Congress: Balancing National Goals and Local Interests

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Which of the following correctly describes how committees and subcommittees serve to decentralize power in Congress? -They dilute the power of the parties and increase bipartisan negotiations. -They give the minority party's members the same power as the majority party's members. -They allow more members to hold leadership positions. -They serve party leadership goals at the expense of individual members' power needs.

-They allow more members to hold leadership positions.

On major bills, it is increasingly typical for the majority party's leaders to..... -direct the floor debate after the bill leaves the committee. -step back and allow committees to take the lead. -prevent the minority party from participating. -shape the bill's broad content.

-direct the floor debate after the bill leaves the committee. -shape the bill's broad content.

When is congressional oversight exercised vigorously? -when members are intending to modify an agency program. -all of the time, as it is Congress's main purpose -only in the months leading up to a presidential election -when members are annoyed with an agency

-when members are intending to modify an agency program. -when members are annoyed with an agency

A limit of ______ exists for how long a Republican member can chair a particular committee.

6 years

The U.S. Congress is a(n) ___________ legislature with two chambers, the House and the Senate.


To plan strategy and resolve policy issues, party members in Congress typically meet behind closed doors in a session called a party________


Which of the following are duties of the Speaker of the House? Ending filibusters in the House Choosing leadership of the House Rules Committee Recognizing members who will be allowed to speak on the floor Making minority party committee assignments

Choosing leadership of the House Rules Committee Recognizing members who will be allowed to speak on the floor

True or false: Members of Congress are often willing to vote in ways that put their reelection at risk.


True or false: Most congressional bills survive committee scrutiny and are voted upon by the House and Senate.


Which two of the following are aspects of the dual nature of Congress? Its members have a duty to serve people in their states or individual districts. It competes with the president for the attention of the media. It has the responsibility to make laws for the country as a whole. Most of its members are incumbents who rarely face a serious challenger in an election.

Its members have a duty to serve people in their states or individual districts. It has the responsibility to make laws for the country as a whole.

The framers of the Constitution granted Congress the power to ______, the greatest of all powers of government.

Make Laws

Which of the following describes the power of Congress relative to the other branches of government? Congress has the sole power to enact or veto a law. No executive agency or lower court can exist without congressional authorization. Congress is generally unchecked by the other branches of government. Rulings by the Supreme Court may be overruled by a three-fourths majority vote in both chambers of Congress.

No executive agency or lower court can exist without congressional authorization.

A(n) ______ rule allows members to propose amendments that are relevant to any section of the bill.


The most powerful leader in the House of Representatives is the ______.

Speaker of the House

A permanent committee in Congress is known as a(n) ____________ committee.

Standing Commitees

Which of the following statements about midterm elections are generally true? The president's party usually loses seats. Senators are not elected in midterm elections because their terms coincide with the presidency. There is less media coverage of candidates and issues than in a presidential election. Voter turnout is lower than for presidential elections.

The president's party usually loses seats. There is less media coverage of candidates and issues than in a presidential election. Voter turnout is lower than for presidential elections.

Which of the following correctly describes how committees and subcommittees serve to decentralize power in Congress?

They allow more members to hold leadership positions.

Which of the following is true of bills that emerge from committee with the full support of the committee members? -Members typically want to give the bill a close look before voting. -They are usually treated with distrust by those not on the committee. -They are required to undergo a full debate on the floor. -They are typically passed by an overwhelming majority.

They are typically passed by an overwhelming majority.

What holds party lawmakers together?

They have far more in common with each other than they do with lawmakers of the other party.

Polls indicate that voters' opinions of Donald Trump's performance had what effect in the 2018 midterms?

Those who were discontented with Trump helped Democrats retake control of the House.

Which of the following are activities that typically take place in a party caucus? adopting a single policy message roll-call voting filibustering developing issues

adopting a single policy message developing issues

If congressional representatives find themselves having to choose between angering voters and donors or angering party leadership by refusing to go along with a vote, which will they likely choose? -angering leadership by voting the way their donors and voters want them to or -angering their donors and voters by voting the way leadership wants them to

angering leadership by voting the way their donors and voters want them to

Why is the Rules Committee considered one of the most important committees in the House?

because it decides the length of debate that will occur on a bill and whether amendments will be allowed

Which of the following is not a direct power of the committee chair?

changes party affiliation at will

Members of Congress are most indebted to which of the following? hardcore partisan voters in their state or district party leadership the wealthy donors who fund their campaigns party ideology

hardcore partisan voters in their state or district the wealthy donors who fund their campaigns

If the majority of the members of the House of Representatives are Republican, then every committee and subcommittee in the House will ______.

have a majority of Republican members

When a bill falls into the area in which a committee is authorized to act, that committee is said to have ______.


One reason standing committees are powerful is that by law they have ______.

jurisdiction over bills in their designated policy area

An example of Congress's ______ occurs when Congress passes legislation that creates incentives for the development of alternative energy sources.

lawmaking function

What has been one result of the decreasing number of moderates in Congress?

legislative deadlock

The party that controls the rules and has the most powerful leadership position in the House is the __________ party.

majority party

In Insecure Majorities, Frances Lee noted that, in the currently closely matched parties, members of Congress are engaged in "______" rather than "governing."


Which function describes the process by which the legislature checks on the executive branch to make sure it is carrying out the laws in the way Congress intended?


Which of the following are the functions of Congress? (Choose every correct answer.) -watchdogging -oversight -representation -lawmaking

oversight representation lawmaking

If a "turf war" erupts as different committees vie for jurisdiction over a bill, who or what decides the committee assignment?

party leaders

The House and the Senate each elect ______ to direct their party's efforts in the chamber.

party leaders

The partisan divide in Congress has grown in recent years, to the point where each party has a high level of ______, which is when party members band together on legislation and oppose the other party.

party unity

The increase in party polarization in Congress has led to increased ______.

policy deadlock

Which of the following terms describes a permanent committee in Congress that has a defined legislative jurisdiction?

standing committee

Incumbents have ______ over challengers.

substantial advantages

Which of the following methods is most often used to select committee chairs?

the seniority system

Whether or not Congress takes the lead in the making of laws usually depends on ______.

the type of policy at issue

Members of the House of Representatives typically serve on ______ committees, while members of the Senate serve on ______.

two, four

Compared with their percentage of the overall population of the United States, women and minorities are ______ in Congress.


In terms of their careers, most members of Congress ______.

want to stay in Congress and put themselves in position for reelection

When does a bill become a law? -when it passes either the House or the Senate -when it passes both the House and Senate -when Congress overrides a presidential veto -when the president signs it

when Congress overrides a presidential veto when the president signs it

Which of the following is a major reason why incumbents are reelected? Many congressional districts and some states are lopsidedly Democratic or Republican. Incumbents generally do a better job enacting laws that are beneficial for the nation as a whole. Incumbents typically receive presidential endorsements, which voters respect. Once elected, most incumbents make sure that their districts go through reapportionment to ensure homogeneity.

Many congressional districts and some states are lopsidedly Democratic or Republican.

Which of the following are true concerning women and minorities who run for congressional office? (Choose every correct answer.) Women and minorities are more likely to run for congressional office than for local or state legislative positions. There are more women than there are minorities in Congress. Women and minorities are less likely to run for Congress than white males. Women and minorities account for approximately half of the membership of Congress.

There are more women than there are minorities in Congress. Women and minorities are less likely to run for Congress than white males.

What shift brought the president to a more central role in the legislative process?

National and international forces combined to place greater policy demands on the federal government.

True or false: House committees have the power to make suggestions for changing a bill in a process known as mark up.


A vote where most members of one political party vote one way while most members of the other party vote the other way is categorized as a ______ vote.

party unity

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