Computers & Computer Software- Quiz 1

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The early computing can be traced back to about ____________ BC. (sand abacus)


In 1975, ________________, Microsoft was formed by _____________________ and ____________________.

Bill Gates, Paul Allen

In 1642, _______________ invents the first adding machine that adds characters that are _____ digits long.

Blaise Pascal, 8

In 1822, _______________ designs the first computer called the "difference engine".

Charles Babbage

________________ is a form of legal protection that grants the owner exclusive rights to sell, copy, modify, or distribute it.


In 1954, _______________ was the first high-level language developed by IBM.


In 1854, _____________________ invents the binary system which states that any equation can be stated as true or false.

George Boole

In 1971, _____________ develops the first microprocessor that has all the parts of the computer like _______, ________, ____________, and ________________________.

INTEL, CPU, APU, memory, I/O controls

In 1842, _____________________ writes a program for the analytical engine, therefore becoming the world's first computer programmer.

Lady Ada Byron

In 1980, IBM introduces the IBM PC and uses ______________ as the basic software.


In 1976, Apple was formed __________________ and _________________.

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak

Java programming language is developed at _________________________.

Sun Microsystems

__________________________ invents http, html, and url in 1993, which allows the internet to be the Worldwide Web.

Tim Berners Lee

In 1964, _____________________ is developed. (beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code)

basic language

A collection of instructions that describe a task or set of tasks to be carried out by a computer. More formally, it can be described as an expression of computational method written in computer language.

computer program

A _________________________ is a collection of computer programs. (Ex. Microsoft word = cut, copy, print, save)

computer software

A compilation of programs that enable a computer to perform specific tasks.

computer software

A _________________________ stores the data that's available for processing.

computer system

Super computers

computers that lead all other computers in terms of processing capacity and speed of calculations (weather forecasting, rocket science, etc.)

License that allows installation of a software in a certain number of computers at the same time.



hyper text markup language


hyper text transfer protocal

A computer accepts _________ from common devices such as e-board, mouse, scanner, etc.


_______________ is a place that holds data to be processed.


Computers can be categorized as _________________, __________________, ________________, or ___________________.

microcomputers, minicomputers, main frame computers, Super computers

License that allows installation of a software in as many computers as you've purchased the license for.


Examples of computer __________ are the monitor, printers, etc.


A computer then processes the data that involves ____________________, _________________, and _____________________________.

performing calculations, sorting words/numbers, modifying documents as for instructions


personal computers that we use at home

People who illegally copy software are called ______________.


License that allows installation of a software in one computer.

single user

License that allows installation of a software in any and all computers at a specific location

site license

Data that is not needed for processing is left permanently in the ________________.



typically multi-user computers that are a little more powerful than a PC


uniform resource locater

main frame computers

used mainly by large organizations for critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as industry & consumer statistics and financial transaction

In 500 BC, the _________________ originated from Europe.

wire abacus

Computers only understand ______________ and ______________.

zeroes, ones

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