COU 525 Final Exam 1 & 2

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Which career theory model, like Super, stressed the importance of self-concept in career decision making. The theory stressed the importance of social class, intelligence, and sex-typing in the development of that self-concept. 1.) Gottfredson's 2.) Holland's 3.) person-environment- correspondence 4.) multicultural career counseling model

1) Gottfredson's

This theorist argued that career development can be facilitated by guiding the maturation of abilities and interests as well as reality testing (summer jobs, after-school jobs). 1) Super 2) Ginzberg 3) Gottfredson 4) Tiedeman 5) Knefelkamp

1) Super

The Lofquist and Dawis theory argues that the fit between the person and the job gets better the longer the person stays in the job. 1) True 2) False

1) True

The addition of the person environment fit approach to trait factor has resulted in the consideration of which additional assessment factor? 1) Ability Patterns 2.) interests 3.) traits 4.) reinforcer requirements

1) Ability Patterns

Ben identifies himself as a Parsons Practitioner. In determining the traits of his client he is most likely to use: Question options: 1) an extensive interview as to likes, dislikes. 2) extensive attitude, interest, and values testing 3) an extensive discussion of the individual's family tree

1) An extensive interview as to likes, dislikes.

Who suggested that functional/transferable skills can best be identified by using a "quick job hunting map." 1) Holland 2) Crace and Brown 3) Bullard 4) Bolles

1) Bolles

Which model calls for identifying emotional problems, lack of motivation and family beliefs? 1) Cognitive Information Processing 2) Developmental 3) Learning Theory 4) Trait Factor and Person-Environment Fit

1) Cognitive Information Processing

Analysis, synthesis, diagnosis, prognosis, counseling, and follow-up are the steps of career guidance by (p. 14) 1.) E.G. Williamson 2.) Carl R. Rogers 3.) Frank Parson 4.) Clark L. Hull

1) E.G. Williamson

The Career Beliefs, The Career Thoughts, and My Vocational Situation inventories are considered measures of: 1) Factors that are associated with undecided and indecisive clients 2) a client's level of occupational and self knowledge 3) a client's educational and abilities level 4) factors associated with a clients lifestyles

1) Factors that are associated with undecided and indecisive clients

The first theorist (s) to propose a theory of occupational choice from a developmental standpoint was (were): 1) Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma 2) Super 3) Gottfredson 4) Miller-Tiedeman & Tiedeman 5) None of the above

1) Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma

Occupational aspirations is the main theme of the theorist, (53) 1) Gottfredson 2) Super 3) Krumboltz 4) Holland

1) Gottfredson

If the counselor is spending public tax dollars to train the client, the client's vocational interests in an occupation should override the results of any aptitude testing. If the client is really interested in an occupation, they will succeed. 1) True 2) False

2) False

According to Super, an individual would be considered vocationally mature upon: 1) achievement of relevant developmental tasks 2) upon completion of training for a chosen occupation 3) upon identification of a tentative career goal 4) upon transition from Exploration to the Establishment stage of development

1) achievement of relevant developmental tasks

Faulty beliefs and assumptions could affect a person's ability to function in all life's roles and lead to: 1) an identity crisis 2) a superego 3) identity diffusion 4) ego formation

1) an identity crisis

Severe psychological disorders uncovered in the interview: 1) are to be referred when appropriate 2) are to be addressed regardless of their nature 3) are to be addressed after career counseling 4) are to be addressed during the decision-making stage

1) are to be referred when appropriate

Career Maturity inventories are primary measures of: 1) career development 2) career beliefs 3) work values 4) aptitudes

1) career development

The goal of self-assessment in context of Holland's theory is: 1) congruence 2) self-knowledge 3) occupational awareness 4) vocational identity

1) congruence

The 15 year old stated, "I've done some volunteer work at the nursing home. I really enjoyed that . I really want a career where I can help people. I think I've got to go to college for four years to do that." Which of super's tasks would this statement most closely characterize. 1) crystallization 2) Specification 3) implementation 4) stablization 5) consolidation

1) crystallization

Briana wants to encourage her client to become an active participant in the career counseling process. Which of the following is likely to promote that? 1) daily logs 2) discovery of past events 3) dream analysis 4) reflection of feelings

1) daily logs

There can be many identifiable problems to be considered when implementing a computer-based program such as: 1.) inadequate staff training, lack of effective planning, lack of integration. 2.) lack of student training, lack of adequate assessment needs, balance between hardware/software expenses. 3.) staff attitudes in work place, hands - on decision making 4.) consistent support from faculty, imbalance between students and counselors

1) inadequate staff training, lack of effective planning, lack of integration

The CTI is an instrument used to evaluate dysfunctional thinking and is interpreted by a scales or scales that measure: 1.) just decision making confusion 2.) decision-making confusion, commitment anxiety, external conflict plus a total score 3.) external conflict, internal conflict, depression, and a total score 4.) Verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and spatial relations

1) just decision making confusion

The client asked "What are working conditions like for a Corrections Officer?" Other than having the client interview corrections officer, the career counselor might ask the client to read: 1.) the Dictionary of Occupational Titles 2.) the Guide to Occupational Working Conditions 3.) the Guide to Occupational Exploration 4.) the Occupational Outlook Handbook

1) the Dictionary of Occupational Titles

The client had seen the career counselor some seven or eight years earlier for career help. The client has returned. In the most recent session, the client stated that she was really bored and unhappy in her employment and had been so for more than a year. The counselor suggested to the client that her problem was probably her marriage as they had identified the one right job. He explained that new interest surveys and personality instruments would probably yield the same results since interests and personality rarely change throughout one's lifetime. 1) this counselor adheres to a trait and factor career choice theoretical approach 2) this counselor adheres to a process career choice theoretical approach 3) this counselor actually subscribes to both approaches 4) there is really not enough information given

1) this counselor adheres to a trait and factor career choice theoretical approach

According to Zunker, the primary purpose of using the interview technique option is to: 1) to assist the client in the evaluation of work and leisure experiences, training and education as they relate to potential occupational choices 2) to identify and evaluation occupational interests 3) to compare interests with identified skills 4) to identify and evaluate developed skills from leisure learning experiences.

1) to assist the client in the evaluation of work and leisure experiences, training and education as they realate to potential occupational choices

What is a typical issue or behavior of the Borderline client in career counseling 1.) unstable interpersonal relations 2.) shows little concern for others 3.) is reluctant to take personal risks 4.) lack interest and pleasure in most activities

1) unstable interpersonal relations

A therapist who has a client who is emotionally unstable, sad, anxious, and has poor personal relationships should use all the following strategies except: 1) Gestalt experiment 2) Behavioral Counseling 3) client-centered therapy 4) existential therapy

2) Behavioral Counseling

This term is used to refer to the adoption of beliefs, values, and practices of the host culture. 1) accommodation 2) acculturation 3) Assimilation 4) homeostasis

2) acculturation

According to the author, the career counselor would use this type of instrument of they want to know the client's existing academic skills (reading, writing, math). 1) aptitude tests 2) achievement tests 3) intelligence tests 4) interest inventories

2) achievement tests

Which of the following assessment instruments would be used to determine present level of developed abilities? 1.) ability tests 2.) achievement tests 3.) intelligence test 4.) interest inventories

2) achievement tests

Besides helping clients who have lost their jobs cope with personal problems associated with job loss, what other approach is used. 1.) a passive approach to retraining 2.) aggressive action through job search techniques and retraining, along with methods for dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression 3.) just helping with the personal problems associated with the job 4.) a combination of aggressive and passive approaches

2) aggressive acton through job search techniques and retraining, along with methods for dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression

Which of the following tests is designed to measure ability to acquire a certain proficiency of skill and are designed primarily to provide a basis for prediction? 1.) Achievement 2.) aptitude 3.) career beliefs 4.) intelligence

2) aptitude

Life roles of multicultural groups: 1)are driven by common customs and beliefs** 2)are determined by unique cultural socialization 3)resemble middle class America 4)are more individually oriented than European and American societies

2) are determined by unique cultural socialization

What is an effective method of experience identification? 1) biography 2) autobiography 3) questionnaire 4) interest inventory

2) autobiography

The process by which an individual narrows his or her territory when making a decision about space or acceptable alternatives, is referred to as: (55) 1.) compromise 2.) circumscription 3.) receding images of occupations 4.) cognitive mapping of occupations

2) circumscription

According to Holland, the degree to which the personality type matches the work environment is referred to as: 1.) differentiation 2.) congruence 3.) consistency 4.) vectoring 5.) calculus

2) congruence

What type of validity is illustrated by this statement? Curriculum specialists from elementary and middle schools have reviewed the items on an achievement test and agree that the items represent what is being taught. 1) Construct 2) content 3) concurrent 4) criterion

2) content

If a client has concerns that exceed the counselor's boundaries of competence, what should the counselor do? 1.) counselor should re-state his/her areas of competence, point out that this particular issue is beyond the counselor's areas of competence, and then leave it up to the client to decide how/if to proceed 2.) counselor should refer or seek supervision 3.) immediately cease the provision of counseling 4.) focus on the portion of the issue that are within the counselor's boundaries of competence and suggest that the client seek additional counseling

2) counselor should refer or seek supervision

The major importance of Super's Middletown longitudinal study is its contribution to our understanding of ________________. 1.) vocational self concepts 2.) dimensions of vocational maturity 3.) dimensions of changing occupational interests 4.) how occupational task skills development

2) dimensions of vocational maturity

The major purpose of CACG is to: 1) eliminate oversight of the career counselor 2) enhance the efforts of the career counselor** 3) eliminate the use of hard copy information 4) make decisions for clients

2) enhance the efforts of the career counselor

Unlike today, the founder of the Vocational Guidance movement believed that a client's vocational choice decision should be made by a knowledgeable expert. 1.) true 2.) false

2) false

Ginzberg and gang stated that children often played at occupations for the sheer joy of it. The referred to this period as the: 1.) childhood period 2.) fantasy period 3.) developing period 4.) crystallization period

2) fantasy period

According to the text, in recent years a large amount of counseling literature has addressed what concern with respect to interest inventories? 1) faking scores 2) gender bias 3) self-scored versus mail-in scoring 4) validity

2) gender bias

In discussing the occupation of Computer Programmer the DOT description begins "Enters program codes into computer system:" . This would be an example of a 1) summary statement 2) lead statement 3) ask element statement 4) descriptive statement 5) trailer statement

2) lead statement

In his discussion of the roles that human beings play and the theaters in which they "play" them, Super refers to this as__________________ 1.) life span 2.) life space 3.) Cycling and Recycling 4. Vocational Developmental tasks

2) life space

The Self-Directed Search is an inventory that yields scores regarding which areas: 1) occupational daydreams and preferences for activities and competencies 2) preferences for activities and abilities found in various occupations 3) personality characteristics reinforced in various occupations 4) none of the above

2) preferences for activities and abilities found in various occupations

The counselor argued, "Yes, you've described the client's stage of career development, but you've not assessed the client's skills gathering occupational information or skills in making wise vocational decisions." 1) The counselor who made this point would be a Tiedeman advocate 2) The counselor would be a Gottfredson advocate 3) The counselor would be a Super advocate 4) The counselor would be a Ginzberg and gang advocate

2) the counselor would be a Gottfredson advocate

According to Ivey and Ivey (1999), developing a counseling relationship built on trust will usually take: 1) the first half of the initial counseling session 2) the entire initial counseling session 3) three counseling sessions 4) six counseling sessions

2) the entire initial counseling session

The current time (1990 to present), Stage 6, is viewed as 1) a time of changing demographics and continued development of technology 2) the beginning of multicultural counseling 3) a major focus on school-to-work transitions 4) all of the above

4) all of the above

According to the lecturer, the value of the "Selected Characteristics" supplement to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles is: 1) the information it provides about the market demand for various occupations. 2) the information it provides about the exertional demands and physical requirements of various occupations 3) the information it provides about potential employers for the occupation 4) the information it provides about detailed descriptions of exactly what is done in the occupation

2) the information it provides about the exertional demands and physical requirements of various occupations

The primary occupation that Carl has worked in during the last 15 years has the DOT Code of 326.435-066. Carl can now only do sedentary work and cannot afford to go to school because of family obligations. Which of the following sedentary jobs would be most appropriate. 1) 326.485-010 2) 326.662-010 3) 326.537-080 4) 326.624-066 5) 326.626.040

3) 326.537-080

What was the name of the major work written by Parsons (published poshumously in 1909)? 1) Choosing a Career 2) Three Conceputal Formulations 3) Choosing a Vocation 4) The Conceptual Framework for Helping a Person Choose a Career

3) Choosing a Vocation

Milan worked for 35 years and is newly retired. He's spending time doing things he's never done much of before. His wife is in shock. He's trying all sorts of new things. He's busy planning trips and taking up new hobbies. He's even joined Dr. Weber's Cajun Dance Class. According to Super, Milan is recycling through the ______________life stage. 1) Growth 2) Exploration 3) Establishment 4) Decline

3) Establishment

Which of the following is considered to be the most important requirement for clients' understanding of information given to them in PEC counseling? 1) external support system 2) information processing skills 3) internal affective awareness 4) self-knowledge

3) Internal affective awareness

People appear to be attracted to people of like values and ways of looking at the world. The lecturer suggested that this career choice theorist could also be used to explain conflicts that occur within organizations (Snow Mountain Ranch) . The theorist is: 1.) Donald Super 2.) David Tiedeman 3.) John Holland 4.) Peterson, Sampson, and Reardon

3) John Holland

Who was responsible for introducing America (particularly a streetcar company ) to various methods of measuring aptitudes he had utilized with successfully employed German men? (p. 12) Question options: 1) Leipzig 2) Meizberg 3) Munsterberg 4) Wundt

3) Munsterberg

The theory proposed by Super can be contrasted with Ginzberg et al. in the following manner: 1) Super describes specific developmental stages; Ginzberg does not 2) Super emphasizes stages of development over the lifespan; Ginzberg does not 3) Super emphasizes tasks to be mastered; Ginzberg does not 4) Super emphasizes early childhood as a primary stage of development; Ginzberg does not

3) Super emphasizes tasks to be mastered; Ginzberg does not

When comparing the trait-factor and person-environment fit models, which of the following is most true about their evolution? 1) the current emphasis is on the inclusion of affective processes 2) qualitative data about the client is now considered paramount to the process 3) the "working alliance" between counselor and client is now emphasized 4) the counselor's role now mirrors Rogerian style

3) The "working alliance" between counselor and client is now emphasized

In comparing the DOT with the O*Net, which is correct? 1) the DOT will prove easier to update than the O*Net product. 2) the DOT is more useful because it's coding system is used by a lot of occupational data gathering agencies 3) the DOT identifies worker tasks, while O*Net identifies worker skills 4) the DOT identifies more physical requirements of occupations that the current O*Net version

3) The DOT identifies worker tasks, while O*Net identifies worker skills

"I think I'm interested in accounting. Where can I find information about working conditions for the occupation and professional association addresses?" The counselor wants to recommend an easily readable but objective reference. The career counselor would probably recommend the _______________to the student. 1.) Dictionary of Occupational Titles 2.) Occupational Outlook Handbook 3.) Selected Characteristics of Jobs found in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles 3.) the Guide to Occupational exploration

3) The Guide to Occupational Exploration

Described as a proverbial sleeping giant, this significant resource has enormous potential for the career counseling profession. 1) Counseling Integration 2) Program Effectiveness 3) The Internet Resource 4) The America's Job Bank

3) The Internet Resource

Tiedman and Ginzberg are similar in all of the following except: 1) They view career choice as a developmental process 2) They view career development as part of human development 3) They provide clear explanations how to improve career decision making 4) they discuss an exploratory stage or exploration stage

3) They provide clear explanations how to improve career decision making

Imagine that Lisa (previous question) is 17 years old and just wants to put off making a decision at this time, because she doesn't feel ready to make a choice. Which type of career indecision is she experiencing? 1) decided 2) indecisive 3) undecided 4) unready

3) Undecided

The smallest proportion of factory workers in all developed nations describes 1) Germany 2) China 3) United States 4) England

3) United States

"High School curriculum should be designed for different occupations. Children should be diagnosed as to their interests and capabilities before the training begins." would be best attributed to: 1) Parsons 2) Roe 3) Williamson 4) Munsterberg 5) Wundt

3) Williamson

According to the text, which of the following is an example of a program strategy for adults in career transition 1) identifying developed skills, interests, and work experiences 2) reformulating goals 3) a and B 4) focusing predominately on past events

3) a and b

One of the main purposes for conducting an intake interview in career counseling is to: 1.) diagnose mental or emotional problems 2.) evaluate work skills and work habits of potential employees 3.) establish a hierarchy of priorities in the client's vocational agenda 4.) help identify behavioral problems/faulty cognitions that can lead to work maladjustment

3) establish a hierarchy of priorities in the client's vocational agenda

Super C-DAC model was develop to: 1.) implement counseling for drugs and alcohol centers 2.) measures the self constructionism within the individual 3.) measure constructs from the theory of life-span and life space 4.) provides support for the trait factors theory

3) measure constructs from the theory of life-span and life space

Finding a meaningful area of contribution and developing a perspective of positive growth orientation are tasks associated with which stage? 1) pre-career 2) early career 3) mid career 4) late career

3) mid career

Borden argued that: 1) occupational decisions can be best made after extensive testing 2) axes are effective in working through occupational issues 3) occupations can be used to channel impulses 4) perceived status of the occupation is the most important factor in the decision process

3) occupations can be used to channel impulses

The employer was discussion a(n) _____ that he had open in his organization and spend considerable time discussing the work assignment. (correct term) 1) task 2) occupation 3) position 4) job 5) element

3) position

According to Roe, which needs will most likely become unconscious motivators in the future 1.) those that are routinely satisfied 2.) the higher order needs that are never satisfied 3.) the needs that are satisfied after an unusual delay

3) the needs that are satisfied after an unusual delay

One major purpose of guided fantasy as an exercise to increase self-awareness is to: (172) 1) relate interests and common themes pertaining to the client's background 2) actively involve clients in concentrating on future tasks and life planning 3) uncover subconscious material that can be used in career decision making 4) identify skills

3) uncover subconscious material that can be used in career decision making

To uncover specific variables affecting a client's career decision, a career counselor might: 1.) ask the client unfocused questions 2.) request the client write a structured autobiography 3.) use guided imagery 4.) utilize a career interest inventory

3) use guided imagery

Including the United States, the following nations are examples that career guidance and counseling programs are making great strides internationally: 1.) Japan, Spain, Canada, England 2.) Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Austrailia 3.) Japan, Denmark, England, Austrailia 4.) Austrailia, Hong Kong, Africa, Japan

3.) Japan, Denmark, England, Australia

The DOT occupational code which would indicate that the occupation has high skilled manipulation of data, but less skilled involvement with people and things would be: 1) 004.887-014 2) 884.517-022 3) 088.871-002 4) 583.287-014

4) 583.287-014

Holland's theory holds that a person's behavior is actually an interaction between his/her personality and the characteristics of his/her ____________ 1.) family 2.) motivators 3.) needs 4.) environment 5.) Early childhood experience

4) Environment

According to the lecturer, labor market forecasts can be inaccurate because of all of the following EXCEPT: 1.) National Disasters 2.) Unforeseen Political events 3.) Changes in government spending 4.) Inability to qualify trade activities between U.S. and other countries 5.) Technological breakthroughs

4) Inability to qualify trade activities between U.S. and other countries

Faulty cognition can lead to a multitude of personal problems. Who argues that the career-decision process can be heavily affected by faulty cognition? 1) Ellis 2) Beck 3) Doyle 4) Mitchell and Krumboltz

4) Mitchell and Krumboltz

Which career counseling model has a counseling goal of helping a person determine their optimal career fit? 1.) cognitive information process 2.) developmental 3.) learning theory 4.) trait/Factor and PEC

4) Trait factor/ and PEC

Having a clear and stable picture of one's goals, interests and talents, is a description of: (p. 61). 1.) career decidedness 2.) career maturity 3.) self concept, well-defined 4). Vocational Identity

4) Vocational Identity

With the career life perspective, which role is the major determiner of each individual's life story? 1) childhood 2) family 3) Leisure 4) Work

4) Work

As a Super practitioner, the counselor would help the client: 1.) development and accept an integrated picture of themselves and their life roles 2.) test these concepts or pictures of themselves against reality 3.) explore and reclarify the choices they made and why they made the choices to reduce doubt. 4.) a and b 5.) all of the above

4) a and b

Information can offer important fundamentals to the meaning of work in one's life. Knowledge work provides the individual with 1) the potential with upward mobility 2) a balanced life 3) web-based training 4) a career identity and a social position in an ever-changing society

4) a career identity and a social position in an ever-changing society

Counselors use _________ gathered to determine counseling strategies 1.) only the information that the counselor thinks is valuable 2.) none of the information 3.) some information depending on what the client revealed 4.) all information

4) all information

Jahoda (1981) captured which of the following unintended consequences of work, highlighting the important psychological outcomes derived from work that are discontinued when one is out of work? 1) a daily time structure that is devoted to working and sharing experiences and interactions with cohorts and other individuals outside the nuclear family 2) the opportunity to express purpose and one's goals of life 3) reinforcement of personal status, identity, and the participation in activities associated with work that is viewed as a necessity in the give and take of daily life. 4) all of the above

4) all of the above

When interviewing culturally diverse clients which of the following techniques is not considered during counseling? 1) direct eye contact 2) touching across gender lines 3) non-restructuring of questions 4) asking for more in-depth information

4) asking for more in-depth information

According to PEC theory, when there is the presence of discorrespondence, the basic strategy is to: 1) change self 2) change environments 3) change supervisors 4) both a and B 5) none of the above

4) both a and b

The type of diagnosis that is concerned with the reasons why a client has problems, possibly identifying them as irrational beliefs, anxiety or lack of information, is 1) decisional 2) derisive 3) differential 4) dynamic

4) dynamic

The primary goal of self-assessment is to: 1) save time in the counseling process 2) obtain measures of attitude 3) assess one's verbal abilities 4) increase one's self-awareness

4) increase one's self-awareness

During which stage of a career is the emphasis on the employee demonstrating his/her ability to function effectively on the job? 1.) pre-career 2.) early career 3.) mid career 4.) late career

4) late career

In which stage is the major focus of an individual's life on activities outside the organization? 1) early career 2) early-mid career 3) mid career 4) late career

4) late career

According to the text, individual personality patterns greatly help a counselor in identifying and clarifying each clients 1) aptitudes 2) goals 3) maturity 4) needs

4) needs

The overarching goal of self-management is to: 1) create short-term changes in self-efficacy 2) enhance decision-making strategies through self-monitoring 3) identify stable characteristics that last over a long period of time 4) promote enduring client changes through self-directed behavior

4) promoting enduring client changes through self-directed behavior

Workplace violence often centers around: 1) bored employees who feel their skills are being under-utilized 2) disgruntled employees who have lost their jobs 3) employees who are having a great deal of family problems* 4) stressed employees who are overworked and underpaid

4) stressed employees who are overworked and underpaid

In Ginzberg's value stage of the tenative period: 1) the person begins evaluating costs of achieving the occupational goal 2) the person chooses the occupation based upon its perceived value to humanity 3) the person is attracted to the occupation based upon its economic value or earnings potential 4) the person is attracted to the occupation because of the pleasure of the work activities

4) the person is attracted to the occupation because of the pleasure of the work activities

A counselor maintains that he uses a trait/factor approach to career counseling. Which one(s) of the following technique(s) she most likely to use? (L) 1.) he would interview the client as to his relationship with his parents and/or brothers and sisters before the age of 5 2.) he would administer to the client aptitude tests, interest inventories 3.) he would assist the client in examining his assertions and stereotypes about various jobs 4.) he would allow the client to discuss feelings, uncertainties, ad assist the in working through innaproperiate client vocational choices 5.) B &C

5) B&C

As a Lofquist-Dawis practitioner, the counselor is exploring job satisfaction with the client. What aspects of the job would he cover? 1) relationships with co-workers and supervisors 2) type of work 3) autonomy 4) opportunities for self-expression 5) all of the above

5) all of the above

According to Roe, the level one reaches in their occupation is dependent upon one's: 1) intellectual capacity 2) socio-economic background 3) interest in the field 4) personality 5) both a and b

5) both a and b

As a Krumboltz practicioner, you would 1.) Administer to the client a number of interest inventory 2.) encourage the client to engage in new experiences 3.) view your role as a coach 4.) focus on broader personality issues 5.) both b and c

5) both b and c

Characteristics of the old workplace included all of the following except: 1) white, male supervisors 2) large employers 3) education completed 4) a variety of incentives 5) specific duties

5) specific duties

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