Computer Technology I Glossary 4: Software

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A Copyright is a protection for any published work that helps to prevent that work from being used without prior authorization. A Copyright may be indicated by the word "Copyright", or a C surrounded by a circle (©), followed by the date of when the work was published, and finally the author of the work.


A bar located at the bottom of the screen first introduced with Microsoft Windows 95and found in all the versions of Windows that followed. The taskbar allows you to locate and launch programs through the Start button or view any program that is currently open. It also allows them to check the date and time, items running in the background through the Notification Area, and with early versions of Windows access to the Quick Launch.


A bug is a general term used to describe any unexpected problem with hardware or software. For example, Grace Hopper logged and taped a moth bug in a log book, as shown below, that caused issues with the Mark II after it was discovered in one of its components. Grace Hopper's moth is often considered the first use of the term bug. However, there are other earlier accounts of a bug being used to describe a problem with electrical circuits and hardware.

force quit

A force quit is function keys used with PC's that allow you to quit out of the program or error. For example, on an IBM computer, this is Ctrl+Alt+Del.

software piracy

A term used to describe the act of illegally using, copying or distributing software without ownership or legal rights. The majority of software today is purchased as a one-site license, meaning that only one computer may have that software installed on it at one time. Copying that software to multiple computers or sharing it with your friend without multiple licenses is considered software piracy, which is illegal.

Character Based Interface

A user Interface based on characters rather than graphics.

utility program

A utility or software utility is computer system software intended to analyze, configure, monitor, or help maintain a computer. Typically a utility is smaller than an program in size and may be included with an operating system or installed separately. Antivirus Backup software Clipboard Encryption tools File manager Network monitors Package manager Registry cleaners Screen saver System monitor

web application

A web application is a software program that runs in an Internet browser, on or through a web page. Similar to a software program that runs on a computer desktop or desktop application, a web application allows for user interaction and can be designed for a variety of uses. Web applications are usually created using a combination of programming languages designed for use on the Internet. In most cases, web applications require less RAM to run. Today, many games are created to run as a web application, using the browser as the client, instead of requiring a local installation.

User Interface (UI)

Alternatively referred to as a human-computer interface, a User Interface (UI) is a description of any visible interface accessible by the user. For example, a UI can describe an operating system interface (GUI) that allows you to interact with the files on the computer. Another example of a UI is the interface that allows you to interact with players, characters, and other objects in a game. A hardware device like a printer can also have a UI that allows the user to interact with the printer settings.


Debugging is a process of analyzing a computer program and removing its logical or syntactical errors. Software which assists in this process is known as a debugger. Using a debugger, a software developer can step through a program's code and analyze its variable values, searching for errors.

file fragmentation

File fragmentation is a term that describes a group of files that are scattered throughout a hard drive platter instead of one continuous location. Fragmentation is caused when information is deleted from a hard drive and small gaps are left behind to be filled by new data. As new data is saved to the computer it is placed in these gaps, if the gaps are too small the remainder of what needs to be saved is stored in remaining gaps. Fragmentation causes slow access time because read/write head accessing the data must find all fragments of a file before it can be opened or executed. If the hard drive has to do this for dozens or hundreds of different files as a program is opened it can greatly decrease the overall performance of the computer. In the picture below is an example of file fragmentation, as can be seen the second example has other files and gaps in-between the continuous blue section.


Format is the overall layout of a document or spreadsheet. For example, the formatting of text on many English documents is aligned to the left of a page. With respect to text, a user could change its format to bold. In a spreadsheet a user may change the format of a cell to be a different number format (e.g. currency, percentage, date, etc.). Format is also a command that prepares a blank diskette, hard drive, or other drive to hold data. If the disk or drive already contains information, all information on it would be erased. For example, if you wanted to wipe everything on your hard drive, typing "format C:" would effectively erase all data on your computer.

natural language

Natural language is the idea of creating a programming language that uses the grammar, vocabulary, and syntax of the human language.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

A command line interface (or CLI) is a text-based interface used for entering commands. In the early days of computing, before the mouse, it was the standard way to interact with a computer. While the graphic user interface (GUI) has largely replaced CLIs, they are still included with several major operating systems, such as Windows and OS X. There are many different types of command line interfaces, but the two most popular ones are DOS (for Windows) and the bash shell (for Linux and OS X). Each CLI uses its own command syntax, but they all function in a similar way. For example, every CLI has a command prompt, which is displayed when the interface is ready to accept a command. When you type a command, it shows up next to the command prompt, and when you press Enter, the command is executed.


A compiler is a software program that compiles program source code files into an executable program. It is included as part of the integrated development environment IDEwith most programming software packages. The compiler takes source code files that are written in a high-level language, such as C, BASIC, or Java, and compiles the code into a low-level language, such as machine code or assembly code. This code is created for a specific processor type, such as and Intel Pentium or PowerPC. The program can then be recognized by the processor and run from the operating system.

hierarchical file system

A hierarchical file system is how drives, folders, and files are displayed on an operating system. In a hierarchical file system, the drives, folders, and files are displayed in groups, which allows the user to see only the files they're interested in seeing. For example, in the picture the Windows directory (Windows\) folder hierarchy that contains the System32, Tasks, and Web folders. Each of these folders could have hundreds of their own files, but unless they are opened the files are not displayed.


A platform is a description of the overall standard of a computer's hardware or software. For example, when referring to a hardware platform, X86 may be used or type of processor may also be used for example a 32-bit or 64-bit AMD or Intelprocessor. When describing a software platform, Microsoft Windows XP (wintel), macOS, or Linux may be used.


A shell is a software interface that's often a command line interface that enables the user to interact with the computer. Some examples of shells are MS-DOS Shell(, csh, ksh, and sh. Below is a picture and example of what a Terminal window with an open shell.

software license

A software license is a license agreement that gives an individual, company, or organization permission to use a software program. For example, in most situations, it is illegal to purchase one copy of a program and copy it onto multiple computers. Instead of requiring tens, hundreds, or thousands of individually licensed copies of a program, companies often purchase site licenses which scale according to the number of installed users. -Single user - The software is licensed for a single user and often a single computer. -Multi-user - This license allows you to install a program onto multiple computers used by multiple users. Typically this may be a set number of users. For example, a five user multi-user license allows up to five people to use the program. -Site license - This license allows a program to be installed on an unlimited amount of computers with an unlimited amount of users, as long as they are at the location of the site license. Site licenses are typically for schools and businesses.


A software program or script used to perform a task for the user. For example, an e-mail program such as Microsoft Outlook could be considered a software agent since it can be setup to look for any new e-mail from a server and then tell you about it.


Abbreviated as TM, a trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a word, phrase, logo, or symbol that distinguishes one company or brand from another. It is usually an image or word that is easily recognized. Well-known trademarks include Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Apple, and Computer Hope. Trademarks are registered with the government, which prevents other entities from using them without the companies' expressed consent. They are often denoted with a trademark symbol, which is the letter "R" in a circle (as shown in the image) or the letters "TM" in superscript.

context menu

Alternatively referred to as a context menu and shortcut menu, a pop-up menu is a menu that is a hidden menu that doesn't appear until you right-click. This menu is often referred to as a context menu because the options in the menu often relate to what has been right-clicked. For example, in Microsoft Word if text was highlighted and then right-clicked a shortcut menu similar to the example below would appear. As can be seen, this shortcut menu gives you quick access to all the most common features that relate to text such as cut, copy, font properties, etc.

pop-up menu

Alternatively referred to as a context menu and shortcut menu, a pop-up menuis a menu that is a hidden menu that doesn't appear until you right-click. This menu is often referred to as a context menu because the options in the menu often relate to what has been right-clicked. For example, in Microsoft Word if text was highlighted and then right-clicked a shortcut menu similar to the example below would appear. As can be seen, this shortcut menu gives you quick access to all the most common features that relate to text such as cut, copy, font properties, etc.


Alternatively referred to as boot up, booting is the process of powering on a computer and getting into the operating system. During the boot process, the computer will perform a self-diagnostic, also known as a POST and load necessary drivers and programs that help the computer and devices communicate.


Alternatively referred to as demoware or trial software, shareware is software that allows a user to try all or part of the program for free before buying it. It was a widely-used software distribution model in the 1990s, used by companies such as Apogee Software and Epic Megagames. The idea behind shareware is that it allows you to try the program to make sure it is something you will find useful or enjoy. Users are encouraged to share the free version of the software, by copying it or downloading it from a BBS. If you enjoy the program, game, or utility and want more features, you can purchase the full version, or a key that will unlock the features.

documentation (manual)

Alternatively referred to as end-user documentation or just documentation, a manual is a book or pamphlet that contains information about a program or piece of hardware. For example, a computer case may come with documentation explaining what sizes of motherboard it can hold. Or, a video game may come with a manual explaining how to play it. Today, most manufacturers and developers no longer include printed manuals with their products. They instead rely on electronic documentation and online documentation, which are usually included as a PDF or available for download on the manufacturer's website.

file system (management)

Alternatively referred to as file management and sometimes abbreviated as FS, a file system is a method of organizing and retrieving files from a storage medium, such as a hard drive. File systems usually consist of files separated into groups called directories. Directories can contain files or additional directories. Today, the most commonly used file system with Windows is NTFS. Without a file management, all files would have no organization and it would be impossible for a file with the same name to exist. Typically, files are managed in a hierarchy, which allows you to view files in the current directory and then navigate into any subdirectories.


Alternatively referred to as the file menu, a menu is a list of commands or choices offered to the user. Menus are commonly used in GUI operating systems and allow a user to access various options the software program is capable of performing. File menus are commonly accessed using the computer mouse; however, may also sometimes be accessed using shortcuts or the keyboard. Below is a visual example of what a menu may look like in a GUI environment.

path, pathname

Alternatively referred to as the pathname, the current path or path is the complete location or name of where a computer file, web page, or other object is located.


An algorithm is a solution to a problem that meets the following criteria. 1. A list of instructions, procedures, or formula that solves a problem. 2. Can be proven. 3. Something that always finishes and works.

operating system (OS)

An operating system or OS is a software on the hard drive that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless. The picture to the right is an example of Microsoft Windows XP, a popular operating system and what the box may look like if you were to purchase it from a local retail store.


An update is a software file that contains fixes for problems found by other users or the software developer. Installing an update fixes the code and prevents the problems from happening on your computer. Because updates fix problems with a program, they are almost always free and available through the program or the companies website.


Autosave is a feature that automatically saves the document you are editing in case the computer freezes or the power goes out. By default, many programs will autosave every 5 to 10 minutes if changes have been made in the file. The frequency of how often the program automatically saves can often be adjusted through the programs option menu.


Coined by Brian Kernighan, Unix or UNIX (not an acronym) is an operating systemdeveloped by members of the MULTICS team at the Bell Laboratories starting in the late 1960's, many who also help create C. Today, Unix is not just the work of a couple of programmers; organizations, institutes, and other individuals have contributed significant additions to Unix and its variants, making it a widely used and popular operating system. Unix is primarily a command line operating system with additional applications such as X-Window to give a graphic oriented operating system similar to Windows. Since Unix is often used from the command line, there are various shells. A shell is a large add-on or modification of the Unix operating system, to determine the shell you can type echo $shellat the Unix prompt. When typing this command a response such as "/bin/csh" is displayed, which indicates you are logged into is a C shell. Bourne shell is "/bin/sh" and Korn shell that is "/bin/ksh."


Compatibility is an indication that a product meets some or all of the specifications for a particular standard. For example, if a program is IBM compatible, it can run on any Dell, IBM, Hewlett Packard, or other computer with that same set of Windows-compliant components. Apple computers that utilize the macOS X operating systems are not IBM compatible.


Defragmentation is a term used to describe the process of reorganizing a hard drive's data to help increase the proficiency of accessing the data and prevent file fragmentation.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to the ownership of intangible and non-physical goods. This includes ideas, names, designs, symbols, artwork, writings, and other creations. It also refers to digital media, such as audio and video clips that can be downloaded online. Since intellectual property is intangible, it is more difficult to protect than other types of property. For example, tangible property, such as a car, can be recovered or replaced if it is stolen. However, if intellectual property is stolen, it may be difficult to recover. Say for example, a person comes up with a great idea for a new invention. If someone else steals the idea, the potential profit of the invention may also be taken away. Similarly, if a digital recording of a new song is "leaked" on the Internet, thousands of people may download it and redistribute it to others. If this happens, the profit potential of selling the music may be substantially diminished. Because of its monetary implications, intellectual property it is often used as a legal term to safeguard the rights of creators and inventors. It has also become increasingly important to media production companies who need to protect the distribution of their digital media. By defining and establishing intellectual property rights, innovators and creators can have legal protection of their ideas and creations. This may be done by copyrighting written works, applying for patents for inventions, and trademarking brands, names, and logos. Of course, the sooner these legal steps are taken, the better. After all, it is much easier to protect an idea before it is stolen than after someone else takes it!


Linux (lee'nuhks/ or /li'nuks/,_not_/li:'nuhks) is a free and open-source operating system first developed by Linus Torvalds and friends that was first announced August 25, 1991. The Linux kernelruns on numerous different platforms including the Intel and Alpha platform and is available under the GNU General Public License. The system can be distributed, used, and expanded free of charge. In this way, developers have access to all the source codes, thus being able to integrate new functions or to find and eliminate programming bugs quickly. Thereby drivers for new adapters (SCSI controller, graphics cards, etc.) can be integrated very rapidly.

device driver

More commonly known as a driver, a device driveror hardware driver is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer. If the appropriate driver is not installed, the device may not function properly, if at all. For Microsoft Windows users, a driver conflict or an error can be seen in the Device Manager. If problems or conflicts are encountered with a driver, the computer manufacturer or hardware manufacturer will release a driver update to fix the problems.


Originally known as oak, Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling and others at Sun Microsystems. It was first introduced to the public in 1995 and is widely used to create Internet applications and other software programs. Today, Java is maintained and owned by Oracle. Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It was originally designed for developing programs for set-top boxes and handheld devices, but later became a popular choice for creating web applications.

Safe Mode

Safe Mode is a software mode that enables users of Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 to enter an altered version of Windows and correct any problems that may be preventing them from entering booting up normally. Safe Mode differs from the Normal operating mode in that it uses default drivers and settings upon startup, and only system required software programs are loaded upon startup. Below is an example of what the Windows boot menu looks like with Safe Mode selected.


Short for End User License Agreement, EULA is a contract between the buyer and seller of proprietary software that describes the purchaser's rights. For example, an EULA lets a person know whether or not they can copy and redistribute the software after buying or, how many of their devices can share it. Though some still exist in physical form, the vast majority of EULAs are displayed as a click-through digital contract with terms users must agree to upon installation.


Short for Graphical User Interface, a GUI (pronounced as either G-U-I or gooey) allows the use of icons or other visual indicators to interact with electronic devices, rather than using only text via the command line. For example, all versions of Microsoft Windows utilize a GUI, whereas MS-DOS does not. The GUI was first developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Douglas Engelbart, and a group of other researchers in 1981. Later, Apple introduced the Lisa computer, the first commercially available computer, on January 19, 1983. Below is a picture of the Windows 7 Desktop and an example of a GUI.

custom software

Software that is made just for an individual or business that performs tasks specific to their needs is called custom software. For example, if you had a home business, you may hire someone to create a custom software program to help print and view invoices.

high-level language (HLL)

Sometimes abbreviated as HLL, a high-level language is a computer programming language that isn't limited by the computer, designed for a specific job, and is easier to understand. It is more like human language and less like machine language. However, for a computer to understand and run a program created with a high-level language, it must be compiled into machine language. The first high-level languages were introduced in the 1950's. Today, high-level languages are in widespread use. These include BASIC, C, C++, Cobol, FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Visual Basic.

machine language

Sometimes referred to as machine code or object code, machine language is a collection of binarydigits or bits that the computer reads and interprets. Machine language is the only language a computer is capable of understanding. The exact machine language for a program or action can differ by operating system on the computer. The specific operating system will dictate how a compiler writes a program or action into machine language. Computer programs are written in one or more programming languages, like C++, Java, or Visual Basic. A computer cannot directly understand the programming languages used to create computer programs, so the program code must be compiled. Once a program's code is compiled, the computer can understand it because the program's code has been turned into machine language.

virtual memory

Virtual memory is a method of using the computer hard drive to provide extra memory for the computer. Segments of memory are stored on the hard drive known as pages. When a segment of memory is requested that is not in memory it is moved from the virtual memory to an actual memory address.

system software

System software is software on a computer that is designed to control and work with computer hardware. The two main types of system software are the operating system and the software installed with the operating system, often called utility software. The operating system and utility software typically depend on each other to function properly.


Term used to describe a software program that is operated using file menus instead of using commands. Below is an example of how a user may quit a menu-driven program, as opposed to a non menu-driven program. 1. Menu-driven Within an open program, the user clicks the "File" option from the drop down menu bar and selects Quit. 2. Non menu-driven User presses the "!" key and then presses the "q" key to quit the program. A menu-driven environment like most programs in Microsoft Windows is easier for users as it is a graphical environment and allows the user to navigate using the mouse. A non menu-driven environment like the command line can be quicker, but requires more memorization and is more difficult for new computer users.


The macOS or macOS is an operating system that was designed for the Apple Macintosh computer. It was developed by Apple Inc., who also created the Apple I, as well as a number of other more modern products including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The main competition to the macOS is the Windows operating system, the most popular OS by a large margin.


The process of having a computer perform multiple tasks simultaneously. During multitasking, tasks such as listening to a CD or browsing the Internet can be performed in the background while using other programs in the foreground such as an e-mail client.

root directory

The root or root directory is the highest level in a directory hierarchy and includes all other directories under it. For example, in MS-DOS, the root or root directory of the primary hard drive would C:\. When working on a web page, the root directory will be your home directory or your public_html directory. On a UNIX system, the root directory is designated as "/" (a single forward slash, without the quotes).

public domain

The term public domain in general refers to the free use of the work or object without any restrictions. This may be because of the lack of a Copyright or because the work is no longer owned. When referring to software, public domain is software can be freely distributed and used, because a company has released it as so or because it's out business. Public domain software may or may not carry a Copyright.

open source

When a software program is open source, it means the program's source code is freely available to the public. Unlike commercial software, open source programs can be modified and distributed by anyone and are often developed as a community rather than by a single organization. For this reason, the phrase "open source community" is commonly used to describe the developer of open source software development projects. Since the source code of an open source program can be modified by anyone, it makes sense that the software is also free to download and use. The terms of use are often defined by the GNU General Public License, which serves as the software license agreement (SLA) for many open source programs. Open source software development projects are often funded by donors with an interest in the project, by user donations, or through advertisements. Some developers also generate revenue by selling documentation and help manuals for the software. Other projects are funded by no more than a collective desire of developers to create a great program. Since open source software is free to use, there is typically no technical support included with the software. Instead, users may need to rely on Web forums and user discussions to report bugs or get answers to their questions. Fortunately, the most popular open source programs have an abundance of helpful resources available on the Web. Some of the most well-known open source projects include the Linux operating system, the Mozilla Firefox Web browser, and the productivity suite. Each of these projects have been developed by a community of developers and have gained levels of popularity that rival their commercial counterparts. Open source software can be a cost-effective way to run many types of programs on your computer. Just remember that since the programs are not backed by a commercial company, if you have problems using the software, you will most likely not be able to obtain technical support from the developer. Of course, if you like to figure things out on your own or participate in online discussions, open source software may be just right for you.

Microsoft Windows

When referring to an operating system, Windows or win is an operating environment created by Microsoft that provides an interface, known as a Graphical User Interface (GUI), for computers. Windows eliminates the need to memorize commands for the command line (MS-DOS) by using a mouse to navigate through menus, dialog boxes, buttons, tabs, and icons. If you are using a PC (IBM) computer you are most likely using a version of Windows. If you are on an Apple computer you are using macOS. Microsoft Windows was first introduced with version 1.0 on November 10, 1983. Since its release, there have been over a dozen versions of Windows. The most current version of Windows for end users is Windows 10.


With computer hardware, an upgrade is a term that describes adding new hardware in a computer that improves its performance. For example, with a hardware upgrade you could replace your hard drive to an SSD and get a huge boost in performance or upgrade the RAM so the computer run more smoothly.

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