Desencadenantes del subjuntivo en una cláusula nominal
Allah willing/hopefully
pedir que (e-i)
to ask that/to request that
tener miedo que
to be afraid that
aburrirse de que
to be bored of
asustarse de que
to be frightened that
alegrarse de que
to be happy that
dolerse de que
to be hurt that
estar de acuerdo en que
to be in agreement that
estar enojado de que
to be mad that
entristecerse que
to be saddened that
sorprender que
to be surprised that
rogar que (o-ue)
to beg that
echar la culpa de que
to blame someone that
to demand
negar que (e-ie)
to deny that
desear que
to desire that
dudar que
to doubt that
Soñar que (o-ue)
to dream that
emocionarse de que
to get excited that
esperar que
to hope that
insistir que
to insist that
encantar que
to love that
no creer que
to not believe that
no pensar que
to not believe that
no parecer que
to not seem
mandar que
to order
to overwhelm
preferir que
to prefer that
aguantar que
to put up with
recomendar que
to recommend
to regret
to regret
sugerir que (e-ie)
to suggest that
entender que
to understand that
Querer que (e-ie)
to want that