CS 4408 - Artificial Intelligence - Study for Exam
Which of the following statements is correct?
- Abduction can be used to explain observations. - Consistency-based diagnosis and abductive diagnosis are alternative methods for troubleshooting systems. - Bottom-up and top-down proof procedures can be proven to be sound and complete.
An agent acts in an environment and only has access to which of the following:
- Ability - Prior knowledge - History of stimuli - Goals and preferences
Which of the following is an example of a fully observable environment?
- Chess game - Checker game - Tic tac toe
What could be considered the environment of a Satellite Image Analysis System?
- Computers in space and earth - Image categorization techniques - Statistical data on image pixel intensity value and histograms
In the general framework for solving tasks by computer, the designer of a system must:
- Determine what constitutes a solution - Represent the task in a way a computer can reason about it - Compute an output - Interpret the output as a solution to the task
Which of the following statements is true while Computing Nash Equilibria?
- Eliminate dominated strategies - Determine support set, the set of actions which have non-zero probabilities - Determine the probability for the actions in the support set
Which of the following statements is correct regarding A* Search?
- It is complete when a finite set of nodes given. - It is optimally efficient, i.e. there is no other algorithm guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A* Search algorithm. - The speed of execution of A* search is highly dependent upon the accuracy of the heuristic function.
In Planning, an agent's decision depends upon:
- The agent's ability - What the agent believes and observes - The agent's preferences
Which of the following factors matters when choosing the right search algorithm for any problem?
- Time complexity - Space complexity - Completeness and Optimality
You go to see the doctor. The doctor selects you at random to have a blood test for swine flu, which for the purposes of this exercise we will say is currently suspected to affect 1 in 10,000. The test is 96% accurate, in the sense that the probability of a false positive is 4%. The probability of a false negative is zero. You test positive. What is the new probability that you have swine flu? (round to the nearest thousands place ... 3 decimal places)
You go to see the doctor. The doctor selects you at random to have a blood test for swine flu, which for the purposes of this exercise we will say is currently suspected to affect 1 in 5,000. The test is 99% accurate, in the sense that the probability of a false positive is 1%. The probability of a false negative is zero. You test positive. What is the new probability that you have swine flu? (round to the nearest thousands place ... 3 decimal places)
You recently visited Mexico and you know that 1 in 200 people who recently visited Mexico have the swine flu. Your doctor suggests that you get tested for the swine flu. The test is 99% accurate, in the sense that the probability of a false positive is 1%. The probability of a false negative is zero. You test positive. What is the new probability that you have swine flu? (round to the nearest thousands place ... 3 decimal places)
Assume that you had a constraint satisfaction problem where you had the following set of numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6 } and you had to discover which numbers from the set could be added together to result in the sum of 7, which of the following would represent a breath first approach to building the search graph for solving this problem?
1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4
Based on the above graph, what would be the order of traversal when Depth-First Search (DFS) technique is used? Assume node 1 is the starting node and DFS will explore left most child first.
1 2 4 5 3 6 7
What is the probability the spinner will stop on green?
The probability that it is Friday and that a student is absent is 0.03. Since there are 5 school days in a week, the probability that it is Friday is 0.2. What is the probability that a student is absent given that today is Friday? Round your answer to the nearest whole percentage point.
Which of the following is considered to be the pivotal event in the history and development of AI?
1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy
A new bag of golf tees contains 5 red tees, 5 orange tees, 5 green tees, and 5 blue tees. You empty the tees into your golf bag. What is the probability of grabbing out two tees of the same color in a row for you and your partner?
A math teacher gave her class two tests. 40% of the class passed both tests and 80% of the class passed the first test. What percent of those who passed the first test also passed the second test (given the following formula for conditional probability)? Round your answer to the nearest whole percentage point. P(B|A) = P(A and B) / P(A)
At a middle school, 18% of all students play football and basketball and 32% of all students play football. What is the probability that a student plays basketball given that the student plays football? Round your answer to the nearest whole percentage point.
A jar contains black and white marbles. Two marbles are chosen without replacement. The probability of selecting a black marble and then a white marble is 0.34, and the probability of selecting a black marble on the first draw is 0.47. What is the probability of selecting a white marble on the second draw, given that the first marble drawn was black (given the following formula for conditional probability)? Round your answer to the nearest whole percentage point.
In a library box, there are 4 novels, 4 biographies, and 4 war history books. If Jack selects two books at random, what is the probability of selecting two different kinds of books in a row?
Which of the following best describes constrained optimization problem?
A constrained optimization problem is an optimization problem that also has hard constraints specifying which variable assignments are possible. The aim is to find an optimal assignment that satisfies the hard constraints.
Which of the following law is one of Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics?
A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Which of the following search techniques is complete and optimal when heuristic function h(n) is consistent?
A* search
Which of the following best describes atomic proposition?
An atomic proposition is a statement that must be true or false.
The field of study that is focused on the synthesis and analysis of computational agents that act intelligently is called:
Artificial Intelligence
A controller must keep track of the rolling history of the prices for the previous 20 days. By keeping track of the average, which of the following formulas can be used?
Average := Average + (New - Old) / 20
Which of the following statements is not correct when we are dealing with a Breadth-First Search (BFS)?
BFS takes less memory space when compared with Depth-First Search.
The term ___________ is used for a depth-first search that chooses values for one variable at a time and returns when a variable has no legal values left to assign.
Backtrack search
Which of the following formulas define the following command function? where S is the belief state, Ch is the set of commands from the higher layer, Pl is the set of percepts from the lower layer, Cl is the set of commands for the lower layer, Ph is the set of percepts for the higher layer.
Command : S × Pl × Ch → Cl
Which of the following formulas defines the command function? where S is the belief state, Ch is the set of commands from the higher layer, Pl is the set of percepts from the lower layer, Cl is the set of commands for the lower layer, Ph is the set of percepts for the higher layer.
Command : S × Pl × Ch → Cl
_____________ is an emerging discipline studying how computational techniques, including AI, can be used to improve planetary sustainability in the ecological, economic and social realms.
Computational sustainability
Which of the following is a disadvantage of Depth-First Search (DFS)?
DFS doesn't guarantee to find a minimal solution when more than one solution exists
__________________ is the concept of split a problem into a number of disjoint cases and solve each case separately.
Domain splitting
Given the following compound proposition, evaluate if this proposition is true or false when p is true, q is true, and r is false? p ∨ q → r
Given the following compound proposition, evaluate if this proposition is true or false when p, q, and r are true. p ∧ q → ¬r
True or False: A regression planner searches in the state space from the initial state to a goal state.
True or False: Given the following compound proposition, evaluate if this proposition is true or false when p is true, q is true, and r is false? p ∧ q → r
True or False: In a stochastic system, the state resulting from an action is determined by the action and the prior state.
True or False: The belief state is the long-term memory of the agent, which maintains the model of current environment needed between time steps.
True or False: The two-stage choice algorithm maintains a stack of variables, where the weight of a variable is the number of conflicts in which it participates.
True/False: A fully observable Markov Decision Process (MDP) can't be solved with value iteration or policy iteration.
True/False: In a zero-sum game, both agents share the same utility function.
Which type of planning does the following statement best describe? A planner that searches the state-space graph from an initial state looking for a goal state.
Forward planner
Crossword puzzles can be categorized as:
Fully Observable
Which of the following approaches in CSPs (Constraints Satisfaction Problems) test every possible state until a solution is found?
Generate and Test
A ____________ is an assignment that has the best value out of all assignments.
Global optimum
A decision network includes three nodes. Which of the following NOT one of the nodes in a decision network?
Goal Node
Which algorithm is used for solving temporal probabilistic reasoning?
Hidden Markov model
________________ is a descriptive theory of people that seeks to describe how humans make decisions.
Independence theory
From which rule is modus ponens derived?
Inference rule
Which of the following statements best describe Iterative Best Improvement algorithm?
It selects a successor of the current assignment that most improves some evaluation function and if there are several possible successors that most improve the evaluation function, one is chosen at random.
Which of the following statements is not correct regarding A * Search?
It takes less memory space compared to other search techniques.
Which of the following algorithm selects a successor of the current assignment that most improves some evaluation function and if there are several possible successors that one is chosen at random?
Iterative Best Improvement algorithm
Which of the following, is used to improve the performance of an agent?
Which of the following is not a multi-agent game representation?
Learning Tree Form
For a problem with branching factor b where the first solution is at depth k, what would be the time complexity equation for Iterative Deepening Search?
For a problem with branching factor b where the first solution is at depth k, what would be the space complexity equation for Iterative Deepening Search?
What is the worst-case time complexity of a Breadth-First Search when the total number of nodes is n?
Which of the following does not contribute to the incremental formulation of CSP?
Objective function
In Bayes' Theorem, if P(B|A) to denote the conditional probability of event B occurring, given that event A has already occurred. Which of the following formulas define conditional probability?
P(B|A) = P(A and B) / P(A)
Which type of planning does the following statement best describe? A planner that is also known as a non-linear planner.
Partial-order planner
A sensor that continuously feeds information to an agent is called a:
Passive sensor
Which of the following sensors continuously feeds information to the agent while it is performing in an environment?
Passive sensor
Which of the following characteristics is unique to Purposive agents?
Best-First search can be implemented using which of the following data structures:
Priority Queue
Which of the following statements is correct?
Probability can be used to make decisions under uncertainty.
Which type of planning does the following statement best describe? A planner that represents a graph in which nodes are goals not states and the arcs of the graph represent actions.
Regression planner
Partial order planning involves:
Searching over the space of possible plans
Which of the following is used to compute the truth of any statement?
Semantics of propositional logic
Which of the following is used for perceiving and acting upon the environment?
Sensors and Actuators
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the min-max strategy?
The minmax algorithm requires a heuristic function to calculate the depth of the path.
Which of the following strategies would the Greedy search strategy choose?
The node closest to the goal node
Which of the following describes purposive agents?
They always have preferences or goals
A Horn clause is either a definite clause or an integrity constraint. That is, a Horn clause has either false or a normal atom as its head.
True or False: A Search algorithm is Optimal if no other search algorithm uses less time or space or fewer paths, while still guaranteeing quality solution.
True or False: An agent that behaves optimally know as a rational agent.
True or False: For an agent, the knowledge base is the long-term memory, where it keeps the knowledge that is needed to act in the future whereas the belief state is the short-term memory that maintains the model of the current environment needed between time steps.
True or False: In a deterministic system, the state resulting from an action is determined by the action and the prior state.
True or False: Iterative best improvement is a local search algorithm that selects a successor of the current assignment that most improves some evaluation function. If there are several possible successors that most improve the evaluation function, one is chosen at random.
True or False: One of the challenges of a local search or 'walk' is the fact that if there is no solution, the algorithm could get trapped looping forever.
True or False: The "complete knowledge assumption" assumes that, for every atom, the clauses with the atom as the head cover all the cases when the atom is true.
True or False: The Turing Test is a test of inquiry in artificial intelligence for determining whether or not a computer is capable of thinking like a human being.
True or False: The main idea of bi-directional search is to reduce the time complexity by searching two ways simultaneously from start node and from the goal node.
True/False: A Markov chain is a special sort of belief network used to represent a sequence of values, such as the sequence of states in a dynamic system.
True/False: A decision network is a graphical representation of a finite sequential decision problem.
True/False: A game form that features a finite tree of actions that the agent may make is known as a perfect information game.
True/False: A multiagent system consists of multiple agents who act autonomously and have their own utility over outcomes. The outcomes depend on the actions of all of the agents.
True/False: An optimal single decision is a decision whose expected utility is maximal.
True/False: In conditional probability, P(B|A) means the probability of B, given that event A has already happened.
True/False: Most games have search trees that are too large to use the minmax procedure on event with pruning because the search takes too long.
True/False: Perfect-information games can be solved by backing up values in game trees or by searching the game tree using minimax with α-β pruning.
True/False: The following is a valid propositional definitive clause? carCrashed ← drivingDrunk
Which search strategy is also called a blind search?
Uninformed search
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is consists of a set of _________________.
Variables, domains, and constraints
Which of the following equations defines the A* heuristic search? Where g (n) is the cost so far to reach node n.h (n) is the estimated cost from n node to goal node.f (n) is the estimated total cost of path through node n to the goal node.
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
Given the following graph and assuming that you are starting at node S, what are the next 4 nodes that will be added to the frontier assuming a depth first search strategy?
{A, B, D, G2}
Given the following knowledge base: a <- b^c. b <- d^e. b <- g^e. c <- e.d. e. ƒ <- a^g. Which of the following would be the trace of resolved atoms assuming a bottoms-up proof procedure?