Corporate Communication Exam 1

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Define "mission"

Overriding purpose in line with the values or expectations of stakeholders


-improved efficiency -increased accountability -provision of strategic direction and purpose through consolidation -organizational positioning

COMMUNICATION based drivers

-increased message effectiveness through consistency and reinforcement of core messages -complementarity of media and media cost inflation -media multiplication requires controls of communication channels

Gues Spaaker Kathryn Campbell and Megan Carver from Brady Corp.

-innovation is key -take risk-

Vertical structure multinational CCOM responsibilities

-seperate from martketing -sets the themed messages for all corporate communications functions in differetn regions

Stakeholder communication Strategies


Where should a CCOM major be housed?

A business school would be best because it deals with the functions of a corporation. (they call this the academy--the part of the university)

Define "market"

A defined group for whom a product is a or may be in demand (and for whom an organization creates and maintains products and service offerings)

Define "issue"

An unsettled matter (which is ready for a decision) or a point of conflict between an organization and one or more publics

Define "corporate reputation"

An individual's collective representation of past images of an organization (induced through either communication or past expereinces) established over time

Define "stakeholder"

Any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization's objectives

QUIZ QUESTION:A method of researching organization identity that consists of a group of senior managers coming together and sharing their views on the organization's key characteristics in a mangement session

Cobweb method (brainstorming with just managers)

QUIZ QUESTION: According to Gray and Balmer ________ is the immediate mental picture the audience has of an organization

Corporate Image

Define "vision"

Desired future state: the aspiration of the organization

To survey coporate reputation there are three methods

Fortunes "most advanced" corporations RepTrak Pulse Friancial Times-worlds most respected companies *Large surveys leads to rankings.

QUIZ QUESTION: The argument that the discipline of coporate communications should be housed in the school of business is ______________ (Argenti)

Historical and Political

Corporate image is _________

Immediate mental picture an audience has of an organization (Gray and Balmer, 1998)

Communication with stakeholder models: Equal participation and marketing model

Implementers who have the time and resources will seek equal partiicipation among all stakeholders to resolve an issue

How does the curricula align with these perspectives of corporate communication Journalisim arts and literature econ/business social sciences

Journalisim- publicize the unknown arts and literature- production of a story, message and rhetoric econ/business-managment, planning, organization social sciences- social and psychological processes (mass comm theory)

QUIZ QUESTION: Advertising falls under which corporate activity?

Marketing Communications

What are the needs driving PR and Marketing

Marketing- A need for product publicity and support for products PR-A need for getting the info to the public and gov

QUIZ QUESTION: __________ is shaped through the alignment of strategic vision, org culture and stakeholder images

Organizational identity

What are the 3 key characteristics of stakeholders


Define "public"

People shoe mobilize themselves against (or sometimes in support of) the organization on the basis of some common issues or concern to them

What are the multiple levels of stakeholders

Persons groups neighborhoods organizations societies

Define "definition"

Precise statement of aims or purpose

Organizational idenity is formed when these three parts work together

Strategic Vision (manager) Organizational Culture (employees) image (Stakeholder)

Define "communication

The TACTICS and MEDIA that are used to communicate with internal and external groups

Definee "integration"

The act of coordinating all communication so that the corporate identity is effectively and consistently commmunciated to internal and external groups

Define "Corporate image"

The immediate set of associations of an individual in response to one or more signals or messages from or about a particular organization at a single point in time

Define "Corporate Identity"

The profile and values communicated by an organization

Define "Strategies"

The way or means in which the corporate objectives are to be achieved and put into effect

Vertical vs. Horizontal structures (what are they)

Vertical-the way in which tasks and activities are divided or arranged in a dept. (hierarchy in an org.) Horizontal- structures laid over the vertical that integrate functionality and separate tasks

Tooks needed for aligning idenity and image (3 things)

Vision Culture images

What are the key questions in identity consturction and maintenance


What is definition of CORPORATE COMMUNICATION (3 part definition)

a department an area of practice an overarching framework for managing communication


business have their own productus and identities but are "endorsed" by a parent company. EX: General Motors

Communication with stakeholder models: Need to Know Model

change sparks controversy...requires little commitmment from stakeholders-target spefific stakeholders who are related to the issue

What are three components of coprorate identity model that make up the corportate personality

communication-all planned communication behavior- all behavior of employees that leave an impression symbolism-logos

Monolithic identity

corporate brand or structure brandined with same company name (think mono-one) SONY: Ads...logo...behavior

When marketing and PR are integrated together it is called

corporate communications

What are the four MAJOR stakeholder categories

definitive stakeholders (Legit claim & sufficient power) dominant stakeholders (Legit claim & power NO urgency) dangerous stakeholders (urgent claim & power, NO legitamcy) dependent stakeholders (urgent claim & legit, NO power)

What are the three MINOR stakeholder categories

demanding-(urgent claim-no legitamcy, no power) discretionary (legitmacy- no organization, no power) dormant (power- no legitamcy-no urgency)

Where did CCOM evolve from

evolved out of Public Relations and journalisim; they were not equipped to handle the day-to-day flow of communication

There are nine functions of corporate communication within the discipline

image and identity corporate advertising media relations financial communications employee relations community relations corporate philathropy governement relations crisis communication

Communication with stakeholder models: Quid pro Quo

implementers focus on stakeholders that have the most power and would be the most beneficiial to the corporation by having their support

Communication with stakeholder models: Equal dissemination

implementers have freqent and abundant opportunities for communication with stakholders and do not have an urget need or issue communication to ALL stakeholders is possible and encouraged

Coporate communication is most closely linked to what discimpline

managment or organizational behavior (business)

Similarities between CCOM definitions

mututally beneficial relationships

Branded identity

refers to structures where products and services are brought to market with their own brand name and value PROCTOR & GAMBLE- Many different products have their own ads ex Crest toothpaste

3 types of MARKET based drivers

stakeholder roles audience fragmentation greater amounts of message clutter

Characteristics of organizations with strongest reputation

visibility distinctiveness authenticity transparency consistency

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