DECA: Principles of Business Management and Administration

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Describe the concept of insurance (CS)

A contract (policy) in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured.

Discuss the nature of debtor-creditor relationships (SP)

A creditor provides money to an individual. Until the individual repays the amount, they are considered a debtor.

Discuss the nature of environmental law (SP)

A legal forum for environmental and natural resources

Write informational messages (CS)

A message that provides information about the system and is not the result of an error condition. This message does not require a response.

Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs (PQ)

A pattern that marks the advancement in career.

Explain the need for accounting standards (GAAP) (CS)

A principle that guides and standardizes accounting practices.

Describe marketing functions and related activities (CS)

A role that helps a company to identify and source potentially successful products for the marketplace and then promote them by differentiating them from similar products.

Explain what it means to have sole proprietorship (CS)

A sole proprietorship is owned and run by one individual who receives all profits and has unlimited responsibility for all losses and debts.

Coach others (CS)

A trainer or instructor.

Explain the nature of business ethics (SP)

A written set of guidelines issued by an organization to its workers and management to help them conduct their actions in accordance with its primary values and ethical standards.

Demonstrate a customer-service mindset (CS)

As said, make sure that we put the customer first and focus on excellent service.

Ask relevant questions (PQ)

Ask questions that pertain to the task at hand.

Set financial goals (CS)

Setting feasible goals to accomplish financially

Interpret business policies to customers/clients (CS)

Share information about the company policy fluently and accurately.

Make oral presentations (SP)

Speak so that you can be heard and move eye-contact from area to area so that you continue to engage the entire audience.

Analyze impact of specialization/division of labor on productivity (SP)

Specialization is important because it means that the person is precisely trained at their job so there is less malfunction and everything is more efficient. Division also gives people specific jobs like in a conveyor belt template.

Demonstrate the wise use of credit (CS)

Spending what you can pay back in a reasonable amount of time.

Explain the nature of staff communication (CS)

Staff communication is very important for fluent business practices.

Handle customer/client complaints (CS)

Take note of complaint. Thank customer for feedback. File complaint

Explain the use of feedback for personal growth (PQ)

Taking feedback objectively and processing it to make you or your ideology better.

Use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities (SP)

Talking and meeting people that can help you move up in the ranks.

Describe the nature of taxes (SP)

Tax is the amount of money that the government takes for the funding and sustaining of the country or state.

Describe the use of technology in operations (SP)

Technology can be used to organize operations and get information to many subgroups.

Describe the use of technology in human resources management (SP)

Technology can be used to screen and observe employees.

Identify ways that technology impacts business (PQ)

Technology can help business in many different ways like storing information and sorting it.

Describe the use of technology in customer relationship management (SP)

Technology can streamline the help process by connecting a customer to a specific department to suit their needs

Describe the United States' judicial system

The Judiciary is made up of courts -- Supreme, Circuit, the magistrate (local) and municipal (city) courts. The Judicial branch interprets the laws.

Explain the nature and scope of purchasing (CS)

The activity of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of an organization.

Identify the basic torts relating to business enterprises (SP)

The area of tort law covers a wide range of misconduct, including personal injuries, negligence, and malpractice. Wrongful Interference Unfair Competition Disparagement Computer Torts

Describe factors that affect the business environment (SP)

The business environment can include factors such as: clients and suppliers; its competition and owners; improvements in technology; laws and government activities; and market, social and economic trends.

Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate (SP)

The combination of internal and external factors that influence a company's operating situation.

Discuss the nature of human resources management (CS)

The company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs.

Describe the scope of the Internet (PQ)

The global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information.

Explain the organizational design of businesses (SP)

The manner in which a management achieves the right combination of differentiation and integration of the organization's operations, in response to the level of uncertainty in its external environment. Subdivision Functional Unit

Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (SP)

The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period

Determine economic utilities created by business activities (CS)

The place utility can be created by a business activity that is a food distribution company.

Determine factors affecting business risk (CS)

The probability of loss inherent in an organization's operations and environment (such as competition and adverse economic conditions) that may impair its ability to provide returns on investment.

Identify quality-control measures (SP)

The quality of the product and the consistency of its good quality.

Explain the time value of money (CS)

The time value of money is the amount of money you make per hour or period of time.

Explain the nature of tax liabilities (PQ)

The total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to an authority as the result of the occurrence of a taxable event. Tax liability can be calculated by applying the appropriate tax rate to the taxable event's tax base.

Validate credit history (CS)

The total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to an authority as the result of the occurrence of a taxable event. Tax liability can be calculated by applying the appropriate tax rate to the taxable event's tax base.

Explain the types of economic systems (CS)

Traditional Economic System -Goods are bought and sold based on beliefs Command Economic Systems -the next step up from a traditional economy.

Treat others fairly at work (PQ)

Treat everyone with equality and respect despite diffrences

Explain the concept of organized labor and business (SP)

Unions An association of workers united as a single, representative entity for the purpose of improving the workers' economic status and working conditions through collective bargaining with employers.

Employ communication styles appropriate to target audience (CS)

Use language that effectively communicates information to the audience. (EX: Language, Lingo)

Participate in a staff meeting (CS)

Wait until it is appropriate to speak and gather your ideas so you can get to the point.

Apply project-management tools to monitor project progress (SP)

Watching over and making sure that everything goes as planned in a project

Explain the economic impact of interest-rate fluctuations (SP)

When interest rates go up people earn a bigger return on their deposited money nd investments.

Discuss the role of ethics in finance (SP)

When managing large amounts of money, things can be easily stolen or not accounted for.

Explain the principles of supply and demand (CS)

When the supply is higher than the demand, the item is cheaper because there is enough to go around. When the supply is lower than the demand there becomes a limited supply factor making the price go up because scarcity.

Participate as a team member (CS)

Work together in a group.

Demonstrate systematic behavior (PQ)

Working in a process to achieve a central goal.

Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues (SP)

Working together in unison

Write a letter of application (CS)

Writing a formal letter to apply for a job or position.

Explain legal considerations for accounting (SP)

Wrongful information can be legally prosecuted against.

Exhibit self-confidence (PQ)

a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.

Write persuasive messages (SP)

a persuasive message occurs when a person attempts to convince an individual or group to take certain specific actions. The two types of persuasive messages in the workplace are sales and marketing, which are utilized to achieve organizational objectives.

Write executive summaries (SP)

a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.

Explain the nature of balance sheets (SP)

a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business or other organization at a particular point in time, detailing the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding period.

Write inquiries (CS)

an act of asking for information.

Explain the nature of agency relationships (SP)

an area of commercial law dealing with a set of contractual, quasi-contractual and non-contractual fiduciary relationships that involve a person, called the agent, that is authorized to act on behalf of another (called the principal) to create legal relations with a third party.

Describe the nature of budgets (SP)

an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

Explain the concept of private enterprise (CS)

business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.

Explain the nature of stress management (SP)

by changing things up in life you can relieve stress.

Use appropriate assertiveness (PQ)

having or showing a confident and forceful personality.

Describe the nature of legal procedure (SP)

he rules by which a court hears and determines what happens in civil lawsuit, criminal or administrative proceedings.

Explain the impact of the law of diminishing returns (SP)

if one input in the production of a commodity is increased while all other inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at which additions of the input yield.

Determine the impact of business cycles on business activities (SP)

is the downward and upward movement of levels of gross domestic product (GDP) and refers to the period of expansions and contractions in the level of economic activities (business fluctuations) around its long-term growth trend.

Develop project plan (SP)

make a plan to execute for the project

Explain legal responsibilities associated with financial exchanges (CS)

prof that he or she is able to pay for damages resulting from an accident.

Develop an achievement orientation (CS)

refers to how an individual interprets and reacts to tasks, resulting in different patterns of cognition, affect and behavior.

Describe health and safety regulations in business (PQ)

regulations or rules that are put in place to ensure a product, event, etc, is safe and not dangerous

Explain types of investments (CS)

stocks, bonds, cash, gold, metals

Describe the nature of emotional intelligence (PQ)

the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.

Show empathy for others (PQ)

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Explain the concept of leadership (CS)

the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

Explain the concept of production (CS)

the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.

Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy (CS)

the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Explain the nature of project management (SP)

the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the project objectives. General. A project is a unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits.

Discuss the role of administrative law (SP)

the body of law that regulates the operation and procedures of government agencies.

Discuss the nature of information management (CS)

the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. This sometimes involves those who have a stake in, or a right to that information.

Reinforce service orientation through communication (CS)

the goal of service-oriented communications "is to enable business environments to easily build communications into their business processes, enabling more streamlined collaboration among people within the business."

Demonstrate honesty and integrity (PQ)

the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.

Demonstrate initiative (PQ)

the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.

Explain the concept of management (CS)

the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Maintain appropriate personal appearance (PQ)

well grommed

Explain legal issues associated with information management (SP)

Exposing private and privileged information unauthorized is illegal and can result in fines and prison time.

Determine personal vision (CS)

Figuring out what and where you wanna be in life.

Explain the role of finance in business (CS)

Finance is the the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.

Explain the nature of financial needs (e.g., college, retirement, wills, insurance, etc.) (CS)

Financial needs are common necessities that require capital funds.

Choose appropriate channel for workplace communication (CS)

For communicating to a large amount of people, use email or staff meeting. For direct communication, One on One meetings are effective.

Describe current business trends (SP)

From a technical perspective, trends involve looking at the statistical analysis of historical data over a selected time frame and charting the progression. If the data suggests consistent increases, decreases or even constancy or flatness, there exists a trend.

Describe the nature of legally binding contracts (SP)

Generally, to be legally valid, most contracts must contain two elements: 1. All parties must agree about an offer made by one party and accepted by the other. 2. Something of value must be exchanged for something else of value. This can include goods, cash, services, or a pledge to exchange these items.

Explain the nature of global trade (SP)

Global trade is the trade around the world of products that are more efficiently produced elsewhere.

Distinguish between economic goods and services (CS)

Good is a tangible thing you can feel and touch (Fruits, Toys and Cars) where as a service is an action that is preformed (Doctor, Mailman, Landscaper)

Discuss the impact of a nation's unemployment rates (SP)

Having to many unemployed people means more government subsidy reliance.

Explain the use of technology in accounting (SP)

Helps centralize and calculate certain information.

Report noncompliance with business health and safety regulations (PQ)

Human resources can help you.

Discuss the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator (SP)

If consumer spending up it is a generally good thing and reflects a better economy state as people are most likely earning more and values are rising for housing and other markets.

Determine the relationship between government and business (CS)

In many countries government facilitates many aspects of business like minimum wages, corporate taxes, and tariffs for trade.

Describe the nature of income statements (SP)

Income statements outline the income flow and where the money is distributed. Also measures companies financial performance

Describe the economic impact of inflation on business (SP)

Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When prices are inflated for a long period of time it can be very straining on the pockets of consumers.

Organize information (CS)

Information can be organized in many ways. EX: Chronological, Alphabetical.

Explain the role of information systems (PQ)

Information systems store, organize and secure information.

Explain the need for innovation skills (CS)

Innovation skills are needed to improve ideas and make them better.

Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships) (PQ)

Internships can help put a foot in a door at a company.

Exhibit cultural sensitivity (CS)

"the knowledge and interpersonal skills that allow providers to understand, appreciate, and work with individuals from cultures other than their own.

Demonstrate collaborative/groupware applications (CS)

(Google Docs)

Use an integrated business software application package (CS)

(Microsoft Business Bundle)

Demonstrate basic spreadsheet applications (PQ)

(Microsoft Excel)

Demonstrate basic presentation applications (PQ)

(Microsoft Powerpoint)

Demonstrate basic word processing skills (PQ)

(Microsoft word)

Demonstrate basic database applications (PQ)


Use consensus-building skills (SP)

(also called collaborative problem solving or collaboration) is essentially mediation of a conflict which involves many parties. Usually, the conflict also involves multiple, complex issues.

Handle and report emergency situations (CS)

-Asses Priority -Call emergency services -report location -Give Dispatcher your phone number -Describe accident -follow dispatch instructions.

Demonstrate basic e-mail functions (PQ)

-Discussing Business Decisions -Sharing Documents -Emails can be Official Documents

Identify factors affecting a business's profit (CS)

-Sales Prices -Materials cost fluctuation -Labor price changes -Inventory method changes

Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing (CS)

1. Business Letter Template Fields: Date: Use month, day, year format, e.g., March 3, 2012 or 3 March 2012 2. Sender's Address: Inside Address: Use full name. Mr./Ms. is optional 3. Salutation: 4. Body Text: 5. Closing "Call to Action": 6. Signature Block: 7. Enclosures: 8. Carbon Copy: 9. Use a professional tone. Save casual, chatty language for email - your printed business letter should be friendly but more professional. overall tone that is confident, courteous, and sincere; 10. Write clearly. 11.Organize your information logically: 12.Use Color To Emphasize Words In Text 13. Be persuasive. 14. Proofread your letter!

Monitor internal records for business information (SP)

Analyse one's own company for business information.

Write business letters (CS)

A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties.

Explain what it means to have Corporation (CS)

A Corporation is a more complex business structure. A corporation has certain rights, privileges, and liabilities beyond those of an individual. Doing business as a corporation may yield tax or financial benefits, but these can be offset by other considerations, such as increased licensing fees or decreased personal control. Corporations may be formed for profit or nonprofit purposes.

Explain what it means to have General Partnership (CS)

A General Partnership is composed of 2 or more persons (usually not a married couple) who agree to contribute money, labor, or skill to a business. Each partner shares the profits, losses, and management of the business, and each partner is personally and equally liable for debts of the partnership. Formal terms of the partnership are usually contained in a written partnership agreement.

Explain what it means to have Joint Venture (CS)

A Joint Venture is formed for a limited length of time to carry out a business transaction or operation.

Explain what it means to have Limited Liability Company (LLC) (CS)

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is formed by 1 or more individuals or entities through a special written agreement. The agreement details the organization of the LLC, including provisions for management, assignability of interests, and distribution of profits and losses. LLCs are permitted to engage in any lawful, for-profit business or activity other than banking or insurance.

Explain what it means to have Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP) (CS)

A Limited Liability Limited Partnership is a Limited Partnership that chooses to become an LLLP by including a statement to that effect in its certificate of limited partnership. This type of business structure may shield general partners from liability for obligations of the LLLP.

Explain what it means to have Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (CS)

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is similar to a General Partnership except that normally a partner doesn't have personal liability for the negligence of another partner. This business structure is used most by professionals, such as accountants and lawyers.

Explain what it means to have Limited Partnership (CS)

A Limited Partnership is composed of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. The general partners manage the business and share fully in its profits and losses. Limited partners share in the profits of the business, but their losses are limited to the extent of their investment.

Explain what it means to have Trust (CS)

A Trust is a legal relationship in which one person, called the trustee, holds property for the benefit of another person, called the beneficiary.

Develop personal budget (CS)

A budget that explains where income will go and how it will be distributed to certain aspects of spending.

Read and reconcile bank statements (PQ)

Confirming payments through electronic banking.

Explain the concept of accounting (CS)

Accounting is the record keeping and following of a companies or persons finances.

Identify skills needed to enhance career progression (SP)

Adaptability and assertiveness

Follow oral directions (PQ)

Always clarify and restate directions to confirm accuracy.

Write professional e-mails (CS)

An email to communicate from one professional to another.

Explain employee's role in expense control (SP)

An employee's role in expense control is not wasting project materials and avoiding costly errors.

Explain the purposes and importance of credit (CS)

Credit is the evaluation on your ability and likely hood of paying back long term payments and loans.

Provide legitimate responses to inquiries (PQ)

Basically answering a question with accurate information.

Orient new employees (CS)

Basically showing employees the ropes

Adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients (CS)

Basically try to non-offensively relate to the customer and communicate in a way they will understand.

Demonstrate active listening skills (PQ)

Be attentive as well as adding to the conversation appropriately.

Handle telephone calls in a businesslike manner (CS)

Because this is a strictly verbal conversation make sure that tone matches a positive mood.

Explain the role of ethics in human resources management (SP)

Because you have access to sensitive information it is important to keep it on the DL

Demonstrate adaptability (CS)

Being able to adapt to change and strive

Enlist others in working toward a shared vision (CS)

Being able to articulate and bring people into a joint idea

Demonstrate self control (PQ)

Being able to control yourself.

Demonstrate negotiation skills (SP)

Being able to persuade your idea to counter another

Interpret statistical findings (SP)

Being able to read and analyse statistics and form a cohesive idea based on the findings

Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm (PQ)

Being excited about a task at hand

Identify company's brand promise (CS)

Benefits and experiences that marketing campaigns try to associate with a product in its current and prospective consumers' minds.

Recognize personal biases and stereotypes (PQ)

Bias and stereotypes revolve around predetermined opinions.

Interpret others' nonverbal cues (PQ)

Body Language as well as other signs and gestures that indicate mood or thought path are nonverbal cues.

Explain the role of business in society (CS)

Business is the backbone of society and helps provide lifestyle for all classes of life.

Maintain a safe work environment (CS)

By following rules and regulations a workplace can remain safe.

Discuss the nature of customer relationship management (SP)

Customer relationship management is the position that facilitates positive customer relations

Describe the determinants of exchange rates and their effects on the domestic economy (SP)

Exchange rates are the rates at which a countries money is worth to another country.

Demonstrate problem-solving skills (CS)

Calmly resolving an issue.

Identify sources of career information (CS)

Career information can be found on various web sites or even with an employer

Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship (CS)

Career opportunities in entrepreneurship can be making your own business.

Describe the nature of cash flow statements (SP)

Cash flow statements outline where money comes in and goes out to.

Explain forms of financial exchange (cash, credit, debit, electronic funds transfer, etc.) (PQ)

Cash- physical currency exchange of notes. Credit- Paying with bank funded money that you agree to pay back Debit- electronically spending money you have already deposited in an account.

Edit and revise written work consistent with professional standards (CS)

Check for spelling errors and typos as well as check for professional language and tone.

Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development (e.g., trade journals/periodicals, professional/trade associations, classes/seminars, trade shows, and mentors) (SP)

Classes about your field can help you further you knowledge on subjects pertaining to your job.

Give verbal directions (PQ)

Communicate Directions.

Explain how organizations adapt to today's markets (SP)

Companies and marketing teams stay up to date on current trends and social events to keep their advertising relevent

Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures (CS)

Company resources can be any information regarding the company. EX: Handbook, Evaluations, Instructional Content

Explain the concept of competition (CS)

Competition is when multiple organizations are all going after the same objective.

Conduct an environmental scan to obtain business information (SP)

Environmental scanning is a process that systematically surveys and interprets relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats. An organization gathers information about the external world, its competitors and itself.

Select vendors (SP)

DEFINITION of 'Vendor' The party in the supply chain that makes goods and services available to companies or consumers. The term vendor is typically used to describe the entity that is paid for the goods that are provided, rather than the manufacturer of the goods.

Make decisions (CS)

Decisive, shrewd skill set.

Defend ideas objectively (CS)

Defend an idea objectively by hearing others comments and or criticism in a positive, productive light

Describe legal issues affecting businesses (SP)

Disgruntled Employees Discrimination/Harassment Cases Harassment Immigration Audits Copyright and Patent Issues

Exhibit a positive attitude (PQ)

Displaying an attitude that is positive even through adversity.

Handle difficult customers (CS)

Do not act impulsively and stay polite and respectful. Try to resolve the customers predicament but continue to stand your ground. If you are not able to answer the question answer to the best of your ability and offer to transfer customer to higher levels

Demonstrate ethical work habits (PQ)

Doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

Apply written directions to achieve tasks (PQ)

Don't assume, always follow up to confirm instructions.

Protect company information and intangibles (CS)

Don't tell important information when unauthorized

Utilize note-taking strategies (CS)

Don't write each word. Focus on the most important key issues or topics

Respect the privacy of others (PQ)

EX: salary and divorce are not good discussion options.

Discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade (SP)

EX: trying to sell hamburgers in the middle east would be an ineffective business practice as the demand would be fairly low.

Explain the concept of economic resources (CS)

Economic resources are the factors used in producing goods or providing services. In other words, they are the inputs that are used to create things or help you provide services. Economic resources can be divided into human resources, such as labor and management, and nonhuman resources, such as land, capital goods, financial resources, and technology.

Describe the concepts of economics and economic activities (CS)

Economics is the social science that studies economic activity to gain an understanding of the processes that govern the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an economy.

Explain the nature of effective verbal communications (PQ)

Effective verbal communication entails accurately communication information in the most understandable means of exchange.

Explain the nature of effective written communications (CS)

Effective written communication should accurately communicate an idea.

Explain legal considerations for finance (SP)

Embezzlement charges can be very extensive.

Discuss actions employees can take to achieve the company's desired results (SP)

Employees can try to drive sales by effectively assistant customers throughout service.

Explain the nature of operations (CS)

Jobs or tasks consisting of one or more elements or subtasks, performed typically in one location. Operations transform resource or data inputs into desired goods, services, or results, and create and deliver value to the customers. Two or more connected operations constitute a process, and are generally divided into four basic categories: (1) processing, (2) inspection, (3) transport, and (4) storage.

Evaluate quality and source of information (CS)

Judging reputability.

Protect against identity theft (CS)

Keep personal information secure and don't give out social security.

Discuss the role of ethics in accounting (SP)

Keeping honest records and correct information.

Maintain inventory of supplies (CS)

Keeping up with inventories so you can fufill your shipments.

Explain the rights of workers (PQ)

Labor rights or workers' rights are a group of legal rights and claimed human rights having to do with labor relations between workers and their employers, usually obtained under labor and employment law.

Discuss the nature of law and sources of law in the United States.

Law is used to keep order in civilization. This can be enforced by the police or higher government officials.

Identify desirable personality traits important to business (PQ)

Leadership, Public Speaking, Prosperity under pressure.

Lead change (CS)

Leading change.

Identify sources that provide relevant, valid written material (PQ)

Legal documents that are valid should be signed, dated and sourced

Evaluate vendor performance (SP)

Look at the vendors performance.

Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business (PQ)

Looking at skills you posses and seeing how it can positively affect a business.

Analyze employer expectations in the business environment (PQ)

Looking at what your boss expects you to do in your job.

Assess information needs (CS)

Looking for information required to complete a task.

Identify resources needed for project (SP)

Make a list of things needed for a project.

Explain routine security precautions (CS)

Make sure all doors are lock before leaving if you are the last person.

Select and use appropriate graphic aids (CS)

Make sure graphic is relevant. EX: Healthy food ad.

Determine ways of reinforcing the company's image through employee performance (CS)

Make sure that employee behavior is up to par with what you envision as respectable for your companies brand and level of excellence.

Participate in group discussions (CS)

Make sure that you are poised as well as display a positive character and contribute professionally

Respond to customer inquiries (CS)

Make sure your response is accurate and clear. If you are not sure, refer to company handbook or upper management.

Foster positive working relationships (CS)

Making a good impression.

Evaluate project results (SP)

Making a list of goals and when to accomplish them and then checking back to see if you made your goals

Set personal goals (CS)

Making a list of things you want to accomplisgh

Utilize quality control methods at work (SP)

Making sure you are focused and paying attention to your work so that the quality is good.

Demonstrate appropriate creativity (SP)

Making sure your ideas match the right idea in goal.

Store information for future use (CS)

Meticulous filling is very important in keep documents accounted for and organized.

Describe types of business activities (CS)

OPERATIONS -Operations includes every activity needed to manufacture a product or provide a service. FINANCE -The bottom line: Money makes business possible. When approached carefully, finance activities build a foundation for a company's security, ensuring future operations. MARKETING -Without customers for its products or services, a company can't stay afloat, making marketing another crucial business activity. Marketing activities go beyond merely creating ads that entice customers. Instead, marketing activities are intimately connected with a company's products and services.

Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker (PQ)

Ongoing education can help you further your expertise in a certain series

Describe types of financial-services providers (CS)

Organizations that manage money, including credit unions, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, accountancy companies, consumer finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds

Explain the nature of overhead/operating costs (SP)

Overhead is the amount of money subtracted to net earnings being the cost to make a product or provide a service.

Identify types of currency (paper money, coins, banknotes, government bonds, treasury notes, etc.)

Paper Money- Legal and Governmental value. Bank notes- a piece of paper money, constituting a central bank's promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand. Treasury Notes- a note issued by the US Treasury for use as currency.

Interpret a pay stub (PQ)

Pay stubs contain the pay check information and what goes to taxes and other things.

Explain the impact of political relationships within an organization (SP)

Politics can influence company decisions based on many different factors.

Explain the nature of positive customer relations (CS)

Positive customer relations involves making sure that the customer always comes first and that you remain objective and strive to understand their point of view

Motivate team members (SP)

Positive re-enforcement can help motivate team members.

Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker (PQ)

Positive reinforcement as well as attentiveness help support and encourage a speaker.

Describe the functions of prices in markets (CS)

Price acts as a signal for shortages and surpluses which help firms respond to changing market conditions

Explain the concept of productivity (CS)

Productivity is the amount of effective output exerted and its lack of malfunction.

Explain ethical considerations in providing information (SP)

Providing ethical information is providing correct ETHICAL INFORMATION

Describe crucial elements of a quality culture (SP)

Quality culture is a set of group values that guide how improvements are made to everyday working practices and consequent outputs.

Use conflict-resolution skills (CS)


Explain the nature of risk management (SP)

Risk management is the evaluation of risk and making logical decisions based of of that

Identify routine activities for maintaining business facilities and equipment (SP)

Routine cleaning and inspection to make sure facilities and equipment is running properly.

Describe sources of income (wages/salaries, interest, rent, dividends, transfer payments, etc.) (PQ)

Salary- Money earned for working Interest- Money you get for letting the bank borrow your money.

Persuade others (SP)

cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Extract relevant information from written materials (PQ)

closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.

Explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management (SP)

displaying moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior

Prepare simple written reports (SP)

documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience.

Explain the concept of self esteem (PQ)

elf-esteem reflects a person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.

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