Criminal Justice Chapter 10 Quiz

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What is an alternative to trial offered by a judge or prosecutor, in which the offender agrees to participate in a specified counseling treatment program in return for withdrawal of the charges?

pretrial diversion program

The most common form of punishment in the United States is:


in _____________ judges attempt to address problems such as drug addiction, mental illness, and homelessness that often lead to the eventual rearrest of the defendant.

problem-solving courts

A type of electronic monitoring which involves an offender being contacted periodically by telephone or beeper to verify his or her whereabouts is knowns as: ​

programmed contact

What type of electronic monitoring involves an offender being contacted periodically by telephone or beeper to verify his or her whereabouts?

programmed contact

Reintegration has a strong theoretical basis in the ____ philosophy of punishment.


A goal of corrections that focuses on preparing the offender for a return to the community is


Which goal of corrections focuses on preparing the offender for a return to the community unmarred by further criminal behavior?


During this hearing, the probation agency presents evidence to support its claim of violation, and the probationer can attempt to refute this evidence.

revocation hearing

The three stages of probation revocation include a preliminary hearing, revocation hearing, and

revocation sentencing

Scared straight and boot camp are two forms of ____.

shock incarceration

Scared straight programs and boot camps are examples of

shock incarceration

The power designated to an agent of the law over a person who has broken the law is


The conditions placed on a probationer fall into three categories. Which of the following is NOT one of these categories?​

Cumulative conditions

Day reporting centers were first used in:

Great Britain.

Which of the following is true regarding intermediate sanctions?

Intermediate sanctions provide a number of additional sentencing options for wrongdoers who require stricter supervision than that supplied by standard probation.

As a means to reverse patterns of self-destructive behavior and to help the offender deal with certain problems related to his/her behavior, _________ conditions are usually imposed on the offender.​


​About____________of parolees return to prison before the end of their parole period, mostly because they were convicted of a new offense or had their parole revoked.​

a quarter

A process by which the government seizes private property attached to criminal activity is:


On successful completion of a drug court program, the offender is usually rewarded by:

having all charges against him or her dropped.

A community-based sanction in which offenders serve their terms of incarceration in their homes is called:

home confinement.

What level of home monitoring requires that offenders remain home at all times, with exceptions being made for education, employment, counseling, or other specified activities such as the purchase of food, or in some instances attendance at religious ceremonies?

home detention

What level of home monitoring requires the offender to remain home at all times, save for medical emergencies?

home incarceration

The most restrictive level of home monitoring is:

home incarceration.

Which of the following is NOT one of the options of intermediate sanctions that judges have in sentencing?


A punishment-oriented form of probation in which the offender is placed under stricter and more frequent surveillance and control than conventional probation by probation officers with limited caseloads is a(n):​

intensive supervision probation.

With ______________ , the offender spends a certain amount of time each week, usually the weekends, in a jail, workhouse, or other government institution.

intermittent incarceration

If an offender chooses to attend drug court, they place themselves in the hands of a ____ who will enforce a mixture of treatment and sanctions in an attempt to cure their addiction.


"Release from prison that occurs when an offender has served the full length of his or her sentence, minus any adjustments for good time." This is called

mandatory release

A ______________ is an agreement between the state and the offender that establishes the conditions of parole.​

parole contract

The first step of the revocation process is the arraignment.​


A majority of states limit intensive supervision probation to offenders who:

do not have a prior probation violation.

Offenders sentenced to shock incarceration usually spend ____ in prison or jail before being released and resentenced to probation.

90 days

Intensive supervision probation (ISP) clients typically have lower violation rates than traditional probationers.​


The ideal probation officer-offender relationship is based on supervision and authority.​


When authorities do attempt to revoke parole for a technical violation, they must provide the parolee with a revocation hearing and counsel to represent the parolee.​


Intermediate sanctions reduce the amount of control the state exerts over the individual compared to standard probation.​


Most probationers are repeat offenders who have committed nonviolent crimes.​


Parole is a sentence handed down by a judge following conviction and usually does not include incarceration.​


Parole is the most common form of punishment in the United States.​


Which form of shock incarceration was modeled after military basic training, emphasizing strict discipline, manual labor, and physical training?​

Boot camp

The number of cases handled by a probation officer in a given period is her or her


___________ is a strategy to keep offenders who qualify away from prison and jail and sentence them to community-based and intermediate sanctions.


____________________ is a technique of probation supervision in which the offender's whereabouts are kept under surveillance by an electronic device.

Electronic Monitoring

All nonviolent offenders are eligible for probation.​


Anger-control therapy is an example of a punitive condition of probation.​


Community-based corrections programs are no longer more cost-efficient than incarceration.​


Conditions such as fines, restitution, and drug testing are considered standard conditions of probation.​


Home detention is the strictest form of home monitoring.​


_________________ is/are more restrictive than probation and less restrictive than imprisonment.

Intermediate sanctions

In which case did the Court rule that probationers were entitled to an attorney during the revocation process?

Mempa v. Rhay

_____________ refers to a criminal sanction in which a convict is allowed to remain in the community rather than be imprisoned .


______________ conditions usually reflect the seriousness of the offense and are intended to increase the punishment of the offender.


Reporting regularly to the probation officer is an example of a(n) _______________ condition.


An offender is most likely to be denied probation if he or she seriously injured the victim of the crime.​


Boot camp is a variation on traditional shock incarceration.​


Community-based corrections are an important means of diverting criminals to alternative modes of punishment so that scarce incarceration resources are consumed by only the most dangerous criminals.​


In the absence of trust, most probation officers rely on their authority to guide an offender successfully through the sentence.​


Most of the rules of evidence that govern regular trials do not play a role in revocation hearings.​


Offenders who successfully complete pretrial diversion have the charges pending against them dropped.​


Probationers who commit first time technical violations are unlikely to have their probation revoked.​


Split sentence probation is also known as shock probation.​


The federal Crime Victims' Rights Act provides victims with the right to be reasonably notified of any parole proceedings and the right to attend and be reasonably heard at such proceedings.​


When parole is denied, the reasons usually involve poor prison behavior by the offender and/or the severity of the underlying crime.​


Which of the following reasons could contribute to an offender being denied probation?

all of these

What type of electronic monitoring involves an offender wearing a device around the wrist, ankle, or neck, which sends out a continuous signal?

continuous signaling

In general, the conditions placed on a probationer fall into three categories. Which of the following is not one of these conditions?

cumulative conditions

What level of home monitoring requires offenders to be in their homes at specific hours, usually at night?


A community-based corrections center to which offenders report on a daily basis for the purpose of treatment, education, and incapacitation is a:

day reporting center.

A strategy to keep those offenders who qualify away from prison and jail and toward community-based and intermediate sanctions is:​


The prosecutor in the case expresses concern that Scott is headed down the wrong path and suggests a little prison time would shake him up. The defense attorney in the case believes that it is not necessary to imprison Scott for this offense. Even though the law states that Scott can serve up to five years in a state prison for his offense, his attorney believes that prison resources are too scarce and that Scott is an offender who qualifies for a community- based sanction. This practice is known as:​


The prosecutor in this case is adamant that Scott serve some jail time. In the plea discussions, the prosecutor suggests that Scott agree to spend ninety days in jail and then he will automatically serve a two-year probation sentence. This suggested sentence is known as:​

shock probation

In ________________________, an offender is sentenced to prison or jail with the understanding that after a period of time, he or she may petition the court to be released on probation.

shock probation/ split sentence probation

Also referred to as shock probation, ___________________ is when the offender is sentenced to a specific amount of time in prison or jail, to be followed immediately by a period of probation.​

split sentence probation

In ____, also known as shock probation, the offender is sentenced to a specific amount of time in prison or jail, to be followed by a period of probation.

split sentence probation

Conditions imposed on all probationers are:


The defense attorney is worried that sending Scott to jail will only make Scott's situation worse. While his court case was pending, Scott got a job at a local grocery store and has started to clean up his act. The defense attorney would prefer that if Scott were to plead guilty to the offense, he would not be required to serve any jail time immediately. He prefers that Scott be given a chance to prove himself and only have to serve time in jail if he reoffends. This type of sentence is known as a(n):​

suspended sentence

What is a judicially imposed condition in which an offender is sentenced after being convicted of a crime, but is not required to begin serving the sentence immediately?

suspended sentence

A judicially imposed condition in which an offender is sentenced after being convicted of a crime, but is not required to begin serving the sentence immediately is referred to as:​

suspended sentence.

Failing to report a change of address is a ____ violation, which may result in revocation of probation.


A _______________ is an action taken by a probationer that, although not criminal, breaks the terms of probation as designated by the court.

technical violation

The judge has scheduled a conference in his chambers with the prosecutor and the defense attorney. He instructs the two attorneys that he wants a plea deal with an agreed upon sentence the next morning. The judge explains to the prosecutor that many offenders are placed on probation for the same offense that Scott committed and never serve any jail or prison time. The judge further explains that if Scott is placed on probation, he will require that Scott attend alcohol counseling and anger-control therapy. These conditions that the judge orders are referred to as:​

treatment conditions.

The criticism that intermediate sanctions designed to divert offenders from prison actually increase the number of citizens who are under the control and surveillance of the American corrections system is known as what?

widening the net

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor of recidivism?

​Lack of education

About __________ of parolees return to prison before the end of their parole period, mostly because they were convicted of a new offense or had their parole revoked.

​a quarter

An alternative to trial offered by a judge or prosecutor, in which the offender agrees to participate in a specified counseling or treatment program in return for withdrawal of the charges is known as a:​

​pretrial diversion program

The parties finally agree and Scott is sentenced to three years of probation with no jail time. The judge informs Scott at his sentencing that he must meet all the required conditions of his probation. These conditions include refraining from all criminal activity, staying employed, attending all required meetings with his probation officer, and reporting all address changes. Failing to report a change of address would be considered a(n):​

​technical violation

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