Critical Thinking lessons 2.01- 2.012
Lesson 2.01 This is it! OTFD Acronym
! A take- charge attitude, with focus on the present moment. O: Observation T: Thoughts F: Feelings D: Desire A memory tool that creates a new word by using the first letter of other words. For example, LOL is an acronym for laughing out loud.
2.02 Speak with Good purpose Now ask your self 4-part Apology
Having a positive attitude, believing in possibilities, and saying what you mean. What does it take to have the family life that I would like to have? What would allow me to have the relationships I want? What keeps me from having sacksful relationships in all aspects of my life? Do I speak with good purpose? Acknowledge, Apologize, Make it right, Recommit.
2.03 Affinity Process Three statements Emotional bank account
Three statements that help create and build successful relationships with others. Tell me something I don't know about you. Tell me something you like about me. Tell me something you think we have in common or something you think we would agree upon. The good and harmful things we do each day that represent deposits and withdrawals in our relationships with others.