DEP3103 Prenatal Development

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Amniocentesis can test for approximately ____ genetic defects.


The age of viability is _______ weeks.

22 to 26

The rate of miscarraige is _____ pregnancies.

1 in 4

What are common causes of low birth weight?

1. multiple babies 2. problems with uterus/placenta 3. smoking, alcohol, drugs, 4. high blood pressure, diabetes 5. major stress 6. poor health and weight extremes

What are the chances of having a miscarriage after having an amniocentesis?


After 28 weeks, the baby gains ___ pound per week


When is a CVS usually performed?

10-11 weeks

When is a CFTS usually performed?

11 weeks

When is an amniocentesis usually performed?

15-16 weeks

Genitalia is distinct by ____ weeks.


When is an AFP typically performed?

16 weeks

What is the routine time to get an ultrasound?

18-20 weeks

When did the Thalidomide saga occur?


A CVS can detect approximately ____ genetic defects.


What was the previous age of viability? Why is it diffferent?

28 weeks. It is lower now due to improved technology to help support younger fetuses.

By the end of the embryonic period, the baby is ____ inches and ______ ounces.

3.2 inches and 1.6 ounces

Preterm is before _____.

37 weeks

Full term is ____ weeks


Which weeks are most critical for limb formation during the embryo period?

5th-8th weeks

What is average size of a newborn?

7.7 pounds, 20 inches

_____ of zygotes survive the period of the zygote.


CFTS catches _____ of Down Syndrome.


An _____ can have many false positives?


What are some maternal factors that can influence the fetus?

Age and parity, choice of diet, emotional state, diseases and disorders, viral and bacterial infections.

What is AFP?

Alpha-fetoprotein; a maternal blood test

_______ is the removal of a sample of amniotic fluid that contains old fetal cells


What prenatal tests are recommended for at risk babies?

Amniocentesis or CVS

What are the four auxiliary structures?

Amniotic sac, chorion, placenta, umbilical cord

To assess the condition of the newborn after birth, doctors use the ______.

Apgar test

When does the fetal period begin and end?

Begins at the start of the ninth week/3rd month. Ends after delivery.

When does the embryo period begin and end?

Begins when the zygote is firmly implanted in the uterus. Ends at end of the eighth week.

______ is the mos widespread bacterial infection among sexually transmitted diseases.


What does CFTS stand for?

Combined First Trimester Screening

What defects are caused by taking Thalidomide during pregnancy?

Deformities of the eyes, nose and ears; cleft palate; facial palsy; malformations of the heart and digestive tracts; phocomelia

Outer layer that becomes outer skin and nervous system


Inner layer that becomes the lungs and digestive tract


What are three ways the father can cause defects in the fetus?

Father's smoking during pregnancy, men who drink heavily sustain genetic damage, father's exposure to environmental toxins

____ can cause an ectopic pregnancy.


Middle layer that becomes the muscles, skeleton, and blood


What crosses the membrane between placenta and umbilical cord?

Nutrients, oxygen, and wastes

States require newborn testing of common disorders such as __________.

PKU and hypothyroidism

Substances in the blood that can induce specific immune responses

Rh factors

________ can be administered to Rh negative mothers after giving brith to prevent antibody formation.

Rh immune globulin

Rh factor incompatibility happens when an infant's blood is _____ and the mother's blood is _____.

Rh positive, Rh negative

When does the zygote period begin and end?

Starts at conception and ends at 2 weeks.

________ are factors that can harm the embryo/fetus.


What is a CFTS?

Test using mom's blood and ultrasound (neck skin thickness)

Antianxiety and antinausea drug prescribed to relieve morning sickness symptoms


What is the first step of cell differentiation?

The embryo differentiates into 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

_____ is acquired by eating undercooked meat or contact with feces.


________ carries oxygen and nutrients to the growing infant and removes carbon dioxide and wate products.

Umbilical cord

What are the 3 stages of prenatal development?

Zygote, Embryo, Fetal

How is amniocentesis performed?

a needle is inserted in abdomen guided by the ultrasound.

When the fetus's physical systems are advanced enough that it has a chance to survive prematurely

age of viability

What does the CVS allow us to test for?

allows us to examine the fetus's chromosomes and genes for any sign of chromosomal disorder

Outer membrane of the amniotic sac


a membrane that contains the developing organism and the amniotic fluid around it

amniotic sac

Which auxiliary structures develop from the zygote?

amniotic sac, chorion, and umbilical cord

What does an AFP identify?

anencephaly, spina bifida, risk of Down's syndrome

During the zygote period, the zygote becomes ________ on the mother.

biologically dependent

An ultrasound detects ______.

birth defects

Problems associated with preterm babies are....

brain and central nervous system issues and respiratory issues

Surrounds amnion


A Chorionic Villi Sampling removes tissue from the ______.


Effects of teratogens depend on ______.

critical period

What are the three types of defects?

destruction, structural defect, or functional defect

What can cross the membrane?

drugs, viruses, infections

The baby's and mother's genes can decrease and increase ________.

effects of the teratogen.

By the end of the _______, the growing organism has fingers, toes, and external genitalia.

embryonic period

Longer _______ and higher ______ if teratogen increases harm.

exposure, intensity

Antibodies are generally not a problem with _____.

first baby

At _____ months, reflexes such as sucking, swallowing, and hiccuping usually appear


The carrying of a fetus during pregnancy


Miscarriage in CVS may be ______ than miscarriage in amniocentesis.


What are the five things the Apgar test assesses?

heart rate, respiratory effort, muscles tone, reflex irritability, color

One teratogen can ________ the effects of the second teratogen.


What is preterm/low birth weight?

less than 5.5 lbs

The embryonic period comprises the differentiation of the _________.

major physiological structures and systems

Most _______ occur in the embryonic period.


During the fetal period, the fetus experiences rapid development of _________.

muscles and the central nervous system

Effects of substance during pregnancy depends on ______ & ______.

nature of substance, its effects on the body

Teratogens show _______ on the mother.

no effects

What specific development occurs during the embryo period?

period of most rapid cell differentiation

Birth defect in which limbs are missing and the feet and hands are attached to the body in a way that looks like flippers


Amniotic sac and fluid protects the organism from ______ and ______.

physical shocks, temperature changes

The _______ develops from the zygote and mother's uterus.


a fleshy, disklike structure formed by cells from the lining of the uterus and from the zygote that joins with the umbilical cord to sustain the life of the growing organism.


Nutrients and oxygen from mother's blood build up in _____ and travel to fetus via ______.

placenta, umbilical cord

Premature babies with the breathing bear showed more even _______ and and more _________ than infants without the breathing bear.

respiration, quiet sleep

What are the most common problems associated with low birth weight?

restlessness, inattention, speach/hearing problems, learning problems, allergies, asthma

Different teratogens may produce the ______.

same effects

Effects of teratogen can set up ________ cycle.


Placenta and umbilical cord are attached by a _______ membrane.


By ____ months, the eyes can open and close


Each teratogen exerts _______

specific effects

What are some birth defects the ultrasound can detect?

spina bifida, hydrocephalus, defects of the heart or GI tract, measurement of the fetus, the number of fetuses

a liquid that allows the lungs to transmit oxygen from the air to the blood


Embryos are vulnerable to the largest number of ________.


Nicotine, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, lead, PCBs, DES, thalidomide are all _____.


At the end of the ____ month, the fetus has all its body parts.


An ______ is sound waves directed at the fetus, and transformed into a picture.


What prenatal tests are recommended for all women?

ultrasound, AFP, CFTS

a tube that contains blood vessels connecting the growing organism and its mother by way of the placenta

umbilical cord

What are the two ways a CVS can be performed?

vaginally or needle in abdomen

Babies in the ____ period are least likely to be susceptible to teratogens.


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