Development Psycology (Actual Questions)

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Which of these is the BEST example of plasticity?

A teenager who spends a summer in Chile and learns to speak Spanish.

Attachment in infants is definitely evident by the age of _____.

1 Year

Which psychologist developed the Strange Situation test


At what point in development is the sense of hearing already quite acute?

At birth

Which scenario best illustrates prosocial behavior?

Bethany feeds her baby brother because her mother is sick.

According to research, the ability to think clearly is most likely increased because of _____.

Dendrite pruning

Baby Abby's Father is holding her. She is smiling at him one minute and then, unexpectedly, she slaps his face. Because this is typical behavior for her, she may have which type of attachment?


Fraternal twins are also called _____ twins.


According to theory-theory, why do children imitate irrelevant adult behaviors?

They theorize that the irrelevant behavior must be important.

A researcher's first step when designing a research study on children's language acquisition is to

pose a research question about language acquisition.

Geoff has begun uttering one-word holophrases (e.g., "Dada!"). About how old is Geoff likely to be?

1 Year old

An alternative to giving birth in a hospital is to arrange to give birth at home. In the United States, less than _____ of births occur at home. An alternative to giving birth in a hospital is to arrange to give birth at home. In the United States, less than _____ of births occur at home

1 percent

On average, children begin to walk well at approximately _____ of age.

1 year

On average, children begin saying recognizable words at around _____ months of age.


Brodie just started saying single words such as "mama" and "doggie." About how old is Brodie likely to be?

12 months

Researchers placed a dot of rouge on babies' noses and then had them look into a mirror. On average, at what age did most babies touch their own noses when they saw their reflection?

18 Months

In the United States, 2- to 5-year-olds are more than _____ times as likely to be seriously hurt in car crashes as 6- to 10-year-olds.


Which female is more likely to naturally conceive dizygotic twins?

35 year old woman

By the age of _____, children are convinced that certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other.


Lead poisoning can result in death if a level of _____ micrograms per deciliter of blood is reached.


When baby Lia met her uncle's big dog for the first time, she cried and tried to move away from the dog. Lia is most likely _____.

9 months old

At Charlie's recent check-up, her doctor told her that she is obese. Charlie's BMI is most likely in the _____ percentile.


To determine if vitamin D consumption slows the progress of multiple sclerosis, a researcher would most likely use _____.

A Laboratory experiment

Which scenario portrays a secure attachment?

A child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver

_____ is the best example of a sensitive period.

A child learning to speak a second language

Which example best illustrates a critical period?

A fetus developing fingers and toes between 28 and 54 days after conception.

Based on the experience of the Romanian children who were institutionalized during the late twentieth century, what might be concluded about attachment?

A person's attachment style starts to be set by about 6 months of age, but is not complete.

Ten-year-old Wilson experiences extreme mood swings that do not seem to be influenced by life circumstances. At times he has told his parents that his teachers are idiots, and he is smarter than all of them; at other times he has so little energy he cannot get out of bed. Wilson may be diagnosed with _____.


Seamus is very talented at drawing and obsessive about details when drawing pictures. His speech is close to normal, but he tends to shy away from other children and is awkward when trying to relate to others. Which diagnosis would BEST fit Seamus's behavior?


Vinaya learned from her science teacher that her height probably resulted from about 180 genes, each contributing a tiny amount of genetic information. Vinaya learned that her height resulted from _____.

Additive Genes

Bettie and Zahara belong to different cohorts. The only DEFINITE difference between these two women is


Which of the following statements is true about alcohol use disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is X-linked, and culture is a pivotal factor

Cynthia wants to keep her son from getting cavities, so she gives him diet soda instead of regular soda. Her dentist tells her that her strategy won't work because _____.

All sweetened beverages can lead to tooth decay

Universal grammar is Chomsky's term for his observation that _____.

All young children master basic grammar according to a schedule

Assuming that children who are hearing impaired cannot communicate as well as children who can hear.

An example of the difference-equals-deficit error is _____.

Shaunquelle is an adult who requires regularity in all aspects of her life. She eats the same lunch every day, organizes her clothes by season in her closet, and becomes distressed when the juice is put on the wrong shelf in the refrigerator. Shaunquelle appears to be fixated at the _____ stage


Because the amygdala responds to comfort but not logic, which of the following is the best strategy for a parent to adopt when their preschooler has had a scary dream?

Ask them what was scary about the dream, and then convincingly pretend to scare off that content.

If a researcher finds that there is a correlation between secondhand smoke and children's asthma, he knows for SURE that _____.

Asthma and secondhand smoke have some connection.

A parenting style characterized by high parent-to-child communication, low warmth, and high expectations of maturity is _____.


As a father, Aahil rates low on nurturance and communication and high on maturity demands. He exhibits the _____ style of parenting


Zoey is just learning to read. It takes a lot of work for her to read even one sentence because she needs to sound out every word. After a while Zoey will be able to read without thinking about the words. She will then be able to concentrate on the concepts of the text. _____ allows Zoey to become a more skilled reader.


Bae is a Korean toddler; his cousin Troy is a Korean-American toddler. Bae is learning to speak Korean, while Troy is learning to speak English. What will be the most noticeable difference in Bae's and Troy's use of language?

Bae will use more verbs than Troy does.

Children whose parents use psychological control as a means of discipline are more likely to _____.

Be relationally aggressive

Chantal and Larry are considering having a baby. Chantal's doctor recommends that they stop using recreational drugs and update their immunizations _____.

Before Chantal gets pregnant

Hannah is 5 years old. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and shows signs of learning disabilities. Her doctor suggests that Hannah's problems could be the result of prenatal exposure to _____, though he stresses that the link is not straightforward at this time.

Behavioral Teratogens

An abusive caregiver shakes an infant to get her to stop crying. The infant stops crying. Why?

Blood vessels in her brain rupture and neural connections break.

The _____ is a test often administered to newborns that measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviors, including 20 reflexes.

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

Why are breast-fed babies less likely to contract infectious diseases than bottle-fed babies? Breast

Breast milk contains antibodies.

Brian and Diana are having a baby and are hoping for a boy. Who is responsible for determining the sex of the baby?


Strategies for processing information within working memory _____.

Can be culturally specific

Nine-year-old Amanda has no problem understanding that the 20-year-old woman who sometimes stays with her is both a student and a babysitter. According to Piaget, this is because Amanda's thinking has moved beyond _____.


Intentional harm to or avoidable endangerment of anyone under 18 years of age is considered _____.

Child endangerment

Over the past three decades, what has been the trend in children's health and body growth in Brazil?

Children no longer suffer from undernutrition, but now face overnutrition.

Which scenario best demonstrates the behaviorist theory regarding gender development?

Christine wears a dress, and her parents tell her how pretty she looks.

Twelve-month-old Emily has slept in her parents' bed since she was born. This custom is called _____.


Which early-childhood method has been found to aid reading later?

Code-focused teaching

High school classmates are part of the same _____.


A child is shown a large box and a small box. The large box contains a 5-pound weight and the small box contains a 10-pound weight. The child picks up the boxes and looks at them closely, and then is asked which weighs more. The child is no longer focused only on appearances, so he answers that the small box weighs more. Piaget would say that this child is in the_____ stage of cognitive development.

Concrete Operational

Four-year-old Mac is sitting at the lunch counter next to his sister Tori. They are having hot dogs for lunch. When his Mom cuts his hot dog into five pieces and Tori's into six pieces, Mac protests, "Tori has more than me!" Which ability does Mac not yet demonstrate?


A woman in Honduras worked in a field treated with pesticides during her pregnancy. When her son was born, she was horrified to find that he had no limbs. Her pesticide exposure must have occurred during a(n) _____ period of prenatal development.


The first days and weeks after conception (the germinal and embryonic periods) are _____ for body formation, but health during the entire fetal period affects the _____.

Critical, Brain

In the Strange Situation, a sign of insecure attachment might be _____.

Crying and being unable to be comforted when her mother returns

Epidurals, often used in hospital births to manage pain during childbirth, have been shown to _____.

Decrease the newborn's readiness to suck

A magician's goal is to get the audience to focus on one aspect of his demonstration while he manipulates another. This is easy to do with preoperational children, as they are fooled by their tendency to _____.

Demonstrate centration

During the germinal period of prenatal development, some cells become part of the brain, some become part of the leg, some become part of the stomach, and so on. The term for this process is


Children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder can vary in the type and range of symptoms they display, but all children with autism spectrum disorder have _____.

Difficulty relating to others

With respect to the concept of multi-directional development, when change is rapid and dramatic, such as when a larva becomes a mosquito, it is an example of _____.


Brown-eyed Alma has a blue-eyed mother and a brown-eyed father. In this case, her brown eyes were determined by a _____ allele.



Dorothy was born during the Great Depression. Within the context of the ecological-systems approach, knowing this fact allows one to know about her _____.

Amy went into labor at home. Joan arrived soon after and began to time her contractions and give gentle massages. She assisted Amy and her partner when it was time to leave for the hospital and accompanied them through the birth process. Joan was Amy's _____.


Because emotional regulation requires practice, maturation, and work, it is referred to as _____.

Effortful Control

The ability to regulate one's emotions and actions through effort, not simply through natural inclination, is referred to as _____.

Effortful Control

The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which a child thinks about the world only from his or her personal perspective is _____.


Which statement about emotional development in toddlers is true?

Emotions such as pride and humility depend on cultural values.

A child can have autistic symptoms for many reasons. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Joseph's aggressive behavior could be due to genetic inheritance, exposure to violent media, or living in a violent neighborhood. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


When a researcher wants to determine the cause of a particular behavior, the appropriate research method to use is a


If a child successfully resolves Erikson's first stage, he or she can be expected to

Explore his or her world

An example of a behavior by a researcher that would be considered unethical is _____.

Falsifying the data to support the hypothesis.

When children hear a new word in a familiar context, they can simply add the word to the general category without fully understanding the word. This is called _____.


In Piaget's terminology, sensorimotor stage two is described as _____.

First acquired adaptations

A child's cognitive understanding of sex differences would be his or her _____.

Gender schema

Which is an example of the influence of nature?

Having a gene for epilepsy.

Benjy is 5 years old. He can put a dish into the microwave and press the "2" button to cook for 2 minutes. One day, he sees his mother wipe the front of the microwave with a damp paper towel before she presses a number button. After that, Benjy rubs the front of the microwave with a napkin before he presses the number button. Why?

He is over-imitating his mother

Eight-month-old Tony settles down quickly and listens raptly while his Mom sings "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider." What factor best accounts for Tony's interest in this nursery rhyme?

He loves the rhymes and repetition.

If a researcher finds a positive correlation between school grades and school attendance, one can conclude that _____.

High attendance and high grades occur together

The first 22 chromosomes contain hundreds of genes in the same positions and sequence. If the code of the gene from one parent is exactly like the code on the same gene from the other parent, the gene pair is _____.


An individual's inherited biochemistry reacts to alcohol in different ways, causing various reactions in humans. These include all of the following EXCEPT _____.


A fatal central nervous system disorder caused by a copy number variation - more than 35 repetitions of a particular set of three base pairs - is _____.

Huntington disease

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, little boys cope with the guilt of wanting to kill their fathers by _____.

Identifying with their fathers.

Andrew and Laura want to enhance their synchrony with their 6-month-old son. They can best do this by ____.

Imitating his vocal and facial expression

Bruno and Juliana moved to the United States from Mexico two years ago and just had their first baby. Although Bruno and Juliana's SES is lower than their native-born peers, their baby was born at a healthy weight, in part because of the support of their social network. This phenomenon is called the _____.

Immigration Paradox

Abdul's score on the five-minute Apgar scale was This means Abdul is _____.

In need of emergency medical attention

Mariangela has dyslexia. Mariangela is taught in the regular classroom, where she has her own reading tutor for part of the day. This is an example of _____.


Two-year-old Julia repeatedly exclaims, "Me do it!" when her mother tries to help her. Although this behavior is frustrating, her mother understands that doing things independently will develop Julia's sense of _____.


A child having an imaginary friend is an example of _____.

Intrinsic motivation

Evelyn dropped ketchup on her pants during lunch. Although her teacher was able to remove the stain completely, Evelyn cries hysterically, saying that she wants to go home because her outfit is ruined. Her behavior demonstrates the characteristic of preoperational thought known as _____.


Which is an example of reactive aggression?

Joanie hits Lexie after Lexie bumps into her during a game of catch.

Statistically, which woman is MOST apt to have a baby with low birthweight?

Kate, who regularly misses meals

Hasan is 2 years old and does not have enough food. As a result, he has unusual swelling in his face and abdomen and thin, colorless hair. Hasan is suffering from _____.


Juan is left-handed and always kicks with his left foot when playing soccer. This preference demonstrates _____, which advances with the development of the corpus callosum.


Lin is a 3-month-old infant. Which of the following is he likely to have just recently begun displaying?


Isaac suffered a brain injury because of an automobile accident. His abilities to speak and to process language were severely affected. His injury was to the _____.

Left side of his brain

An example of a dependent variable in an experiment might be _____.

Level of depression

Solomon was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age. Throughout school he had extreme academic difficulties, though he excelled at art. When he graduated from high school, he started a career as an artist; he quickly began selling his work and achieved critical acclaim. As an adult he was experiencing life success even though he still had symptoms of ADHD. Which of the four general principles of developmental psychopathology does this example best illustrate?

Life may be better or worse in adulthood

Four-month-old Sylvia and 13-month-old Lizzy are left with a babysitter. How will they react?

Lizzy will probably show more distress than Sylvia.

Caitlin, age 4, visited the city zoo, pointed to a zebra, and exclaimed, "Look at the horse with stripes!" In describing the zebra, she used _____.

Logical extension

Lyrissa lives in Africa. She is 9 months old and does not weigh enough because of malnutrition. Her tissues are wasting away. Lyrissa suffers from _____.


Nine-year-old Brady was invited to be part of the basketball team but his friend Aidan was not. Brady thinks that Aidan is a good basketball player. Brady is evaluating the situation and trying to decide if it was fair. What helps Brady with this decision is _____.

Massive interconnectivity of the brain

The average number of meaningful sound combinations in a typical sentence is called _____.

Mean length of utterance

Dr. Kilbey is studying the impact of exo systems on human development. Which of these would she be MOST interested in examining?

Medical centers and religious institutions.

Emotional reactions, especially those connected to self-awareness, depend in part on _____.


A historical example of the different-equals-deficit error is

Men perceiving women as intellectually inferior

Addie has weekly spelling tests. On Monday, she gets the list of 10 words and realizes she knows how to spell four of the words. Rather than studying these four words, she spends Tuesday and Wednesday studying the six new words. On Wednesday evening, she quizzes herself on the six words and learns she now knows how to spell three more. Thursday, she studies the three words she still did not know how to spell. Friday morning before the spelling test, she quizzes herself on all 10 words and correctly spells all 10 words. Addie's ability to evaluate the task of learning words and monitor and adjust her performance throughout the learning process is due to _____.


Dwayne was born to a single mother living in Chicago. Within the context of the ecological-systems approach, knowing this fact allows one to know something about his Dwayne was born to a single mother living in Chicago. Within the context of the ecological-systems approach, knowing this fact allows one to know something about his


Which is an example of scaffolding?

Miriam helps her son Ben to make cookies. She measures all of the ingredients out and places them on the counter in small bowls. She reads the recipe aloud as Ben places the ingredients in the bowl and mixes them together with a spoon.

Elaine communicates with her new baby using child-directed speech, which is also referred to as _____.


Akira was born with genes that enabled muscle coordination, but his environmental experiences never supported the development of his potential athletic ability, so he never became a professional athlete. This example illustrates the concept of a trait being _____.


A cause can have many final manifestations. This is referred to as _____.


Skylar experienced neglect as an infant while her mother suffered from severe depression. The outcome on Skylar's development could manifest itself in many ways. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


The ability to generate several thoughts in rapid succession is most specifically related to _____.


A federally sponsored test in the United States for fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade students is the _____.


The U.S. law, enacted in 2001, that aimed to increase educational accountability by requiring states to qualify for funding based on standardized measures of achievement is referred to as _____.


Eyeballs change shape at typical stages of development, including puberty and middle adulthood. This makes it more likely that _____ will increase at puberty and _____ will decrease during middle adulthood.

Nearsightedness; Nearsightedness

The more Hank eats, the less hungry he feels. The correlation that exists between Hank's food intake and his hunger is


Low folic acid during pregnancy can result in _____.

Neural-tube defects

Parents who believe in the importance of _____ as it relates to development are likely to spend a great deal of time and money trying to find the best school for their children.


Researchers conducted an intervention study that focused on 133 Latino caregivers of children with asthma. The caregivers smoked and did not necessarily want to quit. Over the course of the study the caregivers were shown the amount of smoke the children were being exposed to and counseled on different approaches to quitting smoking. After three months, the results of the study revealed that _____ of the caregivers had quit smoking and the children's asthma attacks were _____ frequent.

One fourth, less

Juan and Joaquin are identical twins. They are the result of _____.

One ovum and one sperm split

Maslow said that one sign of self-actualization is that the person has a(n) _____ in which life is so intensely joyful that time stops and self-seeking disappears.

Peak Experience

Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who have the _____ parenting style.


Isaac and Xavier are playing basketball. Isaac shoots the ball and Xavier blocks the shot. Isaac says, "Wow, I didn't realize how tall you were until you did that!" Xavier's comment refers to Isaac's _____.


Eight-year-old Joe has no difficulty seeing things near him but sometimes struggles to see things in the distance. When Joe has his eyes checked, he is told that he does not yet need corrective lenses for nearsightedness. Instead, drawing on current research, the ophthalmologist suggests that he should first try to _____.

Play outside more

Which of the following is a language development that requires understanding another person's perspective?


Jane and her 4-year-old daughter, Michele, are visiting at a friend's house when Michele blurts out, "This house is dirty." Michele clearly does not fully understand the _____ of polite speech yet.


Piaget called the stage of human cognitive development between the ages of 2 and 6 _____ intelligence.


During a long car trip, Lex and Nicole asked "Are we there yet?" so many times that their father became irritated. His children were exhibiting _____.


Which emotion seems to depend on the development of social awareness?


Which of the following emotions is the last to develop in an infant?


At the onset of the embryonic period, the _____ appear(s). It will eventually become the neural tube.

Primitive Streak

Margarita and Roberto are warm, nurturing parents who hold their baby often. They are exhibiting _____.

Proximal Parenting

Based on research about SIDS, caregivers are advised that babies should be _____.

Put to sleep on their backs

Transient exuberance is the _____.

Rapid growth of dendrites during the first few years of life

Of the following types of aggression, which tends to be most characteristic of 2-year-old children?


Michael is color-blind. His gene for color blindness is most likely a _____.

Recessive gene on his X chromosome

The health habits that children develop during the middle childhood years are _____.

Related to their health in adolescence and adulthood.

Three girls spread a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier. This is an example of _____ aggression


Dr. Seldor conducts a study in which she finds that alcohol consumption is correlated to an increased risk of diabetes. She publishes her results. Dr. Al-Jaher performs the same study using different participants in another nation. Dr. Al-Jaher's work is an example of


According to Vygotsky, a teacher who carefully plans each child's participation in the learning process within the zone of proximal development uses _____.


Sydney helps her 2-year-old daughter to make hot chocolate. She helps the child to measure teaspoons of cocoa into a cup, add water, stir the contents, and then use the microwave. Sydney is providing _____.


If a researcher watches 1-week-old babies and records how many times they open and close their eyes while lying in their cribs, he is most likely using _____.

Scientific Observation

According to Freud, boys in the third psychoanalytic stage of development _____.

Secretly want to replace their fathers

Stephanie did not learn to read until she was an adolescent. If Stephanie had learned to read during early or middle childhood, it would have been easier for her and would have taken less time. Stephanie's difficulty was because she did not learn to read during the

Sensitive period

Seven-year-old Hannah can arrange 10 buttons in order from smallest to largest. Her understanding of _____ allows her to accomplish this.


The Common Core is a(n) _____ that was developed by experts and intended for nationwide use in response to doubts about state-level assessments.

Set of specific standards by subject and grade level.

According to the DSM-5, for ADHD to be diagnosed _____.

Several symptoms have to begin before age 12

Shirley returned to full-time employment six weeks after her baby's birth. She exclusively breast-fed during her maternity leave, and then pumped her breast milk when she returned to work. Now her baby is 3 months old and drinks some formula when at day care. Shirley wants to stop breast-feeding. If you were a pediatric nurse, what would you say to her?

She should keep breast-feeding for at least six months because breast-fed babies are less likely to get sick.

A child who is unable to read a picture book independently accomplishes the task with the help of an adult. This assistance will be effective only if the _____.

Skill is within the child's zone of proximal development

Which theorist said that children learn language as a result of reinforcements given by parents and caregivers?


A baby whose birthweight is significantly lower than expected given the time since conception is referred to as _____.

Small for gestational age

Research has found that children are less happy and less able to learn if _____ play is prevented.


Mia and Claire are 3-year-olds at free play in their preschool. Mia has a lacy apron tied around her head like a wedding veil, and Claire has a sheer curtain tied over her shoulders like a cape. Each is holding a wand - one is a stick with a star on the end, and the other is a long Tinker Toy stick with one wheel connector at the end. When asked what they're doing, Mia says, "We're playing fairy. We're both fairies." What kind of play are they engaging in?

Sociodramatic Play

Tiara, Molly, and Maria are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in?

Sociodramatic play

Tia is fascinated with the toilet. So far, her parents have caught her trying to flush a stuffed animal, a toy cell phone, and a handful of dog kibble. Which sensorimotor stage is Tia MOST likely in?

Stage 5

Adriana and her mother have been playing patty-cake, but mother is now trying to engage Adriana in a picture book. Adriana wants to play patty-cake again, so she grabs her mother's hands and puts them together as if in a clap. Adriana is clearly in which stage of sensorimotor development?

Stage four

"Do you want to play patty-cake?"Sofia asks her infant daughter. The baby responds by clapping her hands. In which stage of sensorimotor development is Sofia's baby?

Stage three

Seeing his third-grade teacher in the grocery store shocks Armand because he is used to seeing her only in school. This is likely due to Armand's _____.

Static reasoning

Steven, a 6-year-old, can correctly name objects, catch a ball and throw it, and write his ABCs in proper sequence. His younger brother Harvey is much less speedy and skillful in all of these areas. What is the best explanation for Steven's superior performance?

Steven's brain has experienced greater myelination than Harvey's.

"If you draw a pretty picture for me, I will give you a certificate as a reward," the researcher told Amy. After receiving her reward, Amy was given the opportunity to draw some more pictures just for fun. If Amy was like most children, what was she likely to do?

Stop drawing pictures

A researcher designed and conducted an experiment to learn if 350 mg of a certain drug would help patients with bipolar disorder. By designing and conducting this experiment the researcher was able to _____.

Test the hypothesis

Which statement about the difference between a 4-year-old and a 9-year-old is TRUE?

The 9-year-old can use mental categories more flexibly, inductively, and simultaneously, whereas the 4-year-old is unable to do so.

Mary hides Ramy's favorite toy under a blanket while Ramy watches. Ramy removes the blanket and squeals when he sees the toy. Mary again hides the toy, but this time under a different blanket. Even though Ramy saw where Mary hid his toy, he still looks under the first blanket before removing the second blanket and retrieving the toy. Ramy has displayed _____.

The A-not-B error

Freud's term for the formation of a conscience that internalizes parental morals is _____.

The Superego

Alden is beginning to learn how to write. He can hold a pencil in one hand and steady the paper with his other hand. This new ability to coordinate the duties of his right and left hands is likely due to _____.

The growth of his corpus callosum

With concrete operational thought, children can _____.

Think logically about visible, tangible things

Malcolm is a 2-year-old boy who loves his "lellow-lee" (yellow blanket) and won't take a nap without it. Malcolm's yellow blanket would be considered a(n) _____.

Transitional Object

Elyse and Ellen are fraternal twins. They are the result of _____.

Two separate ova that were fertilized by two different sperm

Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children _____.

Use a play face

Dr. Whitmore is curious to know more about how children develop over time. To gain an understanding of this subject not based on opinion or personal bias, Dr. Whitmore should _____.

Use the scientific method to collect data and establish facts.

By the end of middle childhood, the capacity of long-term memory is _____.

Very large

When a child is 2 or more standard deviations underweight for his or her age, the child is suffering from a condition called _____.


A child in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development would be able to reason about all the following EXCEPT _____.

What to tell his parents if he broke a lamp

When does it first become obvious that a person has discerned the rules of his or her native language?

When the person starts using two-word sentences

William sees a construction set at the toy store and asks his dad if he can have it for his birthday. His dad asks him if he thinks he would be able to use it. William reminds his dad that he is good at building with blocks. What does this example demonstrate?

William's positive self-concept

An evaluation of Head Start found that benefits were MOST apparent for children _____.

With the lowest family income.

According to cognitive theory, infants use their early relationships to develop a set of assumptions that become a frame of reference for later in life. Such a set of assumptions is called a _____.

Working model

Salim is in a teacher-directed preschool. Which activity would his parents NOT expect him to be doing?

Working on a long-term individual project about birds.

Preoperational intelligence _____.

allows children to think in symbols

The autonomy versus shame and doubt crisis involves the child _____.

asserting control over his or her own actions

Erikson's second stage of development is called _____.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Huan is 20 months old, and his Mother is in a hurry. She wants to put his shoes on, but Huan rejects her efforts by squirming and declaring, "No! Me!" It takes him five minutes, and his shoes end up on the wrong feet, but he proudly skips out to the car when he's done. Huan is in Erikson's _____ stage.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

A toddler in Freud's anal stage would also be at Erikson's _____.

autonomy versus shame and doubt stage

Dr. Webber wonders if a specific brain chemical can be suppressed if a patient is given a large dose of vitamin E. This is a demonstration of the _____ step in the scientific method.


The emotions of shame, pride, and embarrassment require that a child first _____.

gain an awareness of other people

Researchers had children sort picture cards by shape. Then they asked the same children to sort the same cards by color. They found that children under the age of 4 _____.

had difficulty changing to a new sorting pattern

A cognitive theory that involves attention to perceptual and neurological processes is called

information-processing theory

Jerome clings to his Mother and refuses to leave her lap. Jerome is exhibiting _____ attachment behavior.


Prosocial behavior is characterized by behavior that is _____.

intended to help another without any benefit for oneself

Jaspreet frequently plays the piano whenever her family has guests because she enjoys the praise and attention she receives. When alone, however, Jaspreet rarely plays the piano, practicing only before company comes. Jaspreet's motivation _____.

is mostly extrinsic

An example of stage-three sensorimotor behavior is

looking for a smile and smiling back.

Due to smell recognition, babies prefer to sleep _____.

nuzzled into their caregiver's chest

When playing with their children, mothers are more likely than fathers to _____.

play peek-a-boo

To explain a child's development of gender attitudes and roles, behaviorists stress _____.

reinforcement and punishment

In the Strange Situation, a sign of secure attachment is _____.

smiling at his mother when she returns to the room

Abed is 12 months old, and his uncle Nadin is visiting for the first time in 6 months. Nadin is delighted to see his nephew, so as he enters the room, he booms, "There's my little man!" Abed looks to his mother, who is smiling broadly at her brother, and crawls to him to be picked up. Abed is demonstrating _____.

social referencing

Based on research, attachment appears to be _____.


New concepts are best learned when they are connected to _____.

what is already known about a subject

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Chapter 8 quizDaniel Webster's address to the Senate in 1830 in reply to Senator Hayne is best remembered for its

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Properties and Uses of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, , Chemistry B: Properties and Uses of Unsaturated Hyrdocarbons

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