CSC 202

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Breadth first search is a graph traversal algorithm that visits all the vertices in a graph by exploring all the neighbors at the current depth level before moving on to the next depth level. (always finds the shortest path)

Breadth First Search


Breadth First Search of a graph Tim complexity


Build a Binary Heap by repeated insertion (enqueue) of keys time complexity


Build a Binary Heap using the Bottom Up method time complexity


Choose the big O description that provides the tightest accurate running time bound to adding n elements to a hash table as presented or implemented in this class, assuming a low load factor and efficient hash function.

at root of tree

Consider a full Binary Search Tree. The median key value is located

directed acrylic graphs



Delete the first (head) node from a doubly linked list, assuming a sentinel node implementation what is time complexity


Depth First Search of a graph time complexity

Depth first search is a graph traversal algorithm that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking (does not always find shortest path)

Depth first search


Find a key in a hash table (typical case, efficient hash table, low load factor) time complexity


Find the minimum key in a Max Binary Heap time complexity


For Merge Sort, if we have two arrays, each of size n/2 (assume n is even), what is the fewest number of comparisons that could be made during the merge operation (in terms of n)?


For Merge Sort, if we have two arrays, each of size n/2 (assume n is even), what is the greatest number of comparisons that could be made during the merge operation (in terms of n)?

Shove all items into priority queue take them out smallest to largest

Heap Sort

I // 2

In a binary heap, what is the location of a parent node for any arbitrary node located at index i ?

print node when visited twice

In order

Go through list comparing each value to values before current value if value is less than any insert before that value O(n^2)

Insertion Sort


Perform Heap Sort on random set of data time complexity

print node when visited three times

Post order

print node when visited once

Pre order traversal

The same but quick sort uses pivot which makes it not require extra O(n) space that merge sort does

Quick Sort vs Merge Sort


Remove (dequeue) the maximum key from a Maximum Binary Heap, and restore the heap order Time complexity


Resize a hash table time complexity

Find the smallest item put it at 1st Find next smallest item put it at 2nd and so on... O(n^2)

Selection Sort


What is load fact or restriction for quadratic probing?


Which ADT is used for a Breadth First Search of a graph?


Which ADT is used for a Depth First Search of a graph?


bubble sort time complexity


dequeueing n items from a binary heap (average case) time complexity


find key in hash table time complexity

Given a directed graph output all the vertices such that no vertex is outputted before any other vertex with an edge

topological sort


what is load factor restriction for linear probing ?

Doesn't really matter but usually around .9

what is load factor restriction for separate chaining ?

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