COMPROG Word and Excel

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A box or frame that appears on the screen when opening a program, file, or folder in Windows.

Shut down button

A button located at the bottom of the right pane of the Start Menu that is used to turn off the computer.

Computer Program

A collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task.

Quick Access Toolbar

A customizable toolbar in MS Excel that provides easy access to common commands like Save, Undo, and Repeat.

Source Manager

A dialog box where new sources can be added to a document.

Fill Handle

A feature in Excel that allows users to quickly copy the content of a cell to adjacent cells by dragging the fill handle.

Link to Previous

A feature in MS Word that allows for different formatting styles on consecutive pages.

Mail Merge

A feature in MS Word that combines a form document with a data file to create personalized documents.

Label Generator

A feature in mail merge that helps in printing individual labels for recipients.

Page Break

A feature in word processing software that allows for the insertion of a break to start a new page within a document.

APA Format

A formatting style commonly used for academic papers, established by the American Psychological Association.

COUNTIF Function

A function in Excel that counts the number of cells within a range that meet a given criteria.

IF Function

A function in Excel that returns one value if a specified condition is true and another value if it is false.

MAX Function

A function in Excel that returns the largest number in a set of values.

MIN Function

A function in Excel that returns the smallest number in a set of values.

ROUND Function

A function in Excel that rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

SUM Function

A function in Excel used to add up a range of numbers, cell references, or cell ranges.

AVERAGE Function

A function in Excel used to calculate the arithmetic mean of a range of numbers.

COUNT Function

A function in Excel used to count the number of cells that contain numbers within a specified range.


A grid of columns and rows in Excel where users can enter and manipulate data.

Cell Range

A group of cells selected together in Excel, identified by the cell addresses of the first and last cells in the range.


A link that points to a program on the computer, allowing users to create quick access links in various locations on the computer.


A list of all the sources cited in a document, automatically generated in MS Word.


A list of sources such as books, articles, or websites used in research, typically placed at the end of a document.

Table of Contents

A list of the chapters or sections in a document, along with their respective page numbers, usually placed at the beginning.

Start Menu

A menu on Windows that allows users to access common operations by clicking on the Windows button located at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model

A model representing the sequence of operations in a computer system - receiving data and instructions, processing them, and providing output.


A one-paragraph summary of the most important elements of a paper, beginning on a new page and not exceeding 120 words.

Filtering Data

A process in MS Excel used to narrow down the data in a worksheet by selecting specific criteria to view only the necessary information.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

A programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects," which can contain data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedures.

Fill Handle

A small square in the bottom-right corner of a selected cell(s) in Excel used to quickly copy and paste content to adjacent cells in the same row or column.

Dialog Box

A special type of window in Windows that asks questions, allows selection of options, or provides information, often requiring a response before continuing.

MS Excel

A spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft that allows users to create, manipulate, and analyze data using formulas, functions, and various tools.

References Tab

A tab in Microsoft Word that contains commands related to managing sources, citations, and bibliographies.


A tabbed interface in MS Excel that contains multiple tabs with groups of commands for performing various tasks.


A unit of data stored on a computer, identified by a filename followed by a period and a file extension.


All sources cited in the body of the paper must be included in the References section, organized by last names of first authors with a hanging indent and specific components for each entry.


An Excel file that can contain one or more worksheets, also known as spreadsheets.

Weighted Average

An average calculated by multiplying each component by a factor reflecting its importance, unlike a non-weighted average where all components have equal weight.


An electronic device capable of performing mathematical, logical, and graphical operations, functioning as a system and executing instructions stored in its memory.

Switch user

An option in the Shut down menu that allows another person to log on to the computer without logging off the current user.

Log off

An option in the Shut down menu that closes all programs but does not turn off the computer.


An option in the Shut down menu that locks the PC for security, requiring a password to unlock.


An option in the Shut down menu that puts the computer in a low-power state without turning it off, allowing for quick resumption of work.


An option in the Shut down menu that reboots the computer, saving information to the hard drive before turning off and on again.

Switch Row/Column

An option to change the way data is grouped in a chart by switching rows and columns.

Scroll Bars

Bars in Excel that allow users to navigate through a spreadsheet with more data than can be displayed on the screen at once.

Borders and corners

Can be dragged to change the size of the window.

Relative Cell References

Cell references in Excel that change based on the relative position of rows and columns when copied across multiple cells.

Absolute Cell References

Cell references in Excel that do not change when copied or filled, designated by a dollar sign ($) in the formula.

Moving a Worksheet

Changing the position of a worksheet within an Excel workbook.

Line Charts

Charts ideal for showing trends by connecting data points with lines.

Area Charts

Charts similar to line charts but with the areas under the lines filled in.

Surface Charts

Charts that display data across a 3D landscape, suitable for large data sets.

Pie Charts

Charts that display proportions by representing each value as a slice of a pie.

Column Charts

Charts that use vertical bars to represent data, commonly used for comparing information.

Function Library

Collection of functions in Excel categorized by type (e.g., Financial, Logical, Text) accessible from the Formulas tab.

Chart Elements

Components like titles, legends, and data labels that can be added to a chart to enhance readability.

Menu bar.

Contains items that you can click to make choices in a program.

Data File

Contains the individual data that needs to be merged into the form document in a mail merge.

Chart Styles

Different styles available in Excel to modify the appearance of charts quickly.

Name Box

Displays the location or name of a selected cell in MS Excel.

Title Bar

Displays the name of the document and program (or the folder name if you're working in a folder)


Duplicating a file or folder in a computer system, leaving the original item in its original location while creating a new copy elsewhere.

Variables, Data Types, Operators, and Expressions

Elements in programming used to store data, define the type of data, perform operations, and evaluate to a single value.

Reference Citations

Following APA style, documenting source material in the body of the paper by citing author(s) and date(s) of the sources to acknowledge ideas and words of others formally.

Heading Styles

Formatting options in a word processor that allow for consistent styling of headings and subheadings in a document.

Renaming a Worksheet

Giving a new name to a worksheet in Excel for better organization.


Information enclosed within parentheses in a function, referring to individual cells or cell ranges to calculate values.

Cell Content

Information stored in a cell in Excel, including text, formatting attributes, formulas, and functions.

Programs and Software

Instructions that tell a computer what to do, and the applications that execute these instructions.

Scroll bar.

Let's you move the contents of the window to see information that is currently out of view.


Mathematical expressions in Excel that begin with an equal sign (=) and are used to calculate numerical information.

Address bar

Navigate to a different folder or library or to go back to a previous one.

Utility Programs

Pre-written programs supplied by the manufacturer for maintaining day-to-day activities of a computer system.


Predefined formulas in Excel that perform calculations using specific values in a particular order.


Processed, organized, and structured data that provides context for data, making it easily understood.


Programs or set of instructions that cause the hardware to function in a desired way.


Raw facts and figures that need to be processed and organized to become information.


References to the sources of information used in a document, usually within the text.

Manage Sources

Refers to the action of organizing and adding sources to a document on a PC.


Removing a file or folder from a computer system, which can be done by right-clicking and selecting delete or using keyboard shortcuts.

Deleting Cell Content

Removing the information stored in a cell in Excel using the Delete or Backspace key.

Bar Charts

Similar to column charts but use horizontal bars instead of vertical bars.

General Purpose Packages

Software packages developed to suit the needs of research workers/scientists in different fields.

Operating System (OS)

Software that manages the resources of a computer system, schedules its operation, and acts as an interface between hardware and user programs.

Arithmetic Operations

Standard mathematical operators in Excel formulas such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponents (^).

Syntax and Semantics

Syntax refers to the structure of statements in a programming language, while semantics deals with their meaning.


The action of changing the name of a file or folder in a computer system, typically done by right-clicking and selecting the rename option.

Copying and Pasting Cell Content

The action of duplicating cell content by copying it from one cell and pasting it into another cell in Excel.

Permanently delete files from the Recycle Bin

The action of removing files from the Recycle Bin in a computer system, ensuring they are not restorable.

Formula Bar

The area in MS Excel where users can enter or edit data, formulas, or functions that appear in specific cells.

Page Layout

The arrangement of text, images, and other elements on a page, including margins, font size, and spacing.

Title Page

The first page of a document that includes the title, author's name, institution, and other relevant information.


The intersection of a row and a column in Excel, identified by a unique cell address based on its column and row.

Application Window

The main area in MS Excel where worksheets and workbook elements like charts are displayed.

Form Document

The main body of a document in a mail merge, containing placeholders for individual data.


The process of choosing one or more files or folders in a computer system, which can be done by clicking, dragging, or using keyboard shortcuts.

Selecting a Cell Range

The process of clicking, holding, and dragging the mouse to highlight multiple adjoining cells in Excel.

Algorithm Development

The process of designing step-by-step procedures to solve problems, often used in programming.

Creating a Folder

The process of making a new directory or folder in a computer system, usually done by right-clicking and selecting the option to create a new folder.

Sorting Data

The process of organizing information in a worksheet by arranging it alphabetically, numerically, or in other specified ways.

Insert Citation

The process of placing a reference within a document at the appropriate location.

Restoring items from the Recycle Bin

The process of recovering deleted files from the Recycle Bin in a computer system to their original locations.

Weighted Score

The result of multiplying a test score by its weight percentage.

Header Row

The row in a worksheet that contains the names of each column, essential for filtering data accurately.

Windows Operating System

The software that manages computer hardware and software resources, providing a user-friendly interface.

Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons

These buttons hide the window, enlarge it to fill the whole screen, and close it, respectively (more details on these shortly).

File list

This is where the contents of the current folder or library are displayed. If you type in the search box to find a file, only the files that match your current view (including files in subfolders) will appear.

Navigation pane

To access libraries, folders, saved searches, and even entire hard disks.

Coliumn headings

To change how the files in the file list are organized. For example, you can click the left side of a column heading to change the order the files and folders are displayed in, or you can click the right side to filter the files in different ways.

Back and Forward buttons

To navigate to other folders or libraries you've already opened without closing the current window. These buttons work together with the address bar; after you use the address bar to change folders.


To perform common tasks, such as changing the appearance of your files and folders, burning files to a CD, or starting a digital picture slideshow

Details pane

To see the most common properties associated with the selected file. File properties are information about a file, such as the author, the date you last changed the file, and any descriptive tags you might have added to the file


Transferring a file or folder from one location to another in a computer system, different from copying as it involves cutting the item from its previous location.

Page Breaks

Used in MS Word to separate different formatting styles or sections within a document.


Used to organize the document and reflect the relative importance of sections, with main headings using centered uppercase and lowercase letters and subheadings italicized.

Cell References

Using cell addresses in Excel formulas to create calculations, ensuring accuracy and flexibility in formulas.

Charts and Graphs

Visual representations in MS Excel that help in analyzing and presenting data effectively.


When using a direct quotation, include author, year, and page number as part of the citation, ensuring all three elements are given whether in parentheses or as part of the sentence.

Borders and corners.

You can drag these with your mouse pointer to change the size of the window.

Alt +Tab

You can switch to the previous window by pressing ____, or cycle through all open windows and the desktop by holding down Alt and repeatedly pressing Tab. Release Alt to show the selected window.

Data and Information

___ refers to raw facts and details, while ___ is processed data that provides meaning and context.


provides a way to organize all of your windows. Each window has a corresponding button on the taskbar. To switch to another window, just click its taskbar button. The window appears in front of all other windows, becoming the active window—the one you're currently working in.

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