Conservation Exam 2

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Flamingos in Etosha National Park in southern Africa is another example in which researchers tracked their population. matching their population with _________ data provided new insights. for example, large breeding years were associated with high rainfall years. a 31 year period had no high rainfall years and no large hatching

geographic information systems

____ ____ ____ provide a method for integrating a wide variety of data for analysis and display on maps (for example, vegetation types, distributions of endangered animal species, preserves)

gap analysis

____ ____ identifies areas of high priority conservation areas that are not currently protected. this suggests potential targets for conservation


____ analysis on overlapped maps identifies priorities for conservation, taking into consideration existing protected areas

conservation status assessments

_____ ____ ____ allow us to set global conservation priorities by evaluating which species are most at risk of extinction without conservation

IUCN red list

_____ ____ ____ is the main global scientific effort to rank species by conservation status (natureserve and natural heritage perform this role in US, but transmits data to this program)

population viability analysis

_____ ____ ____ using this monitoring data to estimate the probability of extinction of a population under a given set of conditions

minimum viable populations

_____ ____ populations are those that persist with a given probability (such as 90%) over a given time period (such as 100 years)

biodiversity prioritization

_____ _____ is a method of identifying the sites where conservation effort may have the greatest benefit for biodiversity


_____ are targets for protection because of their high biodiversity, endemism, and significant threat of imminent extinctions


_____ often directly informs and improves conservation efforts

sacred grove

a small protected area which have long been associated with religious practice (ex- shinto shrines in Japan: Cryptomeria tree revered, Kashima shrine has a highly diverse grove over 2500 years old)


according to Dirzo et al, ___-___ species are going extinct annually. This does not consider population extirpations and declines in animal abundance within populations


another possibility or prioritizing biodiversity is by ____, or areas with high levels of anthropogenic change (most notably seen in southern Asia)

st helena ebony

another species that is nearly extinct or may be extinct already is the ___ ____ ____, in which the wild population has been reduced to just two individuals on the side of a cliff in st helena island in southern Atlantic ocean. Has been propagated, so risk is that it will go extinct in the wild


as much as __% of animal individuals that once shared the Earth with us are already gone (ceballos et al)

1-10 speciation

based on evidence from the fossil record, a typical species last about __-__ million years before it goes extinct or evolves into another species. But in most periods, _____ rate has been higher than extinction rates, so more species have been added than lost

decreases 100 pairs

based on the data from extinction rates of bird species on the channel islands suggests that, on average, the probability of extinction ______ with the size of a population. specifically, less than ____ pairs are needed to have less than 10% chance of extinction (suggests a minimum viable size)


because some areas are already protected, can use ____ in the threat/irreplaceability areas and the protected areas to determine which unprotected areas are the highest priorities (most notably seen in central america and the western parts of south america)


between 1850-1950, more than 60 bird species were recorded to have gone extinct, with some unknown species that may also have gone extinct. since then, the rate has surely _____, though we won't know for sure for a while since we typically don't call a species extinct until it hasn't been seen for decades


biodiversity is highly _____ in a few areas for example tropical rain forests


biodiversity is unevenly distributed across the globe. biodiversity _____ are high priority conservation areas, where many species could be conserved within small geographic areas

Extirpated (or locally or regionally extinct)

both the gray wolf and the banded kingfisher are considered to be ______, meaning one or more populations of a species have been eliminated, such that the species no longer occurs in a given area but is still present elsewhere


by 2025, we could lose up to: -14% of vascular species in tropical america -18% of vascular plant species in tropical asia -35% of vascular plant species in tropical africa -8-10% elsewhere


by protecting biodiversity hotspots, we could protect most of the earths biodiversity on a ___ land area

species richness to habitat area relationship

can be used to predict the proportion of species that will be lost based on the proportion of habitat loss; shows that with more area preserved, the higher percent of species originally found in a given area


during the late Pleistocene period (12-50 KYA), large mammals went extinct on 3 continents. This often coincided with the arrival of _____ (ex- mammoth, megalania, Dromornis, and sabre-toothed cat and Megatherium)

habitat loss

each species has on average 200 populations. assuming conservatively there are 5 million species, that is about 1 billion populations (half in tropical forests). Unlike species, populations disappear proportionally at the same rate as ____ ____ (tropical forests disappearing at 1% per year)


example of early protected areas: Ikhnaton (king of Egypt in 1372-1354 BCE) made a royal decree setting aside land to protect plants and animals

tasmanian tiger wolf

extinct marsupial from Australia and Tasmania in 1936 due to predator control, competition with dogs, and introduced diseases


for example, the Komodo dragon of Indonesia has a vulnerable status on the IUCN red list due to its restricted ____

grasslands, savannas, shrublands

for the 13 major biomes, percent of total area converted to other uses, and percent of total area that is protect from conservation can be analyzed. when doing so, temperate _____, ______, and ___ have the highest ratio of conserved habitat to protected habitat


from the background rate from the fossil record, about one bird and one mammal species are expected to go extinct each __-__ years

habitat species-area

future habitat loss can be predicted based on recent trends and likely future trends of ____ loss in each biome. once we predict the likely amount of habitat to be lost, we can use the _____-____ relationship in each biome to estimate the amount of species that will be lost in that biome


one possibility of prioritizing biodiversity is by _____, or places where the endemic species would be lost forever if the habitat was destroyed (most notably seen in central and the western part of south America, and southern Asia)


only rarely are surveys completed ____ to habitat loss like in centinela. we therefore usually are not even aware of what we are losing

Yangtze river dolphin

other species that are nearly extinct or may be extinct already include the _____ ____ ___ which was last confirmed sighting in 2004, though a video of what may be this animal was taken in 2007. No reports since then and no captive colonies exist


people are dependent for their own survival and well-being on ______

Franklin Tree

plant that is native to a small site next to the Altahama River in Georgia; discovered by naturalist John Bartram and son William in 1765 and was named after benjamin franklin and the river where they found it. It was last seen in the wild in about 1803 but the Bartrams had taken cuttings and seeds home to Philadelphia. All known living kinds of these are descendants of these original cultivated plants brought back by the Bartrams


population monitoring is essential to be able to track the ____ of populations

irreplaceability threat

priority sites have both high ____ and high ____ values (most notably seen in southern Asia, central america, and the western part of south america but some areas are already protected)


one means of setting priorities for conservation is by ____ evaluating the conservation status of each species

ecologically extinct

the insular flying fox is considered to be _____ _____, meaning that the species is still present, but at such low numbers that their influence on their ecosystem has become negligible

Gray Wolf

Animal that was extirpated from much of North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. In the U.S., endangered in lower 48 states with populations about 3000. Not endangered in alaska (10,000) or canada (50,000)


while doing the same analysis, ____ have the lowest ratio of conserved habitat to protected habitat


with current trends, future rates of extinction may be ___ times the current rate

1. freshwater mussels 2. crayfish 3. grasshoppers 4. amphibeans

with the US, the most threatened groups include these 4 (many taxonomic groups are not well evaluated however)

exclusion zone

In another example of population monitoring, satellite tracking of Magellanic penguins were fitted with radio transmitters showing that penguins incubating eggs forage up to 600 km from their breeding colonies. Also found that when penguins feed chicks, they stay within a seasonal fishing ____ ____, which was set to remain closed until chicks leave their nests


in 1978, two ecologists Alwyn Gentry and Caraway Dodson visited a forested ridge called ____ in the western Andean foothills of Ecuador where they conducted a botanical survey


in order to prioritize biodiversity, one can also look at whole ____ at risk rather than areas with high concentrations of species at risk


in terms of biodiversity prioritization, some prioritization approaches identify priorities baed solely on _____ criteria, for example rarity-weight species richness

terrestrial economically marginal

in terms of current protected areas, they are skewed toward protection of _____ and ____ ____ habitat (easiest to protect) like high altitude, steep, dry or waterlogged, or infertile. biodiversity in other ecosystems may be insufficiently protected

genetic diversity

in the 4000 years prior to human arrival, there were 4 sympatric moa (giant flightless birds) species in New Zealand where they maintained stable levels of ____ ____, suggesting large and stable population


in the late 1980s it was estimated that we were losing 12,500 species every year (1 species every 45 minutes). newer estimates suggest ___-___ species are lost each year (1 species every 10-45 minutes)


it is possible to graph the relationship between threat and irreplaceability in specific areas to determine which contain the ____ priority, which would be seen in the top right of the scatter plot

hunting habitat loss

many species have also gone extinct in modern times, for example the dodo, Bachman's Warbler, Carolina Parakeet, and the Guam Flying Fox. these are all linked to human activities, often _____ and ____ ____

5th mass extinction (late in the Cretaceous period)

mass extinction event 65 million years ago that caused the extinction of most dinosaurs, many mollusks, and other groups

3rd mass extinction (late in the permain period)

mass extinction that occured 250 million years ago; largest mass extinction event marking the end of trilobites and many brachiopods, amphibians, and trees. Half of all marine animal families perished and 95% of all marine species died off. Life on Earth "had an extremely close call"


monitoring data can be used to predict the ____ trajectories of populations


most species are not monitored, so our understanding of changes of time is ______

1. new technologies 2. coordinated efforts

new _____ and _____ efforts of monitoring are allowing insights into previously poorly understood species and at large spacial scales

extinction vortex

once a population drops below a certain size, it enters an ____ ____ in which factors that affect small populations tend to drive its size progressively lower (ex- habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, over-harvesting, disease)


one hypothesis for this extinction is that a large asteroid impacted the Earth, sending up dust into the atmosphere that reduced the amount of _____ reaching the Earth's surface for months or years

natural heritage and NatureServe

scientific ranking of conservation status in the US is led by ___ ____/_____

banded kingfisher

similar to the gray wolf, the _____ _____ is locally extinct in Singapore

protected areas

sites on land or sea where humans are restricted or prohibited by or tradition, and where conservation of biodiversity, natural resources, and cultural resources is the primary goal


some whole biomes and ____ have little protection, suggesting large scale conservation priorities


species extinctions are only one dimension of the problem. for example, we are losing ____ much more rapidly than species

hawaiian monk seal

species that underwent population monitoring in which their monitoring suggested a risk of extinction, and led to closing a of Coast Guard station to reduce disturbance from people and dogs (resulted in drastic increase in population size)

San Cristobal Vermilion

species that was abundant in 1929; invasive plants replaced native plants, eliminating native insects that depended on those native plants. Invasive diseases also affected this bird (avian pox and avian malaria). Extremely rate in the 1980s and was last seen in 1987. Declared extinct in 2016 after an extensive search

population monitoring

technique of following a population that requires specialized techniques suited to each species (ex- researchers and volunteers released a collared Argali sheep ram in Gun Galuut Nature Reserve in Mongolia. this collar enables tracking of the ram's movements)

conservation status assessment

term that describes categorizing the endangerment of various species

population of bald eagles drastically increased

the American bald eagle also received rigorous conservation action as a result of population monitoring. describe the results from the monitoring done from James Lake, Virginia

Extinct in the wild

the Franklin Tree is considered to be _____ in the _____, meaning no member of the species remains alive in the wild, but that it is still found in captivity or in cultivation


the Hawaiian honeycreeper is an example of _____ as they emerged from a single species that arrived on the Hawaiian islands

extinct (or globally extinct)

the Tasmanian tiger wolf is said to be _______, meaning that no member of the species remains alive anywhere in the world

island biogeography model

the ____ ____ ___ describes the relationship between the rates of colonization and extinction in islands; states that smaller, farther islands from the mainland are more susceptible to extinction

sunlight fumes climate change

the cause of the 3rd mass extinction is unclear, as it could have been another asteroid hit, widespread volcanic eruptions, or massive release of methane gas from beneath the ocean floor. These factors could have blocked ____, led to toxic _____, or caused ____ _____


the current rate of extinction if __-__ times greater than previous background rates

1. can either be evaluated for not evaluated (NE) 2. if they were evaluated, can either have adequate data or data deficient (DD) 3. if they have adequate data, can either be extinct (EX), threatened: critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), or vulnerable (VU), or can be noted as a risk: near threatened (NT) or least concern (LC)

the iucn red list is the main means of ranking conservation globally. ranking is on this standardized, scientific basis

background extinction rates

the rate at which species go extinct outside of mass extinctions


the results from population change in the grey partridge perdix show how ____ survey effort can yield large scale data on population status for species of concern

area, population

the results of the population viability analysis provide the minimum ____ or ____ needed for persistence at a particular probability over a given time period. such analyses clarify extinction risks and provide a target for conservation efforts

IUCN redlist

the standard criteria for estimating extinction risk worldwide

population size extinction probability

the use of such data or assumptions about the population provide the bases for modeling the relationship between population ____ and ____ probability


then, when ____ arrived in the 1200s, all four species (plus 5 others) went rapidly extinct within 1-2 centuries following arrival

increase mass extinction

there has been a general ______ in Earth's diversity since life originated, but it has been marked by 5 episodes of rapid ____ ____


there is another large scale approach - at the ____ scale where a large portion of the habitat has been converted to human uses, and very little has been protected


therefore, about 5 million populations are lost from tropical forests each year. that is about 1 populations lost every ___ seconds


these analyses can be modified to predict the probability of ____ if population or habitat area begin at a particular size


these monitoring data can be associated with _____ or other data to create a better understanding of factors that affect a population

1. magnolias 2. cycads 3. amphibians 4. chameleons 5. marine turtles 6. sturgeons 7. crocodiles/aligators

these rankings reveal that some taxonomic groups are more threatened than others (globally, among taxa that have been well evaluated, the most threatened taxa include these 7)


they found ___ plant species new to science that were endemic to that single ridge (orchids, herbaceous plants, epiphytes). there probably were also numerous insects and other species, but these were not surveyed

Centinelan extinction

they visited the same site in 1986, but it had already been cleared for farmland and all its endemic species were lost. This became known as the _____ ____. such endemism may not be uncommon in tropical forests and unfortunately such habitat loss is not uncommon either

size range population population extinction

threat criteria for the red list: -rapid reduction in population ___ - small or declining ____ - small and declining ____ - very small ____ - ____ risk demonstrated from quantitative analysis (for example population viability analysis models)

insular flying fox

type of bat in which intraspecific aggressive interactions among the bats at fruiting trees led to increased movement, and therefore seeds, away from the canopy of the tree only when bats were locally abundant.


we are entering the 6th mass extinction period in history with huge observed and predicted increase in extinction rates with no observed increase in speciation rates, and thus may result in massive declines in biodiversity on par with the 5 large extinction events. This one appears to be almost completely ____ caused - the only one caused by a single species rather than a large scale natural disaster


when analyzing protected areas in Hawaii, although 5 protected areas existed in 1972, there was almost no ____ between these protected areas and therefore endangered the Hawaiian finch habitat


when analyzing the modeled population viability of gorillas over different time periods and probabilities of survival, if the goal is greater likelihood of persistence or persistence for a greater number of years, then a ____ minimum viable population size is needed


when analyzing the rates of extinction of birds during a 25 year interval since 1500, it can be seen that the extinction rates of ____ species vastly outnumber the mainland species

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