Communication Final

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many speaking to many


which is an example of an event that may lead to a circumstantial turning point in Reynill and Irene's relationship

Irene's apartment catches on fire, so she stays at Reynill's

when a group meets for the first time and members are focused on belonging with the group, the group is in the ___ stage of small group development


Samantha's presentation for her communication class addresses the controversy about vaccinating children from the standpoint of her classmates as potential parents. What does this exemplify?


hand movements to reinforce a message


Carl does not have time to write his final history paper, but his girlfriend Linda has taken the class and offers to give him her A paper to submit as his own. If Carl accepts Linda's offer, he will be engaging in ______.

global plagiarism

users of new media can become almost anything by simply ___

going online

Aristotle's concept of ethos incorporates which of the following qualities


when groups engage in consciousness-raising talk, discussions focus on ___

group identity

when we let our perceptions of only one positive trait, like physical attractiveness, influence our perceptions of a person we are demonstrating which effect

halo effect

you are attracted to someone who seems to be as good-looking as you. this is an example of the ___

matching hypothesis

experts predict that by 2020, ___ will be the primary tool throughout the world for connecting to the internet

mobile devices

often, nonverbal cues can be ___than verbal messages

more powerful

how we use our body during a presentation


___ develops when people seek to understand one another with an open attitude and dialogue

mutual respect

experiences that evoke awe or wonder


Establishing the problem that your speech will address occurs in the ______ step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence.


according to a 2014 Pew Research Center survey, who is more likely to have used an online dating service at some point

newer couples

In previous group meetings, Charlotte and Josie could not agree on the best way to approach their group's task, but now they are beginning to resolve their conflicts. Most of their communication now focuses on the task at hand and cohesion begins to develop for the entire group. What stage are they in?

norming stage

in which dialectic tension is there the need to share and a need for privacy

novelty and predictability

while people often want something new, they may also want something comfortable. this is an example of which dialectical tension

novelty and predictability

you are planning on using Monroe's motivated sequence during a persuasive speech. what should you do directly before asking the audience to take action?

present all the benefits of taking action

in her speech on benefits of living a vegan lifestyle, Matilda first reveals that there are environmental drawback of eating animal products, explains why these drawback occur, and then describes how veganism solves these concerns. what speech pattern is Matilda using?


the internet allows the consumer to become the ___


association between those who communicate


when you are at a restaurant, you tell the hostess that you need a table for 5 and hold up 5 fingers. this is an example of how nonverbal communication can ___ verbal communication


information-based messages used to establish status and gain power are ___

report talk

workers may play the hero, the outlaw, or the whisperer in the workplace. these aspects of workplace culture are called ___

role artifacts

a dominating conflict-handling style can result in you group members feeling as if you have a hidden agenda and suspect motivations


a keyword outline should list the transitions to use during a speech


as a form of evidence, statistics should be used sparingly


based on the linguistic relativity hypothesis, people who speak the same language share a social reality


computer-mediated communication (CMC) experienced I real time is more realistic because it better mimics face-to-face communication


cultural sensitivity is made more difficult by ethnocentric thoughts


full-sentence outlines contain a description of how the speaker will transition from topic to topic


interactive elements of workplace culture revolve around both formal and informal communicative events


it is important to consider counter definitions when making an argument of definition


it is natural for you to structure the settings in which you work, study, or live to make them unique


nonverbal communication is considered more authentic than verbal communication


people use technology to replace face-to-face, nonverbal communication


punctuation constitutes one of the ways you can give off nonverbal cues online


questions of value often support questions of policy


reconciling needs of the group task with group members' relational needs is one of the challenges of shared leadership


social interactions among co-workers at work help to establish informal communication networks


some forms of disability are invisible


spelling is a component of syntax


the four communication metaphors represent the evolution of notions about how communication functions


the stages of perception often overlap with one another


using filler words such as um, like, you know, can create a source of distraction for a listener


verbal messages play role in creating and participating in social reality


we can use narrative to help understand the cultural context and one another


when selecting a topic, it is crucial to choose a topic that is novel


workplace communication can be considered organizational communication


you can hear without listening


your interactions with others develop both your sense of self and the other person's sense of self


conducting research in advance of an conversation or presentation is a part of which step in the HURIER process


if someone's eye contact reveals a deception cue to you, you will likely think the person is ___


retaining individuality


marriage is one way that the ___ stage of the model of interaction stages can be formalized


the thinkb4youspeak advertising campaign was created primarily to address ___


computer-mediated communication (CMC) allows users to present a carefully crafted image of the self and also gives them the capability to ___ that image


face-to-face interactions, written communication, mediated communication, and mass communication are called communication ___


the study of the ways in which time is used to structure interactions is known as ___


A speech about the major events in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s should be organized using a ______ pattern.


You plan to give a speech about the different stages of sleep and dreaming. Which organizational pattern would be best?


___ describes communication among people from a variety of different cultures

co-cultural communication

large number of family members may be involved in healthcare decisions


an advantage of nonverbal communication over verbal communication is that is ____

conveys relationships

which of the following is considered a boundary-spanning role


Luis is completing his degree in commercial art. For his final portfolio, he is required to create a website and at least two social media pages. As an artist, Luis will communicate his personality and sense of style through digital media while sharing samples of work he completed during college and at an internship for an advertising firm. Which characteristic of new media is best illustrated by Luis's portfolio?


evaluating can be particularly helpful when it comes to ___ listening


using technical jargon is a good way for others to understand the message you are trying to convey


when brainstorming, it is important to focus on the quality of ideas, not quantity


workplace dissent is a disruptive force that weakens the culture and cohesion of any workplace


the way we dress for a presentation


which of the following statements represents a call to action as it would appear in a keyword outline?

"advocate preservation of Franklin's legacy"

which of these would constitute a memorable message

"we all make mistakes. live and learn."

Which of these is a good example of the kind of in-text citation you would use in an outline?

(Monks, 2014)

which scenario best illustrate(s) the transmission metaphor

Lauren leaves a voice mail message for her business partner

what theory best describes the electronic tradition

Marshall McLuhan's classical medium

interactivity, personalization, creativity, flexibility, and continual evolution are the characteristics of ___

New Media

Which of the following numerations indicates the main points of an outline?

Roman numeral (I,II,III)

Riku is preparing a presentation on antibiotic resistance for his communication class. He assumes his classmates have all heard of antibiotics and most have probably taken them. What is his best course of action when deciding whether to cite a source defining his terms?

There is no clear-cut answer to whether this is common knowledge, so Riku should define antibiotic resistance and cite a source.

Which statement best describes the appropriate use of overhead transparencies?

Transparencies can serve as a great backup plan if your multimedia aids fail.

McLuhan predicted a future where people would communicate via "electric media" in ___

a "global village"

which describes a viewpoint that is within someone's latitude of acceptance

a belief that is similar to one's own

when someone travels to gain understanding about different communities, they are conducting ____

a listening tour

according to George H. Mead, the self is composed of which two complementary parts

a part that does and a part that judges

what is a relational self

a process of constantly becoming who you are

Andy is using Monroe's motivated sequence for a speech on the need for further legislation to protect spotted owls from extinction. during his speech, Andy passes around a petition for the audience to sign in support of this legislation. what step of Monroe's motivated sequence does this describe


Handouts should ______.

add new information or summarize main ideas

what is the first step when using the cost-benefits strategy

anticipate the audience's costs

seeking information about a possible job is part of which stage of workplace socialization

anticipatory stage

what are 3 stages of workplace socialization

anticipatory, assimilation, and exit

the word "rabbit" does not look like a rabbit or sound like a rabbit. this exemplifies how symbols are ___


which type of argument can use either literal or metaphorical comparisons to make its point?

argument by analogy

business cards


this company if family-friendly


people can visually express human characteristics and nonverbal signal through digital ___


When using photographs in your speech, the best strategy is to ______.

avoid overly graphic images that might be offensive

when his group members begin to argue about the most efficient way to organize data, Dante plays on his phone because he feels the conflict is over a trivial detail. other group members become irritated, stating that he doesn't care about the group or the task they must complete. what conflict-handling style is Dante using?


which of the following is a common deception cue

avoiding eye contact

Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of a(n) ______.

computer-generate multimedia aid

Liam looks at the entire audience during his speech. When he notices someone nodding in agreement, he engages with them more fully. Which method is Liam using to help reduce his CA?

connecting with your audience

Tula's professor describes her as strong-willed in a recommendation letter. when Tula asks her professor why they wrote this negative description of her, the professor says they meant it as a compliment. this misunderstanding represents a difference in ___ meanings.


information contained in spoken or written message


pauline is from a small town in Arkansas. everyone in her town talks about and cheers for the Arkansas Razorback college football team. you can go into any restaurant on a game day and yell out "woo pig!" and everyone else will call back "sooie!" however, when she moves to St. Louis, Missouri, and calls out "woo pig!" everyone is startled and does not call back. this best represents how ___ influences perception and communication


rules for acting and speaking


using an explanation of an idea to support a persuasive appeal is considered an argument by ___


Simone and Nan have had a long workplace friendship, based on their mutual commitment to their children's involvement in soccer in their K-12 years. Now Simone's children are in college on soccer scholarships—active, happy, and excelling—while Nan's daughter lives at home and is unemployed. They are both disengaging from the relationship by talking only about work-related tasks, an approach called ______


alined tells his partner "I love you" for the first time, and his partner says it back. which kind of turning point does this represent?


people for whom digital technologies already existed when they were born are called ___

digital natives

Juan just transferred to a new university, and he was looking forward to joining sports, clubs, and organizations. however, he was denied the opportunity to join a group that was seemingly open to everyone. he thinks it is because he is hispanic. Juan suspects he is a victim of ___


expressing your concerns about workplace problems with people who do not work with you is called ___ dissent


___ is a term used to describe the unique differences in people


___ is a code of conduct that shows respect for everyone, including oneself


the characteristics that define symbols express that they are arbitrary and ___

exclusively used by humans

A(n) ______ presentation is one in which the speaker carefully prepares and practices his or speech and then delivers it using minimal notes.


gaze or looking directly at the audience

eye contact

If your audience is interested in your topic, it is not necessary for you to be interested in it.


Considering whether your audience is likely to have a sense of humor is a good example of what it means to consider your audience when choosing a presentation topic.


Drinking lots of energy drinks or caffeine to keep your energy up is an effective way to reduce communication apprehension.


The introduction to your presentation should begin with a preview of your main pointsfs


When constructing the body of your speech, you should take as much time as you need to fully develop the complexity of each point.


a letter is considered a form of nonverbal communication


appreciative listening does not require effort


communication simply conveys information about the world "as it is"


expressing concerns directly, openly, and clearly with your superiors because you believe they will take your concerns seriously is known as lateral dissent


hearing is an active process


listening is a physical process


listening is one of the most important skills in public speaking


mass communication can be used for interpersonal purposes, but interpersonal communication cannot be used for mass communication


mutual respect is also called conflict resolution


possible selves live between the real world and the online world


the closer that two people are, the more they use face-to-face communication to connect


the emergent leader approach to leadership emerges when a group member decides to be in charge of the other members


the environment for a presentation includes the reason or event in which you are speaking


to carry information and generate shared meaning, messages need to include words


using humor to get the audience's attention is generally a good idea, even if it doesn't relate to the topic of the speech


which of these is a new social problem presented by today's technology

families engaging less with one another during traditional family time

audience analysis can benefit you by helping you ___

focus your speech on the audience's general attitudes and beliefs

young-hee has a way of helping the group work together smoothly. when conflicts arise, she eases group tension with humor. what role is Young-hee playing?

harmonizer role

Diego is planning to propose to his girlfriend, Dawn. Which of these refers to his agency in this situation?

he can choose the formality level of the proposal

moving closer to a speaker would help you to ___ their speech


a boss is purposely late to a meeting with her employees. she is using chronemics to communicate ___

her time is more valuable than her employees' time

rules and policies establish predictability

high uncertainty avoidance

When establishing eye contact with the audience, you should ______.

hold your gaze for 1 to 2 seconds with a live audience

Fisher says that human beings are "storytelling animals" or what he calls ______.

homo narrans

for a message to be ethical according to the transmission metaphor, it must be___


Which of the following statements is true regarding the format of an outline?

if you have an "A" I your outline, you must have a "B"

If you were given less than 5 minutes to prepare a speech, which style of delivery would you most likely end up using?


how have scholars extended Ong's studied to current ways that technology impacts culture

inclusion of the culture of new media

which of the following terms describes a member who is expected to be proficient in using technology and seeking relevant information on the internet

information giver

if a couple begins to consider whether their relationship is like other relationships, they are experiencing a(n) ___ turning point


two-way communication

instant messaging

when resolving conflict, Christine balances open communication and logical exchanges. this is the ___ conflict-handling style


using facial expressions to exaggerate how you feel is called ___


which activity exemplifies how communication may help us participate in the social world

interacting with others in a romantic fashion

A(n) ______ reminds the audience of what they just heard in a speech.

internal summary

analog code refers to the representation of things through ___


John Dewey, an important American philosopher of education and communication theory, wrote in 1927 that ___ was a crucial skill to participate in democracy and resolve social problems


teachers may be called by their first names

low power distance

if someone says they prefer to communicate online because it is easier to share their feelings and build a relationship, they are noting that internet communication encourages ___

low-friction opportunities to communicate

which of the following actions is an example of a relational communication competency?

managing interactions among group members

Chloe is a high school student, and Jeannette, her mother, is a teacher at Chloe's high school. During a casual conversation one evening, they come up with an idea for a blog that gives both sides of the educational perspective - the teacher's and the student's. The blog is a big success, and Chloe and Jeannette attract thousands of readers and commenters. They even land an interview on the local morning news. Which aspect of new media does the story of Chloe and Jeannette's blog best represent?

many speaking to many

being expected to act aggressively versus being expected to act compassionately is traditionally associated with which of the five cultural dimensions

masculinity vs femininity

a computer-generated phone call from a political candidate is best classified an example of ___ communication


what type of communication occurs when we use a mass communication context to engage in interpersonal communication


______ presentations use a variety of delivery methods but are viewed using some technological component.


Sylvester is a partner at a law firm. He meets a newly hired attorney, Jay, and based on their limited conversations, Sylvester sees a lot of potential in Jay. He asks Jay to have lunch with him and offers to help him avoid some common mistakes he has seen other young associates make. If Jay accepts Sylvester's offer, they will enter into a ______


The way in which we use our voice within a speech involves our ______.

paralinguistic skills

what is the process of being aware of and understanding the world


a ___ is something that inhibits effective communication

perceptual barrier

A group has met every week for the last month working on a semester-long project. Recent group meetings have focused on evaluating the progress each group member has made, and engaging in decision-making and problem-solving techniques to keep moving forward. Most of the disagreements that have occurred lately center on not following the meeting agenda. Everyone is currently focused on producing a large volume of work to help the group achieve its goal. This group is likely at the ______ stage of group development


Jared is a Marine who completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan. He uses Facebook to stay in touch with those with whom he served, along with family and friends from high school and previous jobs. His profile photo is his official military portrait, but he shares photos taken on cell phones during his service overseas, as well as photos of his wife and three children. He follows some celebrities and political figures and uses Facebook as his news source, choosing the ones he trusts and finds most incisive and accurate. Which characteristic of new media is illustrated by Jared's Facebook page?


A speech about the Holocaust and concentration camps could best be enhanced by using ______ as presentational aids.


the listening goal of appreciative listening is ____


a group of nurses are protesting unfair work hours outside the hospital where they are unemployed. this act of persuasion would be classified as concerning a question of ____



political blogs

according to social penetration theory, which are things a person would share when in the middle layer of self-disclosure

political views

when someone describes the overall feeling of a relationship they are describing a ___

relational climate

discriminative listening is a type of listening that ___

provides the ability to understand the different stimuli around us in order to process the meaning

a person who is trying to argue that a particular position is immoral is using what type of claim?

questions of value

panvi's family has a rule that they will never interrupt each other during conversations, but Panvi's coworker repeatedly cuts her off mid-sentence during chats in the lunch room. this interaction represents a difference in ___ rules between Panvi and her coworker


____ is a good way to avoid overwhelming your audience by asking them to only make a small adjustment to begin with

seeking out micro changes

Terry is taking a final exam. during the exam, a person across the room sneezes, but Terry does not flinch and does not remember hearing the person sneeze. this exemplifies ___

selective attention

what is the relationship between selective attention and inattention blindness

selective attention may lead to inattention blindness

someone who studies the meaning of words is studying ___


which of these would be true of a person with a high level of cultural competence

sensitive of differences

when Marc's friends at school talk about dating and who they are attracted to at school, Marc feels a bit uncomfortable because he doesn't like sharing information about his relational status or ___

sexual orientation

a rough translation of the Latin origins of the word "communication" would be ___

sharing with

when looking outside at the rainy day, Rashida sighs deeply and says, "I love this weather." what kind of nonverbal communication might she use to accent this verbal message?

she says the word "love" louder and slower than the rest of the sentence

standpoint theory emphasizes the role of ___ on our perception and construction of the world

social groups

Amy and Julia are becoming closer because they are sharing progressively more private details about themselves with one another. this illustrates ___

social penetration theory

"My audience will learn how to ask five important questions in a Spanish-speaking country" is a ______

specific purpose

Kelli is running for student government president and has been asked to present the case for her election at a special event hosted by the Greek organizations on campus. She is nervous about giving her speech in an auditorium since there are expected to be several hundred people present. Which type of anxiety is Kelli likely experiencing?

state CA

Cornelius dates a woman for a year before finding out that she has been seeing other men the entire time they have dated. Cornelius is deeply hurt and tells his friends, "women are selfish." this is an example of a(n) ___


___ can be positive or negative


if a person asks where the grocery store is, and you point to the corner, you have demonstrated using nonverbal communication to ___ verbal communication


which statement best reflects the quantity maxim of the cooperation principle of communication

sufficient information must be provided, but unnecessary detail should be avoided

The speech conclusion should ______.

summarize the main points of a speech

Bella lives in an area that has a lot of rainfall. compared with other parts of the country, people in that region have significantly more words to describe rain and storms. which characteristic of words as symbols does this best represent?

symbols are culturally bound

Words that help remind the audience about your main ideas are a type of presentational aid called ______.


how does taking a "selfie" illustrate the two complementary parts of self

the act involves the ability to be both subject and object of our own experience and interpretation

which statement accurately describes the proteus effect

the appearance and roles of avatars can lead to behavior changes in their users

individualism focuses on ___

the immediate family

when viewing a photo, you notice that a person in a group of people is not smiling and appear to be standing off from the rest of the group. what nonverbal message might this indicate?

the person does not feel close to the others in the photo

when you meet someone new, you are struck by how good looking they are. according to studies on physical attraction, what else will you likely think about this person

the person is hardworking

what technological development allowed for the first mass production of books?

the prining press

Patrice and Frank worked together on a grueling project and found they got along exceptionally well. Now that their project is over, they continue to stop by one another's cubicles to chat and have lunch in the company cafeteria several days a week. Patrice and Frank are both happily married, and their spouses have grown accustomed to hearing about their spouse's "work wife" and "work husband." Which of the following statements is true regarding Patrice and Frank's work-spouse relationship?

they are likely to extend their friendship outside of the organization

in a class discussion of the four communication metaphors, Jack states that the transactional metaphor is the most accurate metaphor. How would the authors of your text respond to this claim?

they would disagree with Jackson and maintain that no one metaphor fully reflects the communication process

As storytelling animals, Fisher argues that we make decisions based on our historical and cultural stories.


Having less time than you thought is, in many ways, a harder problem than having more time than you expected.


If you discover that you have less time for your presentation than you initially thought, a good way to shorten your presentation is to leave out some examples or questions.


If you discover that you have more time for your presentation than you initially thought, a good way to expand your presentation is to add a Q&A session at the end of your speech to engage your listeners more fully.


In her persuasive speech, Saanvi uses the results of a poll she conducted with her classmates in her presentation on the topic of uniforms in high schools. This is an example of a primary source.


merchandise returns with no questions asked


During their first meeting, Christina's group decides that all group members need to attend all meetings, be prompt to all meetings, and contribute to all tasks. However, a group member, Brooke, consistently shows up late and does not complete the tasks assigned to her. Brooke has ______

violated group norms

_________ is/are created by connecting with people online across geographic barriers in order to gather, connect, and relate to people who share our interests, beliefs, and ideas.v

virtual communities

what is the result of having a large number of interpersonal constructs

we are able to have precise and tailored understandings of other people and situations

Walt Fisher defines narrative as ______

words that have sequence and meaning

which of these scenarios involves a situational distraction

you are studying while watching an awards show on TV

when you friend tells you a joke, you laugh, tell them how funny you thought it was, smile, and then tell them another joke you heard recently. according to scholar Erving Goffman, which of the following signals refers to the expression that you give off in sign activity?

your smile

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