Dental formula only humans
how many quadrants are teeth split into?
what is the numbers in dental formula on top and bottom?
top of denominator is top row, and bottom is bottom row
what do the nuumbers stand for ind ental fomual for adults?
2 insicors, 1 canine 2 premolars 3 molars
what is the numbers stand for in dental formula in kids?
2 insicors, 1, canine 0 premolars 2 molars
What is the dental formula?
2,1,3,2/2,1,3,2 times 2
how many teeth do kids have?
what is dental formula in kids?
2102/2102 times 2
How many teeth do adults have?
what are the 4 types of teeth?
incisors, canines, premolars, molars