Community Final

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A patient had wrapped a tummy band around her newborn's abdomen. What should the nurse say to the new mother?

"Can you explain to me the purpose of wrapping a band around the baby's tummy?"

A nurse carefully explained that the medication had to be taken three times a day, with each meal. The patient came to the clinic with symptoms of medication overdose. How should the nurse respond?

"Can you tell me when in the day you and your family eat?"

A daycare center asked the nurse to come because they had several children out as a result of chickenpox. Which statement should the nurse make to the staff?

"Chickenpox has low virulence, so the children will be back at the daycare center in a week or so."

A nurse is interviewing a client to determine if she is eligible for VA benefits. Which question would assist the nurse in determining the requirement of service?

"Did you serve active duty for 24 consecutive months?"

A client is describing the time period that he served in the National Guard. Which statement would he be most likely to make?

"I completed monthly drills and 2-week annual trainings."

The legal nurse consultant (LNC) was surprised to find that former friends were no longer interested in a colleague relationship and one even accused the LNC of trashing clinical nursing practice in the courtroom. Which would be the best response by the LNC?

"I'm defending the expertise and experience of skilled nursing clinicians by helping remove dangerous practitioners from the field."

The new principal stopped the school nurse in the hall and said, "I need to get oriented here. We seem to have a lot of handicapped children. Please make me a copy of their medical records so I can be prepared to meet with the parents if they come in." Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"I'm glad you're interested. Student health records are confidential, but I'll give you a schoolwide overview without any identifying data."

A man came for follow-up care to the free clinic, explaining that he had applied for a job based on his education and years of previous work experience, but, being in a wheelchair, he was turned down. Which response would be most appropriate for the nurse?

"If you know you can do the job, go to the free legal aid clinic for assistance. The employer may not know the law."

A principal called the school nurse into his office and asked, "Will this student be able to attend our school?" after handing over the medical record of a severely handicapped prospective student. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Legally all students have a right to public education in the least restrictive environment possible, so let me think how we can manage."

A nurse came limping into work with a huge cast on her right leg and asked to have an assignment for a week or two that did not require driving. The nurse said, "I never realized how difficult it is to get some places without two good legs. Now I know how persons with disabilities must feel!" Which would be the most appropriate response from the nursing supervisor?

"Not really; you'll be out of that cast in a few weeks."

A community health clinic put a tax levy on the ballot. An angry man asks a nurse, "How can you ask me to pay taxes to buy immunizations for parents who do not want to pay for their kids to get their shots?" Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Only by getting almost everyone immunized can we prevent epidemics that can hurt us all."

A family was dependent on the dad for financial support, and now he is in treatment for alcoholism. The wife asks you how long this will take. Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Remaining in treatment is crucial; it must last long enough to produce stable behavioral changes."

An 11-year-old boy is at the community health clinic for his well-child visit. The child's mother states she has heard that there is a HPV vaccine available for boys and wonders when her child should receive this vaccine. Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"The HPV vaccine should be given to your son at his visit today and will need to be administered two more times."

A veteran tells the nurse that he hates the VA health insurance program and wishes that he would be allowed to see the local doctor instead of traveling to the VA clinic. Which statement would be most appropriate to be made by the nurse?

"The VA does not provide health insurance, rather this is a benefit that you receive for compensation for your service to our country."

After his family and employer confronted a man with all the problems his drinking was causing, he agreed to go into treatment. However, the wife asks, "But if we are forcing him to go into treatment, won't he just resent us and keep on drinking?" Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Treatment can still be effective, even if you're forcing him into it."

A young man rolled his wheelchair up the ramp into the clinic to the desk where the intake nurse greeted him. After welcoming him to the clinic, which should be the initial question asked by the nurse?

"What brings you to the clinic today?"

When one woman asked her friend to stay while a painful procedure was done, it was explained that only one immediate family member could be in the room. The woman asked the nurse, "How do you define family?" Which would be the best response by the nurse?

"Whoever you tell us is your family"

After being given negative news about a health problem, the client, with tears running down her face, asks, "Why did this happen to me?" Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Why do you think it might have happened?"

A nurse is picking up her child from nursery school when the daycare teacher says to her, "One of the boys we care for does not seem able to sit still and listen, but is always running around and getting into things. His parents are not worried. His mother said her brother was the same way when he was a kid. Since you are a nurse, do you have any ideas on how I can calm him down?" Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Why not suggest that it's time for him to have a complete assessment and suggest the physician call you for an update on how he is doing in nursery school?"

"I don't understand," the woman said. "It's my husband who is the alcoholic, not me. Why are you asking me to get involved in his treatment?" Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"You have been hurt by his drinking; you will need support as you try to help your husband stop drinking."

A baby was dehydrated because of diarrhea. The mother explained that she had finally gone to a folk healer who told her to give the baby herbal tea, which did seem to be helping a bit, but the baby still seemed ill. Which statement would be the most appropriate reply by the nurse?

"Your healer is correct; fluids are crucial for your baby. Let me give you some special fluids for you to give the baby."

Which female would be at greatest risk for developing anorexia nervosa?

A "good girl," obedient to her parents' wishes, who always agrees with peers in her clique and strives to do everything perfectly

Which female would be at greatest risk for developing bulimia nervosa?

A 15-year-old cheerleader who wants to be a professional ballerina

Which veteran is most likely to experience homelessness

A 35-year-old single male

Which person meets the legal definition of a veteran?

A 50-year-old female who retired from the Navy

A nurse tried to set up a clinic appointment for a Muslim patient on Friday of the following week, but the patient insisted the appointment be made earlier in the week. Which best explains the patient's behavior?

A Muslim's holy day is from sunset Thursday to sunset Friday

Which statement best defines epidemiological transition?

A change from mainly infectious diseases to chronic diseases

A veteran has been diagnosed with an immersion foot injury. Which finding should the nurse anticipate when completing an assessment on the client?

A foot that has occasional numbness

Which disaster would most likely cause the most long-lasting mental health concerns for its victims?

A forest fire was deliberately set but was not a major concern until the fire suddenly changed direction and people attempting to evacuate at the last minute were burned in their cars.

A nurse is caring for an individual with disabilities. Which would put this client at risk for the fatal four?

A history of constipation

Which person will have the most difficulty in obtaining adequate support services to find a long-term home?

A homeless person who has a mental illness and is an alcoholic

A community health nurse is assigned to cover a school health office when the school's nurse is ill. A child is waiting for the nurse's arrival, saying a particular medication is needed. Which of the following can the nurse expect to find in the school health office?

A nursing policy book with standing orders and nursing protocols Medications clearly labeled with student name, as well as typical medication information (e.g., name, dose) Written request from a health care provider for that student to receive that medication Written request from the student's parents for the specific medication to be administered

Which is most likely to physically abuse elderly Americans?

A partner or spouse

Which person would be called chronically homeless?

A person has been homeless for more than a year

Which best describes a professional enabler?

A physician who provides narcotic analgesics to patients on a regular basis

Which is an accurate definition of impairment?

A problem in body function or structure

Which best describes the military culture?

A strong sense of service A hierarchal class system Solution-focused actions

An occupational health nurse (OHN) is walking through a hospital. Which observations would be concerning to the nurse?

A wet floor without a warning sign or a dry walk area on one side A nurse starts an IV without using gloves. An electric bed gives a shock when touched. Some biological substance on the floor and wall has not been cleaned. Volume has been turned very high on several TV sets, necessitating very loud verbal interactions.

Which are basic components of 12-step programs to help treat addictive behaviors such as alcoholism?

A willingness to change Attempts to make amends for wrongs done to others Recognition of personal strengths and weaknesses

Which best describes the prevalence of disabilities in U.S. children under age 15?

About 10%

A nurse eagerly explained to a long-term disabled male client the most recent relevant research related to his care. The client, rather than express appreciation, said, "I prefer to have my care given this way." The nurse explained that research suggested an alternative approach was more clinically effective, but the client said, "I am more comfortable during the day if my care is given this way." Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Accept that the client knows what works best

A nurse established a new parent support group where new parents meet to share problems and solutions. After about 3 months, fewer people were attending. Which action should the nurse take next?

Accept that the new parents may now be comfortable in their role and no longer need a support group

Which are the most important factors in reducing disparities in health outcomes between different cultural groups?

Access to a health care provider Health care insurance

Which concern can a nurse as a citizen help address?

Advocating for removal of environmental and social barriers to needed services

A nurse is caring for a veteran who served in Vietnam. Which exposure is the client most likely to report?

Agent Orange

Which mood-altering substances are considered acceptable to use by current Western society?


Which of the following is the most commonly used drug among children and adolescents in the United States?


Who should create a disaster plan including emergency supplies and where to meet in case of an emergency?

All families

Which statement best reflects the model of justice U.S. health care is based on?

All people have a right to whatever their own efforts allow them to purchase.

Which statement best describes how a disaster is the same as or different from an emergency?

An emergency is personal, whereas a disaster is communitywide.

Which individual would be described as being "doubled up"?

An individual who is forced to live with friends

Which describes the most important need of every school-aged child with a disability?

An individualized education plan (IEP)

Which legislation has increased funding for treatment and rehabilitation for substance abuse?

Anti-Drug Abuse Acts of 1986 and 1988

What is the largest branch of the U.S. Military?


A woman who spoke English was an immigrant from the Middle East, attending the clinic for the first time with two female friends. When a male nurse attempted to get a health history, the woman refused to respond to his questions. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Ask a female nurse to talk with the client

In a client's culture it is exceedingly rude to ask any questions about income or wealth. Which action should be taken by the nurse to draw conclusions about the client's socioeconomic status (SES)?

Ask about the client's education or employment position

A woman comes to the clinic, and the nurse believes that she is speaking French. She seems to understand English. A provider will need to complete a physical examination to confirm the health problem. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Ask the client if she prefers a male or female provider

A nurse became frustrated because after each interview question there was a long pause before the client responded. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Ask the client what silence after a question means

A nurse is called by a friend who complains of symptoms of a cold. Which response would be the most appropriate by the nurse?

Ask the friend what she usually does for a cold and suggest that be done

On the basis of what a faith community nurse (FCN) believed was best practice, she wanted to share various methods of dealing with infertility. However, the tradition of the church was that childbirth was in the hands of God and it was inappropriate to use artificial means of becoming pregnant. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Ask to be excused from the situation if a couple wants to obtain information inconsistent with the church's teaching

Which step should the nurse take first when triaging a victim of a disaster?

Assess respirations

Which best describes the role of the suicide prevention coordinator (SPC) at the VHA center?

Assist veterans to access timely mental health care

A nurse is working in a community setting caring for persons with mental health problems and their families. Which accurately describes how the nurse would fulfill the nursing role of coordinator?

Assisting the mental health client in navigating community agencies

The school nurse only had the resources for one education program for all the schools' teachers and support staff. Which of the following topics would be the most important to address in this program?


Which disorders are experienced at a higher rate by homeless adults when compared with the general population?

Asthma Hypertension Alcoholism

In addition to their homes, where are children most likely to be injured?

At school, especially on playgrounds

A client has refused to stop drinking alcohol. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Attempt harm reduction to help the client reduce drinking.

Which of the following medications can a school nurse expect to most frequently administer?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications

Which best describes how the faith community nurse, as a health educator, decides which educational programs to offer the faith community?

Based on the health status and needs of faith community members

As a nurse and a citizen, what is the nurse's additional responsibility in relation to disasters?

Be aware if there is an unusual increase in the number of people seeking care with similar symptoms

A nurse is caring for a client from a different culture. Which action would be the most helpful for the nurse to take?

Be aware of cultural similarities and differences between the nurse and the client

When does disaster management begin?

Before a disaster occurs

An African American male was addicted to drugs, received treatment, and now needs to resist abusing drugs again. Which barriers exist for this individual?

Being arrested when caught rather than receiving treatment Difficulty obtaining employment Easy access to illegal drugs in the community Economic rewards for selling or distributing drugs to others Pressure from drug-using friends to join them in social events

Which is the drug of choice for treating persons with alcohol withdrawal


Which reality would cause difficult ethical conflicts for a faith community nurse?

Best clinical practice may suggest behaviors contrary to the faith community's values and beliefs.

Which nongovernmental group has been expending millions of dollars to reduce the impact of infectious diseases with profound effect on prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Which is the most prevalent type of substance use problem among male and female veterans?

Binge drinking

Which of the following screenings are typically administered in the school setting?

Blood pressure Height and weight Scoliosis Visual and hearing acuity

Which of the following best explains why the school nurse and the principal athletic director of the school would frequently be working together?

Both are extremely concerned with the typical student's low amount of physical exercise and want to create an intervention plan.

Which best describes how a legal nurse consultant (LNC) would best prepare for testifying in court as an expert witness?

By carefully analyzing the client's medical record and related documents By summarizing the literature regarding the standard of care

Which best describes how the Continuum of Care (CoC) concept determines the number of homeless?

By conducting a point-in-time (PIT) homeless persons count every other January By reporting the number of homeless persons who use emergency shelters or transitional housing during the year

A nurse had 5 years of experience in a community health clinic when she accepted a position in occupational health. Which best explains how the nurse will know what to do in this new setting?

By following company procedures and relying on assessment checklists and clinical protocols

Which best describes how a community will know whether its disaster plan is adequate?

By following practice drills involving various feasible scenarios as an initial step of planning

A hospital emergency department received a call that multiple casualties were on their way, primarily burns from a large factory fire. Which action should the hospital take immediately?

Call in physicians and nursing staff who are experts in burn care

A client, accompanied by her son, spoke only Spanish while the nurse did not. Which action should be taken by the nurse to best meet the client's need?

Call until she finds a Spanish interpreter employed by the agency

Which nongovernment organization (NGO) is active in improving health on a global scale

Carter Center

Which is a fairly recent surprise regarding infectious diseases in the United States?

Cervical cancer and coronary artery disease may be caused by infectious agents

Which are current challenges for occupational health nurses?

Changes in employee demographics including gender, ethnicity, and age Increase in managed care plans with need for case managers Moving from large manufacturing facilities to smaller, service-based businesses Ongoing need to demonstrate cost-effectiveness of services rendered

Which best summarizes the symptoms of a person with bipolar disorder?

Changes in mood from depression to mania

Which group makes up about 25% of the world's population?


Which would most likely be the result of a medicolegal death investigation?

Clarification of the unnatural circumstances in which death occurred Death certificate with cause and manner of death

A patient had a distorted thought pattern, which led to very uncomfortable feelings and inappropriate behaviors. Which type of therapy would most likely be successful?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Which is considered appropriate preparation for engaging in forensic nursing specialty practice?

College-based educational program including supervised clinical hours and internship

Which best describes the challenges when providing care to someone from a minority group?

Communication, both words and gestures, may be unfamiliar. Few members of the minority group are nurses themselves. The nurse may have to confront personal values and beliefs.

A nurse is using an upstream intervention when working with the homeless population. Which public health intervention will the nurse most likely use?

Community organizing

Which of the following variables create differences from school to school regarding the health services that are available?

Community resources School leadership preferences State legislative requirements Students' needs

As a health advocate, which does the faith community nurse (FCN) need to know?

Community resources available in the community

A man had managed not to drink for over 2 years, but today, when he was told his position was being eliminated, he drank himself into a stupor. Which approach should the nurse take with this client?

Consider the relapse a learning opportunity and discuss options for coping with problems

Which disasters are considered natech (natural-technological) disasters?

Constant rain led to mud slides, and whole neighborhoods were buried. An earthquake caused structural collapse of bridges and highways in the area. River flooding resulted in overflow of the sewage plant and contaminated drinking water throughout the city. The tsunami washed out all the power and telephone lines throughout the downtown area of the city.

Which of the following health problems has been reduced in school-aged and adolescent children?

Contagious diseases

Every day a child came into the school nurse's office with vague complaints, but sometimes it seemed to the nurse that the child just wanted to talk and be listened to for a while. Unfortunately, the child took up almost 15 minutes of the nurse's very busy day. Which of the following actions should be taken by the nurse?

Continue to listen while assessing for possible underlying problems

Which strategies have been used to improve the collection of prevalence data for the homeless population?

Continuum of Care (CoC) concept Homeless Information Management System (HMIS)

Which entity has been most active in creating change and alternative approaches in health care delivery?


Which do terrorists hope to accomplish by causing mass destruction and violence toward innocent persons going about their daily lives?

Create fear to intimidate and coerce to accomplish a political goal

Which action was taken by the federal government to help improve health disparities among minorities?

Created the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Which would be one of the first steps in attempting to control a disease?

Define what the disease looks like in confirmed or probable cases

Which aspect of health care could be learned by a developing country from a developed country?

Delivery of primary health care

Which of the following is one of the most frequent health complaints of school-aged children?

Dental caries

The charge nurse notes that two patients had communicable infectious diseases and were treated appropriately. Which action should be taken next by the nurse?

Depends on your state health department's requirements

Which mental illness is most frequently diagnosed among adults in the United States?


Which factor is the primary motivator for young (homeless) women engaging in survival sex?

Desperation to meet basic needs

Which are the responsibilities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in relation to disasters?

Detecting disease outbreaks, their cause, and risk factors, and implementing interventions for control Ensuring that drinking water, food, shelter, and medical care are available to victims

An employee had recently had a heart attack and was just discharged from the hospital. Which would be an appropriate action for the nurse to take?

Determine appropriate temporary, perhaps part-time, responsibilities to ease the employee's reentry to the workplace

What have been the foci of international nursing research?

Development of home care or transition from hospital to home Diverse clinical conditions and experiences Educational exchange programs for students and faculty

A nurse is assessing a female veteran for military sexual trauma (MST). Which would be the most appropriate question for the nurse to ask?

Did anyone ever use force or threat of force to have sexual contact with you against your will?

A veteran reports to the nurse that she believes that she may be suffering from PTSD. Which would the nurse anticipate the client experiencing during the past month?

Difficulty sleeping Negative feelings about oneself Avoiding communication with others from her troop

A nurse is completing an assessment of a client who states that his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has worsened, and he is no longer able to do his own grocery shopping. Which stage of the NADP model is the client experiencing?


Which insight is being stressed by advocacy groups regarding persons with disabilities today?

Disability results when physical and social barriers in the environment prevent a person from taking equal part in community life.

Which strategy should be used to lower the risk of malaria among the world's population?

Distribute insecticide-treated nets and antimalarial medications

If a forensic nurse was employed in the most widely recognized subspecialty in forensic nursing, which would be the nurse's primary tasks?

Do a history and physical assessment and collect evidence

Which are strategies the nurse should practice to provide effective care for persons with disabilities?

Don't assume the client has a physical or cognitive deficit until you have validated it. Allocate additional time for care. Adopt the client's perspective as to what works best without bias.

Which best describes how the prevalence of violence and violent crimes has changed the professional practice of health care providers?

Each patient is now routinely screened for violence

A nurse is planning primary prevention activities related to the emergence of tuberculosis (TB) in the local community. Which activity would the nurse implement?

Educate community members about TB infection and transmission

Which describes a dimension of the social determinants of health (SDH) defined within Healthy People 2020?


A public health nurse is partnering with a local community agency to create a media campaign focusing on prevention of teenage pregnancy. Which is a key component of the Integrated Model of Sustainability and Innovation that should be implemented?

Effective communication

A school health nurse was concerned about the diagnosed eating disorders of three high school students. A nutrition and body image program was planned. Which of the following classes should receive the program first?

Elementary school grades 4, 5, and 6

Everyone in a high school was very upset over the fact that one of the students had shot and killed another student. The nurse decided this was an appropriate time to establish a program to help prevent violence. Which of the following groups of students should receive the program first?

Elementary school grades 4, 5, and 6

A candidate's resume demonstrates a perfect fit for a position, but one glance showed the candidate was wheelchair bound. Which suggestion should the nurse make to the employer?

Employ the candidate and rearrange the work area for easy access and exit for someone in a wheelchair

Which best describes what the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires?

Employers must keep the worksite free from recognized hazards.

Which best explains why the infection rate of communicable diseases is so high among persons who are incarcerated?

Engagement in tattooing and drug use Failure to use condoms during sexual intercourse

An occupational health nurse (OHN) works in a state that requires continuing education units per year for renewing a nursing license. Which course would probably be most helpful in the role?

Ergonomics and Toxicology

Before interviewing a Hispanic family, what is the most important action for the nurse to take?

Establish rapport, and gain trust and confidence

Which best describes why a nurse working in a U.S. urban area should be knowledgeable about infectious diseases common to areas of Africa?

Every infectious disease is just one airplane ride away.

Which type of behaviors would a nurse expect to see when a disaster first strikes a community?

Everyone trying to help strangers, as well as their neighbors, survive

A student had been absent 4 days out of the last 3 weeks. When the school nurse asked what was wrong, the student replied, "Headaches" in a rather angry tone. The student had previously been heard to complain that school was boring and it was hard to concentrate on such dumb stuff. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the nurse to take next?

Express concern that the student was under a lot of stress and offer to help if possible

A veteran is receiving treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As part of the therapy, the veteran identifies negative thoughts and emotions while focusing on specific sounds and movements. Which trauma-focused therapy is the client receiving?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

A nurse tells a friend that he has recently changed jobs and will now be an occupational health nurse. Which places is the nurse most likely to be working?

Factory Hospital employee health College/University Residential group home

A nurse suspects that a client is depressed. Which symptoms are most likely being exhibited by the client?

Fatigue Irritability Difficulty concentrating

Which best describes why some advocacy groups have taken a strong stand against physician-assisted suicide?

Fear that some persons may be "encouraged" to accept an early death merely because they are not valued by society for their contributions

A school had tried very hard to uphold the requirement for all children to be vaccinated. However, state law allowed parents to exempt their child if they had a religious reason for refusal. Two children have been diagnosed with chickenpox. Which will be the most likely result?

Few children will get chickenpox because of herd immunity.

A mother has recently learned that her infant has been diagnosed with spina bifida. Which nutrient was lacking during gestation?

Folic acid

From who is a person aged 12 or older most likely to obtain pain relievers for nonmedical use?

Free from a friend or relative

Which best explains why anyone would ever experiment with an illegal substance?

Friends are encouraging it

Which are the causes of mental illness?

Genetic inheritance combined with neurochemical and metabolic changes Living through a severe disaster, whether manmade or natural Physiological abnormalities in the brain structure Posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) Social isolation, rejection, and/or stress

Parents have requested that their child be brought up to date on appropriate immunizations. After reviewing the child's medical history, the nurse prepares to give the two immunizations. What additional action should be taken by the nurse before administration of the immunization?

Give the parents the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)

Which statement best describes how the population of the United States is changing?

Growth will occur because of ongoing immigration

Which problem depends on the responses of other people and therefore cannot be measured?


Which behaviors best represent the definition of mental health?

Happily married and successful parent of three children Just promoted with more responsibilities and increased salary Set up a memorial fund for research after death of a family member

A city that depended on tourist dollars had feedback that tourists were saying they were never returning because of the constant mosquito bites. Which action should be taken by the city?

Have everyone in town search for and remove any standing stagnant water.

A clinic nurse is completing a patient intake interview with a noncommissioned veteran who has recently transitioned to civilian life. Which would be the most appropriate for the nurse to ask to assess how the veteran is transitioning from military to civilian life?

Have you been able to use your military experience to find a civilian job?

Which provides the best description of severe mental illness (SMI)?

Having a diagnosable mental disorder with moderate functional behavior in a specific area of lifestyle at any time during the past year

A man was told by his boss that his work had really gone downhill recently and he had to improve or the boss would have to let him go. His wife had moved out of the apartment. Obviously, the drug use was causing problems. Which would cause the man to continue to use?

He had paid a lot for this stuff so he had just finished using what he had and then he had quit. He rationalized he was just hitting a rough spot and, as soon as he got over his wife's betrayal, he would quit using and his job would be fine. He tried to quit, but the withdrawal symptoms were so severe he could not. He verbalized quitting, but his new friends scoffed at him.

A woman was bragging about her 12-year-old son who was quiet and spent a lot of his time in his room building model airplanes, and gluing and painting pieces. Which may be concerning to the nurse?

He may be inhaling fumes from the aerosol paints and glues

A veteran has been diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Which symptoms would most likely be reported to the nurse?

Headaches Dizziness Memory problems

Which aspect of a developed country would be most worthwhile to be copied by a developing country?

Health care reform policies to improve health care delivery

Which assumption underlies the Declaration of Alma-Ata?

Health is a fundamental human right.

A nurse felt very good about an Asian man who had responded positively to the instructions given to him. Later, the nurse heard him tell his wife that there was no way he could implement the suggestions. Which best describes the problem that the client is experiencing?

His culture may value harmonious relationships over expressing disagreement.

Which symptom would the faith community nurse (FCN) expect to see when caring for a client with the diagnosis of spiritual distress?

Hopelessness, isolation, and loneliness

A female client develops a fungal vaginal infection after being treated with antibiotics for strep throat. Which component of the epidemiological triangle is primarily responsible?


Which best describes when the nurse can share confidential information about an employee's health with others?

If needed for workers' compensation documents If a life-threatening emergency occurs If authorized by the employee to specific recipients, such as insurance companies or health care providers In compliance with governmental laws and regulation

Which best explains why health professionals and educators are stressing total abstinence of drugs instead of teaching appropriate social use?

If students perceive a drug as harmful, fewer actually try it.

A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) knows the ritual is senseless but is unable to stop. Which best explains why he does not quit doing the ritual?

If the compulsion is resisted, anxiety increases.

A college student visits the student health center and tells the nurse that his roommate is talking about killing himself, has given some of his possessions away, and he believes the roommate has a gun. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Immediately locate the roommate, talk to him, and, if the story is confirmed, stay with him until emergency services arrive.

Which best describes why earthquakes would be more frightening than floods to many people, even though both can cause extensive damage?

Imminence of earthquakes is unknown. It is not possible to prevent an earthquake. The predictability of earthquakes is lower.

A family will most likely lose their primary nighttime residence within the next week. Which term best describes their situation in relation to homelessness?

Imminent risk of homelessness

Which best describes a downstream intervention to solve the problem of homelessness?

Improved treatment of mental illness

Which statement best describes what tobacco companies have done to counter their losses resulting from U.S. efforts to decrease smoking tobacco?

Increased international exports and targeted children

One child in a kindergarten room had a slight fever and did not eat lunch. Otherwise, the child seemed OK. Three days later, several children were absent from kindergarten. Which best describes what happened?

Infectious diseases can be contagious before any diagnostic symptoms occur.

Which statement best explains how infectious diseases are different from any other health problem?

Infectious diseases have the potential to spread, creating a community emergency

The female nurse was called to the emergency department (ED) to help with a woman who had been beaten and raped. Which are the nurse's responsibilities as a forensic nurse?

Initiate the proper collection, preservation, and chain of custody of evidence with appropriate documentation

Which statement about military sexual trauma (MST) is accurate?

Insomnia is more severe among veterans who report a history of MST.

What was the importance of the Lalonde Report, which proposed the "health field concept" in 1974?

It first emphasized influence of lifestyle and environment

Which statement best describes how the American Red Cross (ARC) is different from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the National Incident Management System?

It is a nongovernmental volunteer agency

Which statement best describes how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) differs from its many peer agencies?

It responds to health emergencies

Which describes a responsibility of the forensic psychiatric nurse?

Judging intent or diminished capacity of the client during the incident

Which best describes why it is crucial to never use the label of "addiction"?

Labels influence self-perception, and behavior will begin to fulfill the label.

Which factor would prevent a homeless person from accepting employment adequate to pay for housing?

Lack of adequate resources to pay for other necessities

Which of the following best describes why the numbers of children seen by the school health nurse is increasing?

Lack of another source of regular health care

Which best describes the term "literally homeless"?

Lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence Living in a place not typically used for human sleeping

Which is one of the biggest threats faced by developing countries that are trying to grow economically and make a better life for their citizens?

Large population

Which best describes how people with mental illness are viewed by the general public?

Lazy, weak, and immoral

Which of the following does the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) service include in its routine screening that may not be included in a typical private physician preschool physical?

Lead toxicity screenings

A young teenager was habitually engaging in binge drinking with friends on weekends. Which would be a long-term concern of this behavior?

Legal drug use almost always precedes use of illegal drugs.

Which best explains what experts believe is the causative factor in the decline in total alcohol consumption?

Less social tolerance and no-drinking-while-driving campaigns

Which best describes a major difference between women who have always had shelter and women who have been homeless?

Level of involvement with physical and/or sexual abuse

Which has been a common result in countries with a severe HIV/AIDS epidemic

Life expectancy dropped to 35 to 40 years but is slowly increasing.

A school nurse was asked to see Lisa, a student in the fourth grade who was rumored to be living in a car with her mother. Which would most likely have caused the teacher to become concerned?

Lisa is developmentally delayed.

Who is responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of communities?

Local government

A prisoner was bleeding where another inmate had attacked him with a fork. Which would be the correctional nurse's first and most crucial responsibility?

Maintain an escape route to help ensure personal safety

Which represents the largest group of homeless adults


Which is one of the most challenging areas for the occupational health nurse (OHN)?

Managing ethical conflicts between responsibilities to management and responsibilities to employees

Which is crucial during the detoxification phase of the addiction process?

Managing the acute withdrawal symptoms

Which is the most commonly used illegal mood-altering substance?


Which of the following is the most commonly used illegal drug among children and adolescents in the United States?


Which best describes the current perspective on how communities should treat persons with disabilities (PWDs)?

Maximize opportunities for PWDs to work and otherwise contribute to community life

A female coach walks into your office and shares that one student concerns her. The student will not change into her gym clothes and does not seem to "move right." Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the nurse to take next?

Meet with the student and ask directly about sexual or physical abuse

Which is the treatment of choice for treating heroin addicts during withdrawal?


Which drug is being widely manufactured within the United States?


A female student was extremely upset over her test results. She thought she had studied thoroughly, but her test grade would be totally unacceptable to her parents. Her friend said, "Come on, it's just the first course test. You'll do better on the next one. Let's go out and have a drink. You'll feel much better." After the first drink, how will the upset student most likely feel?

More relaxed and comfortable

Which best explains why occupational health nurses (OHNs) felt a need to create the Factory Nurses Conference?

Most OHNs practiced alone and wanted to be able to interact with peers.

Which best explains why having parity in insurance coverage does not always help persons with depression?

Most depressed persons do not seek treatment.

Which is the most common form of elder abuse?

Neglect by self or caregivers

Which set of symptoms would be unexpected after a disaster

No unusual feelings or behavior

A woman stood very close to the nurse and asked a question about her husband's condition. The nurse took a step back and shared the requested information. No other questions were asked. Was this a successful interaction?

No, because the woman and the nurse had different perceptions of personal space

A nurse was explaining a problem to the client so the client could make an informed decision about alternative treatment approaches. The client responded, "The doctor will choose the best treatment. Do whatever the doctor says." Which action should be taken next by the nurse?

Nothing; simply accept that some fatalistic-oriented clients literally do not know how to choose

Which best explains why job opportunities for occupational health nurses (OHNs) have continued to expand?

Nurses are able to document cost savings to employers

In a nationwide survey, which of the following was identified by school health nurses as the most crucial research priority for their specialty?

Obesity and nutrition

Which of the following health problems continues to increase in school-aged and adolescent children?

Obesity and related problems (diabetes)

An emergency department nurse was not sure whether there was enough evidence one way or the other to suspect child abuse with a child client, because there was not much evidence of physical harm. The forensic nurse agreed to see the child. Which would be the forensic nurse's primary focus?

Observe the child's appearance and behavior and how the child interacted with other children and adults

Which best explains how occupational health nursing differs from other nursing specialties?

Occupational health nursing has a major focus on the environment. Occupational health nurses are more autonomous and work independently. Occupational health nurses may work with unions, as well as management groups.

Which agency should develop a community disaster plan, have emergency drills to test the plan, and determine the proper response?

Office of Emergency Management

With whom would the forensic nurse primarily interact during the day in addition to clients?

Officers of the court Police officers

In what way is the U.S. approach to primary health care inconsistent with the World Health Organization (WHO) approach?

Our primary health care system does not provide universal coverage to all citizens.

Which best describes the change that was made to mental health care through the implementation of the ACA?

Parity now exists for mental health services

During an outbreak in the hospital, all staff members were given immunoglobulin if they were not already immune to the disease. Which type of immunity will the staff who received the immunoglobulin have?

Passive immunity

A veteran has received special training to provide recovery-oriented support to other veterans within the VHA health system. Which role will the veteran most likely fulfill?

Peer support specialist

Which has been confirmed by research regarding the relationship between religion, spirituality, and health?

Persons who attend services have decreased anxiety, depression, and stress.

Which problem was the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (TWWIIA) designed to address?

Persons with disabilities not seeking employment for fear of losing their health care and other governmental supports

Which statement about Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is correct?

Persons with disabilities who receive SSI may receive a state supplement

A nurse is caring for a veteran who has suffered a polytraumatic injury. Which would be the primary consideration for the nurse when working with this client?

Physical and cognitive abilities to complete ADLs independently may be lacking.

Which of the following led to school nurses moving beyond the role of screening, assessment, intervention, and exclusion of children for communicable diseases?

Political movements such as temperance, which led schools to educate about the effects of alcohol and tobacco

A nurse is caring for an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Which findings would be most concerning to the nurse?

Poor skin turgor No bowel movement for the past 3 days Symptoms of choking after taking a sip of water Recent seizure

A friend who was raped and beaten appeared to be coping well. However, she recently dropped out of school and shared with the nurse that she is having nightmares where it happens all over again, and these nightmares are becoming impossible to live with. Which would be the concern of the nurse?

Posttraumatic stress syndrome disorder (PTSD)

Which best describes what the Code of Federal Regulations, especially Title 29, requires of the occupational health nurse (OHN)?

Postwork-related injuries, illnesses, and death records must be recorded yearly.

Which way(s) can physicians enable drug abuse?

Prescribing psychoactive medications to a new patient who was claiming anxiety and insomnia Prescribing psychoactive medications to make a patient feel better during a time of situational stress Refusing to prescribe psychoactive medications even if the patient has severe pain so the patient must seek self-medication with illegal substances or alcohol With drugs so available, the physician can use drugs for a temporary problem; feeling relief may lead to self-addiction.

An occupational health nurse (OHN) reminds employees to put on their safety glasses and use other personal protective equipment. Which level of prevention is being implemented?


On which level of care do most faith community nurses (FCNs) focus?


The nurse could not find a vaccine in the refrigerator. The unopened vaccine vial had been put in a storage cabinet with the other medications. The nurse drew up the appropriate dose in the syringe and then put the vial of vaccine in the refrigerator. Which would be the most likely result?

Primary vaccine failure

The correctional nurse was completing an admission physical for a newly incarcerated prisoner. The nurse realized the prisoner was talking to someone other than the nurse. Which does the nurse need to remember?

Prisons have become the residence for a very large number of persons who have mental illnesses.

Which of the following best describes how schools can determine what their school health education priorities should include?

Provide opportunities for students to practice decision-making skills Choose priorities according to which behaviors lead to avoidable problems Make priorities consistent with the six topics identified by Healthy People 2020

A man walked to the staging area after an earthquake crying that he was hurt. A triage nurse noted he had cuts, abrasions, and an open (bone was seen) fractured arm. Which action should be taken next?

Put a yellow tag on his shirt and then await transport to a medical facility

A case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was diagnosed immediately on signs of illness at a tourist site in China. Which action should be taken to protect the badly needed income from tourist dollars?

Quarantine the ill person and use isolation techniques when providing care

Which action to reduce tobacco-related deaths and diseases is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Raise taxes on tobacco

A nurse reviewed the treatment the surgeon recommended for a woman's breast lump. When the nurse asked the woman if she could be admitted to the hospital for immediate surgery, the husband thanked the nurse for her time and said they would get back in touch after they speak with other family members. Which action would be most appropriate for the nurse to take?

Recognize that the husband and other family members may need to have input into this decision

A correctional nurse was preparing to give an inmate his psychotropic drug when the prisoner hit the nurse's arm, sending the medication flying, and yelled, "No more. I'm not taking that poison anymore!" The prisoner is obviously mentally ill. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Recognize the prisoner's right to refuse treatment

The faith community nurse (FCN) finds the faith community's needs overwhelming. Which best describes how the nurse can best meet the community's many needs?

Recruit, train, and direct volunteers to implement needed programs

Which type of maps is crucial to be included in any disaster plan?

Resource map showing potential resources in persons and supplies

The legal nurse consultant (LNC) felt more than a little stressed after being cross-examined by both the prosecuting attorney and the defendant's attorney in intricate detail at a deposition. Which action should be taken next by the LNC?

Review the written transcript for accuracy

Which action should be taken during a biological attack?

Seek medical attention if you become sick

An earthquake has hit and buildings are knocked down; people are injured and crying for help. Looters have already started grabbing essential resources. Which action should the community take first?

Send in law officials to secure the area and ensure the safety of the victims

Which best describes how health care professionals are involved in the problem of homelessness?

Serious illnesses or disability creates high medical bills, which may lead to homelessness.

A client reports hearing loss and tinnitus following military duty in the Gulf War. Which term would best describe this client's injury?

Service-connected disability

A new school nurse was concerned about being accepted, as the previous nurse had been at the school for more than 20 years. Which of the following would be the best approach for the nurse to take?

Set up workshops on exercise, nutrition, and weight management and perhaps ongoing blood pressure screenings for school staff

Which are the most frequent problems suffered by the chronically homeless?

Severe mental illness and substance abuse disorders

In which way is methamphetamine different from and more dangerous than other mood-altering substances?

Severe neurological changes occur in the brain very quickly, often even with the first dose

A forensic nurse is responsible for conducting a thorough examination, including a history, performing a physical assessment, and collecting forensic evidence on a female client following a rape. In which subspecialty of forensic nursing is this nurse practicing?

Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE)

Which infection continues to increase in the United States?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

A new faith community nurse (FCN) met with a client who was dying. The client asked the FCN to pray for her out loud. The FCN had an active prayer life, but privately—not out loud relating to someone else. Which would be the best response by the nurse?

Share a traditional prayer that the nurse had previously memorized for personal use

Which of the following best describes how Lillian Wald helped encourage the idea of school nurses in the schools?

She demonstrated that school nurses decreased absenteeism by 50%.

Which factors are most likely to contribute to homelessness?

Shortage of affordable housing and insufficient income

Which interventions would be appropriate for a faith community nurse who bases care on the CIRCLE Model of Spiritual Care?

Showing love and empathy toward the client and the situation Calling the client by name during the conversation Allowing time for prayer during the client interaction

A young woman rolled her wheelchair up the ramp into the clinic to the desk where the intake nurse greeted her. Which should be the nurse's first response?

Sit so the nurse is at wheelchair level with the young woman

Which best explains why experts are now distinguishing between use and misuse?

Some persons may use drugs and not become dependent on them.

In which area would the faith community nurse (FCN) most desire more education to continue in the role?

Spiritual assessment skills and acquiring theological knowledge

A family was very pleased with how well their child was doing now that he was on medication. They congratulated the nurse on getting their child help and said they were so impressed that the nurse was able to cure him. Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

Stress that the medication is controlling the symptoms and their child will continue to need their support

Which helps to balance the fact that poverty is typically a major factor in certain groups having poorer health?

Strong family and community support for healthy behaviors

The daily patrons of a local town restaurant became ill with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Without knowing the cause, which action should be taken immediately to help avoid future problems?

Strongly emphasize the importance of proper hand washing to staff

Which would be the best example of service learning?

Student nurses volunteering at the free clinic doing health assessments

Which preventable health problem is the cause of more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other?

Substance abuse

Which underlying factor most likely contributes to homelessness?

Substance abuse

A patient with severe panic attacks refuses to come to the mental health clinic to get help even after being assured there is no charge for the initial assessment. Which provides the best explanation for this behavior?

Such persons have anticipatory anxiety, so they try to avoid situations that may lead to a panic attack, such as leaving their house

When a nurse visited a client's home, it was apparent that the client had not begun to implement the needed exercise program. Rather, the client had been doing drawings about his illness experience. Which action would be most appropriate for the nurse to take next?

Suggest drawing might be more forceful after exercising

Crying, a clinic patient explained that she knew she had this breast lump because she had spread nasty gossip about her neighbor. Which action by the nurse would likely be the most successful?

Suggest that she has to repent and as much as possible undo her sin, but also make an appointment for a biopsy

The legal nurse consultant (LNC) was asked to submit an affidavit to both the prosecutor's and the defendant's office. Which information needs to be included?

Summary of nurse's educational and experiential credentials and an analysis of the case

Which skill can a forensic nurse, serving in the elected office of coroner, bring to the situation compared with other professionals?

Superb communication and empathy skills

Which best describes the problem with the Section 8 housing program?

Supply is vastly less than the demand.

A nurse plans to implement interventions at the community level to address substance use disorders. Which interventions would the nurse likely implement?

Support law enforcement measures to limit access to and distribution of addictive substances (e.g., street drugs) Provide educational programs at schools and penal institutions Create radio public service communications concerning the risks of substance abuse and the availability of treatment

A nurse was responsible for setting up a health fair with free pizza being served during lunch. The nurse observed a few people who did not eat but just talked quietly during lunch. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

Talk to the group, and ask what foods might have been more acceptable

A school nurse is conducting a program with high school students about adolescent sexuality. Which of the following information would the school nurse most likely include?

Teenage mothers are less likely to complete high school and often remain single and live in poverty.

Which was required by the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008?

That health insurance must cover treatment for mental illness on the same terms and conditions as physical illness

Everyone is talking about the disaster that has been widely seen on the news programs. Which of the following suggestions would be most appropriate for the nurse to make at this time?

That the school should develop an emergency management plan.

Which U.S. agency is responsible for overseeing the actions of protecting against, responding to, recovering from, and preventing the effects of disaster?

The National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Which of the following legislation marked the first entry of the federal government into school health?

The National School Lunch Program

Which best explains why most states have the legal drinking age set at 21 years old?

The alcohol-related death rate rose alarmingly when drinking age was lowered to 18 years.

Eight patients were burned in a factory fire. Shortly thereafter, four firefighters were seen with possible smoke inhalation problems. Which best describes how these patients are different from the first patients to arrive?

The burn patients were direct victims, whereas the firefighters are indirect victims

Which best describes how the practice of faith community nurses is different from the practice of other nurse specialists?

The central focus of the practice is the spiritual dimension

A professional strongly encouraged institutionalization, so the parents could focus on care of their other family members. Which suggestion would be appropriate for the nurse to make to the parents?

The child has a right to an education in the least-restrictive setting.

A 14-year-old was found guilty of beating and raping a 73-year-old neighbor. The prosecutor had successfully argued for the child to be tried as an adult. The jury is considering a long adult prison term. Which would the nurse most likely suggest when called on as an expert witness?

The child should be in a juvenile facility to avoid the high risk of sexual assaults, beatings, and suicide in adult prison.

A veteran has recently been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Which information obtained from the client during a health history would align with this diagnosis?

The client states that he served as a sniper during the Gulf War.

Which ethical issue is often a concern to a faith community nurse (FCN)?

The client's right to confidentiality if a client repents and confesses sin to the nurse

Which statement best defines Leininger's term "culture universal"?

The commonalities of values, norms, and life patterns that are held in all cultures

At a military base, a family from Qatar, a Muslim Arabic country, came into the prenatal clinic because the wife believed she was pregnant. Which provider would be the most appropriate choice for this client?

The female nurse midwife

A 14-year-old girl came with her family to the clinic as her father picked up his medication. The girl became anxious and said she had to go home soon to clean the house and start dinner. Which would the nurse most likely suspect from this interaction?

The girl is taking on the role of hero with responsibility for caretaking functions.

The male home health nurse parked his marked car in preparation for visiting the next client when a young female walked over to the car and asked him if he would like to have some fun. Which provides the best explanation for this behavior?

The girl may have hoped a nurse would give her enough money to eat.

Which led to a vast increase in the number of occupational health nurses?

The health of workers involved in manufacturing during World War II was crucial

In which ways are occupational health nurses (OHNs) role models of good community health nursing?

The majority of OHNs are prepared at the baccalaureate level or higher. OHNs actively influence policy in health and safety within a particular area. OHNs focus on health promotion and avoidance of injury or disease. OHNs plan and implement health programs for populations of employees.

Which event occurred in 1965?

The mentally ill were deinstitutionalized

Which best describes the recent trends in homelessness?

The number of homeless families is decreasing

A nurse was a volunteer in a faith community when a police officer asked for specific information related to a member's behavior and mental health. The faith community nurse (FCN) told the police officer, "I'm a part-time volunteer; I'm not paid. Besides, I have client-professional privileges so I can't share information with you." Which will most likely be the outcome of this encounter?

The nurse is still accountable and has no legal right not to disclose information requested by a legal authority.

If not at a meeting or giving an educational program, which best describes why an occupational health nurse (OHN) would be absent from the health station during the nurse's employment hours?

The nurse planned a walk-through of the workplace.

A student said she wanted to discuss an issue with the nurse but that it was confidential. Therefore, she asks the nurse to promise as a professional to keep this a secret. She then shares that her roommate is very depressed; her older sister committed suicide, and she is planning on killing herself if she does not pass her final examinations. Which action should be taken by the nurse?

The nurse should stress that one cannot keep a secret when someone's life is at stake and immediately go to assess the roommate.

A registered nurse is discovered stealing a patient's narcotic medication for personal use. Which is most likely to happen to the nurse?

The nurse who shows acceptance of a drug problem may be allowed limited practice under supervision while undergoing treatment and monitoring.

Which behavior is a warning that a person is no longer just using a drug's recreationally but is abusing drugs and becoming addicted?

The person is less able to control frequency and amount of indulging

Which best describes the prevalence of autism in the United States?

The prevalence of autism has increased in the past decade

Which best describes the proportion of the U.S. population that is made up of persons with a long-lasting condition or disability?

The proportion is almost 20% and increasing.

Which trend in illicit drug use is being seen among adults over age 50?

The rate of illicit drug use is increasing

Which best describes what is happening with infectious diseases in the United States?

The rate of infection varies extensively by income and ethnic groups.

Which would be most upsetting for American families when their loved one, after serving in Iraq or some other battlefield, returns home?

The suicide rate is twice as high as among nonveteran adults.

Which statements about veteran suicide are accurate?

The suicide rate of veterans is higher than that of the general population. The majority of veterans who die from suicide are age 50 or older. The age group that has the highest suicide rate among female veterans is age 18 to 29 years old.

A spouse of a veteran inquires as to if he will qualify for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veteran's Affairs (CHAMPVA). Which describes what criteria will need to be met?

The veteran has been rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability by a VA regional office The spouse is a survivor of a veteran who died from a VA-rated service-connected disability The spouse is a survivor of a veteran who died in the line of duty

A nurse made a home visit for prenatal care and teaching for an Asian woman. The nurse noted the woman was having a hot lunch of spicy foods the nurse did not recognize. When the nurse suggested a cold drink with her meal, the woman looked horrified and distrusting. Which best describes what has happened in this situation?

The yin and yang theory requires only hot food be eaten when female yin energy is dominant, such as during pregnancy.

On the basis of all the work done by social scientists, approximately how many homeless persons should be expected and tolerated in our society?

There should not be homeless persons in America

Which best explains why drug abusers so often relapse?

They lack a supportive environment.

Most of a country's citizens have died from malnutrition or as the result of violence. Which conclusion can be drawn?

They live in a developing country

Which best explains what children of alcoholics do when they become adults with families?

They themselves are at a high risk for becoming alcoholics

Which group of people is most likely to experience homelessness?

Those who have substance abuse problems

Which statement regarding developmental disabilities is accurate?

Those with developmental disabilities exhibit limitations before 18 years of age

Which best describes when faith communities first began to be involved with health and healing?

Throughout history, faith communities provided basic health care

Which best describes what happens when persons who work full-time and receive the typical minimum wage seek an apartment?

To afford housing, they need a job that pays at least three times minimum wage.

Which best describes why it is crucial that the faith community nurse (FCN) have at least a baccalaureate degree, as well as several years of experience in clinical practice, in addition to formal education in the role?

To be autonomous with self-direction and independent decision-making

Which best describes why clinical areas are so careful to ensure sanitization of surfaces and equipment between each patient?

To decrease transmission by fomites

Which best explains why the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was originally legislated?

To determine whether changes should be made in procedures or biological agents To monitor actual and potential vaccine-related problems

Which best describes how brain imaging scans are being used?

To help detect and diagnose medical disorders and illnesses

Which best describes the purpose of the Vulnerability Index?

To identify and prioritize the need for housing among the homeless

An occupational health nurse has been asked to perform a complete physical examination, including drug testing, on both a prospective and a current employee. Which best describes the purposes of these examinations?

To measure the strength of organs that may be affected by workplace responsibilities To document changes that may have occurred while the employee engaged in particular processes or in a particular work area To establish a baseline before the employee is exposed to possible workplace hazards

Which best explains why employers are putting more effort into ensuring a safe environment for their employees?

To prevent expensive lawsuits when someone is hurt or injured The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can give penalties, fines, and sentences for safety violations

Which best describes the mission of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

To prevent terrorism and ensure resilience to disasters

Which best explains why the name of parish nursing was changed to faith community nursing by the American Nurses Association (ANA)?

To reflect the diversity now found in the specialty

A school nurse was responsible for five schools. To give students required medications during the day, the school nurse teaches a particular office staff member in each school exactly what to give to whom and when, and they practice until both are comfortable. Which of the following remains as the nurse's responsibility in relation to the administration of medications?

To systematically continue with assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and evaluation of student health needs

Which responsibility does the occupational health nurse (OHN) have in relation to an injured employee and the Workers' Compensation Act?

To work with the employee to keep the employee informed, limit disability, and provide opportunity for rapid return to employment

Which of the following is the single leading preventable cause of death in the United States?

Tobacco use

Which is the first step in preventing further spread of a particular sexually transmitted disease (STD)?

Treat each infected person with the appropriate pharmaceutical agent

A nurse was assigned to create and implement a community education program with the goal of preventing diabetes among the Hispanic population. As the nurse did not speak Spanish and was just beginning to be comfortable with the neighborhood Hispanic culture, which would be the best approach for the nurse to take?

Try to find Hispanic volunteers who may be able to do the actual teaching

The clinic was seeing a great number of Hmong immigrants from the mountainous regions of the Far East. If the nurse could not obtain a translator, which would be the next best action?

Try to make flash cards with common phrases used during clinic visits

Which statement is true concerning tuberculosis (TB) infections in the United States?

Under certain conditions, susceptible hosts may be infected by the TB bacillus.

The nurse made a follow-up appointment for a client at the clinic, but the client did not come. Two days later the client presented at the clinic explaining that a temporary job had come up and he could not come back until he had finished and been paid for that job. Which action should be taken by the nurse next?

Understand that some clients are present oriented, and fit the client in so care can be given

Which competencies should occupational health nurses be able to fulfill?

Understanding of the business climate Managing total worker health independently as appropriate Adhering to the principles of professional practice Practicing culturally appropriate nursing care

A veteran has been diagnosed with chronic multisymptom illness. Which would most likely be part of the client's health history?

Unexplained cognitive dysfunction

Which cause of death on a death certificate would need correction by the forensic nurse?


An unidentified patient was injured in a hit-and-run accident and was conscious. When asked how he felt, the patient looked very confused and responded in a language the nurse did not recognize. Which action should the nurse take next?

Use gestures and pantomime until the nurse is able to determine what language the patient is speaking

A patient walks into a community clinic complaining of severe intestinal cramps and diarrhea. Which action can be taken to protect the staff at the clinic?

Use universal precautions with all patients regardless of the situation

Which best describes how the United Nations (UN) is able to implement its decisions?

Using its moral authority and world opinion

A veteran is receiving veteran's health care benefits. Which department directly coordinates these benefits?

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)

When would the National Guard become involved in a disaster?

When the state has been asked to help an overwhelmed community

A client has recently been diagnosed with a substance use disorder. Which criteria would be used to diagnose a client with this disorder?

Withdrawal symptoms Tolerance of the substance Social problems related to use of the substance Repeated attempts to control use of the substance without success Neglect of major roles in order to use the substance

Which argument would the occupational health nurse (OHN) use when trying to convince a large employer of the need for a breast cancer education program?

Women employees who believe their employers are interested in their well-being are more productive and satisfied.

Which statements about women in prison are correct?

Women prisoners with a mental health diagnosis are likely to have reported a history of abuse. Women prisoners are likely not provided routine gynecological care when entering the correctional facility. Women prisoners should receive counseling about parenting skills.

Which age group has the highest prevalence of binge drinking and heavy drinking?

Young adults aged 18 to 25 years

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