Conduction psych research in the real world

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increased external validity

What is the advantage of a field study over a laboratory study?

studying daily experiences

When researchers collect in-the-moment (or, close-to-the-moment) self-report data directly from participants as they go about their daily lives, they are:

internal validity

When researchers take special care to include and control for every possible variable, the study is likely to have high ___________, even though the results may not generalize to a more realistic situation.

It is difficult to achieve high levels of both internal and external validity in the same research study

Which of the following is the best statement regarding the relationship between different forms of validity in psychology research? Correct!

diary method

Artrelle is taking part in a research study that examines her thoughts on the political election taking place in her country. Each night, before bed, she is to complete a questionnaire that gathers information on these topics. She submits her completed questionnaires to the researchers at the end of each week. What type of research method is being used?

studying daily behavior

As a researcher, you decide that you are very interested in peoples' everyday behavior (i.e., daily social interactions and activities). Therefore, you decide to use an electronically activated recorder, or EAR device, to capture the acoustic diary of participants' days as they naturally unfold. In this scenario, you are

studying daily physiology

Dr. Fikshunal is interested in how our bodies respond to being excluded from a group. Therefore, she decides to monitor the heart rate and cortisol levels of participants as they engage in their environment and indicate experiences when they felt ostracized. In this scenario, Dr. Fikshunal is:

her results may not be true for the entire population

Dr. Hart is interested in the role of relationships in preventing heart disease. As her patients come into her office in Bluebell, Alabama, she asks them two questions: Are you a in a relationship? Have you experienced any heart problems in the last 8 years? Based on her findings, she concludes that relationships cause cardiovascular (heart) problems. One issue with her methodology is that the results are not generalizable. What does this mean?


Dr. Sharma wants to study the extent to which stress is related to suicidal ideation in people who suffer from depression. She gathers information about the level of stress, depressive symptoms, and suicidal thoughts a set of participants experience the day after they attend the funeral of a loved one. Because this study is assessing people under conditions that are not typical of everyday life, it is lacking in __________ validity.

external validity

Dr. Tylka is conducting research about the risk of developing eating disorders in adolescent boys. She concludes that her findings apply not only to the sample of high school boys she studied, but to other males in other settings and contexts. In this regard, Dr. Tylka is stating that her findings have high __________ validity.

A laboratory experiment

Dru is reading about the different types of research. If he reads, "This type of research has the primary advantage of allowing a scientist to determine cause and effect relationships," what kind of research method is he studying?


For your senior project, you want to learn more about the effect of brain damage on an individual's ability to learn a new language. You don't really have the time or resources to observe or interview and talk to people with brain damage. Ethically, you can't manipulate the independent variable. You need something that is quick and easy so you can turn your project in on time. Based on what you know about different research methods and designs, which approach to research would you use?

studying online behavior

Imagine that researchers were interested in learning about public support for gay marriage. If the researchers analyzed Facebook posts regarding the acceptance or rejection of homosexuality (via opinions in status updates, article posts, or groups they officially like), they would be:

white coat hypertension

Imagine that you are part of a study that measures your heart rate and breathing throughout the day. For the most part, your heart rate and breathing only changes when you exercise or are very excited. However, it seems like every time you visit the researcher to get your equipment updated, your heart rate and breathing spike for seemingly no reason. This phenomenon is referred to as:

Day reconstrucution

Mathilda is being asked by a researcher to think about things that happened to her yesterday. "Start with getting up in the morning," she is told, "and try to recount what happened step by step until I ask you to stop." Mathilda is taking part in a study that utilizes the __________ method.

interval validity

The degree to which observed differences on the dependent variable are a direct result of manipulation of the independent variable, not some other variable

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