is appropriate under which of the following circumstances?

When the marketer wishes to enter a new geographic market but does not wish to expand the existing sales force

Buyer's intent for using the product

Which of the following is always used to determine the classification of a good?

Calculators bought to help individuals complete their personal federal income tax forms

Which of the following is not a business product?

The salesperson should focus on anticipating questions and answering them before they're asked.

Which of the following is not true when making the sales presentation?

Conveys an overall image of the firm

Which one of the following is not a benefit of multiple packaging?


Which stage in the product life cycle is critical to a product's survival because competitive reactions to the product's success during this period will affect the product's life expectancy?

One company markets such diverse products as Rosarita Mexican foods, Max Factor cosmetics, and Samsonite luggage. These various offerings exhibit this firm's product mix


Why should a benchmark statement be included in advertising objectives?

Without a reference point, it is difficult to determine to what degree objectives have been accomplished.

This type of communication is important in service promotion because of heterogeneity and the intangibility of services.

Word of mouth

Which of the following are personal informal exchanges of communication that customers share with one another about products, brands, and companies?

Word-of-mouth communication

Which of the following are personal informal exchanges of communication that customers share with one another about products, brands, and companies?

Word-of-mouth communication

Parking lot maintenance

Zach has just opened Tri-State Partners and has the need for several business services from other companies. Which of the following is most likely to be considered a service product for Zach's business?

Public relations

____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders.


____ marketing includes activities conducted by individuals and organizations to achieve some goal other than ordinary business goals such as profit.

A paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization and/or its products that is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium is a) advertising. b) public relations. c) sales promotion. d) personal selling. e) campaigning.


A television advertisement showing the safety features of the Volvo "Cross Country" Wagon would be best classified as which of the following? a) Product advertising b) Pioneer advertising c) Defensive advertising d) Societal marketing e) Publicity


A tool that allows an advertiser to compare the costs of several media vehicles within a specific medium relative to the number of persons reached by each vehicle is called a(n) a) cost comparison indicator. b) media comparison selector. c) unit-price selector. d) cost/person index. e) vehicle/price indicator.


Advertising campaign objectives that are aimed at making customers' attitudes more favorable are stated in ________ terms. a) communication b) sales c) demand d) market e) survey


Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called __________ advertising. a) institutional b) product c) organizational d) pioneer e) advocacy


Advertising that focuses on stimulating demand for a product category is called _____ advertising. a) pioneer b) competitive c) institutional d) categorical e) product


Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations are called a) promotion mix ingredients. b) marketing mix components. c) characteristics of a product. d) advertising tools. e) nonpersonal communication.


An advertising campaign is typically developed by an individual or a few persons within the firm, an advertising department within the organization, or a) an advertising agency. b) a group of media specialists. c) a group of multiskilled managers. d) a "special projects" group. e) freelance advertising consultants.


An advertising platform is the a) basic issue or selling point that an advertiser wishes to include in an advertising campaign. b) objective of the advertising campaign, stated in precise and measurable terms. c) form in which the basic issues of the campaign should be presented. d) broad objectives of the advertising campaign. e) consumer advertising research conducted.


An advertising platform should consist of issues that are important to consumers. Selling features should be important to consumers and should be features that a) competitive products lack. b) can be seen easily in a photograph. c) are familiar concepts to those in the target market. d) competitive products have as well. e) are reasonably inexpensive to develop.


Andrea receives an e-mail from her sister-in-law that is actually a recommendation for a website with a demonstration of a new home hair-coloring system. She later discovers that her sister-in-law received a free trial kit for passing Andrea's and four other friends' e-mail addresses along to the marketer. This is known as a) viral marketing. b) buzz marketing. c) guerilla marketing. d) a word-of-mouth pyramid. e) personal advertising.


As Emily Jeffries prepares the script for a radio commercial for her boutique, she is engaging in the _______ stage of the communication process. a) encoding b) sourcing c) decoding d) sending e) receiving


As Oscar Meyer puts together its advertising campaign for the summer, it will need to keep in mind that its desire to use outdoor advertising will have strong effects on its selection of the advertising a) message. b) budget. c) platform. d) audience analysis. e) objectives.


By promoting the fact that "orange juice is not just for breakfast anymore," the Florida Orange Growers Association attempted to stimulate a) primary demand. b) secondary demand. c) competition. d) comparison of orange juices. e) demand elasticity.


Carla is stopped by a researcher at a shopping mall and asked what was last television commercial she remembers seeing was. This is an example of a(n) a) unaided recall test. b) pretest. c) recognition test. d) aided recall test. e) memory test.


Colin McKinney, director of marketing for Greenwald Industrial Products, complains to his advertising director that the continuing slump in orders has apparently been perpetuated by the firm's failure to have the necessary advertising expenditures. Based on this information, Greenwald is most likely using the __________ approach to determine its advertising expenditures. a) percent-of-sales b) objective-and-task c) competition-matching d) arbitrary e) judgmental


Communication can be viewed as a circular process because a) during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver. b) the message goes from encoding by the source to decoding by the receiver. c) during a personal selling situation, both verbal and nonverbal feedback can be very fast and immediate. d) channel capacity is determined by the least efficient component. e) the message goes from person to person.


Dial Soap's advertising slogan "Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did?" exemplifies the use of ___________ advertising. a) reinforcement b) offensive c) comparative d) institutional e) defensive


Domino's is looking into magazine advertising for its pizza. The company wants to reach as many people as possible, but due to budget constraints Domino's must reach consumers as efficiently as possible. What can Domino's use to evaluate various magazines? a) A cost comparison indicator b) The total circulation of the magazines c) A list of the costs of a one-page ad in various magazines d) The advertising appropriations for each magazine e) An index of advertisement exposure


For many consumers, the pages near the back of magazines with dozens of very small black and white advertisements exceed their a) channel capacity. b) threshold of awareness. c) decoding abilities. d) transmission limitations. e) noise limit.


General Mills used a panel of consumers to evaluate its Cheerios campaign featuring children who read the cereal box and try to persuade their parents to watch their cholesterol. These consumers judged the advertisements prior to the execution of the advertising campaign. This is an example of a(n) a) pretest. b) inquiry. c) recognition test. d) recall test. e) posttest.


Head nodding, winking, hand gestures, and arm motions are all forms of _________ communication. a) kinesic b) spacing c) proxemic d) touching e) tactile


Home Depot is interested in knowing how its efforts to act in a socially responsible manner through its Habitat for Humanity and disaster relief efforts have affected stakeholders' views of the company. Home Depot should conduct a(n) a) social audit. b) publicity audit. c) environmental audit. d) communications audit. e) environmental impact study.


If a marketer of a perfume ad develops a commercial involving a man being attracted to a woman who wears a particular perfume, it is attempting to influence one's need for a) love and affection. b) safety. c) self-esteem. d) self-actualization. e) respect from others.


If a pull policy is to be used in promoting a product, the firm a) promotes directly to consumers. b) promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel. c) promotes the product to retail stores only. d) promotes the product to wholesalers only. e) must also use the push policy to be effective.


If promotion does not do its job of stimulating demand, then the a) price of the promoted product is likely to increase. b) price of the promoted product will remain reasonably stable. c) price of the promoted product will decrease. d) cost of promotion will decline. e) cost will remain about the same.


OES Office Systems' use of fax machines to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is which component of the communication process? a) Communication channel b) Decoding process c) Encoding process d) Sharing of meaning e) Noise minimization


Often when a company introduces a new product or line extension, its promotion will focus on _____ in order to initiate the product-adoption process. a) creating awareness b) stimulating demand c) retaining loyal customers d) combating competitive promotional efforts e) identifying prospects


Primary demand is defined as a) demand for a product category. b) demand for a new product. c) consumer awareness of a product category. d) stimulating demand for any products. e) demand for a particular brand.


Reba Vincent is employed as a consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. This illustrates a) personal selling. b) retailing. c) public relations. d) advertising. e) sales promotion.


Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of a) encouraging product trial. b) stimulating demand. c) identifying prospects. d) creating awareness. e) reducing sales fluctuations.


Sierra is driving to work on I-95 and notices a billboard for new salads at Wendy's. She reads the message and sees the pictures of the new salads. In this case, Sierra is the _____ and Wendy's is the _____ of this communication. a) receiver; source b) audience; promoter c) decoder; coder d) communicatee; communicator e) feedback; noise


Slow feedback, high absolute-dollar outlay, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are disadvantages of which promotion mix ingredient? a) Advertising b) Public relations c) Sales management d) Sales promotion e) Personal selling


Some of the posttest methods for measuring advertising effectiveness are based on how well consumers remember advertising and include (1) recognition tests and (2) recall tests. What is the basic difference between these two approaches? a) The actual ads are shown in the former but not in the latter. b) The former method relies on memory alone, and the latter shows the actual ads. c) One uses a consumer jury; the other uses random individuals. d) The respondents are given class clues in the latter but not in the former. e) One is used primarily by the government, and the other is used by private businesses.


Subway decided to run its new commercials several times a day for three weeks and then not at all for two weeks. It will then run the commercials again for three more weeks. Subway is using a _____ schedule for its advertising. a) flighting b) varying c) continuous d) pulsing e) beating


The receiver's response to a message is ___________ for the source. a) feedback b) the communications channel c) noise d) channel capacity e) decoding


The use of a pull policy may require heavy expenditures for a) advertising and sales promotion. b) public relations and distribution. c) personal selling and public relations. d) distribution and advertising. e) sales promotion and personal selling.


To determine how much money to spend on advertising, marketers for a new brand of caffeinated energy drink decided that they wanted the advertising to create awareness of the new flavor in 80 percent of the energy drink market within one month of introduction. The marketers then determined how much it would cost to reach this goal. This is an example of which one of the following approaches to determining advertising budgets? a) Objective-and-task b) Percent of sales c) Competition matching d) Arbitrary allocation e) Past-year comparison


Troy Products Company advertises a specific product heavily, and Carbone Products Company wants to offset the effects of that advertising. In this case, Carbone would most likely employ ___________ advertising. a) competitive b) pioneer c) institutional d) primary e) target


What design element is used to attract attention, communicate an idea quickly, or communicate ideas that are difficult to put into words? a) Illustrations b) Headlines c) Copy d) Layout e) Signature


What is an advertising platform most commonly based upon? a) The opinions of employees within the firm or the advertising agency b) Data collected from past marketing research about the brand c) Customer surveys about what they consider the most important issues d) Retailer information about potential consumers of the product e) The advertising appropriation for that particular ad campaign


What is the overall role of promotion? a) To stimulate product demand b) To identify prospects c) To retain loyal customers d) To encourage product trial e) To reduce sales fluctuations


When Hamburger Helper introduced its Oven Varieties, it gave special offers to supermarkets to purchase the new product and supplemented these offers with consumer advertising. Hamburger Helper's primary objective is to a) facilitate reseller support. b) reduce sales fluctuations. c) combat competitive promotional efforts. d) encourage product trial. e) retain loyal customers.


When McDonald's uses the Monopoly game in which customers receive game pieces with each visit and try to assemble a set of properties to win prizes, McDonald's is utilizing a) sales promotion. b) advertising. c) guerilla marketing. d) personal selling. e) public relations.


When the CEO or chief financial officer of a company states how much the company should spend on advertising for the coming period, the company is using the a) arbitrary approach. b) executive decision process. c) objective-and-task approach. d) percentage-of-sales approach. e) competition-matching approach.


Which of the following industries is most likely to employ combative promotional efforts? a) Fast food b) Computer processors c) Tax-preparation services d) Television producers e) Automotive paints


Which of the following is not an advantage of using publicity-based public relations tools? a) Control by media personnel of the content and timing of messages b) Credibility c) Strong news value d) Follow-up word-of-mouth communications e) A favorable perception of being endorsed by the media


Which of the following is the most commonly used type of publicity-based public relations tool? a) News release b) Captioned photograph c) Feature article d) Press conference e) Letter to the editor


Which of the following is the most important consideration when choosing an event to sponsor? a) Reasonable association between the event and the company's product b) The length of the event c) When the event occurs d) Whether or not the event is a national event e) The specific name of the event


Which of the following target market characteristics are most important to consider before determining the promotion mix ingredients? a) The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics b) The cultural diversity and population size c) The age, sex, religion, and race characteristics d) Existing product adoption categories e) Existing levels of price consciousness


firm can identify changes in public opinion that affect it by conducting a) environmental monitoring. b) consumer polling. c) a consumer jury. d) a communications audit. e) press conferences.


Advertising agencies typically receive

a 15 percent commission paid by the media from which it makes purchases.


a blueprint that combines copy and visual material to show the sequence of major scenes in a commercial -depicts a series of miniature tv screens showing the sequence of major scenes in the commercial


a collection of information arranged for easy access and retrieval -helps making marketing decisions -guide strategic planning and improve customer service


a condition that exists when a research technique produces almost identical results in repeated trials


a consumer receives a specified amount of money for making a single product purchase -generally given on more expensive products

Marketing Information Systems

a framework for managing and structuring information gathered regularly from sources inside and outside the organization -provides a continuous flow of information about prices, ads, sales, competition, and distribution

Greg chooses to have his hunting equipment stored in a location away from the main part of town so that he can have a large parking lot and an outdoor range for customers to test out his merchandise. Greg's store is

a free-standing structure

A Product Line is defined as

a group of closely related products that are considered a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations.


a limited number of units chosen to represent the characteristics of a total population

Merchandise allowance

a manufacturer's agreement to pay resellers certain amounts of money for providing special promotional efforts, such as setting up and maintaining a display

scan-back allowance

a manufacturer's reward to retailers based on the number of pieces scanned

Feature article

a manuscript of up to 3,000 words prepared for a specific publication

Press conference

a meeting used to announce major news events

Consumer Jury

a panel of existing or potential buyers of the advertised product people used in pretest

Alison asks ten of her friends over to her home to learn about exciting new cosmetic products. A salesperson from Angel Products makes a presentation and takes the women's orders. This is an example of

a party plan

Captioned photograph

a photograph with a brief description of its contents

Since Whizz is a new product, which of the following promotional methods would you least recommend?

a price-reduction sales promotion.

Ralph Lauren is planning a promotion where it will showcase all of its clothing lines to buyers at retail stores. It also plans to develop a direct marketing campaign that will use social media to introduce its new seasonal styles. Ralph Lauren is using _____ with the retail showcase.

a push policy

Order Getters

a salesperson who sells to new customers and increases sales to current customers

free sample

a sample of a product given out to encourage trial and purchase

buy-back allowance

a sum of money given to a reseller of each unit bought after an initial promotion deal is over

Buying allowance

a temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing specified quantities of a product

Redbox, ProActiv, and Clinique all sell their products through automatic vending, which is

a type of nonvoter retailing

On-site computer interview

a variation of the shopping mall intercept interview in which respondents complete a self-administered questionnaire displayed on a computer monitor

A general merchandise retailer offers

a variety of product lines that are stocked in depth

The two levels of expectations that consumers generally have about services are

acceptable and desired.

Sales promotion is defined as a(n)

activity used as a direct inducement to resellers, salespeople, or consumers.

Cost efficiency, repetition, and adding product value are all potential benefits of


Kyle is preparing the promotional plan for Jansport backpacks in early May. This promotion will be executed in the month of August and will be a paid form of nonpersonal communication. It will be communicated to a target audience through a mass medium. Kyle is using the _____ form of promotion.


One of the biggest problems associated with ___________ as an element of promotion is the high absolute dollar outlay often required.


One of the biggest problems associated with ___________ as an element of promotion is the high absolute dollar outlay often required.


The use of a pull policy may require heavy expenditures for

advertising and sales promotion.

The total amount of money a marketer allocates for advertising for a specific time period is the

advertising appropriation.

The basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is (are) the

advertising platform.

A paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization and/or its products that is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium is


A paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization and/or its products that is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium is


Cost efficiency, repetition, and adding product value are all potential benefits of


When a company promotes its position on a public issue, this is specifically referred to as ______ advertising.


When Anheuser-Busch ran an advertising campaign featuring the slogan, "Know when to say when," it was using

advocacy advertising.

In establishing sales promotion objectives, a marketer should always

align objectives with the organization's overall objectives.


all the elements, units, or individuals of interest to researchers for a specific study

Cents-off Offers

allows buyers to pay less than the regular price and encourages purchase

Sales promotion

an activity and/or material intended to induce resellers or salespeople to sell a product or consumers to buy it -includes all promotional activities and materials other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations

Dealer Listing

an advertisement that promotes a product and identifies the names of participating retailers that sell the product

An advertising campaign is typically developed by an individual or a few persons within the firm, an advertising department within the organization, or

an advertising agency.

Cooperative Advertising

an arrangement in which a manufacturer agrees to pay a certain amount of a retailer's media cost for advertising the manufacture's products

Dell Computers is a nationally recognized manufacturer of computers for the small business and home markets. If Dell were to order one of its wholesalers not to carry any computer products other than those made by Dell, this arrangement would be known as:

an exclusive dealing.


an informed guess or assumption about a certain problem or set of circumstances


an item offered free or at a minimal cost as a bonus for purchasing a product

Effective motivation of a sales force is best achieved through

an organized set of activities performed continuously.

Research Design

an overall plan for obtaining the information needed to address a research problem or issue

All of the following are examples of publicity-based public relations tools except

annual reports.

All of the following are examples of publicity-based public relations tools except:

annual reports.

According to the text, a PRODUCT is defined as

anything the customer receives in an exchange.

Creating a favorable impression and developing rapport with prospective customers is a critical part of the _____ step of personal selling.


Rick has reviewed a prospect's account and credit history, identified product needs, and gathered the appropriate literature. He feels he is ready for the ____ step of the personal selling process.


Some critics, including consumer groups and government officials, suggest that certain products should not be promoted because they

are potentially harmful.

Some critics, including consumer groups and government officials, suggest that certain products should not be promoted because they

are potentially harmful.

Competitive Advertising

attempts to stimulate demand for a specific brand by promoting the brand's features, uses and advantages, through indirect or direct comparisons with competing brands

A consumer contest is an example of a) personal selling. b) sales promotion. c) advertising. d) indirect selling. e) public relations.


A consumer jury is a a) group of consumers who have purchased the product before that evaluate its effectiveness. b) panel of potential buyers of the advertised product brought together to pretest an advertising message. c) panel of buyers who review and evaluate an advertising message after it has been circulated in certain regions. d) group of consumers who determine whether or not other consumers have been treated fairly by companies. e) panel of consumer experts who rank the effectiveness of advertisements.


A list of the exact magazines, newspapers, and television stations in which an advertisement will appear, along with the dates and times, is a(n) a) advertising plan. b) media plan. c) advertising message. d) advertising appropriation. e) media platform.


A person, group, or organization that has a meaning it intends and attempts to share with a receiver or an audience is a a) communications channel. b) source. c) relay channel. d) decoder. e) sender.


Advertising appropriations are largest for which type of product? a) Business products b) Convenience goods c) High-priced products d) Specialty goods e) Infrequently purchased goods


Advertising that lets consumers know that an established brand still offers certain uses, characteristics, and advantages is _____ advertising. a) repetitive b) reminder c) pioneer d) competitive e) reinforcement


After developing the budget for advertising GEO automobiles, marketing managers at General Motors then determined what proportion of that budget would be spent on magazine, television, and radio advertisements based on the cost effectiveness of each. This subsequent allocation of the budget is known as a(n) _________ plan. a) advertisement-allocation b) media c) arbitrary allocation d) objective-and-task e) percent-of-sales


Artwork, a major part of most advertisements, consists of the a) illustration and the signature. b) illustration and the layout. c) illustration and type of print used in the headlines. d) layout and the signature. e) method by which all the components are put together.


Blockbuster offers its customers a Blockbuster Rewards Card that allows them to rent every sixth movie free and provides various discounts throughout the year. The primary promotional objective of programs such as this is a) encouraging product trial. b) retaining existing customers. c) stimulating demand. d) combating competitive promotional offers. e) reducing sales fluctuations.


Brandon walks around behind purchasing agent Shannon Wise as she looks at the pamphlet describing Hyster's new conveyer system. Shannon stands up and walks to a table on the other side of her office. Brandon follows, but he does not understand the ___________ communication Shannon is sending. a) tactile b) proxemic c) kinesic d) verbal e) promotional


Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are most likely to be a) market leaders. b) brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders. c) primarily services rather than tangible goods. d) attempting to compete on a nonprice basis. e) competing in a less competitive market.


Channel capacity is determined by the a) most efficient component of the communication process. b) least efficient component of the communication process. c) source. d) receiver. e) meanings of the message.


Chelsea Collins walks her client, Kaptain Korn president Steve Gonski, through her agency's proposed television campaign for the product's introduction. In doing so, she moves from square to square on the a) copy. b) storyboard. c) illustrations chart. d) artwork. e) media plan.


Coors advertises that its beer is the only one that is kept cold from the brewery to the store. This type of advertising is called a) pioneer. b) competitive. c) comparative. d) defensive. e) institutional.


Cost efficiency, repetition, and adding product value are all potential benefits of a) public relations. b) advertising. c) personal selling. d) promotion. e) guerilla marketing.


During the decoding process, the a) intensity of the transmission becomes stronger. b) receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas. c) source attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas. d) source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols that represent ideas or concepts. e) receiver filters noise from the feedback.


Effective management of integrated marketing communications is based upon a) consumer attitudes towards promotion. b) information about customers. c) the communication process model. d) budgetary allowances. e) the firm's organizational structure.


Frederick Griffith of Griffith's department stores tells his marketing director that he is tired of the constant price-centered advertising by the firm's agency. "We have the best customer service in town, and I feel that is what we should be hanging our hats on," he states. This statement is most appropriate for use in which of the following stages of campaign development? a) Determining the appropriations b) Creating the platform c) Identifying the target d) Defining objectives e) Developing the media plan


High-priced products usually depend heavily on which promotion mix ingredient? a) Advertising b) Personal selling c) Public relations d) Sales promotion e) Telemarketing


Hunt's decided to put a much larger share of its promotion budget into ___________ because of the heavy reliance it will be placing on coupons in the second quarter. a) advertising b) sales promotion c) public relations d) telemarketing e) personal selling


If a company calls a meeting to announce a major news event, this is known as a a) media call. b) press conference. c) news release. d) press release. e) public service announcement.


If a manufacturer decides to use a push policy to promote its products, it is most likely to focus its efforts on a) retailers. b) wholesalers. c) ultimate consumers. d) other producers. e) institutional users.


If the push policy is used in promoting a product, the firm a) promotes directly to consumers. b) promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel. c) promotes the product to wholesalers only. d) promotes the product to retailers only. e) will be assured of having an effective promotional mix.


In one corner of its magazine advertisement for office copiers, Epson places a small box asking for the names and addresses of individuals or companies seeking more information. Epson has included this box to facilitate ___________ for this communication. a) decoding b) feedback c) encoding d) perceptual attention e) noise reduction


Marketers of highly seasonal products tend to have more irregular use of a) advertising. b) sales promotion. c) public relations. d) personal selling. e) marketing.


One of the biggest problems associated with ___________ as an element of promotion is the high absolute dollar outlay often required. a) personal selling b) advertising c) public relations d) sales promotion e) packaging


Promotion can help keep prices lower because a) demand for the product does not increase. b) promotion of prices intensifies price competition. c) promotion of prices leads to nonprice competition. d) promotion tends to reduce consumers' price sensitivity. e) promotion tends to stabilize a product's price elasticity of demand.


Promotion tends to a) create needs. b) capitalize on existing needs. c) be overly focused on the self-actualization needs. d) overemphasize physiological and safety needs. e) avoid focusing on people's needs.


Promotional efforts designed to reduce the risk to consumers for using a product for the first time seek to a) stimulate demand. b) encourage product trial. c) create awareness. d) combat competitive promotional efforts. e) retain loyal customers.


Public relations a) should be used mostly to counteract any competitive promotions or negative publicity. b) is an element of promotion that should be handled on a continuous basis. c) should be used solely to respond to emergencies that could significantly damage the company's reputation. d) is paid communication that helps enhance a company's image by highlighting its philanthropic efforts. e) is generally not given much weight because the information is generated by the company itself.


Recognition and recall tests are posttest methods based on a) mail surveys. b) memory. c) inquiries. d) preferences. e) in-depth interviews.


Selective demand is demand for a a) general type of product. b) particular brand. c) new product. d) competitor's product. e) service.


Sweepstakes, free samples, coupons, and rebates are examples of a) advertising. b) sales promotion techniques. c) publicity. d) personal selling techniques. e) packaging methods.


The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines a) communication. b) integrated marketing communications. c) tactile communication. d) kinesic communication. e) proxemic communication.


The cost per thousand (CPM) indicator shows a) the cost to expose 1,000 people to a television commercial. b) the cost to expose 1,000 people to a one-page magazine advertisement. c) the return on investment marketers get for their advertising dollar. d) the cost to expose a million people to any type of advertisement. e) how one media source compares to a different source for reaching target markets.


The identification of an advertisement's sponsor is the a) copy. b) signature. c) trademark. d) layout. e) subheadline.


The individual or group that decodes a coded message is called a a) sender. b) receiver. c) source. d) decoder. e) receptor.


The message that a source originally encodes and the meaning a receiver ultimately decodes a) contain circular feedback. b) may be different because of noise. c) are usually exactly the same. d) rarely are similar because of feedback. e) are collectively termed the communications channel.


The total amount of money a marketer allocates for advertising for a specific time period is the a) marketing budget. b) advertising appropriation. c) objective-and-task approach. d) promotion grant. e) finances for advertising


The two major types of product advertising are a) institutional and advocacy. b) pioneer and competitive. c) competitive and comparative. d) advocacy and competitive. e) informative and comparative.


The use of heavy advertising in the promotion mix is least likely to occur in which product life cycle stage? a) Introduction b) Decline c) Maturity d) Growth e) Plateau


The verbal portion of an advertisement, including headlines, body, and signature, is called the a) artwork. b) copy. c) storyboard. d) layout. e) script.


Toyota's sponsorship of a major Professional Golf Association tournament would be an example of a(n) ______ tool. a) advertising b) public relations c) sales promotion d) publicity e) personal selling


When Blue-ray disc players were first introduced to the market, what would the logical choice for promotion have been? a) Selective demand b) Pioneer promotion c) Comparative promotion d) Primary demand promotion e) Retention promotion


When a source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols representing ideas or concept, the source is undergoing a) communication. b) the coding process. c) the decoding process. d) the conversion process. e) communications channel.


When an organization uses an advertising agency, who usually develops the advertising campaign? a) The agency's specialists b) The firm and the agency working jointly c) The agency suggests ideas and the firm chooses among them d) The advertising department within an organization e) An individual or a few persons within the firm


When individuals' behaviors are tracked from television sets to checkout counters using equipment provided by the marketer, this is known as a) family behavior recording. b) single-source data. c) individual consumer jury. d) advertisement exposure data. e) detailed market research.


Which of the following are personal informal exchanges of communication that customers share with one another about products, brands, and companies? a) Guerilla communication b) Word-of-mouth communication c) Buzz marketing d) Viral marketing e) Conversational promotion


Which of the following lists forms of competitive advertising? a) Pioneer, comparative, reminder b) Reminder, repetitive, reinforcement c) Comparative, reminder, reinforcement d) Institutional, product, comparative e) Product, pioneer, reminder


Which of the following statements applies to media planning? a) Characteristics of the product are the most important consideration in selecting the media for a campaign. b) The message content affects the types of media used for an advertising campaign. c) The location of the advertising target is irrelevant in media planning. d) Total media dollars spent on advertising have decreased over the last 30 years. e) Regardless of the message to be conveyed, newspapers are one medium that is appropriate for almost any circumstances.


Why is the headline of a print advertisement such a critical component of the copy? a) It determines the final layout design. b) It is often the only part of the advertisement that is read. c) It takes up the most space. d) It links the copy to the signature. e) It links the artwork to the signature.


___________ is communication in news story form about an organization or its products that is transmitted through a mass medium at no charge. a) Advertising b) Publicity c) Public relations d) Sales promotion e) Personal selling


___________ links the purchase of an organization's products to support of philanthropic organizations favored by the target market. a) Promotion b) Cause-related marketing c) Charity-related promotion d) Selective demand promotion e) Charitable nonprofit marketing


An advertising platform is the

basic issue or selling point that an advertiser wishes to include in an advertising campaign.

Advertising Platform

basic issues or selling points to be included in an advertising campaign

Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are most likely to be _____.

brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders

Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are most likely to be

brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders.

Chandra has extensive contacts in the real estate business and brings together buyers and sellers. Although she assumes no risks, she can offer specialized knowledge about real estate. Chandra is a


Karen has been a buyer for Ocean Mist, a large cranberry processor, for several years. Believing that she knows a great deal about cranberries, their growers, and processors, she decides to go into business for herself. Karen wants to assume no risks of spoilage or price fluctuations. She sees herself as simply bringing the growers and processors together. Her new company would be a


Objective-and-task Approach

budgeting for an advertising campaign by first determining its objectives and then calculating the cost of all the tasks needed to attain them

Products are classified as being business or consumer products according to the..

buyer's intended use of products

An attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-of-mouth communication is called

buzz marketing.

An attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-of-mouth communication is called

buzz marketing.

An attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-of-mouth communication is called:

buzz marketing.

Toyota's act of giving the opinion leaders a new vehicle for two weeks is best described as an example of

buzz marketing.

38. After the target audience for an advertising campaign has been identified and analyzed, marketers should then proceed by a) creating the advertising platform. b) determining the financial resources available. c) defining the advertising objectives. d) developing a media plan. e) creating an advertising message.


A commercial for a weight-loss program that explains that the customer pays only one dollar for every pound he or she wants to lose but specifies in fine print that the cost of meals is extra exemplifies ____________ advertising. a) unfair b) illegal c) deceptive d) push e) pull


A common form of tactile communication in U.S. business activities is a) hugging. b) kissing. c) handshaking. d) eye contact. e) head nodding.


A major benefit of using event sponsorship is that it a) enhances personal selling efforts. b) provides excellent support for advertisements. c) can provide large amounts of free media coverage. d) is cost-free. e) neutralizes the effects of unfavorable public relations.


An ad's ___________ is designed to attract readers' attention and develop interest so that they will read the entire advertisement. a) signature b) layout c) headline d) artwork e) subheadline


An advertisement from a ski lodge extolling the benefits of a summer getaway in the mountains uses promotion to a) combat competitive promotional efforts. b) stimulate demand. c) reduce sales fluctuations. d) encourage product trial. e) retain loyal customers.


An attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product through word-of-mouth communication is called a) guerilla marketing. b) viral marketing. c) buzz marketing. d) personal publicity. e) conversational promotion.


As their meeting concludes, Jamal rises and thanks Gina for taking the time to come by and explain her firm's new line of industrial fasteners. A(n) ___________, which is a form of tactile communication, concludes the session. a) smile b) walk to the door c) handshake d) exchange of business cards e) pleasant good-bye


As they walk to the car, Erin Brandeis tells her sales representative, Joachin Perez, that they may need to modify the price structure they just presented to the prospect. Erin bases her statement on the way the prospect folded his arms when Joachin quoted him the prices on the new system. Joachin says he didn't notice. Erin recommends a book on ___________ communication to Joachin. a) tactile b) proxemic c) kinesic d) verbal e) signal


Before launching a new advertising campaign, marketers for Healthy Choice frozen dinners must determine the selling points that they want to include in the advertisements. The identification and organization of these selling points is called the a) advertising appropriation. b) objective-and-task approach. c) advertising platform. d) advertising objective. e) advertising budget.


Bowflex uses infommercials to demonstrate its fitness products and encourage customers to call and receive a free video with more information about its products. This promotional effort is directed at a) creating awareness. b) encouraging product trial. c) identifying prospects. d) stimulating demand. e) retaining loyal customers


Brian and Tiffany are discussing the media plan for the opening of their new bar/laundromat called Soap and Suds. He tells her that while he agrees that __________ has tremendous impact, he does not feel that the upfront costs for such a campaign are in the modest budget that presently exists. a) radio b) outdoor c) television d) direct mail


Chris sees a television commercial for Arby's promoting its roast beef sandwiches at 5 for $5.95. Later that day he goes to the nearest Arby's for a roast beef feast, but is told that the special offer is not available at that location. Arby's seems to lack a) communication. b) promotional efforts. c) integrated marketing communications. d) channel capacity. e) coordinated awareness.


Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of a) the vice president of sales. b) manipulation. c) promotion. d) information. e) sales promotion.


Companies tend to view promotion from many vantage points. Which of the following alternatives is most accurate? a) Promotion costs cause product costs to be higher. b) Promotion activities make up the bulk of marketing. c) The role of promotion is to stimulate product demand. d) Promotion should be directed toward numerous audiences. e) Most promotional efforts are performed through advertising.


Darcy presents an identification card at the supermarket checkout and has a microcomputer attached to her TV. Information from both of these is sent to a research facility. Darcy is providing a) family behavior recording. b) individual consumer jury. c) single-source data. d) advertisement exposure data. e) detailed market research.


During a one-minute television ad for Nike, the National Weather Service interrupts to announce a flash flood warning for surrounding counties. Such an occurrence is an example of ___________ in the communication process. a) encoding b) bad luck c) noise d) deflected transmission e) poor implementation


During the duration of an advertising campaign, Verizon Wireless ran television advertisements at a steady rate throughout the week and intensified its message with newspaper advertising in many major newspapers in the Sunday paper. Verizon Wireless used a(n)______ media schedule. a) flighting b) continuous c) pulsing d) alternating e) multimedia


Frequently, Burger King restaurants offer 32-ounce glasses depicting currently popular movie characters free with the purchase of a large drink. This example illustrates Burger King's use of which one of the following elements of the promotion mix? a) Packaging b) Personal selling c) Sales promotion d) Public relations e) Telemarketing


If a consumer is shown a particular advertisement and asked if she has seen it before, a(n) _____ is being performed. a) pretest b) consumer jury test c) recognition test d) unaided recall test e) aided recall test


If children and teenagers are insisting on wearing expensive name-brand apparel, a criticism of promotion can be made that promotion a) forces people to spend too much. b) forces prices to go up. c) encourages materialism. d) creates needs. e) can be harmful.


In many instances the most appropriate way for a firm to cope with an event that leads to negative public relations is to a) discourage news coverage of the event. b) deny that the event occurred. c) facilitate news coverage of the event. d) hire a public relations firm. e) refrain from publicity that reports the event.


Kinesic communication is an element in which type of promotional method? a) Advertising b) Public relations c) Personal selling d) Packaging e) Sales promotion


Matt was in a group considered to be actual or potential purchasers of a new mountain bike produced by Specialized. He and the other consumers were shown three different advertisements and asked to judge several dimensions of each one. Matt participated in a(n) a) posttest consumer group. b) panel of advertising experts. c) consumer jury. d) customer ad panel. e) ad preview group.


Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is a) personal promotion. b) advertising. c) personal selling. d) public relations. e) individual promotion.


Procter & Gamble periodically sends out coupons and free samples of products like Downy fabric softener. This illustrates P&G's use of which of the following elements of the promotion mix? a) Advertising b) Personal selling c) Sales promotion d) Public relations e) Telemarketing


Rachel is considering advertising her new restaurant on the radio to attract more customers. She knows that in order to attract listeners' attention on the radio it will be important for her to a) use a high level of repetition. b) buy a really long time slot to get all the information in. c) be both informal and conversational in tone. d) use a quick speaker to attract attention to the commercial. e) say the restaurant's name and location three separate times.


Soft drink companies advertise that their products beat the competition in national "taste tests," and they refer to the rival brands by name. This type of advertising is best described as a) pioneer. b) competitive. c) comparative. d) defensive. e) selective.


Some critics, including consumer groups and government officials, suggest that certain products should not be promoted because they a) cost too much. b) are illegal. c) are potentially harmful. d) do not last. e) are not competitive.


Sonya is watching the six o'clock news as she prepares dinner. As commercial breaks come on, Sonya's dinner preparation would be considered a) a communication inhibitor. b) feedback. c) noise. d) decoding blocker. e) interference.


The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of a) shared symbols. b) targeted customers. c) communication channel. d) decoded meanings. e) noise minimizers.


The advertising department for the Pennzoil Corporation is working on a print advertisement for a new product. At this point, the layout contains a phrase to attract attention, an additional phrase to provide an explanation, an illustration to show the product, and a paragraph to explain the advantages and benefits of the product. What other important element should be included? a) Headline b) Subheadline c) Signature d) Artwork e) Body copy


The cost of _____ is usually substantially lower than the cost of _____. a) stimulating primary demand; stimulating selective demand b) identifying prospects; encouraging product trial c) retaining existing customers; acquiring new customers d) comparative advertising; pioneer promotion e) personal selling; public relations


The first stage in the development of any advertising campaign is a) creating the message. b) setting the budget. c) identifying the advertising target audience. d) defining the advertising objectives. e) creating the advertising platform.


The maker of Huggies diapers is developing a media plan that involves trying to expose its target audience to its new advertisement about ten times. This is advertising a) reach. b) repetition. c) frequency. d) targeting. e) exposure.


The most effective method of determining platform issues is to use a survey of a) personnel within the firm. b) individuals at the advertising agency. c) customers. d) marketers in the industry. e) advertising experts.


The percentage of consumers in the target audience actually exposed to a particular advertisement in a stated period of time is the definition of a) frequency. b) exposure. c) reach. d) targeting. e) push.


The public relations department at Lowe's Home Improvement submits one page of typewritten copy to national newspapers and news web sites to announce its one-day, nationwide clean-up-local-parks event. This is an example of a a) feature article. b) public update. c) news release. d) media bulletin. e) publicity stunt.


The target audience for an advertising campaign is the a) information base on which to develop the campaign. b) geographic distribution of persons. c) people toward whom the advertisements are directed. d) overall goal of the advertising campaign. e) sales objective to be achieved by the campaign.


What type of advertising points out a brand's features and advantages that fit consumers but may not be available in other brands? a) Reminder b) Reinforcement c) Competitive d) Defensive e) Institutional


When a company promotes its position on a public issue, this is specifically referred to as ______ advertising. a) institutional b) product c) advocacy d) issue e) competitive


When a marketer makes an effort in promotion to point out the strengths and benefits of a specific brand, it is an attempt to build _________ demand. a) primary b) secondary c) selective d) economic e) competitive


When developing an advertising campaign, benchmarks need to be included in the a) campaign platform. b) evaluation of the advertising effectiveness. c) statement of advertising objectives. d) media plan. e) budget.


Which is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process? a) Sarah drives through a tunnel, and her radio signals become very weak. b) Maria has been studying English for two years and does not understand the symbolism being used in a commercial. c) Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness. d) Because of poor printing, Claire cannot read an advertisement in her local newspaper. e) A mother fails to hear a new commercial for diapers because her new baby is crying.


____ provide businesses with copywriters, artists, production coordinators, media experts, researchers, and other highly skilled specialists. a) Public relation firms b) Media companies c) Advertising agencies d) Production companies e) Promotion experts


Promotion tends to

capitalize on existing needs.

Michael's, PetSmart, and Staples are all examples of

category killers

Although a radio announcer can read several hundred words a minute, a one-minute advertising message should not exceed 150 words because most announcers cannot articulate words into understandable messages at faster rates. This illustrates the ___________ consideration in effective communication

channel capacity

Claire Nevsky is in charge of advertising for her company and has produced a 30-second television spot to promote one of the company's new products. One of her assistants just out of college believes that the commercial has too much visual and audio information packed into such a small amount of time. The assistant is specifically concerned about limits in the receiver's

channel capacity.

Each communication channel has a limit on the volume of information it can handle effectively. This limit is called

channel capacity.

For many consumers, the pages near the back of magazines with dozens of very small black and white advertisements exceed their

channel capacity.

According to the text, the direct consumers of a nonprofit organization's ideas or services are called its _________ public.


The main characteristic of a ___________ is that customers are satisfied to the point that they use a service repeatedly over a period of time.

client-based relationship

Many services base their success on building a group of satisfied customers who use their services on a regular basis over long periods of time. This critical component of success is referred to as

client-based relationships.

A university's student body would be considered its ___________ public, and parents, alumni, and trustees would be included as its ___________ public.

client; general

The _____ stage of the personal selling process is when the salesperson asks the prospect to buy the product.


Stacey's client group has been gradually shrinking and she is looking for new prospective clients. She has decided to spend a couple of days approaching potential customers without any prior consent. Stacey's method of approach is known as

cold canvass.

telephone depth interview

combines the traditional focus group's ability to probe with the confidentiality provided by telephone surveys

Advertising campaign objectives that are aimed at making customers' attitudes more favorable are stated in ________ terms.


H&M, a clothing company, communicates to its target customers by advertising in magazines, offering clothing information on its website, creating a periodic online newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter. These vehicles through which the coded message is transmitted from the source, H&M, to the receiver, the prospective customer, is called a(n)

communication channel

OES Office Systems' use of fax machines to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is which component of the communication process?

communication channel

The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of

communication channel

The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of:

communication channel

The vehicle through which the coded message is transmitted from the source to the receiver is called a(n)

communication channel

Radio and television signals as well as ink on the paper of a magazine or newspaper are all considered

communication channels

A content analysis of an organization's messages, readability studies, and readership surveys are all tools used to conduct a..

communication's audit

The basic function of promotion is


A content analysis of an organization's messages, readability studies, and readership surveys are all tools used to conduct a(n)

communications audit.

Tercile Products Company advertises a specific product heavily, and Carbone Products Company wants to offset the effects of that advertising. In this case, Carbone would most likely employ _____ advertising.


An advertising platform should consist of issues that are important to consumers. Selling features should be important to consumers and should be features that

competitive products lack.

Coors advertises that its beer is the only one that is kept cold from the brewery to the store. This type of advertising is called


Matt was in a group considered to be actual or potential purchasers of a new mountain bike produced by Specialized. He and the other consumers were shown three different advertisements and asked to judge several dimensions of each one. Matt participated in a

consumer jury

The intangibility aspect of a service means that

consumers may have a problem evaluating service offerings.

A small self-service store that is open long hours and carries a narrow product assortment in convenient locations is best described as a

convenience store

Which of the following was developed in 1927 to supply milk, eggs, and other products for customers replenishing their ice boxes?

convenience stores

All of the following are key areas of sales force management except

coordinating sales promotion efforts.

The verbal portion of an advertisement, including headlines, body, and signature, is called the


A first class airline ticket offers a ____ service of transportation as well as _______ services of drink and food service, special boarding rights, and extra customer service.

core; supplementary

The Limited, which produces and retails clothing products in a coordinated channel, is an example of a(n):

corporate vertical marketing system

As a famous food products brand tries to decide how to introduce its new line of breakfast bars, it considers all the advantages and disadvantages of the various consumer sales promotion methods. After careful consideration, the brand decides to use _____, which are the most widely used form of consumer sales promotion


Often when a company introduces a new product or line extension, its promotion will focus on _____ in order to initiate the product-adoption process

creating awareness

Customer density and distribution are important factors in

creating sales territories.

The step in developing an advertising campaign that directly precedes campaign execution is

creating the advertising message.

Dentists find it difficult to attract customers because many customers cannot distinguish whether or not the product offered is beneficial. This aspect of the dentist's product is called ___________ quality.


Services have three evaluation attributes: search qualities, experience qualities, and ___________ qualities.


Kaycee Petit needed to find a new company to prepare her tax return this year. Kaycee looked in the yellow pages of the phone book, and went on the Internet to find information about any tax preparers in the area. She found the names and numbers of several accountants, as well as the popular HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Since Kaycee had a somewhat complicated financial situation, she decided on using an accountant rather than the two popular companies. Kaycee found the websites of three of the accountants, but the other two were not on the Internet. She visited the offices of the three accounts who had websites. The first office was in a somewhat "seedy" part of town, but had a nice interior and a receptionist. The second office was in a nicer part of town, but did not have any employees other than the accountant, and had old furniture and old carpet. The third office was all around in better condition and Kaycee felt better about its accountant, so she decided on him. When using an accountant to prepare her tax return, Kaycee really can't determine the level of the accountant's expertise, or whether the accountant actually determined the absolute highest dollar amount Kaycee could have legally received. This is an example of the _________ of a service.

credence qualities

A small private college in Tennessee paid a large sum of money to a marketing firm to study the college's current marketing strategy and help develop new strategies for attracting students. The college is having a difficult time evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing firm's work because this type of service has many

credence qualities.

Many services have aspects that consumers may never be able to evaluate, even years after the purchase and consumption of the service. These attributes are called

credence qualities.

The most common sales force evaluation practices are for sales managers to compare a salesperson's performance with other salespeople operating under similar selling conditions, or to compare

current performance with past performance.

Order-getting activities are divided into two categories:

current-customer sales and new-business sales.

By installing ATMs, banks have increased production capacity and reduced the number of personnel. This results in a decrease in

customer contact.

The level of interaction necessary between a customer and service provider in order to complete a service is called

customer contact.

The necessary interaction between service provider and customer that allows a service to be delivered is called

customer contact.

Any human or mechanical effort that adds value to a product is called

customer service.

The most effective method of determining platform issues is to use a survey of


The heterogeneity characteristic of services provides marketers with tremendous opportunity to

customize their services to meet unique individual needs.

When better market conditions prevail or when company growth occurs, a company may suffer if it

cut back the size of its sales force.

A content analysis of an organization's messages, readability studies, and readership surveys are all tools used to conduct a(n) a) consumer survey. b) public relations audit. c) environmental audit. d) communications audit. e) social audit.


A marketer that wanted to include detailed information in advertisements would most likely use a) radio. b) television. c) outdoor displays. d) magazines. e) mass transit.


A schedule in which advertisements run for set periods of time, alternating with periods in which no ads run is known as a) continuous. b) skipping. c) pulsing. d) flighting. e) intervals.


A single page of typewritten copy that has 300 words or less and describes a company event or product is called a a) press story. b) feature article. c) captioned paragraph. d) news release. e) publicity bulletin.


After the advertising budget is determined, the next step in creating an advertising campaign is a) creating the advertising message. b) creating the advertising platform. c) evaluating the advertising objectives. d) executing the campaign. e) developing the media plan.


All of the following are examples of publicity-based public relations tools except a) press conferences. b) feature articles. c) news releases. d) annual reports. e) news stories.


An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is a) advertising. b) personal selling. c) public relations. d) sales promotion. e) packaging.


An ad for a multivitamin that claims, "We still bring you everything you need to get through your day in one vitamin," would most likely be considered ______ advertising. a) reinforcement b) competitive c) comparative d) reminder e) institutional


An evaluation performed before an advertising campaign begins is a a) consumer exam. b) posttest. c) recognition test. d) pretest. e) recall test.


Belinda works for Burger King and her responsibilities include maintaining favorable relationships between the organization and its stakeholders. Belinda works in a) sales. b) advertising. c) human resources. d) public relations. e) imaging.


Claire Nevsky is in charge of advertising for her company and has produced a 30-second television spot to promote one of the company's new products. One of her assistants just out of college believes that the commercial has too much visual and audio information packed into such a small amount of time. The assistant is specifically concerned about limits in the receiver's a) noise. b) coding process. c) encoding. d) channel capacity. e) feedback.


Cooperative advertising efforts between manufacturers and retailers demonstrate the promotional objective of a) stimulating demand. b) reducing sales fluctuations. c) combating competitive promotional efforts. d) facilitating reseller support. e) retaining loyal customers.


During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, which type of promotion would a firm focus on? a) Reminder b) Competitive c) Comparative d) Pioneer e) Repetitive


First Union Bank airs a series of radio ads that claim, "We are the friendly bank." This campaign would best be described as __________ advertising. a) pioneer b) target c) product d) institutional e) comparative


Generally, promotion mixes for companies with extremely limited promotional budgets tend to concentrate on a) advertising. b) publicity. c) sales promotions. d) personal selling. e) distributor incentives.


If a firm's promotional budget were extremely limited, for which of the following reasons would it be more likely to rely on personal selling as its main promotional tool? a) People are more likely to believe a human being than a print ad. b) TV and radio ads are not feasible for smaller companies. c) It can achieve more sales through business customers than through individual consumers. d) It is easier to measure a salesperson's effects on sales than advertising's effects on sales. e) The firm is charging a higher price to cover the expensive salaries of its salespeople.


If an advertising campaign is aimed at increasing brand awareness and consumers' knowledge of a product's features, the advertising objective should be stated in terms of a) market share. b) dollar sales. c) unit sales. d) communication. e) long-run goals.


In order for customers to receive greater customization and service, they must be willing to a) pay high prices for standard goods. b) give up all their rights to privacy. c) use the Internet for communication with companies. d) give information about themselves and their tastes. e) spend significant amounts of time to purchase products.


In the Gillette advertisement that claims, "Gillette, the best a man can get," Gillette is the communication a) receiver. b) transmitter. c) decoder. d) source. e) noise.


Measuring effectiveness during a campaign is usually accomplished by using a) pretests. b) posttests. c) consumer juries. d) inquiries. e) sales force surveys.


One way for a company to measure the effectiveness of its publicity-based public relations efforts is to a) tabulate the equivalent in advertising dollars if the time and space were purchased. b) ask for return of reply cards. c) calculate market share increase. d) count the number of exposures in the media. e) conduct an environmental audit of media alternatives.


Pioneer promotion is most likely to be used during the _____ stage of the product life cycle. a) maturity b) decline c) growth d) introduction e) presentation


Promotion helps consumers because it a) costs billions of dollars each year, which stimulates the U.S. economy. b) always stresses wholesome values, which benefits society. c) persuades consumers to make the right choices. d) informs consumers and places them in a position to specify the products that they seek. e) tends to be informative and not persuasive.


Radio and television signals as well as ink on the paper of a magazine or newspaper are all considered a) noise. b) communication links. c) communication resources. d) communication channels. e) decoding sources.


Sony Corporation has a particular approach for determining its advertising appropriation. A problem with this technique, however, is that the people in the marketing department have difficulty estimating the level of effort needed to achieve certain goals. This problem is characteristic of the __________ approach. a) reliable-appropriation b) match-competition c) arbitrary d) objective-and-task e) percent-of-sales


Suppose State Farm Insurance stated, "We want our advertising to increase our customer base for home and automobile insurance 10 percent by the end of the fiscal year." This would be considered a(n) a) target audience goal. b) advertising platform. c) percent-of-sales approach. d) advertising objective. e) media plan goal.


The Sharper Image likes to use nonpersonal communication in news story form such as press releases for its new and improved products. This is an example of a) sales promotion. b) advertising. c) personal selling. d) publicity. e) kinesic communication.


The University of Iowa runs a series of ads throughout the Midwest on how friendly and helpful its faculty, staff, and students are as well as how outstanding its academic programs are. This type of promotion would best be characterized as a) public relations. b) product advertising. c) advocacy advertising. d) institutional advertising. e) comparative advertising.


The last stage in the development of any advertising campaign is a) creating the advertising platform. b) developing the media plan. c) creating the advertising message. d) evaluating the effectiveness of advertising. e) defining the advertising objectives.


The main problem with using the objective-and-task approach to setting an advertising budget is that a) sales create advertising rather than advertising creates sales. b) it often results in overspending or underspending of the firm's resources. c) it does not achieve full potential in terms of stimulating demand. d) the marketer may experience difficulty when trying to estimate accurately the level of effort needed to achieve goals. e) it is difficult to determine the objectives of the campaign.


The owner of a professional baseball team asks the account representative of an advertising agency to develop an advertising campaign to bring more teenagers to the ballpark. At this point, the account representative logically begins to discuss establishing __________ for the campaign. a) the target audience b) a budget c) a media plan d) objectives e) advertising directives


The physical arrangement of the illustration, headline, subheadline, body copy, and the signature is called the a) artwork. b) copy. c) art design. d) layout. e) storyboard.


The three general types of media schedules are a) pulsing, beating, and continuous. b) short, medium, and long-term. c) morning, afternoon, and evening. d) pulsing, continuous, and flighting. e) light, heavy, and alternating.


Threatt Production makes low-priced, convenience products that are widely available. It is most likely to focus its promotion efforts on a) public relations. b) personal selling. c) viral marketing. d) advertising. e) sales promotion.


To gain maximum benefit from promotional efforts, marketers must strive to a) become directly involved rather than indirectly involved. b) obtain information about the marketing environment through their MIS. c) realize the needs of their target market and try to meet them. d) properly plan, implement, coordinate, and control communications. e) use promotion during the growth stage of the product's life cycle.


What is the primary justification marketers use for conducting recognition and recall tests? a) Researchers find that recalling an advertisement has a strong link to purchasing a product. b) People have unfavorable views of advertising and are unlikely to purchase advertised products. c) Consumers tend to enjoy participating in these tests and are likely to purchase the products as a result. d) People are more likely to buy a product they have seen advertised than one they have not seen advertised. e) There is a strong link between advertisement recall/recognition and word-of-mouth communication.


When Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses were introduced, Hershey promoted directly to consumers and told them to ask for the product at their favorite stores. This is an example of a _________ policy. a) reseller promotional b) push c) customer promotional d) pull e) channel promotional


When a copywriter and an artist combine the copy with the visual material for a television commercial, it usually is done through use of a a) parallel format. b) commercial layout. c) layout procedure. d) storyboard. e) visual-impact process.


When encoding the message, the source should use signs that have a) new and exciting meanings. b) different meanings to different people. c) contemporary jargon. d) meanings that the target market will understand. e) broad interpretations.


When using the percentage-of-sales approach for determining the advertising appropriation, marketers a) base their funding on a percentage of the competitors' sales. b) multiply the firm's past sales by a set percentage they want to spend. c) set sales objectives for the upcoming period and base appropriations on these goals. d) multiply the firm's past sales plus a factor for expected changes in sales times a standard percentage. e) use an industry standard to determine what percentage of their profits they want to allocate to advertising.


Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts? a) Joy advertises that its dish soap has more suds than Dawn, Sunlight, and other leading dish soaps. b) Joe Boxer and Kmart collaborate to promote Joe Boxer's lines of clothing and housewares. c) The Pork Council advertises pork as the "other white meat" and a healthier alternative to beef. d) After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, DaimlerChrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks. e) Hyundai offers 10-year/100,000 mile warranties on its vehicles in order to give customers confidence in its brand name and automotive offerings.


Which of the following types of promotion informs potential customers about a product and what it is? a) Reminder b) Competitive c) Comparative d) Pioneer e) Repetitive


Which promotion mix ingredient costs considerably more than advertising to reach just one person but can provide more immediate feedback? a) Publicity b) Sales management c) Sales promotion d) Personal selling e) Public relations


Why should a benchmark statement be included in advertising objectives? a) Shareholders want to see where a company is in relation to competition. b) It is useful in determining whether retailers have increased their sales over the year. c) It gives an indication of how the advertising message is best presented. d) Without a reference point, it is difficult to determine to what degree objectives have been accomplished. e) Objectives become more easily attainable when such a statement is included.


___________ is a broad set of communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relations between the organization and its stakeholders. a) Advertising b) Selling c) A press strategy d) Public relations e) Publicity


Primary Data

data observed and recorded or collected directly from respondents -gathered by observing phenomena or surveying people of interest

A commercial for a weight-loss program that explains that the customer pays only one dollar for every pound he or she wants to lose but specifies in fine print that the cost of meals is extra exemplifies ____________ advertising.


A commercial for a weight-loss program that explains that the customer pays only one dollar for every pound he or she wants to lose but specifies in fine print that the cost of meals is extra exemplifies ____________ advertising.


After the target audience for an advertising campaign has been identified and analyzed, marketers should then proceed by

defining the advertising objectives.

In general, differences between goods and services are determined by their

degree of tangibility.

Primary demand is defined as

demand for a product category.

Kaycee Petit needed to find a new company to prepare her tax return this year. Kaycee looked in the yellow pages of the phone book, and went on the Internet to find information about any tax preparers in the area. She found the names and numbers of several accountants, as well as the popular HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Since Kaycee had a somewhat complicated financial situation, she decided on using an accountant rather than the two popular companies. Kaycee found the websites of three of the accountants, but the other two were not on the Internet. She visited the offices of the three accounts who had websites. The first office was in a somewhat "seedy" part of town, but had a nice interior and a receptionist. The second office was in a nicer part of town, but did not have any employees other than the accountant, and had old furniture and old carpet. The third office was all around in better condition and Kaycee felt better about its accountant, so she decided on him. Which of the following types of pricing will the accountant most likely use when charging for the service?

demand-based pricing

Many cellular phone plans contain a certain number of anytime minutes and then either significantly more or even unlimited night and weekend minutes. This is an example of

demand-based pricing.

When off-price retailers obtain too much in-season, high-quality merchandise, tension between manufacturers and _____ builds.

department stores

A company may determine how many sales calls per year it needs to serve customers effectively and divide that by the average number of sales calls made by one salesperson in order to

determine sales force size.


developing a database of potential customers -most salespeople prefer to use referrals


developing a list of qualified applicants for sales positions

After the advertising budget is determined, the next step in creating an advertising campaign is

developing the media plan.

The marketing channels for services are usually

direct from provider to customer.

The use of the telephone and other nonpersonal media to introduce products to consumers, who then can purchase the products through the mail, telephone, or the Internet is called

direct marketing

The three major types of nonstore retailing are

direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending

the three major types of nonvoter retailing are

direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending.

All of the following are types of direct marketing except

direct selling

Advo Systems is an organization that mails product brochures and coupons to potential consumers who can then purchase these products by mail or by phone. Advo Systems illustrates which of the following methods of selling retail products?

direct-response marketing

Cash and Carry is a store that carries food, clothing, and household goods at lower price margins than other nearby stores. There is little service provided and customers have to bag their own purchases. Cash and Carry is most likely an example of a(an)_

discount store

Self-service, general merchandise stores such as Kmart are known as

discount stores

Which type of retailer generally accepts lower margins than traditional retailers in exchange for higher sales volume?

discout stores

The YMCA in mid-town Atlanta has recently upgraded its facilities, including building a new olympic-sized swimming pool and children's playground. All locations of the Atlanta "Y" are open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm, 360 days a year. The children's playground is accessible for members only, and is a fenced and secured area. During the weekdays, children under the age of 12 can engage in supervised activities at the playground, for no extra fee. Additionally, there are swimming classes for children of all ages, which is also covered by the monthly membership fee. The swimming pool has been very popular with the professionals who stop by for a swimming workout before or after work. Many of the YMCA locations are very busy all year, however, the midtown "Y" is busier during the early morning and early evenings. At a recent meeting, Maya Sinclair, its manager, shared her concerns about getting more people into the "Y" at other times of the day. She asked for ideas from her staff about how to do this. She also said that the city of Atlanta had reduced the "Y"'s funding for the next year by 20%. This would cause a need for the "Y" to either gain additional members or charge more per member for the annual fee. The fact that the "Y" is open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm refers to the __________ element of its marketing mix.


Dual distribution is characterized as:

distribution of a manufacturer's product through two or more different channel structures.

Client-based relationships are most likely to be developed by


Communication can be viewed as a circular process because

during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver.

A direct-response information form found in a magazine advertisement that allows customers to send for more information has a primary objective of a) encouraging product trial. b) retaining loyal customers. c) stimulating demand. d) creating awareness. e) identifying prospects.


A major reason why a substantial amount of publicity material is rejected by media personnel is that the material is a) too long. b) written at too high a reading level. c) submitted by organizations that the media do not like. d) not persuasive enough. e) not newsworthy.


A sharing of meaning defines a) promotion. b) information. c) noise. d) interference. e) communication.


A spokesperson for Mott's apple juice encourages television audiences to use its juice in the winter by serving it hot with a cinnamon stick. In this instance, Mott's is using promotion to a) stimulate primary demand. b) offset competitors' promotional efforts. c) facilitate reseller support. d) retain loyal customers. e) reduce sales fluctuations.


Advertising agencies typically receive a) large fees from the companies whose ads they develop and place. b) a 15 percent commission from the company whose product they are helping advertise. c) a 10 percent commission from the advertising company and 10 percent from the media they use. d) a 25 percent commission paid by the media from which it makes purchases. e) a 15 percent commission paid by the media from which it makes purchases.


Although a radio announcer can read several hundred words a minute, a one-minute advertising message should not exceed 150 words because most announcers cannot articulate words into understandable messages at faster rates. This illustrates the ___________ consideration in effective communication. a) transmission load b) feedback c) encoding d) noise e) channel capacity


An advantage of the arbitrary approach for determining the advertising appropriation is that it is a) objective. b) unique. c) profitable. d) effective. e) expedient.


Anything that reduces the accuracy and clarity of communication is called a) distraction. b) feedback. c) interference. d) discordance. e) noise.


As Will Marcum reads the copy for South Beach Hotel's upcoming magazine ad in Southern Living, he worries that no one will spend the time to read all the details of the facilities his resort has to offer. Wanting to have the greatest impact, Will focuses his creative efforts on the a) copy. b) body. c) text. d) signature. e) headline.


Communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, event sponsorships, and news stores is referred to as a) advertising. b) personal selling. c) sales promotion. d) publicity. e) public relations.


Danielle Robinson, account representative for EXpert Advertising, tells D'Orazio Tile Products that she is proposing to use 5 full-page, four-color ads in home-decorating magazines to achieve an increase in consumer and builder inquiries of 15 percent. This approach is an example of which of the following methods of determining advertising expenditure levels? a) Competitive parity b) Percent of sales c) Arbitrary d) Affordability e) Objective-and-task


Each communication channel has a limit on the volume of information it can handle effectively. This limit is called a) transmission load. b) feedback. c) encoding. d) noise. e) channel capacity.


Factors such as climate, seasons, and holidays tend to lead to the promotional objective of a) combating competitive promotional offers. b) facilitating reseller support. c) encouraging product trial. d) retaining loyal customers. e) reducing sales fluctuations.


Generally, in small firms, ___________ create(s) and implement(s) advertising campaigns. a) an advertising agency b) a group of multiskilled managers c) an advertising department d) freelance specialists e) one or two individuals


If FedEx-Kinko's decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx-Kinko's would likely be striving to practice a) one-stop shopping. b) more expertise. c) pioneer promotional efforts. d) competitive promotional programming. e) integrated marketing communications.


If Target were to base its advertising appropriation on the amount that WalMart spends, it would be using the ______ approach. a) objective-and-task b) percent-of-sales c) industry-standard d) arbitrary e) competition-matching


If during an advertising campaign a certain portion of advertising runs continuously, and then during specific periods additional advertising is used to intensify the level of communication, a(n) ______ media schedule is being used. a) beating b) alternating c) flighting d) continuous with emphasis e) pulsing


If researchers at Merck Pharmaceuticals develop a cure for prostate cancer, the best way to announce this to the public and get wide media coverage would be through a a) captioned paragraph. b) press release. c) feature article. d) sponsorship. e) press conference.


Julie Reese is working on developing a magazine advertisement for Curves For Women, the ladies' fitness chain. She knows what she wants the advertisement to say and the illustrations she wants to use, but she is having a tough time putting it all together. Julie is having trouble determining the a) storyboard. b) artwork. c) copy. d) presentation. e) layout.


Kohl's, a department store featuring clothing and housewares, communicates in news story form about its organization and its efforts to support local children's hospitals. This information is transmitted through mass media at no charge and is therefore called a) news reporting. b) public relations. c) mass communications. d) free advertising. e) publicity. e


Mike Stevens wonders whether the creative idea of using the character "Tom T. Turtle" as an image for marketing a new line of running shoes will be successful. He should suggest to his account representative that a(n) __________ be used to pretest the campaign. a) storyboard b) survey c) experiment d) GSR test e) consumer jury


Newspaper ads for Blue Haven Pools offering discounted prices during October are examples of which of the following uses of promotion? a) Retaining loyal customers b) Promoting new product uses c) Making salespeople more effective d) Stimulating primary demand e) Reducing sales fluctuations


Organizations that sell products to industrial markets or a few wholesalers tend to focus their promotion efforts on a) advertising. b) word-of-mouth communication. c) public relations. d) sales promotion. e) personal selling.


Reinforcement advertising is primarily targeted at a) new potential target markets. b) users of competitors' brands and products. c) anyone who uses that type of product. d) all the stakeholders of an organization. e) the current users of a particular product.


Sara Dickson is concerned about the effectiveness of Magnum, Inc.'s promotional messages, and is seeking an approach with immediate feedback. Sara is most likely to achieve this through a) television advertising. b) newspaper advertising. c) public relations. d) sales promotion. e) personal selling.


The basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is (are) the a) advertising objectives. b) target audience objectives. c) media plan. d) advertising message. e) advertising platform.


The limitations in using publicity-based public relations tools stem primarily from the fact that a) marketers alter the length of publicity releases. b) publicity is never properly managed by media personnel. c) media personnel consider only unfavorable messages as newsworthy. d) it is time-consuming to convince media personnel that the information is newsworthy. e) media personnel control the content of the communication.


The primary goal of a media planner is to a) choose the best commercial spots available. b) develop a message that works well with the firm's target market. c) achieve the appropriate message reach and frequency. d) use a wide variety of media to ensure the entire target audience is exposed. e) reach the largest number of people in the target market within the budget constraints.


The process of putting one's thoughts (meaning) into signs (symbols) is called a) decoding. b) noise. c) interference. d) transmission. e) the coding process.


The step in developing an advertising campaign that directly precedes campaign execution is a) defining advertising objectives. b) creating the advertising platform. c) evaluating advertising effectiveness. d) developing a media plan. e) creating the advertising message.


The two main reasons for criticism of promotional activities are that promotion a) has some flaws, and it is deceptive. b) is deceptive, and it causes prices to rise. c) pervades our daily lives, and it creates needs in us. d) creates needs in us, and it encourages materialism. e) has some flaws, and it pervades our daily lives.


The vehicle through which the coded message is transmitted from the source to the receiver is called a(n) a) coder. b) decoder. c) encoder. d) relay channel. e) communication channel.


To announce its development of a solid fuel titanium rocket for the U.S. missile defense system, Unijet management feels it needs to get wide media coverage. Under these circumstances, which of the following would be its best alternative? a) Captioned photograph b) Feature article c) Editorial letters d) Television advertisement e) Press conference


When Anheuser-Busch ran an advertising campaign featuring the slogan, "Know when to say when," it was using a) competitive advertising. b) public relations. c) product advertising. d) public service awareness. e) advocacy advertising.


When Sears promotes the benefits and strengths of its Kenmore brand appliances, it is attempting to build a) primary demand. b) pioneer promotion. c) prospects. d) brand awareness. e) selective demand.


When Yoplait Yogurt gives a portion of its profits to Breast Cancer Research, it is using a) promotion. b) integrated marketing communications. c) charity marketing. d) charitable promotion. e) cause-related marketing.


When a salesperson varies the physical distance between himself and a customer he is using a) kinesic communication. b) personal selling. c) tactile communication. d) comfort relations. e) proxemic communication.


When respondents are shown a list of various products, brands, and company names and then asked about advertisements they have seen lately, researchers are conducting a(n) a) unaided recall test. b) pretest. c) recognition test. d) aided recognition test. e) aided recall test.


Which of the following is not a public relations tool? a) Feature article b) Company magazine c) News release d) Annual report e) Product sample


_____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders. a) Stakeholder management b) Personal selling c) Integrated marketing communications d) Sales promotion e) Public relations


he effectiveness of an advertising campaign can be measured a) only after the campaign has been carried out completely and results have been tabulated. b) only before the campaign begins, to prevent unnecessary expenditures. c) during the campaign to determine whether more or less funds should be allocated, but not after the campaign. d) several weeks after the beginning of the campaign to determine whether the campaign is headed in the right direction. e) before, during, and after the campaign through the use of pretests, inquiries, and posttests.


The receiver's response to a message is ___________ for the source.


Prudential Insurance uses "the rock" symbol to communicate stability and security to customers. This is Prudential's attempt to help customers better understand its services by

emphasizing tangible cues in promoting the service.

There are five elements that affect customers' perceptions of service quality. They are reliability, appearance of the tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, and

employee empathy.

As Emily Jeffries prepares the script for a radio commercial for her boutique, she is engaging in the _______ stage of the communication process.


As Emily Jeffries prepares the script for a radio commercial for her boutique, she is engaging in the _______ stage of the communication process


With respect to the components of a communication process, the process of putting one's thoughts (meaning) into signs (symbols) is called:


Consumer Sales promotion Methods

encourage consumers to patronize specific stores or try particular products retailers - attract customers to specific locations manufacturers - introduce new products or promote established brands

Promotional efforts designed to reduce the risk to consumers for using a product for the first time seek to

encourage product trial.

Promotional efforts designed to reduce the risk to consumers for using a product for the first time seek to

encourage product trial.

Offering pet owners who recommend Prize Pet Grooming to a friend $10 off their next grooming bill is a program designed primarily to

encourage word-of-mouth communication.

If children and teenagers are insisting on wearing expensive name-brand apparel, a criticism of promotion can be made that promotion

encourages materialism.

If children and teenagers are insisting on wearing expensive name-brand apparel, a criticism of promotion can be made that promotion

encourages materialism.

Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of

encouraging product trial.

Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of

encouraging product trial.

After compiling a list of potential customers, a salesperson must

evaluate whether each prospect is able, willing, and authorized to buy the product.

The last stage in the development of any advertising campaign is

evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.


evaluation of advertisements performed before a campaign begins -attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of one or more elements of the message -uses a consumer jury


evaluation of advertising effectiveness after the campaign

Probability Sampling

every element in the population being studied has a known chance of being selected for study -includes random and stratified

An advantage of the arbitrary approach for determining the advertising appropriation is that it is


Premium Money (push money)

extra compensation to salespeople for pushing a line of goods

When Hamburger Helper introduced its Oven Varieties, it gave special offers to supermarkets to purchase the new product and supplemented these offers with consumer advertising. Hamburger Helper's primary objective is to

facilitate reseller support.

When Hamburger Helper introduced its Oven Varieties, it gave special offers to supermarkets to purchase the new product and supplemented these offers with consumer advertising. Hamburger Helper's primary objective is to

facilitate reseller support.

When Hamburger Helper introduced its Oven Varieties, it gave special offers to supermarkets to purchase the new product and supplemented these offers with consumer advertising. Hamburger Helper's primary promotional objective is to:

facilitate reseller support.

Cooperative advertising efforts between manufacturers and retailers demonstrate the promotional objective of

facilitating reseller support.

Cooperative advertising efforts between manufacturers and retailers demonstrate the promotional objective of

facilitating reseller support.

In one corner of its magazine advertisement for office copiers, Epson places a small box asking for the names and addresses of individuals or companies seeking more information. Epson has included this box to facilitate ___________ for this communication


The receiver's response to a message is ___________ for the source


A sales representative for Coca-Cola travels to various restaurants to determine how much syrup the customer needs for the coming period. This sales representative would be classified as a(n)

field order taker.

Personal Selling Goals include..

finding prospects, convincing prospects to buy, and keeping customers satisfied

A schedule in which advertisements run for set periods of time, alternating with periods in which no ads run is known as


By using Johnson Wholesale Co. for its distribution needs, the Apex Production has a distinct competitive advantage because the services performed by Johnson allow Apex to

focus on producing products that meet consumers' needs

Statistical Interpretation

focuses on what is typical and what deviates from the average -indicates how widely responses vary and how they are distributed in relation to the variable being measured

The purpose of the ___________ stage in personal selling is to determine customers' problems and questions about using the product.


The final stage of the selling process is


An arrangement in which a supplier grants a dealer the right to sell products in exchange for some type of consideration is


Logistics Plus is an organization that consolidates shipments from several industrial firms into more efficient lot sizes so that they can be more efficiently transported. Logistics Plus is an example of a(n) _____.

freight forwarder

The maker of Huggies diapers is developing a media plan that involves trying to expose its target audience to its new advertisement about ten times. This is advertising


If a retailer needed help with store design and training sales personnel, it would most likely use the services of a

full-service wholesaler

If a retailer needed help with store design and training sales personnel, it would most likely use the services of a _____.

full-service wholesaler

A wholesaler that carries a wide product mix but offers only limited depth within product lines is called a

general merchandise wholesaler

Which of the following is a full-service merchant wholesaler?

general merchandise wholesaler

In order for customers to receive greater customization and service, they must be willing to

give information about themselves and their tastes

In order for customers to receive greater customization and service, they must be willing to

give information about themselves and their tastes.

Technical Salespeople

give technical assistance to the organization's current customers advising them on product characteristics and application, system designs, and installation procedures -needs formal training

As their meeting concludes, Jamal rises and thanks Gina for taking the time to come by and explain her firm's new line of industrial fasteners. A(n) ___________, which is a form of tactile communication, concludes the session.


As their meeting concludes, Jamal rises and thanks Gina for taking the time to come by and explain her firm's new line of industrial fasteners. A(n) ___________, which is a form of tactile communication, concludes the session.


A common form of tactile communication in U.S. business activities is


The two main reasons for criticism of promotional activities are that promotion

has some flaws, and it pervades our daily lives.

Because of a service's ___________, standardization and quality are difficult to control.


Machinery such as ATMs and online customer services can reduce the ______ that comes from increased contact with human employees.


The fact that the first massage Gretchen gives each day is better than the last massage demonstrates the ______ of services.


Services have six basic characteristics: intangibility, inseparability of production and consumption, perishability, client-based relationships, customer contact, and


The more __________ involved with delivering a service, the greater the degree of heterogeneity.

human labor

Services are usually provided through the application of _______ directed at people or objects.

human or mechanical efforts

The basic promotional objective underlying a magazine advertisement with a direct-response information form that requests the reader to complete and mail the form to receive additional information is to

identify prospects.

The basic promotional objective underlying a magazine advertisement with a direct-response information form that requests the reader to complete and mail the form to receive additional information is to

identify prospects.

A direct-response information form found in a magazine advertisement that allows customers to send for more information has a primary objective of

identifying prospects.

A direct-response information form found in a magazine advertisement that allows customers to send for more information has a primary objective of

identifying prospects.

Bowflex uses infommercials to demonstrate its fitness products and encourage customers to call and receive a free video with more information about its products. This promotional effort is directed at

identifying prospects.

Bowflex uses infommercials to demonstrate its fitness products and encourage customers to call and receive a free video with more information about its products. This promotional effort is directed at

identifying prospects.

The first stage in the development of any advertising campaign is

identifying the advertising target audience.

The result of an inventory stockout usually results in a(n)____.

increase in lost sales.

The growth of business services is largely attributed to

increases in the complexity and competitiveness of business environments.

Focus-group interview

informal interview without structured questionnaire in groups of 8 to 12 people to observe interaction when members are exposed to an idea or concept

Effective management of integrated marketing communications is based upon

information about customers

Effective management of integrated marketing communications is based upon

information about customers.

Promotion helps consumers because it

informs consumers and places them in a position to specify the products that they seek.

Promotion helps consumers because it

informs consumers and places them in a position to specify the products that they seek.

Measuring effectiveness during a campaign is usually accomplished by using


A sign in a doctor's office waiting room says "Please be courteous of the others waiting with you." The doctor's office is trying to positively influence the _______ aspect of services.


Personal trainers cannot complete their work without their clients present because of the _______ feature of services.


Jason Robinson, a dentist, finds that he is not bringing in enough revenue to cover his expenses. He would like to schedule more patients, but he finds that in almost every time slot, he is seeing an existing patient. Jim's difficulty in expanding his practice involves the aspect of service called


The YMCA in mid-town Atlanta has recently upgraded its facilities, including building a new olympic-sized swimming pool and children's playground. All locations of the Atlanta "Y" are open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm, 360 days a year. The children's playground is accessible for members only, and is a fenced and secured area. During the weekdays, children under the age of 12 can engage in supervised activities at the playground, for no extra fee. Additionally, there are swimming classes for children of all ages, which is also covered by the monthly membership fee. The swimming pool has been very popular with the professionals who stop by for a swimming workout before or after work. Many of the YMCA locations are very busy all year, however, the midtown "Y" is busier during the early morning and early evenings. At a recent meeting, Maya Sinclair, its manager, shared her concerns about getting more people into the "Y" at other times of the day. She asked for ideas from her staff about how to do this. She also said that the city of Atlanta had reduced the "Y"'s funding for the next year by 20%. This would cause a need for the "Y" to either gain additional members or charge more per member for the annual fee. The children who take swimming lessons must be in attendance at the pool during the time of their appointment. The need for the child to be in attendance in order to receive the lesson is an example of the ______ feature of a service, while the need for them to be there at the time of their appointment, represents the _______ feature.

inseparability; perishability

Michelle works for a company that sells rotisseries for chicken and other foods. She answers phone calls from customers who see infomercials on TV and call to order the product. Michelle is considered a(n)

inside order taker.

The two groups of order takers in personal selling are

inside order takers and field order takers.

Retail salespeople are classified as

inside order takers.

Face-to-face communication such as product sampling and personal selling provides marketers with

instant feedback

Advertising that promotes organizational images or ideas is __________ advertising.


First Union Bank airs a series of radio ads that claim, "We are the friendly bank." This campaign would best be described as __________ advertising.


The advertising mentioned above in which Toyota features all brands of the company would be an example of

institutional advertising.

Brittany recently moved to a new city and is trying to find a new mechanic to do maintenance and repair on her car. She visits several places to judge their overall appearance, cleanliness, and organization and finally chooses a mechanic. Brittany was trying to overcome the ______ aspect of services.


Clean, sharp looking employees with appropriate uniforms help assure customers about service quality and therefore address the _____ of services.


Symbols such as the Travellers' Financial Services umbrella are designed to help customers overcome the ________ of services.


Transamerica's pyramid-shaped building in San Francisco is used to symbolize strength, security, and reliability. This type of promotion is designed to address the ___________ characteristic of services.


Service marketers make promises to customers, suggesting that the customer place some degree of trust in the service provider. In this way, service marketers are trying to address the challenge of the service characteristic of


Business Services

intangible products that many organizations use in their operations (financial, legal, market research, etc.)

Chris sees a television commercial for Arby's promoting its roast beef sandwiches at 5 for $5.95. Later that day he goes to the nearest Arby's for a roast beef feast, but is told that the special offer is not available at that location. Arby's seems to lack

integrated marketing communications

If FedEx-Kinko's decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx- Kinko's would likely be striving to practice

integrated marketing communications.

Trade sales promotion methods

intended to persuade wholesalers and retailers to carry a producer's products and market them aggressively

shopping mall intercept interviews

interviewing a percentage of people passing by "intercept" points in the mall

Pioneer promotion is most likely to be used during the _____ stage of the product life cycle.


Trade Salespeople

involved mainly in helping a producer's customers (retail stores) promote a product -they restock shelves, obtain more shelf space, set up displays, provide in-store demonstrations, and distribute samples to store customers

Advertising Campaign

involves designing a series of advertisements and placing them in various advertising media to reach a particular target audience


involves identifying key decision makers, reviewing account histories and problems, preparing sales presentations, identifying product needs, and obtaining relevant literature

Public relations

is an element of promotion that should be handled on a continuous basis.

Component Parts

items that become part of the physical product and are either finished items that need little processing before assembly

As they walk to the car, Erin Brandeis tells her sales representative, Joachin Perez, that they may need to modify the price structure they just presented to the prospect. Erin bases her statement on the way the prospect folded his arms when Joachin quoted him the prices on the new system. Joachin says he didn't notice. Erin recommends a book on ___________


As they walk to the car, Erin Brandeis tells her sales representative, Joachin Perez, that they may need to modify the price structure they just presented to the prospect. Erin bases her statement on the way the prospect folded his arms when Joachin quoted him the prices on the new system. Joachin says he didn't notice. Erin recommends a book on ___________ communication to Joachin.


Head nodding, winking, hand gestures, and arm motions are all forms of _________ communication.


Head nodding, winking, hand gestures, and arm motions are all forms of _________ communication.



last to adopt, oriented toward the past, suspicious of new products, when they adopt it, may have been replaced already

Channel capacity is determined by the

least efficient component of the communication process.

Cost Comparison Indicator

lets an advertiser compare the costs of several vehicles within a specific medium (such as two magazines) in relation to the number of people each vehicle reaches ex: Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) compares the cost of exposing 1,000 people to a one-page advertisement

A salesperson will be better able to determine the prospect's specific needs by

listening carefully to questions and comments and watching reactions during the sales presentation.

The kinds of products being sold and the availability of public transportation are both factors that influence a retailer's decision about


If a marketer of a perfume ad develops a commercial involving a man being attracted to a woman who wears a particular perfume, it is attempting to influence one's need for

love and affection.

If a marketer of a perfume ad develops a commercial involving a man being attracted to a woman who wears a particular perfume, it is attempting to influence one's need for

love and affection.

Category Killers compete primarily on the basis of

low prices and enormous product availability

Category killers compete primarily on the basis of

low prices and enormous product availability.

A marketer that wanted to include detailed information in advertisements would most likely use


Alison lives in a remote area of Montana, where few good roads exist. She runs a small retail store specializing in western attire. Due to her remote location, Alison is most likely to obtain the merchandise for her store from

mail-order wholesalers

MRO supplies

maintenance, repair, and operating items that facilitate production and operations but not not become part of the finished product (paper, pencils, cleaning agents)

Promotion is communication that is


Independent intermediaries that represent two or more sellers and usually offer customers complete product lines in a restricted territory are called

manufacturers' agents

Independent intermediaries that represent two or more sellers and usually offer customers complete product lines in a restricted territory are known as _____.

manufacturers' agents

The message that a source originally encodes and the meaning a receiver ultimately decodes

may be different because of noise

The message that a source originally encodes and the meaning a receiver ultimately decodes

may be different because of noise.

Product deletion

may be opposed by management

When encoding the message, the source should use signs that have

meanings that the target market will understand

Recognition and recall tests are posttest methods based on


While anticipating objections and countering them before they are asked is a good idea, one negative consequence of doing so is that the salesperson may

mention objections the customer had not thought of.

Sherri McRae wants to establish a fashion wholesaling firm. Because of the risks involved in the rapid obsolescence of high-fashion items, Sherri does not want to establish an organization in which she has title to the garments. Which of the following types of wholesale establishments has she ruled out?

merchant wholesaler

As Oscar Meyer puts together its advertising campaign for the summer, it will need to keep in mind that its desire to use outdoor advertising will have strong effects on its selection of the advertising


Daphne King of Cleborn Pharmaceuticals tells a sales management class at the state university that her job is to call on doctors and explain the benefits of new prescription drugs that her firm develops. Daphne would call herself a(n)

missionary salesperson.

Dorothy won a hot-air balloon ride and dinner for two for being the top revenue-producing mortgage loan officer at her company for the month of October. This contest exemplifies a company's efforts at..

motivating salespeople

Recruiting and selection of salespeople should include enough steps to yield the information needed to make accurate selection decisions. However, the stages of the process should be sequenced so that the more expensive steps are..

near the end

Recruiting and selection of salespeople should include enough steps to yield the information needed to make accurate selection decisions. However, the stages of the process should be sequenced so that the more expensive steps are

near the end.

Service industries account for ____ of the gross domestic product of most developed nations.

nearly three-quarters

PRODUCT DELETION can best be described as the process of deleting a product from the product mix when it

no longer satisfies a sufficient number of customers

During a one-minute television ad for Nike, the National Weather Service interrupts to announce a flash flood warning for surrounding counties. Such an occurrence is an example of ___________ in the communication process


Sonya is watching the six o'clock news as she prepares dinner. As commercial breaks come on, Sonya's dinner preparation would be considered


Sonya is watching the six o'clock news as she prepares dinner. As commercial breaks come on, Sonya's dinner preparation would be considered


Tupperware, Sarah Coventry, Amway, and Avon sell products outside the confines of retail facilities. They are ____ retailers.


Tupperware, Sarah Coventry, Amway, and Avon sell products outside the confines of retail facilities. They are _____ retailers.


Lucas is planning a distribution strategy for his business. He is considering using direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending, which are all examples of ____ retailing.


If State Farm Bank decided that it wanted to increase its number of bank customers by 10% in the coming year, it would most likely use the ______________ approach to advertising allocation.


When a theater entices customers to see movies during the daytime by offering tickets at a reduced price, it is trying to solve the services marketing problem of

off-peak demand.

The YMCA in mid-town Atlanta has recently upgraded its facilities, including building a new olympic-sized swimming pool and children's playground. All locations of the Atlanta "Y" are open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm, 360 days a year. The children's playground is accessible for members only, and is a fenced and secured area. During the weekdays, children under the age of 12 can engage in supervised activities at the playground, for no extra fee. Additionally, there are swimming classes for children of all ages, which is also covered by the monthly membership fee. The swimming pool has been very popular with the professionals who stop by for a swimming workout before or after work. Many of the YMCA locations are very busy all year, however, the midtown "Y" is busier during the early morning and early evenings. At a recent meeting, Maya Sinclair, its manager, shared her concerns about getting more people into the "Y" at other times of the day. She asked for ideas from her staff about how to do this. She also said that the city of Atlanta had reduced the "Y"'s funding for the next year by 20%. This would cause a need for the "Y" to either gain additional members or charge more per member for the annual fee. Kyle Jackson, one of the staff members at the YMCA, suggested that the "Y" offer discounted memberships to senior citizens over the age of 65; however, they could only use the facility between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. Kyle's plan is most likely addressing the issue with ______, and relates to the ______ characteristic of services.

off-peak demand; perishability

Yolanda's job is to find new customers for her company's telecommunication services. She encourages existing customers to add more services and finds customers who are completely new to the company. Yolanda would best be classified as a(n)

order getter.

Creative selling, which requires that salespeople recognize a potential buyer's needs and then provide the prospect with the necessary information, is performed by

order getters.

A person who primarily seeks repeat sales is called a(n)

order taker

A shopping center that contains stores owned by manufacturers who make a special effort not to conflict with traditional retailers is a(n)

outlet shopping center

A shopping center that contains stores owned by manufacturers who make a special effort not to conflict with traditional retailers is a(n)

outlet shoppping center

Personal Selling

paid personal communication that attempts to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation

A consumer jury is a

panel of potential buyers of the advertised product brought together to pretest an advertising message.

A consumer jury is a:

panel of potential buyers of the advertised product brought together to pretest an advertising message.

Selective demand is demand for a

particular brand.

Combination compensation plan

paying salespeople a fixed salary plus a commission based on sales volume

Straight salary compensation plan

paying salespeople a specific amount per time period, regardless of selling effort

Straight commission compensation plan

paying salespeople according to the amount of their sales in a given time period

Any service provider that offers time-sensitive services receives most of its revenue during

peak demand.

Service activities are time-dependent, meaning that the service must be provided at a point in time when customers want to use it. This point in time is also known as

peak demand.

The primary function of most wholesalers is to:

perform physical distribution of products from manufacturers to retailers.

According to your text, one perspective from which to view services is as a ______ targeted at a(n) ________.

performance; audience

Demand-based pricing most closely relates to the _____ of services.


Kathy Adkins, owner of Adkins Styling Salon, looks at the day's appointment schedule and notices that it is completely full. She wishes some of the empty slots from earlier in the week were available on this Saturday afternoon. Her thoughts deal with the ___________ characteristic of services.


Using appointments or reservations for scheduling delivery of services is an attempt to address the ___________ characteristic of services.


The fact the services cannot be inventoried and then sold at a later date is called


Reba Vincent is employed as a consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. This illustrates:

personal selling

Sara Dickson is concerned about the effectiveness of Magnum, Inc.'s promotional messages, and is seeking an approach with immediate feedback. Sara is most likely to achieve this through

personal selling

Generally, promotion mixes for companies with extremely limited promotional budgets tend to concentrate on

personal selling.

Generally, promotion mixes for companies with extremely limited promotional budgets tend to concentrate on

personal selling.

Organizations that sell products to industrial markets or a few wholesalers tend to focus their promotion efforts on

personal selling.

Organizations that sell products to industrial markets or a few wholesalers tend to focus their promotion efforts on

personal selling.

Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is

personal selling.

Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is

personal selling.

Advertising that focuses on stimulating demand for a product category is called _____ advertising.


The two major types of product advertising are

pioneer and competitive.

Tim has just finished compiling a list of potential customers and evaluating their ability, willingness, and authority to buy. He knows his next step in the personal selling process is to


If promotion does not do its job of stimulating demand, then the

price of the promoted product is likely to increase.

If promotion does not do its job of stimulating demand, then the:

price of the promoted product is likely to increase.

Compared to goods marketers, services providers are more likely to promote performance documentation, availability, guarantees, and


By promoting the fact that "orange juice is not just for breakfast anymore," the Florida Orange Growers Association attempted to stimulate

primary demand.

By promoting the fact that "orange juice is not just for breakfast anymore," the Florida Orange Growers Association attempted to stimulate

primary demand.

Toyota's television advertisements for the new Venza are examples of

product advertising.

Suppose that Toyota has decided to contract with the producer of the next James Bond 007 movie to use one of its new vehicles in a chase scene. This would best be an example of

product placement.

Without wholesalers and other intermediaries:

products would likely be more expensive due to the use of less efficient channel members.

In an attempt to attract customers, service marketers often promise great results and satisfaction to customers, but marketers should be careful not to

promise too much and cause customer expectations beyond what they can deliver.

Advocacy Advertising

promotes a company's position on a public issue (tax increase, abortion, gun control) > promote socially approved behavior (recycling, moderation of consuming alcohol)

If a pull policy is to be used in promoting a product, the firm

promotes directly to consumers.

If the push policy is used in promoting a product, the firm

promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel.

Institutional Advertising

promotes organizational images, ideas, and political issues > used to create or maintain and organizational image

Product Advertising

promotes the uses, features, and benefits of products 2 types: pioneer and competitive

Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of


Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations are called

promotion mix ingredients.

Promotion can help keep prices lower because

promotion of prices intensifies price competition.

To gain maximum benefit from promotional efforts, marketers must strive to

properly plan, implement, coordinate, and control communications.

Company sales records, commercial databases, newspaper announcements, telephone directories, and public records are all sources used for


Developing a list of potential customers is called


The first step in the selling process is


In-home (door-to-door interview)

provides thoroughness of self-disclosure and elimination of group influence

Brandon walks around behind purchasing agent Shannon Wise as she looks at the pamphlet describing Hyster's new conveyer system. Shannon stands up and walks to a table on the other side of her office. Brandon follows, but he does not understand the ___________ communication Shannon is sending.


Brandon walks around behind purchasing agent Shannon Wise as she looks at the pamphlet describing Hyster's new conveyer system. Shannon stands up and walks to a table on the other side of her office. Brandon follows, but he does not understand the ___________ communication Shannon is sending.


When a salesperson varies the physical distance between himself and a customer he is using

proxemic communication.

When a salesperson varies the physical distance between himself and a customer he is using

proxemic communication.

Subway is conducting a contest in which customers are asked to name a new sandwich. The winner gets a free sandwich each day for one year and an appearance in one of the company's TV commercials. This contest illustrates Subway's use of the ____ elements of the promotion mix.

public relations

Toyota's sponsorship of a major Professional Golf Association tournament would be an example of a(n) ______ tool.

public relations

Communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, event sponsorships, and news stores is referred to as

public relations.

Communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, event sponsorships, and news stores is referred to as

public relations.

Air-Tech management learns that last month's production run of heaters at its Newark plant is defective and announces a recall of the specific models produced. To handle the large number of products it expects to receive for replacement of the defective thermostats, Air-Tech will probably need to add a _____ to its distribution network.

public warehouse

Which of the following is not an integrated communications tactic used by Toyota?


The Sharper Image likes to use nonpersonal communication in news story form such as press releases for its new and improved products. This is an example of


The Sharper Image likes to use nonpersonal communication in news story form such as press releases for its new and improved products. This is an example of


When Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses were introduced, Hershey promoted directly to consumers and told them to ask for the product at their favorite stores. This is an example of a _________ policy.


When Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses were introduced, Hershey promoted directly to consumers and told them to ask for the product at their favorite stores. This is an example of a _________ policy.


If during an advertising campaign a certain portion of advertising runs continuously, and then during specific periods additional advertising is used to intensify the level of communication, a(n) ______ media schedule is being used.


The three general types of media schedules are

pulsing, continuous, and flighting.

Because practically all marketers provide some services, ___________ typically do not exist in today's business environment.

pure goods

Suppose Toyota also offered the dealership salespeople a trip to Hawaii for anyone who could sell ten of the new vehicles within the first month they were available? This tactic would be an example of _____ marketing, while the TV commercials described above would be an example of ________ marketing.

push; pull

Lynn Taylor sells Revlon cosmetics on consignment to grocery stores, maintains the display racks, and restocks when necessary. Lynn's job is best described as a _____.

rack jobber

The percentage of consumers in the target audience actually exposed to a particular advertisement in a stated period of time is the definition of


During the decoding process, the

receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas

Sierra is driving to work on I-95 and notices a billboard for new salads at Wendy's. She reads the message and sees the pictures of the new salads. In this case, Sierra is the _____ and Wendy's is the _____ of this communication

receiver; source

If a consumer is shown a particular advertisement and asked if she has seen it before, a(n) ____ is being performed

recognition test

A spokesperson for Mott's apple juice encourages television audiences to use its juice in the winter by serving it hot with a cinnamon stick. In this instance, Mott's is using promotion to

reduce sales fluctuations.

A spokesperson for Mott's apple juice encourages television audiences to use its juice in the winter by serving it hot with a cinnamon stick. In this instance, Mott's is using promotion to

reduce sales fluctuations.

An advertisement from a ski lodge extolling the benefits of a summer getaway in the mountains uses promotion to

reduce sales fluctuations.

An advertisement from a ski lodge extolling the benefits of a summer getaway in the mountains uses promotion to

reduce sales fluctuations.

Factors such as climate, seasons, and holidays tend to lead to the promotional objective of

reducing sales fluctuations.

A shopping center containing a Macy's, Sears, and JC Penney's as well as dozens of specialty shops, restaurants, and entertainment is most likely a

regional shopping center

Convenience Products

relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort ex: bread, soft drinks, gum, gas, etc

Of the five dimensions of service quality, the most important is


An ad for a multivitamin that claims, "We still bring you everything you need to get through your day in one vitamin," would most likely be considered ____ advertising.


Descriptive Research

research conducted to clarify the characteristics of certain phenomena to solve a particular problem EX: if Nike and Reebok want to target more young women, they might ask 15-35 year old females how often they work out, how frequently they wear athletic shoes for casual use, and how many pairs of athletics shows they buy in a year.

exploratory research

research conducted to gather more information about a problem or to make a tentative hypothesis more specific -general, vague, ill-defined main purpose: to better understand a problem or situation and/or to help identify additional data needs or decision alternatives

Conclusive research

research designed to verify insights through objective procedures and to help marketers in making decisions -specific, clear, well defined Used when the marketer has one or more alternatives in mind and needs assistance in the final stages of decision making

The willingness and readiness of employees to meet the needs of the customer while providing the service is an important dimension of service quality called


Norah operates an upscale shop that does both pet grooming and human manicures and pedicures. She is reaching a market segment with people who place great value on their dogs and are concerned with their own appearance, yet pressed for time. No other businesses meet the needs of these consumers. Which strategic issue in retailing does Norah appear to have addressed?

retail positioning

Direct selling, direct marketing, and vending machines are all examples of


Blockbuster offers its customers a Blockbuster Rewards Card that allows them to rent every sixth movie free and provides various discounts throughout the year. The primary promotional objective of programs such as this is

retaining existing customers.

Blockbuster offers its customers a Blockbuster Rewards Card that allows them to rent every sixth movie free and provides various discounts throughout the year. The primary promotional objective of programs such as this is

retaining existing customers.

The cost of _____ is usually substantially lower than the cost of _____.

retaining existing customers; acquiring new customers

The salesperson must attract and hold the prospect's attention, stimulate interest, and spark a desire for the product during the

sales presentation.

Albott Laboratories offers ceramic coffee mugs to its physician customers when it promotes a new drug. This example illustrates Albott's use of _____.

sales promotion

Hunt's decided to put a much larger share of its promotion budget into ___________ because of the heavy reliance it will be placing on coupons in the second quarter.

sales promotion

Hunt's decided to put a much larger share of its promotion budget into ___________ because of the heavy reliance it will be placing on coupons in the second quarter.

sales promotion

Consumer Contests

sales promotion in which individuals compete for prizes based on their analytical or creative skills (ex: Coca-Cola Film Makers award)

Consumer Games

sales promotion in which individuals compete for prizes based primarily on chance (ex: McDonald's Monopoly game)

Latisha works for a promotional consultant who develops sweepstakes, games, coupons, and rebate plans for various marketers. According to the information given, Latisha develops:

sales promotion techniques

Sweepstakes, free samples, coupons, and rebates are examples of

sales promotion techniques.

Sales contest

sales promotion used to motivate distributors, retailers, and sales personal through recognition of outstanding achievements

A consumer contest is an example of

sales promotion.

An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is

sales promotion.

An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is

sales promotion.

If the manufacturers of Whizz were to partner with Whirlpool to place a bottle of Whizz in each new washer that is purchased during the first year, this would be an example of

sales promotion.

Marketers of highly seasonal products tend to have more irregular use of

sales promotion.

When McDonald's uses the Monopoly game in which customers receive game pieces with each visit and try to assemble a set of properties to win prizes, McDonald's is utilizing

sales promotion.

When McDonald's uses the Monopoly game in which customers receive game pieces with each visit and try to assemble a set of properties to win prizes, McDonald's is utilizing

sales promotion.

The makers of Whizz have decided to go to several different colleges and have a contest for the dirtiest shirt. While at the colleges, they will set up several washing machines near the campus bookstore, demonstrating the power of Whizz to get these dirty shirts clean. Each contestant in the dirtiest shirt contest will receive a coupon for a free bottle of Whizz. The winner of the contest will receive a $50 gift card for the college bookstore. This method of promotion is an example of _____, and is used to stimulate _______ demand.

sales promotion; selective

The makers of Whizz considered a new promotional method for their product. A small box of Whizz was placed in the mailbox of college students as they came on campus in the fall. Along with the Whizz, the students received a coupon for $1.00 off their next purchase. They could receive another coupon for $3.00 off if they went online and emailed five friends at another college, telling them about Whizz. The friends could then go to a website and print a coupon for $2.00 off their next purchase. The sample boxes given to the college students are an example of ______, while the emails to the five friends are an example of _____.

sales promotion; viral marketing

The greatest amount of responsibility for providing customer satisfaction falls on the shoulders of


When a manufacturer rewards retailers based on the number of pieces moved through their scanners, this sales promotion method is known as a:

scan-back allowance

Kaycee Petit needed to find a new company to prepare her tax return this year. Kaycee looked in the yellow pages of the phone book, and went on the Internet to find information about any tax preparers in the area. She found the names and numbers of several accountants, as well as the popular HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Since Kaycee had a somewhat complicated financial situation, she decided on using an accountant rather than the two popular companies. Kaycee found the websites of three of the accountants, but the other two were not on the Internet. She visited the offices of the three accounts who had websites. The first office was in a somewhat "seedy" part of town, but had a nice interior and a receptionist. The second office was in a nicer part of town, but did not have any employees other than the accountant, and had old furniture and old carpet. The third office was all around in better condition and Kaycee felt better about its accountant, so she decided on him. When Kaycee looked in the yellow pages and on the Internet for information on the accountants in the area, she was most likely using _________ qualities to evaluate the accountant service.


Tara finds evaluating a new pair of jeans much easier than evaluating tennis lessons because she can try on the jeans to see exactly how they feel and fit. In other words, the jeans have many _____ qualities.


When a marketer makes an effort in promotion to point out the strengths and benefits of a specific brand, it is an attempt to build _________ demand.


When a marketer makes an effort in promotion to point out the strengths and benefits of a specific brand, it is an attempt to build _________ demand.


When Sears promotes the benefits and strengths of its Kenmore brand appliances, it is attempting to build

selective demand.

When Sears promotes the benefits and strengths of its Kenmore brand appliances, it is attempting to build

selective demand.

Sales objectives can do all of the following except

serve as a deterrent both to salespeople and their clients.

When service companies change high-contact services into low-contact services, the

service becomes less personalized.

The continuum of tangibility goes from _____ on one end to _____ on the other end.

service-dominant products; good-dominant products

All of the following are elements of the inseparability characteristic of services except that

services are easy to standardize and control.

Consumers look closely at service quality when comparing competing services because

services are very difficult to evaluate.

A salesperson should try to close the sale

several times during the sales presentation.

The identification of an advertisement's sponsor is the


Point-of-purchase (POP) materials

signs, window displays, display racks, and similar devices used to attract customers

When individuals' behaviors are tracked from television sets to checkout counters using equipment provided by the marketer, this is known as

single-source data

Customer advisory boards

small groups of actual customers who serve as sounding boards for new-product ideas and offer insights into their feeling and attitudes toward a firm's products and other elements of its marketing strategy

Home Depot is interested in knowing how its efforts to act in a socially responsible manner through its Habitat for Humanity and disaster relief efforts have affected stakeholders' views of the company. Home Depot should conduct a(n)

social audit.

In contrast to industrial products, consumer products are often purchased because of

social influences

A person, group, or organization that has a meaning it intends and attempts to share with a receiver or an audience is a


A person, group, or organization that has a meaning it intends and attempts to share with a receiver or an audience is a


In the Gillette advertisement that claims, "Gillette, the best a man can get," Gillette is the communication


In the Gillette advertisement that claims, "Gillette, the best a man can get," Gillette is the communication


All of the following are types of limited-service merchant wholesalers except _____.

specialty-line wholesalers

When developing an advertising campaign, benchmarks need to be included in the..

statement of advertising objectives

When developing an advertising campaign, benchmarks need to be included in the

statement of advertising objectives.

When developing an advertising campaign, benchmarks need to be included in the _____.

statement of advertising objectives.

A functional and psychological picture in the consumer's mind of a retail store is called

store image

Aidan is getting ready to move to campus for his freshman year of college. To get the products he needs for his dorm room, he goes to a store that sells household goods such as plastic containers, sheets, and towels. The store also sells items such as shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Aidan has most likely gone to a(n)


Aidan is getting ready to move to campus for his freshman year of college. To get the products he needs for his dorm room, he goes to a store that sells household goods such as plastic containers, sheets, and towels. The store also sells items such as shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Aidan has most likely gone to a(n)


A service is usually offered as part of a bundled package of services with a core service and one or more ________ services.


If Best Western bundles its rooms with services such as free local phone calls, cable television, wireless Internet access, and complimentary breakfast, these services are known as ___________ services.


Drop shippers

take title to but not physical possession of the goods.

A merchant wholesaler

takes title to goods, assumes risk associated with ownership, and buys and resells products.

Selling agents perform every wholesaling activity except

taking title to products.

Kaycee Petit needed to find a new company to prepare her tax return this year. Kaycee looked in the yellow pages of the phone book, and went on the Internet to find information about any tax preparers in the area. She found the names and numbers of several accountants, as well as the popular HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Since Kaycee had a somewhat complicated financial situation, she decided on using an accountant rather than the two popular companies. Kaycee found the websites of three of the accountants, but the other two were not on the Internet. She visited the offices of the three accounts who had websites. The first office was in a somewhat "seedy" part of town, but had a nice interior and a receptionist. The second office was in a nicer part of town, but did not have any employees other than the accountant, and had old furniture and old carpet. The third office was all around in better condition and Kaycee felt better about its accountant, so she decided on him. When Kaycee visited the accountants' offices and used the look of the surroundings, as well as the office furniture condition in her evaluation of the service business, she was most likely using the elements of the ________ dimension of service quality.


Although it has a strong customer base, Sato Japanese Restaurant rarely attracts customers by methods other than word-of-mouth communication. The manager believes this can be explained by the restaurant's location in a rough area in the city and its run-down appearance. In other words, potential customers are most concerned about


In nonprofit marketing, a group of individuals that has an interest in or concern about an organization, a product, or a social cause is called a(n)

target public.

A support salesperson who usually advises customers on product characteristics and application, system design, and installation procedures is a(n):

technical salesperson

Jim Zanders, a trained engineer, is a salesperson for a chemical manufacturer. He provides current customers with advice about a product's characteristics and applications. He is a(n):

technical salesperson.

When products are presented to television viewers, who can purchase them by calling a toll-free number and paying with a credit card, ____ is being used.

television home shopping

Lauren is a concert promoter who works for pop star Justin Timberlake. She works very hard to make sure most of Justin's concerts are sold out because she understands the concept of perishability, which means

that if the tickets are not sold, seats will remain empty and they can never be sold to anyone again.

Advertising Appropriation

the advertising budget for a specific time period

The step of the personal selling process in which a salesperson contacts a potential customer is called

the approach.

Depth of Product Mix

the average number of different products offered in each product line (within deodorant -> Old Spice, Secret, Sure)

The process of putting one's thoughts (meaning) into signs (symbols) is called

the coding process

When a source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols representing ideas or concept, the source is undergoing

the coding process

The process of putting one's thoughts (meaning) into signs (symbols) is called

the coding process.

When a source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols representing ideas or concept, the source is undergoing

the coding process.

The cost per thousand (CPM) indicator shows

the cost to expose 1,000 people to a one-page magazine advertisement.

The Cost Per Thousand (CPM) indicator shows

the cost to expose1,000 people to a one-page magazine advertisement

Reinforcement advertising is primarily targeted at

the current users of a particular product.

Tina, a waitress at the Riverfront Grill, is angry that a customer complained that his soup was cold because of her slow service. Riverfront owner Max Griffin reminds her that she must focus on service quality as defined by

the customer's perceptions.

Procter & Gamble makes at least eight different laundry detergents. This is most relevant to the issue of

the depth of the product mix

In nonprofit organizations,

the direct consumers of the product are the client public.

An important difference between for-profit and nonprofit marketing is that

the goals of the nonprofit organization differ from the goals of the for-profit organization.

Target Audience

the group of people at whom advertisements are aimed

In most service industries, customer-contact employees are

the lowest-paid and least-trained employees.


the manner in which a salesperson contacts a potential customer

Stratified Sampling

the population is divided into groups with a common attribute and a random sample is chosen within each group

A salesperson finds and analyzes information about each prospect's specific product needs, current use of and feeling about brands, and personal characteristics during

the preapproach.


the process of selecting representative units from a total population

Product Life Cycle

the progression of a product through 4 stages; introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

Closing the Sale

the salesperson asks the prospect to buy the product. may use a trial close by asking questions that assume the prospect will buy

Sales force objectives are generally established for:

the total sales force and each salesperson.

Sales force objectives are generally established for

the total sales force and for each salesperson.

Team Selling

the use of a team of experts from all functional areas of a firm (financial, engineering, etc), led by a salesperson, to conduct the personal selling process


the verbal portion of advertisements -includes headlines, subheadlines, body copy, and signature

During the personal selling process, a salesperson, if possible, should handle objections when

they arise.

Channel decisions are important to marketers mostly because?

they involve long-term commitments and affect customer accessibility

Piano teachers, tutors, attorneys, and consultants are most likely to price their services based on


Client-based relationships are least likely to be developed by

towing services.

Any marketing tactic used to stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry a producer's products and market those products more aggressively is a:

trade sales promotion method.

Jana works for Hormel Foods and she frequently sets up special displays and distributes samples of Hormel products to customers in supermarkets. Jana would best be classified as a(n)

trade salesperson.

Jana works for Hormel Foods and she frequently sets up special displays and distributes samples of Hormel products to customers in supermarkets. Jana would best be classified as a(n):

trade salesperson.

Retailing is best characterized as

transactions in which the buyer intends to consume the product through personal, family, or household use.

During his presentation to Mrs. French about a high-end gourmet oven, Brian asks, "Would you prefer black or stainless steel?" This is an example of a..

trial close

Mrs. Brucker, you would agree that this is the most attractive car interior in this price range, wouldn't you?" Cliff Davis, a salesperson at Midtown Ford, was using a(n) ___________ when he made this statement.

trial close

Pioneer Advertising

tries to stimulate demand for a product category rather than a specific brand by informing potential buyers about the product > employed during introductory stage

Greg chooses to have his hunting equipment stored in a location away from the main part of town so that he can have a large parking lot and an outdoor range for customers to test out his merchandise. Greg's store is


Greg works with a group of farmers who provide him with a regular supply of a variety of fresh vegetables. He picks up their produce and has a regular route of grocers and restaurants who purchase quantities of the items he has on any given day. Greg's operation is which type of wholesaler?


Steve is aware of the growth in digital media advertising, particularly to certain target markets. The use of advertising on digital devices can alienate some consumers. Steve has uncovered recent research stating that young consumers are more likely to be receptive to advertising appearing on their digital devices if the source is _____; _____ is been given, and the messages are _____.

trusted; permission; entertaining.

In a simple economy of five producers and five consumers, there would be ____ transactions possible without an intermediary and ten transactions possible with one intermediary.


Distribution for nonprofit organizations is

typically characterized by short channels.

Surveys, focus groups, and customer comment cards are all methods used by service companies to

understand customer needs and expectations.

By buying in large quantities and delivering to customers in smaller lots, a wholesaler may perform all of the following physical distribution activities except

unit pricing


used temporarily by a manufacturer to encourage trial use and purchase of a product or to show how a product works

Missionary Salespeople

usually employed by manufacturers, assist the producer's customers in selling to their own customers - they may call on retailers to inform and persuade them to buy the manufacturer's products -manufacturers of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals often use missionary salespeople

Andrea receives an e-mail from her sister-in-law that is actually a recommendation for a website with a demonstration of a new home hair-coloring system. She later discovers that her sister-in-law received a free trial kit for passing Andrea's and four other friends' e-mail addresses along to the marketer. This is known as

viral marketing.

Andrea receives an e-mail from her sister-in-law that is actually a recommendation for a website with a demonstration of a new home hair-coloring system. She later discovers that her sister-in-law received a free trial kit for passing Andrea's and four other friends' e-mail addresses along to the marketer. This is known as

viral marketing.

Andrea receives an e-mail from her sister-in-law that is actually a recommendation for a website with a demonstration of a new home hair-coloring system. She later discovers that her sister-in-law received a free trial kit for passing Andrea's and four other friends' e-mail addresses along to the marketer. This is known as:

viral marketing.

Sam's and Costco are examples of

warehouse clubs

In service marketing, the most important link to the customer is

well-trained contact employees.

If a manufacturer decides to use a push policy to promote its products, it is most likely to focus its efforts on


If a manufacturer decides to use a push policy to promote its products, it is most likely to focus its efforts on


Just Relax Massage Therapists have a large customer base although they do very little advertising. Their promotion strategy relies mostly on

word of mouth.

Janet sets up her new interior decorating business and advertises her expertise in high quality draperies and other window treatments. One of her first customers is extremely dissatisfied with Janet's work, so Janet redoes the job at her own expense because she knows how powerful _____ is (are) for services and wants to stay in business.

word-of-mouth communication


written price reductions used to encourage a specific product

Jack and Amy Douglas are purchasing their first home and have certain expectations for the mortgage company with which they are working. After a long series of "unexplainable" delays, Jack and Amy become very frustrated and decide to stay in their apartment at least another year. The mortgage company failed to provide service within Jack and Amy's

zone of tolerance.

Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts?

After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, DaimlerChrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks.

During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, which type of promotion would a firm focus on?


Which of the following types of promotion informs potential customers about a product and what it is?


When Blue-ray disc players were first introduced to the market, what would the logical choice for promotion have been?

Pioneer promotion

When Blue-ray disc players were first introduced to the market, which of the following would have been the logical choice for promotion?

Pioneer promotion

The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of

communication channel.

The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of:

communication channel.

The vehicle through which the coded message is transmitted from the source to the receiver is called a(n)

communication channel.

With respect to the components of the communication process, the fax machines used by OES Office Systems to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is an example of a (n):

communication channel.

H&M, a clothing company, communicates to its target customers by advertising in magazines, offering clothing information on its website, creating a periodic online newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter. These vehicles through which the coded message is transmitted from the source, H&M, to the receiver, the prospective customer, are known as a(n):

communication channels.

Radio and television signals as well as ink on the paper of a magazine or newspaper are all considered

communication channels.

With respect to the components of a communication process, broadcast media like radio and television as well as printed words on a magazine or newspaper are all considered as:

communication channels.

Often when a company introduces a new product or line extension, its promotion will focus on _____ in order to initiate the product-adoption process.

creating awareness

Primary demand is defined as the:

demand for a product category.

Communication can be viewed as a circular process because

during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver.

Communication can be viewed as a circular process because:

during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver.

If children and teenagers are insisting on wearing expensive name-brand apparel, a criticism of promotion can be made that promotion:

encourages materialism.

Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a very short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of:

encouraging product trial.

Cooperative advertising efforts between manufacturers and retailers demonstrate the promotional objective of:

facilitating reseller support.

In a corner of its magazine advertisement for office copiers, Lexmark places a small box asking for the names and addresses of individuals or companies seeking more information. Lexmark has included this box to facilitate _____ for this communication.


In one corner of its magazine advertisement for office copiers, Epson places a small box asking for the names and addresses of individuals or companies seeking more information. Epson has included this box to facilitate ___________ for this communication.


The receiver's response to a message is _____ for the source.


Face-to-face communication such as product sampling and personal selling provides marketers with

instant feedback.

Chris sees a television commercial for Arby's promoting its roast beef sandwiches at 5 for $5.95. Later that day he goes to the nearest Arby's for a roast beef feast, but is told that the special offer is not available at that location. Arby's seems to lack

integrated marketing communications.

If FedEx-Kinko's decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx- Kinko's would likely be striving to practice

integrated marketing communications.

If FedEx-Kinko's decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx-Kinko's would likely be striving to practice:

integrated marketing communications.

The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines

integrated marketing communications.

When encoding the message, the source should use signs that have

meanings that the target market will understand.

During a one-minute television ad for Nike, the National Weather Service interrupts to announce a flash flood warning for surrounding counties. Such an occurrence is an example of ___________ in the communication process.


Anything that reduces the accuracy and clarity of communication is known as:


Michael is planning a promotional program for AirFam. AirFam is a supplier of new energy-saving engines used to produce air conditioners. His company needs to promote these engines to manufacturers of air conditioners, so he is most likely to use _____, because it provides immediate feedback.

personal selling

The Dyson Company, manufacturer of high-priced vacuum cleaners, has developed a promotional program with both push and pull policies. Dyson only sells its products through retailers who carry high-end household electronics items. For the pull policy, Dyson will most likely use _____.

personal selling done by the retailer's employees

Generally, promotion mixes for companies with extremely limited promotional budgets tend to concentrate on:

personal selling.

Organizations that sell products to industrial markets or a few wholesalers tend to frequently focus their promotion efforts on:

personal selling.

Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is:

personal selling.

Sara Dickson is concerned about the effectiveness of Magnum, Inc.'s promotional messages, and is seeking an approach with immediate feedback. Sara is most likely to achieve this through

personal selling.

Sara is concerned about the effectiveness of Magnum Inc.'s promotional messages, and is seeking an approach with immediate feedback. Sara is most likely to achieve this through:

personal selling.

If the push policy is used in promoting a product, the firm:

promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel.

Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of


Promotion can help keep prices lower because:

promotion of prices intensifies price competition

With respect to the promotion mix elements, communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, and event sponsorships is referred to as:

public relations.

The Sharper Image likes to use nonpersonal communication in news story form such as press releases for its new and improved products. This is an example of:


When Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses were introduced, Hershey promoted directly to consumers and told them to ask for the product at their favorite stores. This is an example of a _____ policy.


The individual or group that decodes a coded message is called a


During the decoding process, the

receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas.

Sierra is driving to work on I-95 and notices a billboard for new salads at Wendy's. She reads the message and sees the pictures of the new salads. In this case, Sierra is the _____ and Wendy's is the _____ of this communication.

receiver; source

A spokesperson for Mott's apple juice encourages television audiences to use its juice in the winter by serving it hot with a cinnamon stick. In this instance, Mott's is using promotion to:

reduce sales fluctuations

An advertisement from a ski lodge extolling the benefits of a summer getaway in the mountains uses promotion to:

reduce sales fluctuations.

Newspaper ads for Blue Haven Pools offering discounted prices during October and discounted cleaning supplies for hot tubs in March are examples of:

reducing sales fluctuations.

Mister Sub offers customers a card that allows them to have a free sub for every 7 that have been purchased and provides various discounts throughout the year. The primary promotional objective of programs such as this is:

retaining existing customers.

When McDonald's uses the Monopoly game in which customers receive game pieces with each visit and try to assemble a set of properties to win prizes, McDonald's is utilizing:

sales promotion

An activity and/or material which acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is known as:

sales promotion.

In the Gillette advertisement that claims, "Gillette, the best a man can get," Gillette is the communication:


As their meeting concludes, Jamal rises and thanks Gina for taking the time to come by and explain her firm's new line of industrial fasteners. A handshake, which is best described as a form of _____ communication, concludes the session.


___________ links the purchase of an organization's products to support of philanthropic organizations favored by the target market.

Cause-related marketing

If a firm's promotional budget were extremely limited, for which of the following reasons would it be more likely to rely on personal selling as its main promotional tool?

It is easier to measure a salesperson's effects on sales than advertising's effects on sales.

Which is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process?

Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness.

Which of the following is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process?

Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness.

The basic function of promotion is


When Yoplait Yogurt gives a portion of its profits to Breast Cancer Research, it is using

cause-related marketing.

When Yoplait Yogurt gives a portion of its profits to Breast Cancer Research, it is using:

cause-related marketing.

Although a radio announcer can read several hundred words a minute, a one-minute advertising message should not exceed 150 words because most announcers cannot articulate words into understandable messages at faster rates. This illustrates the ___________ consideration in effective communication.

channel capacity

Although a radio announcer can read several hundred words a minute, a one-minute advertising message should not exceed 150 words because most announcers cannot articulate words into understandable messages at faster rates. This illustrates the _____ consideration in effective communication.

channel capacity

Claire Nevsky is in charge of advertising for her company and has produced a 30-second television spot to promote one of the company's new products. One of her assistants just out of college believes that the commercial has too much visual and audio information packed into such a small amount of time. The assistant is specifically concerned about limits in the receiver's

channel capacity.

Claire Nevsky is in charge of advertising for her company and has produced a 30-second television spot to promote one of the company's new products. One of her assistants just out of college believes that the commercial has too much visual and audio information packed into such a small amount of time. The assistant is specifically concerned about limits in the receiver's:

channel capacity.

Each communication channel has a limit on the volume of information it can handle effectively. This limit is called

channel capacity.

Each communication channel has a limit on the volume of information it can handle effectively. This limit is known as:

channel capacity.

For many consumers, the pages near the back of magazines with dozens of very small black and white advertisements exceed their

channel capacity.

In marketing communication terms, the speed of an Internet connection relates to

channel capacity.

A sharing of meaning defines


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