Continuing Education

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The real estate education advisory council (hereafter referred to as "council" was created to make recommendations to the commission concerning the following:

- Requirements for sponsors of continuing education for sponsors of continuing education courses - Requirements for instructors of continuing education courses - Requirements for the curricula in providing courses - Rules of implement continuing education requirements - Any other issues identified by the commission

A waiver may be granted if the applicant meets 1 of the following conditions:

1. The applicant was not able to complete the continuing education because: - They were serving in the armed forces much of the renewal period - They had an incapacitating illness - Other circumstances as determined by the commission 2. The applicant has an active license, but will not perform any act for which a licenses is required, or that their license is in a referral status. An individual granted a waiver may not restore their license to a fully active status until they have completed the necessary continuing education as determined by the commission

To be approved as course sponsor, the sponsor must:

1. provide the commission information on courses, curriculum and facilities 2. Limit the number of hours offered in any 24 hour period as established by the commission 3. Provide each attendee who completes an approved course a certificate which contains: - the name of the participant - the name, address, and signature of the sponsor - the number of approved credit hours - the number of approved credit hours - the date of the program - any other information required by the commission 4. Pay a feed determined by the commission 5. Meet any other standard adopted by the commission

Managing brokers as part of the 12 hour annual requirement must complete at least

4 hours dedicated to business and management skills, and legal knowledge need by a managing broker

Sponsors of continuing education courses shall retain record so attendees for

5 years


an individual who is licensed as a real estate broker must complete the continuing education requirement each year, unless they have been granted an inactive license, subject matter determined by the commission

If a vacancy occurs, the commission shall

appoint an individual to complete the unexpired term

The commission may inspect a sponsor's record and facilities

at any time

Sponsors may only advertise that their offerings have been approve by the


Sponsor approvals expire December of each

even numbered year. To renew approval sponsors must submit a letter requesting renewal and nay required fees

The commission may deny license renewal if the

licensee has not met then continuing education requirement

The council consisted of 5 members who are appointed by the commission. 3 members must be

recommended by the Indiana Association of Realtors. The remaining two shall be selected by the commission

The council elects a chairman and vice-chairman and meetings will be held when

requested by the chairman or commission

An individual who applies for a broker's license after June 30, 2014, must

take and pass at least 30 hours of post-licensing education during the first 2 years after the license is issued. The subject matter focuses on practical matters of real estate transactions and is taken instead of the continuing education requirement

An individual broker applying for license renewal must certify on

the application that they have complied with the continuing education requirement, unless they are exempt because they have been licensed for less than 1 year or they are seeking a waiver

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