One method of extending the amount of data stored about an object is to have two rows with the objects key and just continue the data from one row to the next.
One of the reasons a database records user activities is to determine if a user has performed inappropriate actions.
Only simple values, like a part number, are used as keys in a relational database table.
Least Privilege
Security Rules are most often defined around what principle?
Separation of Privileges
Security Rules that allow one Human Resources clerk to create employees but requires another staff member to set their salaries implements what principle?
Security through Obscurity
Security Rules that prevent a user from even seeing the existence of certain parts of a database are typical of what principle?
The Database Administrator cannot see the contents of the database they manage.
The Database Administrator is responsible for controlling who has access to the database and why type of access they have.
The Database Administrator is responsible for defining rules that restrict the type of value that can be entered into database?
The source end of the link between relational database tables may contain any value.
Two columns in a relational database table cannot contain the same values
Two columns in a relational database table cannot contain the same values.
Defense in Depth
What security principle would require the use of a specific computer in addition to logging in with the correct account name and password?
What type of database interface would display database values using a dialog box?
What type of database interface would display database values with titles, headings and divided into numbered pages?
What type of database interface would select only certain values to be displayed?
Value format
Which type of Integrity Rule would prevent the word "none" from being enter as the quantity of an item ordered?
No null key values
Which type of Integrity Rule would require that a new employee be assigned a unique employee number before he or she could be inserted into the employee table?
Link Values
Which type of Integrity Rule would require that a part number entered on an order exist in the part table?
No Null Values
Which type of Integrity Rule would require that the name of an employee not be blank?
Value ranges
Which type of Integrity Rule would require that the price of a part not be negative?
A column in a relational database table is a description of an object or relationship characteristic.
A key has no significance outside relational database table on which it is defined.
A key in a relational database table is a row in which all of the values are unique.
A relational database is a collection of columns.
A relational database is a collection of rows.
A relational database is a collection of tables.
A row in a relational database table is a description of a single object or relationship occurrence.
A table in a relational database is a collection of rows.
A table in a relational database is a collection of values.
A table in a relational database is used to describe a collection of a single type of objects or relationships.
Databases are powerful enough to include rules that prevent most unauthorized activity.
Databases are powerful enough to permit multiple copies of a data item.
Databases are powerful enough to permit multiple users to access them at the same time.
Databases are similar to Operating Systems in that they must determine who has access.
Databases are similar to Operating Systems in that they must manage a variety of resources to prevent their abuse.
Databases are similar to Operating Systems in that they provide the same basic set of interfaces to the user.
Either end of the link between relational database tables may be a key.
It is not unusual for two rows in a relational database table to contain exactly the same data.
None of the reasons a database records user activities includes anything about fixing the problems created by inappropriate user actions.
None of the reasons a database records user activities includes anything that would assist in prosecuting a user for inappropriate activities.