CSD 230 EXAM 1

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The amplitude of a sound wave can be expressed as

1. Peak amplitude 2. Peak to Peak amplitude 3. Root-Mean-Sqaure (RMS) Amplitude

Negative consequences of living with hearing loss include:

1. lags in education 2. reduced quality of life 3. economic burdens

A 100 dB sound is _________ more intense than a 70 dB sound.


A 100 dB sounds is _______ more intense than an 80 dB sound.


if the period is .05 (T) then find the frequency

20 Hz

The percentage of adults who need hearing aids and actually purchase one is only


if the sixth harmonic is 1200 Hz, what is the fund freq?

200 Hz.

If the fund. Freq is 500Hz, what is the 4th harmonic?

2000 Hz.

What did Robert West feel was important to help the individual to

"Hear what he ought to hear"

The prevalence of hearing loss among adults (over the age of 18) is _________ adults in the USA.

35 million

by 2 years

40 word expressive vocal, 50 word receptive, 2 word phrases

the average reading level is at the ______ grade level

4th grade

How many words should a child know by ages 5-7

50-100 to have an opportunity to subsequently develop typical speech and language skills, Applies to signs in ASL

. In Audiology thresholds are usually obtained at the octaves 250 Hz, ____ Hz, 1000 Hz, _____ Hz, 4000 Hz, ______ Hz.

500, 2000, 8000

the sound level of normal conversational speech is

60 dB SPL

If the fourth harmonic is 800 Hz, what is the Fundamental Frequency?

800/4= 200

Which frequency is an octave above 4000Hz?

8000 Hz.

the average graduate of high school from a state school for the deaf has an equivalent of an __________ education

8th grade

For about _______ of Deaf children born in the US, both parents have normal hearing

90% their communication is auditory oral


American Academy of Audiology

What is considered to be the first true "home" of Audiology.

American Academy of Audiology

The newest professional doctorate,

Au.D. came into existence in 1993.

Aperiodic acoustic signals

Noise and white noise

Who coined the term Audiology

Norton Canfield(an otologist) and Raymond Carhart (a speech pathologist)

Currently most audiologists are employed in

Private Practice

The fastest growing work setting for Audiologists is

Private Practice

"Father of Audiology"

Raymond Carhart

Calculate Frequency give the Period

T= 1/f or f=1/T

The field of Audiology evolved during


Robert West

a prominent speech pathologist who wanted the field to help cover those who could not hear speech.

The two requirements for a soundwave are

a source of vibration and a medium

Some speech sounds in English are aperiodic noises

air forced through the vocal cords


air molecules are moved farther apart by the travelling sound wave; reduction of a medium's density; opposite of compression (condensation).

Compression (Condensation)

air molecules are packed more closely together by the travelling sound wave; increasing of the medium's density; opposite of rarefaction


any of the ways waves travel through a medium.


are integer multiples of the Fundamental Frequency

Communication between sender and receiver may make use of the

auditory oral means or visual stimuli


been demonstrated to be a rich language capable of supporting the highest levels of abstract mind-to-mind communication.

Intensity is measured in Frequency is measure in

dB Hz (1 cycle per second)

Critical Period

development of a child's first period language.

The ______ the loss is diagnosed, the ______ are the costs over a lifetime.

earlier higher ($1,000,000 when diagnosed between birth and age 2).

Admittance and impedance are alternative but _________ ways of describing the flow of _______ through a system.

equivalent energy

By 4 years

expressive vocal of 200 words, receptive vocab of 400 words, uses grammatically correct sentences, 95% of speech is adult like and understood by others

All vibrations can be described in terms of

frequency,phase, and amplitude.


grammar: which contains the rules by which words are sequenced in a language to form meaningful phrases and sentences

Doubling the distance from the sound source results in

halving the sound pressure (which results in the acoustic intensity)

How do wavelength and frequency affect each other? Shorter wavelength= _______ Longer wavelength= ___________

higher frequency lower frequency

The prevalence rate of hearing loss __________ with increasing age.


Aperiodic are _________ sounds

irregular; they do not occur every T seconds

Amplitude Spectrum

is a plot of amplitude as a function of frequency

The Fundemental Frequency

is the component of a complex sound wave with the lowest frequency


is the harmonic component of a complex sound wave that has the lowest frequency and commonly the greatest amplitude.


is the net opposition to vibration resulting from the mass, elasticity, and resistance of the system


is the property of air molecules that opposes the displacement of the air molecules; think of the spring in the mass-spring system.


is the reciprocal of impedance and indicates how easily energy is "admitted" through a system rather than "impeded" by it.


looks at amplitude variations over time


means a doubling of the frequency


mental dictionary: which matches sound sequences to objects or actions

The unit of sound pressure is the

pascal (Pa)

The subspecialties of Audiology

pediatric, medical, rehabilitative, industrial and educational

the fundamental frequency of a speech sound correlates with the _______ of the speaker's voice.


Norton Canfield and Raymond Carhart

planned and implemented programs in specialized aural rehabilitation hospitals established for military personnel during WWII.

In terms of dB SPL, this halving results in ________ the sound reaching the receiver by about _____ dB SPL

reducing 6db (-6 dB SPL)

Periodic sounds occur _______ every T seconds


Doctoral degrees include

research oriented Ph.D. and the clinically oriented Au.D.

The default intervention

restoration of hearing and reliance on auditory oral communication rather than reliance on manual communication

By 1 year

should have produced "first word"

The frequency of a sine wave =

the number of vibrations completed in 1 second measured in Hz

What is required for such communication

the send and recover must both be fluent in the language


the starting position of the pendulum or mass; or the phase relationship between two pendulums or masses


the time it takes to complete one cycle of vibration (T); the time it takes the pendulum to move from one point and return to the same point.

A speech spectrogram looks at amplitude variations in the _____ and _________ domains simultaneously

time and frequency

The term Audiology

to designate the science of hearing

Two key components of language are

Lexicon and Syntax

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