CS Ch.2 Section 2.2 and 2.3
Backslash escape sequence, causes a backslash to be printed
Backspace escape sequence, causes the cursor to backup or move left one position
Horizontal tab escape sequence, causes a cursor to skip to tab stop.
Return escape sequence, Causes the cursor to go to the beginning of the current line, not the next line.
Single quote escape sequence, causes a single quotation mark to be printed
console output
The simplest screen output that a program can display. Plain text.
<< endl
a stream manipulator to end a line.
Preprocessor Directive
commands to the preprocessor which runs prior to the compiler. Does not require semi colons because they are not part C++ statements.
must always contain the name of a file to call, and the preprocessor will enter the containment of that file in the program wherever this statement is encountered.
#include <iostream>
must be included in any program that uses the cout object.
newlline escape sequence creates a new line
not a C++ statement, but a preprocessor directive that
input-output stream library
when fetched will include cout and cin commands that are not part of the core C++ language.
stream object
works with streams of data... stream of characters sent to cout
stream insertion operator
<< send the string on the right to cout on the left, can be used multiple times to send multiple strings and will display on one line and without space unless specified.
Alarm escape sequence, causes the computer to beep
Double quote escape sequence, causes a double quotation mark to be printed.