DECA Flashcards 23-24

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Assess long-term value and impact of actions on others

-Need to realize how own actions might affect others and operations within the company

Build trust in relationships

-Relationships built on trust.-need to know that you will consistently deliver what you promise-rust leads to loyalty, ultimately leads to greater profits for company. Trust builds teamwork and collaboration. Trust produces increased speed, improved efficiency and hence, decreases costs. Trust empowers ethical decision-making. Trust increases loyalty and the willingness to stay with a company.

Assess risks of personal decisions

-look ahead + see where decisions take you-know the pros and cons of any decision-Assess risks to avoid the worst outcome, or be prepared for it

Take responsibility for decisions and actions

-should step up to the plate.-if something goes wrong, take the blame.-deal with the consequences instead of blaming others When individuals take responsibility for their actions, they demonstrate reliability and dependability. Accountability in the workplace means that all employees are responsible for their actions, behaviors, performance and decisions. It's also linked to an increase in commitment to work and employee morale, which leads to higher performance.

Use conflict-resolution skills

1. Clarify what is the source of conflict 2. Find a safe and private place to talk 3. Listen actively and let everyone have their say 4. Investigate the situation 5. Determine ways to meet the common goal 6. Agree on the best solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution 7. Evaluate how things are going and decide preventative strategies for the future Proper conflict resolution skills are designed to keep disagreements from escalating while continuing to discuss each point of view and eventually reach a collaborative conclusion. By using conflict resolution skills, you'll be better equipped to learn from and teach others in both professional and personal realms.

Interpret and adapt to a business's culture

A helpful way to analyze company culture is to explore some of the key attributes of the organization, such as how decisions are made and how employees feel about change initiatives. How to adapt to a new work culture Do some research. Get to know your coworkers. Ask questions. Don't set any expectations. Give it time.

Act as the liaison between departments

A liaison officer is an employee who builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships, facilitates communications and coordinates activities among two or more people, agencies or organizations.

Foster honest communications

5 ways to encourage open communication in the workplace Be honest, respectful, and invested in employees' goals. Open communication requires honesty from everyone involved. Check in regularly. Ask for anonymous suggestions. Act on feedback. Measure the success of your open communication plan.

Recognize/Reward others for their efforts and contributions

A good employee recognition and reward system provides employees with three things: A fair return for their efforts. Motivation to maintain and improve their performance. A clarification of what behaviors and outcomes the organization values (Shout at company meeting, leave a thank you note, personalized gift, or a appreciation dinner)

Describe the nature of business customs and practices in Northern Africa

Africans are conservative and sensitive so they follow formal business etiquettes and a hierarchical system. Knowing African entrepreneurs on an amicable personal level will create a good basis for further business negotiations.

Describe the nature of business customs and practices in the North American market

American work culture is largely individualistic and many employees are motivated to advance their careers. This creates a culture that embraces innovation and forward-thinking, with a tendency to move at a fast pace, a clear focus on results and productivity, and a willingness to take risks.

Explain labor-relations issues

Among the three labor or employee relations issues typically encountered by organizations globally are workplace conflict, pay disputes, and employee health and workplace safety conditions. Workplace conflict can happen in any work environment.

Explain the nature of organizational culture

An organization's culture defines the proper way to behave within the organization. This culture consists of shared beliefs and values established by leaders and then communicated and reinforced through various methods, ultimately shaping employee perceptions, behaviors and understanding.

Discuss the nature of business customs and practices in Sub-Saharan Africa

Arrive on time. ... You are expected to greet everyone in the room individually - even if the group is large. Exchange business cards after a formal introduction and take a recognizable moment to examine the content of the card you are given before putting it away.

Demonstrate initiative

Ask for feedback Identify improvement opportunities Volunteer for tasks Confidence Ask questions Be proactive Develop a career plan Anticipate workplace issues Develop a team mentality Develop goals Make decisions Address and prevent problems Avoid procrastination Be prepared for meetings Be prepared for opportunities Building strong working relationships with coworkers During a job interview Exceed performance expectations Helping your coworkers Identify opportunities Learn from others Offer assistance to colleagues in need Practice excellent observation skills Sharing knowledge Be Proactive

Lead change

Assemble a strong leadership team ahead of time. Before a major company change, it can be helpful to evaluate the leadership team and identify necessary changes. ... Recruit from within. ... Hold a meeting. ... Create a transition team. ... Provide resources. ... One person completing all the work.

Leverage personality types in business situations

Be flexible with your communication styleIf someone has an introverted personality type, make the effort to talk one-on-one, rather than in a group setting. If someone is more on the extroverted side, talk with them as a part of a group and make sure they can share their ideas with others.

Demonstrate adaptability

Be responsive and proactive to embrace any changes that may occur during this new project. Suggest or implement improvements to a work process. Demonstrate initiative; show that you can adapt to the changes that will result from the new process. Stay current with what is changing in your industry or area of business.

Adapt to change

Being adaptable in the workplace is important for a number of reasons. For one, employers value employees that are successfully able to manage changes in the workplace. In addition, the more adaptable you are, the more productive you'll be overall.

Use appropriate assertiveness

Being assertive helps to ensure that effective communication is taking place within an organization. It ensures that all parties know where they stand and the difficult task of delivering on promises can be more easily achieved. be clear. This involves asking for what you want in an open and straightforward way. make eye contact. maintain a positive posture. do your homework. take a step back avoid making accusations. keep your cool. set personal boundaries.

Explain the nature of business customs and practices in Eastern Europe

Business cultural norms when conducting business such as greeting a business partner, scheduling a meeting or gift giving are all very similar in nature across the region. Likewise, business etiquette regarding taboos, time keeping, dress code, bribery and corruption also share many similaritie

Explain reasons for ethical dilemma

Causes of ethical dilemmas include pressure from others, the desire to prove yourself, conflicting values, greed, bad role models, and a lack of consequences.

Collaborate with others

Collaboration improves the way your team works together and problem solves. This leads to more innovation, efficient processes, increased success, and improved communication. Through listening to and learning from team members, you can help each other reach your goals.

Use social media to solicit new ideas and solutions

Collaborative technologies are valuable in the workplace because of their effectiveness in improving understanding and teamwork, building relationships and developing lateral communication. The novel aspect of social media is their conversational tone: Knowledge sharing takes place through processes including discussion with questions and answers (online forums), collaborative editing (wikis) or storytelling with reactions (blogs).

Explain the impact of business customs and practices on global trade

Cultural differences have a profound impact on international trade practices. Variances in communication styles, negotiation approaches, business ethics, consumer preferences, and relationship building require businesses to be culturally sensitive and adaptable.

Demonstrate ethical work habits

Demonstrating a strong work ethic requires a keen sense of responsibility. Those who are ethical and responsible hold themselves accountable for their actions. They will accept the blame for errors they've contributed to and proactively work to fix these issues Ex. Organized, no distractions, setting goals Ethics = basic values + moral principles that guide behaviorCharacteristics: honesty, respect, and equity.-honesty: maintain confidentiality, respect for company property (basis for a trustworthy bus. relationship)

Demonstrate Responsible Behavior

Demonstrating responsibility means being willing to accept an obligation and being accountable for an action or situation. One can demonstrate responsibility in a myriad of ways. Be willing to accept change and volunteer for jobs and tasks. Display initiative by doing what needs to be done without being told. Be punctual and have a solid work ethic.

Explain the nature of effective communications

Efficient communication is the ability to deliver a clear message in the shortest amount of time. This type of communication should also be concise. In order to effectively use efficient communication, a person should be concise and honest while making sure that what they convey is clear.

Exhibit a positive attitude

Embracing curiosity, long-term thinking, and even "faking it till you make it" can help foster a positive work environment. Positivity isn't solely dependent on external factors; internal tools such as deep breathing, setting personal goals, and assuming responsibility for your reactions can boost your optimism.

Describe the nature of emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the way of positively managing emotions to relieve stress and involves the ability to use and understand emotions. Additionally, it includes a positive way of effectively communicating, and empathizing with others and helps to create strong relationships at the office, school, and college.

Show empathy for others

Empathy consists of two parts: understanding and recognizing somebody's feelings and the ability to react with a corresponding emotion. It is a strong feeling and ability that lets people understand the other's thoughts and experiences, leading to a good relationship and improving communication with other people.

Use power appropriately

Employee productivity: You can use your power to promote productivity in the workplace. For example, a production supervisor may use coercive and legitimate power to motivate their team to meet production goals. Workplace culture: Another use for power is to promote a positive workplace culture

Orient New Employees

Employers that make this orientation process seamless and stress-free will do a lot to make new employees feel welcome and comfortable. Your new hire orientation should include reviews of: The company, including history, mission, culture, and current company-wide goals. Organizational structure and department overviews. Encourages employee confidence and helps the new employee adapt faster to the job; Contributes to a more effective, productive workforce; Improves employee retention; and. Promotes communication between the supervisor and the new employee.

Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm.

Engage in meaningful conversations by asking thoughtful questions about the company, their projects, or the role you're interested in. Show genuine interest in what they have to say. Listen actively, nod, & ask follow-up questions. This not only conveys your enthusiasm but also helps you gather valuable information. Once hired into a position, an enthusiastic employee will typically show up on time, show interest in his or her job, and demonstrate a willingness to listen, learn, and try new things. Convey Passion with Body LanguageShow genuine interest in the interviewer and their questions by maintaining eye contact and a pleasant demeanor. Don't give off the impression that you aren't interested in crossing your arms or seeming uneasy. Lean slightly forward in your seat to express desire and interest.

Exercise confidentiality

Ensuring that confidential information is always locked away at night, and not left unattended during the day; Password-protecting sensitive computer files; Marking confidential information clearly as such, and ensuring that paper copies are shredded before disposal; and Ensuring that you only disclose confidential information to those who need to know.

Explain the nature of ethical leadership

Ethical leadership means that individuals behave according to a set of principles and values that are recognized by the majority as a sound basis for the common good. These include integrity, respect, trust, fairness, transparency, and honesty

Model ethical behavior

Ethical models suggest that businesses will develop a responsible set of mores either because the people involved truly want to do good in the community or they want to appear morally conscious to create more sales. Examples of ethical behaviors in the workplace includes; obeying the company's rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work. These examples of ethical behaviors ensures maximum productivity output at work.

Explain the nature of business customs and practices in Western Europe

European business communication often places a greater emphasis on building and maintaining relationships, while the US is more focused on achieving concrete goals. The US tends to be more confrontational in business communication, while Europeans often prioritize avoiding conflict.

Entertain customers at the office

Find Out What They Enjoy. Leaders should always do some research on their clients before their first meeting. ... Play to Your Strengths. ... Take Them Somewhere Unique. ... Get Familiar With the Staff. ... Tip Generously. ... Dress Appropriately. ... Pay Attention to Your Client. ... Follow Up Afterward.

Demonstrate self-control

For instance, self-control enables you to remain calm while handling customer complaints. It also allows you to delay gratification, which describes the ability to defer an award, to focus on achieving a goal that assures a more significant future recognition. Another example of self-control is waking up early to prepare for work, despite your feelings. In the workplace, self-control allows you to avoid making decisions that may not benefit your team. This skill is helpful in ensuring that you meet necessary deadlines and complete your tasks. Self-control also allows you to maintain your productivity despite personal weaknesses. It's a skill necessary for roles that require interactions with customers and investors.

Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues

Get everyone on the same page. Don't be afraid to over-communicate, especially with a remote team. ... To meet, or not to meet, that is the question. ... Take advantage of channels. ... Be a team player, but set some ground rules. ... Give your team members autonomy.

Describe the use of technology in human resources management

HR systems also play a critical role in streamlining management and hiring processes. Types of human resources technology include: Artificial intelligence to analyze the labor market, match job candidate skills and identify competencies, and detect potential bias in posted job descriptions.

Recognize and respond to ethical dilemmas

Have a conversation. Consider discussing the ethical dilemma with the person directly to help manage the situation. You can gain perspective, ask clarifying questions and attempt to influence your colleague to make a more ethical decision. They might appreciate your directness and correct their actions.

Demonstrate Honesty and Integrity

Having integrity at work means you: Are reliable and dependable (i.e., you show up to work on time) Are trustworthy, especially with classified information and high-risk tasks. Practice and encourage open communication with your colleagues and managers.

Exhibit self-confidence.

How to increase your self-confidence at work Learn new skills. Dress for success. Leave your comfort zone. Set goals for yourself. Focus on your strengths. Learn from your mistakes. Eliminate negative language. Ask questions. Tips to improve your self-confidence in the workplace Be open to trying new things. ... Be actively involved in your performance evaluation. ... Learn to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. ... Give yourself time to tackle new challenges. ... Be proud of your unique traits. ... Set realistic expectations and goals. How can someone exhibit self-confidence? Practice Presence. ... Build Your Capacity for Energy. ... Exercise Regularly. ... Visualize: Imagine Confidence. ... Give Yourself Permission To Be In The Process, Take Risks and Make Mistakes. ... Clarify Your Goals. ... Speak Well to Yourself. ... Ask For Help and Offer Your Help to Others.

Discuss the nature of human resources management

Human resource management is the strategic approach to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a positive workplace environment. Its functions vary across different businesses and industries, but typically include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, and employee relations.

Explain human resources management functions

Human resource management is the strategic approach to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a positive workplace environment. Its functions vary across different businesses and industries, but typically include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, and employee relations.

Determine personal vision

Identify your strengths. ... Reflect on your values. ... Get a different point of view. ... Evaluate your skills. ... Select your desired position. ... Write your vision statement.

Treat others with dignity and respect

In conclusion, building strong relationships requires dignity and respect for each other. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated, focus on the other person's needs and feelings, create a sense of calm and safety to facilitate communication, and radiate positive energy and confidence. (Acknowledge each person's basic dignity. Have empathy for every person's life situation. Listen to and encourage each other's opinions and input. Validate other people's contributions. Avoid gossip, teasing and other unprofessional behavior.)

Discuss the nature of business customs and practices in the Middle East

In most Arab countries, there is no line drawn between personal and professional lives. Doing business in the Middle East revolves around personal relationships, family ties, trust and honor. It is not uncommon for the rules to be bent slightly if strong connections to people in the "right places" are involved.

Develop an achievement orientation

In order to develop achievement orientation, one must be highly self-motivated. Achievement orientation involves having a high number of leadership skills rather than following others. Setting high goals and working hard to achieve them, calculating - but ultimately taking - the appropriate risks in order for them to be accomplished, is the perfect definition of Achievement Orientation.

Use consensus - building skills

Include the right people and set expectations. Take time to assess who will be affected by a deal. ... Assign roles and responsibilities. ... Engage in group problem solving. ... Reach agreement. ... Hold people to their commitments.

Identify desirable personality traits important to business

Integrity, Strong Work Ethic, Communicative, Flexible, Team - Oriented, Technically Competent. Determined, Creative, Curiosity, Loyal, Problem - Solving, Independent, Ambitious, Responsible, Goal - Oriented, Confident, Adaptable, Dependable, Accountability, Honesty, Leadership, Professionalism, Critical Thinking

Overcome problems and difficulties associated with office politics/turf wars

Limit the potential for "silo mentality." Reinforce the idea that your organization needs everyone to pull together. Cross-train employees across job functions and departments. ... Brainstorm across functions and departments. ... Make sure roles are crystal clear.

Recognize and overcome personal biases and stereotypes

Introspection: Explore and identify your own prejudices by taking implicit association tests or through other means of self-analysis. Mindfulness: Since you're more likely to give in to your biases when you're under pressure, practice ways to reduce stress and increase mindfulness, such as focused breathing Heavily opinionated or one-sided. Relies on unsupported or unsubstantiated claims. Presents highly selected facts that lean to a certain outcome. Pretends to present facts, but offers only opinion. Uses extreme or inappropriate language.

Explain ethical considerations in providing information

It involves being aware of the potential implications of our communication, being honest and transparent, and being sensitive to the needs of all stakeholders. It also means ensuring our communication is clear, accurate, and respectful.

Foster positive working relationships

Know what you need from your colleagues. What does your ideal team look like? ... Practice active listening. ... Make time for your coworkers. ... Follow through on your commitments. ... Know when to ask for help. ... Set clear boundaries. ... Show gratitude. ... Skip the gossip.

Explain the concept of leadership

Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization.

Inspire others

Live your values. If you're wondering how to motivate others, look no further than your own example. Listen. How do you motivate others without listening to them? Ask the right questions. Adapt your leadership style. Set goals. Provide support.

Exhibit cultural sensitivity

Maintaining cultural sensitivity in the workplace helps to incorporate more viewpoints and spread awareness of different cultural values and identities. A well-established sense of cultural awareness and sensitivity helps to minimize bias in hiring, promotion, termination and decision making.

Demonstrate negotiation skills

Mention a situation when you have communicated effectively to explain what you were offering and what you needed from the other party. Explain how you have come prepared for a negotiation to take a comprehensive view of the situation. Effective negotiators develop communication skills that allow them to engage in civil discussion and work toward an agreeable solution. Deal-making requires give and take; it's critical to articulate your thoughts and actively listen to others' ideas and needs

Explain the nature of office politics

Office politics also refers to the way co-workers act among each other. Employee interaction holds the potential to be either positive or negative (i.e. cooperative or competitive).The negative effects of organizational politics include tension, dissatisfaction, and low morale — while the positive effects include improved employee performance and motivation. The reality is that it can go either way, depending on how an organization uses this tactic.

Explain the impact of political relationships within an organization

Organizational politics can have both positive and negative impacts on the organizational environment. While it can be used to create a positive work environment and promote healthy competition, it can also lead to conflict, distrust, and an unhealthy workplace environment.

Maintain the confidentiality

People also need to be confident that their private information will be kept confidential. This enables them to feel secure in the workplace, and prevents all sorts of internal problems. Serious breaches of confidentiality can also lead to legal problems, disciplinary action, and criminal convictions.

Explain the nature of business customs and practices in Latin America

People in business are expected to dress conservatively and professionally and be polite at all times. Latin Americans are generally very physical and outgoing in their expressions and body language. They frequently stand closer to one another when talking than in many other cultures.

Coach others

Praise achievements and growth. ... Identify any performance issues they're facing. ... Explain why this change or development is important. ... Ask the employee for their perspective. ... Identify barriers to improvement. ... Collaborate on solutions. ... Set SMART goals with them. ... Write out the action plan.

Explain the use of feedback for personal growth

Receiving feedback from managers and colleagues helps people become more self-aware of both their strengths and the areas they need to work on, as well as how others perceive them. And this gives people the opportunity to use this information towards their own personal growth.

Assess personal strengths and weaknesses.

Reflect on Your Past Experiences: Ask Friends and Family: ... Take Assessments: ... Analyze Your Goals: ... Track Your Progress: ... Practice Self-Awareness: ... Set Reachable Goals: Accept Constructive Criticism: That being said, here are four ways you can identify your employee's strengths and weaknesses. Conducting Performance Reviews. Utilizing Employee Self-Assessment. Analyzing Past Successes and Achievements.

manage commitments in a timely manner

Reflect on your current approach to managing time and tasks. Identify demands on your time. Prioritise. Break tasks down. Maximise productivity. Use planning tools. Minimise procrastination. Maintain motivation.

Respect the privacy of others

Respect can increase employee engagement. A culture of respect in the workplace encourages innovation and idea sharing, as well as staff wellbeing, satisfaction, performance, and productivity. When employees know they are valued by their managers and team members, they are less stressed and more committed to their work.

Explain the nature of business customs and practices in South Asia

Respect for hierarchy and authority: In many Asian cultures, there is a strong emphasis on respect for authority and hierarchy. This can be reflected in the way decisions are made and communication is conducted in a business setting

Explain the concept of self-esteem

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It's based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. We might also think of this as self-confidence. Your self-esteem can affect whether you: Like and value yourself as a person. Building your self-esteem and creating a positive self-awareness comes from taking an inventory of your own strengths and abilities as a human being. Being at peace with who you are and what you have to offer the world is a major part of having high self-esteem.

"Sell" ideas to others

Selling an idea involves showing others how your idea will make the "after" better than the "now". To do this, one must be short and crisp without extra verbiage and you must appeal to the person explaining why the idea has value to that person. Decision makers aren't really interested in your idea—at least not on its surface. They're really interested in its underlying value and what it can do for them and the end user Listen to the end users, clients and managers as we begin developing ideas—but it also pays to carefully listen to decision makers before and during the idea presentation. Know your business and your product Know the overall plan, but don't get bogged down in too many details. Believe in the plan and you can sell it.

Motivate team members

Share your vision and set clear goals. ... Communicate with your staff. ... Encourage teamwork. ... A healthy office environment. ... Give positive feedback and reward your team. ... Provide opportunities for development.

Handle the social and protocol aspects of business

Show appreciation to colleagues and customers and send thank-you notes. Stand up and shake hands when you meet/greet someone. Call someone by his or her name and if you have forgotten ask the person to remind you. Prepare to re-introduce yourself when necessary. Use formal modes of address until told otherwise. Formal means Ms./Mr./Dr./Professor (last-name). Knock before you enter someone's office and ask if they have time to speak with you or if another time could be arranged. (Don't ask if they're busy. Everyone is busy. That's a different question.) Give your full attention to someone who has taken the time to seek you out in person. Phone calls and electronic communication can wait. Arrive to meetings on time, prepared and ready to take notes. Stay engaged during the meeting and do not be distracted by electronic devices. Follow the dress code. Dress appropriately for business and office functions. RSVP to events and meetings. That means respond, by the deadline, as to whether you will attend or not. Show up if you said you will, and don't show up if you didn't say you would. "Maybe" is not an acceptable response. Be aware of dining etiquette so that you conduct yourself appropriately during work-related meals and social events. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Be aware that certain behaviors rise above simple good manners to the level of ethical conduct. For example, it is rude to be late to an interview; it is unethical to no-show for an interview.

Discuss issues associated with workplace diversity

Some common challenges and diversity issues in the workplace include communication issues, gender equality, disability discrimination, conflicting beliefs, and generational differences

Assess personal behavior and values

Step 1: Know Your Values. ... Step 2: Bring Your Values Into Action using The CLOVE Approach. ... Be Calm and present. ... Look for your intention. ... Be Open to your intuition. ... Consider your Values. ... Reflect on your Experience. ... The bottom line. Defining Your Values Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest. ... Step 2: Identify the times when you were most proud. ... Step 3: Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied. ... Step 4: Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness, pride, and fulfillment.

Persuade Others

Successful persuasion often involves sharing evidence to support your claims, so it's important to consider your sources carefully. Research the opinion of the person you want to persuade, and determine which types of sources they would find most convincing.

Explain the role of ethics in human resources management

Supports Employee Well-Being: Ethical behavior in HR includes creating a safe and healthy work environment, supporting employee wellness and work-life balance, and providing fair compensation and benefits. These practices can help improve employee morale and well-being, increasing job satisfaction and productivity

Discuss factors that impact human resources management

Technology Economic conditions Political Cultural Legislation Workforce demographics Demographics Training employees Strategic management Environmental Legal factors Organisational structure Social Unions Globalization

Develop tolerance for ambiguity

That perspective doesn't serve you and only reinforces the belief that tolerating ambiguity is something you're bad at or otherwise want to avoid. Instead, flip your mindset. Start changing your narrative to redefine ambiguity. You don't have to see uncertainty as something desirable.

Initiate and facilitate social interactions in a business environment

The quality of social relationships in the workplace matters for employee health and well-being. The evidence shows that positive social connections at work—supportive interactions, a sense of belonging, and effective teamwork—improve worker well-being and can protect against harmful effects of workplace stress.

Explain the nature of stress management

The stress management meaning is to reduce the negative impacts caused by stress and to improve a person's physical and mental well-being. Stress management may include self-care, managing one's response to stress, and making changes to one's life when in a stressful situation.Stress is a reaction to a changing, demanding environment. Properly considered, stress is really more about our capacity to handle change than it is about whether that change makes us feel good or bad.

Act as the office "gatekeeper"

They're people or policies that act as go-betweens, controlling access from one point to another. They may refuse, control, or delay access to services or they may be used to oversee how work is being done and whether it meets certain standards.

Solicit feedback

To be able to adapt to changing conditions and ensure that your team continues to feel supported and motivated, you need to understand what you're doing well — and where you're falling short. Soliciting clear, actionable feedback allows you to make better, more informed decisions and pivot when necessary

Maintain contact with key clients/customers

Track Your Interactions. ... Send a Personal Note. ... Share Helpful Resources. ... Utilize Your Network. ... Pick Up the Phone. ... Schedule a Fun Meeting. ... Get Creative with Promos. ... Ask for Honest Feedback.

Demonstrate fairness

Use clear, objective, predetermined criteria to make work decisions such as promotions, distributing project assignments and opportunities to attend conferences. Be transparent and open. Be transparent about how decisions are made and the factors that are considered. Welcome and encourage feedback.

Participate as a team member

Using authority positively. ... Good communication skills. ... Turn failure into an opportunity to learn. ... Commend effort. ... Develop existing strengths. ... Maintain an open environment. ... Develop yourself and your team.

Challenge the status quo

When you are challenging the status quo at work, then, it's typically a change management process where you're trying to reach some type of new end state. This takes a lot of different forms, normally "re-orgs," but it can happen at a more granular level as well. Urge your team to ask questions, always. This is the core of Coviello's advice. ... Develop structure around creative processes. ... Imagine a novel combination of existing ideas. ... Use techniques proven to spur outside-the-box thinking.

Describe the nature of business customs and practices in the Pacific Rim

When you interact with others, offer a greeting and a smile before anything else. Always be polite and respectful, and include elderly people and children in this approach. In many Pacific Island societies, looking directly into the eyes of the person you are meeting or speaking to is considered rude.

Describe the nature of ethics

Workplace ethics refers to a specific set of moral and legal guidelines that organizations may abide by. These guidelines typically influence the way employees and customers alike interact with an organization—in essence, workplace ethics guide how organizations serve their clients and how they treat their employees.

Enlist others in working toward a shared vision

You have to enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations."* Regularly check in and speak with others about progress toward the team's vision of the future: "Call it what you will—vision, purpose, mission, legacy, dream, aspiration, calling, or personal agenda—the intent is the same.

Consider conflicting viewpoints

talking through differences can build trust, deepen relationships and help avoid misunderstandings or unresolved conflicts. When we acknowledge each other's perspectives, it can allow us to explore differing opinions, learn and grow.

Describe planning techniques used in the hiring process

•The key is defining the position and the required skills•Methods for selecting employees: preliminary screening, phone interview, face-to-face meetings, and HR functions• Causes lower turnover and higher employee retention

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