COMM A exam 1

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3 types of plagiarism

1) Global plagarism 2)patchwork plagarism 3)incremental plagarism

evaluating online sources (what 3 things do you look at?)

1) authorship (Qualified?--> google them) 2) sponsorship (organization--> are they fair? are they nonpartisan?---> go to the about page) 3)recency---> important for statistics (you want recent) NEVER sight stat if you don't have date

guidelines for ethical speaking

1) be honest 2)put ethical principles into practice 3)avoid abusive language(name-calling) 4) don't use good public speaking skills for unethical purposes 5) be fully prepared 6)make sure your goals are ethically sound 7) paraphrase but DON'T PLAGARIZE

the introduction should:

1) capture the audiences' interest 2) give the audience a clear sense of your purpose 3) orient listeners towards your topic

how does good delivery help convey a message?

1) clear and interesting 2) it doesn't distract audience 3) it doesn't call attention to itself

ancient examples of the study of public speaking

1) discussed by plato and cicero 2)have been written on papyrusin Egypt 3) existed in China and the Americans

guidelines for presenting visual aids

1) display where audiences can see 2) avoid passing around visuals 3) display only while discussing them 4) explain visual aids 5) talk to audience not visual aid 6) practice with visual aid 7) check room and equipment and bring back up

you should focus your intro speech so that:

1) fits within allotted time 2) interests classroom audience

everyday actions that are unacceptable in public speaking

1) incorporating slang 2) interjecting stock phrases

how many main points should the body of your speech have?

2-5 (two is usually for problem solution)(three is usually the typical number of main points in the body)

how long should answers be to question and answer sessions?

30 seconds for short questions 2-3 minutes for more complicated questions

specific purpose statement

a narrower version of the general purpose statement that identifies what you will talk about, what you will say about it, and what you hope the audience will take away from the speech 1) focuses on specific aspect of broader topics 2)states what the speaker wants the audience to know 3) it includes the general purpose ( ex: to inform)

how to cope with future/goal based anxiety

become presented oriented

when should speakers construct their visual aids?

before they begin the rehearsal process

how are catalogs organized?

by call number

what sources can you find through library research

catalog database reference works

what is the difference between connotative and denotative?

connotative is context dependent and denotative is the literal definition

Central idea

expressed as a declarative sentence concise statement of what you expect to say in your speech

while paraphrasing you do not need to provide a source if__________

facts are widely known

when can the recency of a source be trusted?

if it is in a virtual library

purpose statement

infinitive statement that starts with "to inform:

2 main types of places to gather material for research

libraries internet

similes use _________

like or as

what are similarities between public speaking and conversation?

logic stories audience analysis feedback

Aristotle Rhetoric

most important ancient work on public speaking still followed by speakers today

4 main causes of poor listening

not concentrating, listening too hard, jumping to conclusions, focusing on delivery and personal appearance

what type of source temps people to plagiarize more than other source types?

online sources

what is the most important factor in determining the outcome of an interview?


the top fear cited in 2012 survey was___________________

public speaking more people are afraid of public speaking then dying

how to cope with situational anxiety

see it as a performance and remember their is no wrong way to speak cognitive re-labeling

what is global plagiarism

slap your name on someone else's entire work

basic guidelines for beginner public speaker

speak intelligibly make eye contact

specific purpose

specific idea/broad overveiw

what are the differences between public speaking and conversation?

structure formal language method of delivery

what is the primary factor when deciding how large to make a visual aid?

the size of the room

central idea


general purpose

to inform

what should you always do when taking notes?

use subject headings

what is vocal variety used for?

used when speaker wants to be more expressive with their voice

What is NOT protected under the 1st amendment

1) inciting audience to engage in illegal actions 2) threats against life of US president 3) speech that contains falsehoods that destroy a persons reputation (Slander)

4 questions to ask about a speakers evidence

1) is it sufficient enough to support the speakers point? 2) is it relevant to the speakers claims? 3) is it accurate? 4) is it taken from objective sources?

why is it important to practice extemporaneous speeches out loud

1) it can help you time your speech accurately 2) provide opportunity for audience feedback 3) it can help you master the contents of your speech

tips for introductory speech

1) keep them separate 2) use similar word patterns (make them SUPER obvious)

in a research interview you should avoid:

1) leading q's 2)loaded q's 3) questions you can answer without the interveiw

note cards for your speech should:

1) make sure you can read them from an arms length away 2) write on only one side 3)include as few notes as you can still present fluently

what are the pitfalls of reading from a speech manuscript

1) not making eye contact 2)it doesn't distract an audience 3) it doesn't call attention to itself

speech topics determined by:

1) occasion 2) audience 3) speaker's qualification

guidelines for forming visual aids

1) prepare well in advance 2) keep simple 3) large 4) limit text use 5) use fonts that are easy to read 6) use colors that are easy to read 7) use images strategically

methods of speech delivery

1) reading verbatim from a manuscript 2)reciting a memorized text 3)speaking impromtu 4)speaking extemporaneously

what materials can you find on the internet

1) research engines (Ex: google, (need to make sure search is narrow and credible) 2) virtual library 3) government resources 4) online encyclopedia ( ex:Wikipedia)

steps for improving delivery

1) review and revise full sentence outline 2) create a key word speaking outline 3) practice out loud only using key word outline 4)polish and refine delivery in front of a mirror 5) do a dress rehearsal that seems to replicate the speaking situation

Types of Speech Anxiety

1) situational 2) audience 3) Future consequence/goal based

7 element of speech communication process

1) speaker 2)listener/audience 3)situation 4)feedback 5)interference 6) message 7) channel

tips for doing research

1) start early 2) make preliminary bibliography 3) take notes (paraphrase) 4) think/reflect on your research

what are effective ways to develop a speech topic?

1) trying it to dangerous situations 2)creating mystery and suspense 3)making it meaningful to the listeners

what are the two types of library databases?

1)Newspaper/periodically 2) academic

rhythm and flow types

1)alliteration 2) parralism 3) antithesis 4)repitition

guidelines for ethical listening

1)avoid pre-judging 2)be courteous 3)respect the right of others to express their ideas

what 3 organizational methods good for informative speeches?

1)causal 2)chronilogical 3) spatial

what are the four types of reference works

1)encyclopedia 2)yearbook 3) biographical aid 4) quote book

___________sources supplement___________________________

internet library research

What is patchwork plagiarism?

taking pieces directly from the other works and patching them together without giving credit

connective types

transitions internal preview internal summaries sign post

How to cope with audience anxiety

visualize a positive audience response

5 key organizational methods for a speech

1) causal 2) topical 3)problem solution 4)chronological 5)spatial

speech order types

1) chronological 2)spatial 3)topical 4)problem solving 5) causal order (cause/effect)

gestures should be:_________________

suited to the occasion and spontaneous in appearance

what is incremental plagarism

take a line or 2 without giving credit easiest to do accidentally

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