CORE 140 Final Exam Study Set

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What are the three political economy theories and policies?

1. Economic Nationalism Domestic control and the use of tariffs and restrictions on labor, goods, and capital movement 2. Economic Internationalism Tariffs, trade treaties, and common markets. 3. Economic Structuralism Put in evidence the importance of the 'non-economic parameters' of macroeconomic models.

What is idealism?

1. Human nature is "good" and people are capable of mutual aid and collaboration. 2. Emphasizing the role of international organizations and international law that promote cooperation as conflict resolution. 3. Supporting free trade, "When goods cross the borders, armed forces do not." 4. Promoting democracy--tolerance, compromise, peace loving.

How to enforce international law?

1. Reciprocity Enforcement of international law depends heavily on reciprocity. States follow international law most of the time because they want other states to do so. 2. Collective action A state that breaks international law may also face a collective response by a group of states. 3. Help yourself International law enforcement depends entirely on national power.

What are the three elements for a nation?

1. Similarities. 2. A feeling of community, a sense of connection. 3. A desire of the people to control themselves politically.

What is realism?

1. States as the central actors in the international system. 2. States are driven by self-interest. Politics is aimed at increasing power, or demonstrating power. 3. Peace as a function of balanced powers rather than abstract ideas. self-help, to be powerful.

What are the four major roots of international law?

1. The work of classical writers. 2. Custom. 3. Treaties. 4. The decisions of the International Court of Justice

What is the Lorenz curve?

A curve that shows the % of total income received by each cumulative % of the population

What is a nation?

A group of people who identify with one another politically because of common characteristics such as shared history, language, culture, religion and race.

What are the nation-states structures?

A nation state must have a shared national identity, physical borders, and a single government.

What is a state?

A tangible political entity, it is a country States normally share 6 characteristics

What are the UN official languages?

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish

Who are the UN Security Council's permanent members?

China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

What is soft currency?

Developing countries' money which is not acceptable in exchange for currency of other countries.

What is diplomatic immunity?

Diplomats are beyond the jurisdiction of the host country's national courts.

Who is Hugo Grotius?

Father of international law

Important reasons of international politics affect our personal economic conditions are?

Globalization and international trade, International Monetary Relations, International investment, and Domestic Vs. Defense Spending [zero-sum game]

What is G-20?

Has 20+ nations and are considered the creditor nations

What are Hugo Grotius's major contributions to international law?

Him constructing a general theory of law that would restrain and regulate war between various independent powers, including states.

What are the balance of payments?

How a country tracks how much money is coming in and going out and credits and debits.

What are some trade barriers?

Important quotas, government regulations, tariff, export quotas,

What is a IGO?

Intergovernmental organizations: members are countries/governments

What is a nation-state?

Nations desire to have and maintain its own state and to govern itself independently

What is an NGO?

Nongovernmental organizations: members are individuals or private groups/organizations

What are the three different types of inflation and what are their examples?

Open and the authorities increase the prices for certain purposes, hidden and prices increased introduced by offering a smaller quantity or poorer quality at the same old price, and repressed and an example is the government controlled distribution of products through rationing.

What are the important concepts for a nation-state?

Share common history with each other and share states and nations with each other.

What are the six characteristics for a state?

Sovereignty, territory, population, diplomatic recognition, government, and support from its people

What are the UN 6 major bodies?

The General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat.

What is the greatest barrier of international law?

The ICJ does not have police power to enforce its decisions.

What is the U.S. official policy toward Taiwan?

The U.S. and most other significant nations recognize one China and thus include the boundaries of Taiwan within the boundaries of China.

What do the permanent members have veto power on?

The Veto Record USSR/Russia: 126. US: 83. UK: 29. France: 16. Taiwan/China: 18.

What is comparative advantage?

The ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer

What is the nature of power and examples of it?

The capacity for influence and that influence is based on the control of resources valued or desired by others. 1. The urge for power. 2. Power is expensive. 3. Power is relative. 4. Power is situational.

What is the GNP per capita?

The dollar value of a country's GNP divided by its population. It reflects the average income of a country's citizens.

What are the rules of War and Just Cause of War?

The main purpose of international humanitarian law (IHL) is to maintain some humanity in armed conflicts, saving lives and reducing suffering. The belligerent nation must be fairly sure that its actions will make things better.

What's the Moon Agreement?

The outer space, is the common heritage of mankind. It shall be free for exploration and use by all states without discrimination of any kind.

What is voting in the IMF?

The votes of each member equal the sum of its basic votes (equally distributed among all members) and quota-based votes

What to do if a person runs into legal troubles in a foreign country?

They should ask to speak to their Embassy or Consulate.

How did the UN Security Council use their veto power?

To protect allies of the permanent members, and to prevent or stall UN peacekeeping or peace enforcement operations.

How to get hard currency?


What is hard currency?

Usually from a highly industrialized country, that is widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services.

What is the U.S. military spending?

When the U.S. spent $766 billion on national defense.

The higher the value of a country's currency...

the more expensive the country's products

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