Digestive system

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150) On average, the body produces ________ of saliva in a day. A) less than 0.25 L B) 0.50-1.0 L C) 1.0-1.5 L D) 1.5-2 L E) more than 2.5 L

Answer: C 1.0-1.5 L

163) Kupffer cells lurk in the liver, searching for invaders. Where in the liver do they lurk? A) hepatic sinusoids B) bile canaliculi C) perisinusoidal space D) lymph vessels E) interlobular septum

Answer: A hepatic sinusoids

85) Circular folds and intestinal villi A) increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine. B) carry products of digestion that will not pass through the walls of blood capillaries. C) produce new cells for the mucosa of the small intestine. D) secrete digestive enzymes. E) produce hormones.

Answer: A increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine.

Name the layers of the small intestine from superficial to deep. (Module 22.12A) A) serosa, muscular layer, submucosa, mucosa B) mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa C) submucosa, mucosa, serosa, muscular layer D) mucosa, submucosa, serosa, muscular layer E) muscular layer, serosa, submucosa, mucosa

Answer: B mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

Which of the following is classified as being either squamous or columnar? A) submucosa B) mucosal epithelium C) muscularis mucosae D) lamina propria E) mucosa

Answer: B mucosal epithelium

Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion? A) appendix B) pancreas C) spleen D) colon E) esophagus

Answer: B pancreas

What is the function of the salivary glands? (Module 22.18A) A) produce bile B) produce mucin and enzymes C) produce acid D) produce bases E) concentrate and store bile

Answer: B produce mucin and enzymes

173) The pancreas produces ________ -digesting enzymes in the form of proteolytic enzymes. A) carbohydrate B) protein C) sugar D) lipid E) nucleic acid

Answer: B protein

78) The enzyme pepsin digests A) carbohydrates. B) proteins. C) lipids. D) nucleic acids. E) vitamins.

Answer: B proteins.

157) The ________ of the liver lies between the left lobe and the gallbladder. A) right lobe B) quadrate lobe C) caudate lobe D) coronary ligament E) falciform ligament

Answer: B quadrate lobe

Describe the lining of the stomach. (Module 22.10C) A) it is a smooth surface B) it is lined with rugae C) it is lined with circular folds D) it is lined with microvilli E) it is lined with cilia

Answer: B it is lined with rugae

102) The part of the digestive tract that plays the primary role in chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the A) cecum. B) jejunum. C) stomach. D) duodenum. E) colon.

Answer: B jejunum

130) The teniae coli are A) tears of the colon. B) longitudinal bands of smooth muscle on the outer surface of the colon. C) ridges in the mucosa of the colon. D) polyps that obstruct the sigmoid colon. E) tumors normally confined in the sigmoid colon.

Answer: B longitudinal bands of smooth muscle on the outer surface of the colon.

151) Serous cells in the submandibular salivary gland secrete what substance(s)? A) gastrin B) lysozyme and salivary amylase C) mucins and water D) lingual lipase E) intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid

Answer: B lysozyme and salivary amylase

Name the four layers of the digestive tract beginning from the lumen of the digestive tract. (Module 22.2B) A) serosa, muscular layer, submucosa, mucosa B) mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa C) submucosa, mucosa, serosa, muscular layer D) mucosa, submucosa, serosa, muscular layer E) muscular layer, serosa, submucosa, mucosa

Answer: B mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

170) The duodenal ampulla receives secretions from the A) duodenum and the jejunum. B) duodenum and the pylorus. C) common bile duct and the pancreatic duct. D) duodenum and the pancreatic duct. E) duodenum and the bile duct.

Answer: C common bile duct and the pancreatic duct.

164) The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the A) hepatic portal vein. B) porta hepatis. C) common bile duct. D) common pancreatic duct. E) bile canaliculus.

Answer: C common bile duct.

44) Which of the following is a function of the incisors? A) tearing B) crushing C) cutting D) mashing E) grinding

Answer: C cutting

36) The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix similar to that of bone called A) enamel. B) cement. C) dentin. D) pulp. E) periodontium.

Answer: C dentin

126) At the left colic flexure, the colon becomes the A) ascending colon. B) transverse colon. C) descending colon. D) sigmoid colon. E) rectum.

Answer: C descending colon.

165) Bile is stored in the A) liver. B) duodenum. C) pancreas. D) gallbladder. E) appendix.

Answer: D gallbladder.

Describe hepatitis. (Module 22.24A) A) Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. B) Hepatitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. C) Hepatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. D) Hepatitis is inflammation of the small intestine. E) Hepatitis is inflammation of the large intestine.

Answer: A Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver.

How would the pH of the intestinal contents be affected if the small intestine did not produce secretin? (Module 22.14B) A) It would be more acidic than normal B) It would be more alkaline than normal C) It would be more basic than normal D) It would be neutralized E) It would not affect pH but it would increase mucous release

Answer: A It would be more acidic than normal

20) Which of the following statements is false? A) Secretin and CCK are produced by the stomach and are important hormones in regulating digestion. B) Parietal cells are activated during the cephalic phase. C) The gastroileal and gastroenteric reflexes accelerate movement of materials throughout the small intestine. D) Teniae coli of the large intestine correspond to the muscularis mucosa of the small intestine. E) The external anal sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle.

Answer: A Secretin and CCK are produced by the stomach and are important hormones in regulating digestion.

Which of the following describes a correct connection with the digestive system? A) The autonomic nervous system directs peristalsis of the intestines. B) The stomach releases hormones such as pepsin and intrinsic factors that assist in digestion. C) Newly absorbed nutrients travel first to the liver via hepatic portal artery. D) Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) is found throughout the large intestine. E) Capillaries receive fluids delivered by lymphatic vessels

Answer: A The autonomic nervous system directs peristalsis of the intestines.

Describe the orientation of smooth muscle fibers in the muscular layer of the digestive tract. (Module 22.3A) A) The cells align parallel to each other and form an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. B) The cells align parallel to each other and form an inner longitudinal layer and an outer circular layer. C) The cells align perpendicular to each other and form an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. D) The cells align perpendicular to each other and form spiraling bands. E) The cells align obliquely to each other and form three interwoven layers.

Answer: A The cells align parallel to each other and form an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer.

Describe the anatomy of the intestinal mucosa. (Module 22.12B) A) The intestinal mucosa has circular folds, villi, and intestinal glands. B) The intestinal mucosa has rugae and ciliated enterocytes. C) The intestinal mucosa has a smooth surface. D) The intestinal mucosa is divided into red pulp and white pulp. E) The intestinal mucosa is divided into regions called lobules.

Answer: A The intestinal mucosa has circular folds, villi, and intestinal glands.

Define hepatocyte. (Module 22.21A) A) a liver cell B) a pancreatic cell C) a gallbladder cell D) a small intestinal cell E) a salivary gland cell

Answer: A a liver cell

Describe the location of fauces. (Module 22.6C) A) arched opening between the oral cavity and the oropharynx B) between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches on each side C) the floor of the oral cavity D) the space between the cheeks and the teeth E) between the soft palate and the base of the tongue

Answer: A arched opening between the oral cavity and the oropharynx

116) In response to the arrival of acid chyme in the duodenum, the A) blood levels of secretin rise. B) blood levels of cholecystokinin fall. C) blood levels of gastrin rise. D) blood levels of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) fall. E) blood levels of gastrin rise and blood levels of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) fall.

Answer: A blood levels of secretin rise.

65) The part of the stomach that functions as a mixing chamber for food and secretions is the A) body. B) antrum. C) pylorus. D) cardia. E) fundus.

Answer: A body

167) The ________ is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct. A) common bile duct B) common hepatic duct C) hepatopancreatic sphincter D) left hepatic duct E) duodenal ampulla

Answer: A common bile duct

Figure 22-2 91) Contraction of the muscle layer labeled "9" causes the digestive tract to A) constrict. B) shorten. C) dilate. D) fold for increased surface area. E) secrete enzymes.

Answer: A constrict

39) The crown of a tooth is covered by A) enamel. B) cement. C) dentin. D) pulp. E) periodontium.

Answer: A enamel

Describe enteroendocrine cells. (Module 22.4C) A) endocrine cells in the epithelium of the digestive tract B) endocrine cells in the submucosal layer of the digestive tract C) endocrine cells in between the layers of the muscular layer of the digestive tract D) endocrine cells in the serosa layer of the digestive tract E) endocrine cells in the accessory organs that deliver hormones to the digestive tract

Answer: A endocrine cells in the epithelium of the digestive trac

129) Haustra are A) expansible pouches of the colon. B) strips of muscle in the colon. C) glands in the large intestine that secrete mucus. D) the source of colon hormones. E) compact feces stored in the rectum.

Answer: A expansible pouches of the colon

Figure 21-1 70) Identify the structure labeled "12." A) fundus B) cardia C) lesser curvature D) greater curvature E) pylorus

Answer: A fundus

113) The hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is A) gastrin. B) enteropeptidase. C) secretin. D) cholecystokinin. E) rennin.

Answer: A gastrin

Describe the muscular layer of the esophagus. (Module 22.8B) A) inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer; superior third is skeletal muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is smooth muscle B) inner longitudinal layer and outer circular layer; superior third is skeletal muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is smooth muscle C) inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer; superior third is smooth muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is skeletal muscle D) inner longitudinal layer and outer circular layer; superior third is smooth muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is skeletal muscle E) inner circular layer, middle oblique layer, outer longitudinal layer; inner layer is smooth muscle, middle oblique layer is mixed smooth and skeletal muscle, outer longitudinal layer is skeletal muscle

Answer: A inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer; superior third is skeletal muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is smooth muscle

175) Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom? A) jaundice B) elevated levels of blood glucose C) impaired digestion of protein D) blood in the feces E) overproduction of blood plasma albumin

Answer: A jaundice

12) The layer of loose connective tissue that directly supports the digestive epithelium is the A) lamina propria. B) muscularis mucosae. C) submucosa. D) submucosal plexus. E) myenteric plexus.

Answer: A lamina propria

42) ________ are teeth with flattened crowns and prominent ridges that are adapted for crushing and grinding. A) Molars B) Cuspids C) Eye teeth D) Canines E) Dentins

Answer: A molars

29) Carbohydrate digestion begins in the A) mouth. B) esophagus. C) stomach. D) duodenum. E) ileum.

Answer: A mouth

Starting at the mouth, identify the major organs of the digestive tract. (Module 22.1B) A) oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine B) oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, larynx, trachea, stomach, small intestine, liver C) oral cavity (mouth), larynx, trachea, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder D) oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine E) oral cavity (mouth), teeth, tongue, salivary glands, pharynx, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Answer: A oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

76) Chief cells secrete A) pepsinogen. B) gastrin. C) mucus. D) hydrochloric acid. E) intrinsic factor.

Answer: A pepsinogen

120) All of the following are true of the intestinal phase of gastric digestion except that it A) precedes the gastric phase. B) functions to control the rate of gastric emptying. C) involves both neural and endocrine reflexes. D) helps ensure that the functions of the small intestine proceed with relative efficiency. E) begins when chyme enters the small intestine.

Answer: A precedes the gastric phase.

141) Which of the following is not a function of the adult liver? A) producing blood cells B) synthesizing clotting factors C) producing bile D) synthesizing and releasing cholesterol E) storing iron

Answer: A producing blood cells

Does a high-fat meal raise or lower the level of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the blood? (Module 22.14C) A) raise B) lower

Answer: A raise

156) Which of the following is a remnant of the fetal umbilical vein? A) round ligament B) greater omentum C) mesentery proper D) lesser omentum E) diaphragm

Answer: A round ligament

What is the function of the lesser omentum? (Module 22.9B) A) stabilizes the position of the stomach and provides a route for structures entering or leaving the liver B) locks the small intestine and pancreas with the posterior abdominal wall C) provides padding and protection across the anterior and lateral surfaces of the abdomen D) suspends the small intestine E) suspends the large intestine

Answer: A stabilizes the position of the stomach and provides a route for structures entering or leaving the liver

Name the three pairs of salivary glands. (Module 22.19A) A) sublingual, submandibular, and parotid B) buccal, parotid, lingual C) caudate, quadrate, falciform D) lingual, sublingual, and submandibular E) serous, mucous, and parotid

Answer: A sublingual, submandibular, and parotid

Which layer of the digestive tract has a dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae? A) submucosa B) digestive epithelium C) muscular layer D) lamina propria E) mucosa

Answer: A submucosa

24) A structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is the A) uvula. B) pharyngeal arch. C) palatoglossal arch. D) palatopharyngeal arch. E) epiglottis.

Answer: A uvula

169) Which of the following descriptions best matches the term "duodenal ampulla"? A) where pancreatic juice and bile enter duodenum B) carries absorbed sugars and amino acids C) stimulates pancreas to secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid D) causes gall bladder to contract E) stimulates gastric secretion

Answer: A where pancreatic juice and bile enter duodenum

96) Submucosal glands that secrete mucus are characteristic of the A) duodenum. B) jejunum. C) ileum. D) pancreas. E) liver.

Answer: A duodenum

50) There are normally a total of ________ primary teeth. A) 18 B) 20 C) 22 D) 26 E) 32 Answer: B

Answer: B 20

Distinguish between chemical digestion and absorption. (Module 22.5B) A) Chemical digestion involves the entry of food and liquid into the digestive tract, whereas absorption involves the discharge of indigestible food into material waste. B) Chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food, whereas absorption involves the movement of nutrients across the digestive epithelium into the interstitial fluid. C) Chemical digestion involves the discharge of indigestible food into material waste, whereas absorption involves the entry to food and liquid into the digestive tract. D) Chemical digestion involves the crushing and shearing of food, whereas absorption involves the movement of nutrients across the digestive epithelium into the interstitial fluid. E) Chemical digestion involves the movement of food along the digestive tract, whereas absorption involves the secretion of acids, enzymes, and buffers.

Answer: B Chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food, whereas absorption involves the movement of nutrients across the digestive epithelium into the interstitial fluid.

Describe cholecystitis. (Module 22.24B) A) Cholecystitis is inflammation of the liver. B) Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. C) Cholecystitis is inflammation of the pancreas. D) Cholecystitis is inflammation of the small intestine. E) Cholecystitis is inflammation of the large intestine.

Answer: B Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.

160) ________ are arranged within a lobule of the liver into a series of plates converging toward a central vein. A) Kupffer cells B) Hepatocytes C) Bile canaliculi D) Portal areas E) Hepatic ducts

Answer: B Hepatocytes

What is the primary function of the duodenum? (Module 22.13C) A) The primary function of the duodenum is to produce vitamin K. B) The primary function of the duodenum is to neutralize the acidic chyme entering the small intestine. C) The primary function of the duodenum is to regulate the speed that food enters the large intestine. D) The primary function of the duodenum is to absorb water. E) The primary function of the duodenum is to produce acid for the digestion of protein.

Answer: B The primary function of the duodenum is to neutralize the acidic chyme entering the small intestine.

82) A drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in A) a lower pH in the stomach during gastric digestion. B) a higher pH in the stomach during gastric digestion. C) decreased production of pepsinogen by chief cells. D) increased protein digestion in the stomach. E) decreased gastrin production.

Answer: B a higher pH in the stomach during gastric digestion.

22) The movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, minerals, and water across the digestive epithelium into interstitial fluid is known as A) peristalsis. B) absorption. C) compaction. D) ingestion. E) filtration.

Answer: B absorption

47) The root of each tooth sits in a bony cavity known as a(n) A) cement. B) alveolus. C) sulcus. D) buccal. E) ileum.

Answer: B alveols=us

139) Pancreatic endocrine cells secrete all of the following except A) insulin. B) amylase. C) growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GH-IH). D) glucagon. E) pancreatic polypeptide.

Answer: B amylase.

140) Each of the following is a function of the liver except A) synthesis and secretion of bile. B) antibody production. C) synthesis of plasma proteins. D) inactivation of toxins. E) storage of glycogen and iron reserves.

Answer: B antibody production.

62) The esophagus connects to which region of the stomach? A) fundus B) cardia C) body D) antrum E) pylorus

Answer: B cardia

84) Lacteals A) increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine. B) carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system. C) produce new cells for the mucosa of the small intestine. D) secrete digestive enzymes. E) produce milk.

Answer: B carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system.

38) The root of a tooth is covered by A) enamel. B) cement. C) dentin. D) pulp. E) the root canal

Answer: B cement

86) Circular folds are A) ridges in the wall of the stomach. B) circumferential folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine. C) fingerlike projections on the surface of the mucosa of the small intestine. D) ridges on the external edges of the colon. E) abnormal structures formed by excessive pressure in the small intestine.

Answer: B circumferential folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine.

14) A disease that attacks and disables the myenteric plexus would A) increase intestinal motility. B) decrease intestinal motility. C) increase gastric secretion. D) decrease gastric secretion.

Answer: B decrease intestinal motility

168) Bile salts break lipids apart in a process called A) ingestion. B) emulsification. C) absorption. D) deglutition. E) the alkaline tide.

Answer: B emulsification.

119) The gastric phase of gastric secretion is triggered by the A) sight, thought, or smell of food. B) entry of food into the stomach. C) entry of chyme into the small intestine. D) entry of chyme into the large intestine. E) release of cholecystokinin and secretin by the small intestine.

Answer: B entry of food into the stomach.

166) Blockage of the common hepatic duct would interfere with digestion of A) proteins. B) fats. C) disaccharides. D) complex carbohydrates. E) vitamins.

Answer: B fats.

28) The ridge of oral mucosa that surrounds the base of a tooth is the A) vestibule. B) gingiva. C) alveolus. D) uvula. E) faux.

Answer: B gingiva

57) Which of the following contains adipose tissue and provides padding for the anterior and lateral portions of the abdomen? A) falciform ligament B) greater omentum C) mesentery proper D) lesser omentum E) diaphragm

Answer: B greater omentum

Trace a drop of bile from the hepatic ducts to the duodenal lumen. (Module 22.22B) A) hepatic ducts, bile duct, duodenal lumen B) hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, bile duct, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen C) hepatic ducts, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen D) hepatic ducts, liver sinusoids, cystic duct, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen E) hepatic ducts, cystic duct, bile duct, common hepatic duct, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen

Answer: B hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, bile duct, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen

104) If you were to palpate the small intestine at the hypogastric region of a normal, healthy patient, which portion of their small intestine would you be feeling? A) jejunum B) ileum C) duodenum

Answer: B ileum

Why can smooth muscle contract over a wider range of resting lengths than skeletal muscle? (Module 22.3C) A) smooth muscle has tight junctions to keep the fibers anchored B) in smooth muscle the actin and myosin are more loosely organized C) in smooth muscle intercalated discs are found between the fibers D) in smooth muscle the T tubules allow efficient transmission of the action potential E) smooth muscle has fewer layers than skeletal muscle

Answer: B in smooth muscle the actin and myosin are more loosely organized

13) Which of these descriptions best matches the term "submucosal plexus"? A) component of mucosa B) includes a sensory neural network C) secretes a watery fluid D) coordinates activity of the muscular layer E) loose connective tissue layer containing blood vessels

Answer: B includes a sensory neural network

Name the major functions of the large intestine. (Module 22.16A) A) producing digestive enzymes, producing acidic chyme, digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates B) reabsorbing water and compacting material into feces, absorbing vitamins, and storing fecal material C) detoxifying alcohol and drugs, producing bile, storing bile D) producing buffers, absorbing vitamins, and storing bile E) emulsifying lipids, synthesizing clotting factors, and absorbing and inactivating lipid-soluble drugs

Answer: B reabsorbing water and compacting material into feces, absorbing vitamins, and storing fecal material

73) What is the function of the structure labeled "6"? A) strains materials entering the stomach B) regulates release of chyme into the duodenum C) mixes stomach juice into food D) controls contraction of stomach muscles E) prevents food from entering the esophagus

Answer: B regulates release of chyme into the duodenum

Damage to the parotid glands would affect the digestion of which nutrient? (Module 22.19B) A) glucose B) starches C) proteins D) fats E) nucleic acids

Answer: B starches

What is the function of the gallbladder? (Module 22.20D) A) synthesize and secrete bile B) store and concentrate bile C) store fat-soluble vitamins D) store glycogen and lipids E) synthesize clotting factors

Answer: B store and concentrate bile

35) The oral mucosa has ________ epithelium. A) simple squamous B) stratified squamous C) pseudostratified D) stratified columnar E) transitional

Answer: B stratified squamous

The oral cavity is lined by which type of epithelium? (Module 22.6A) A) simple squamous epithelium B) stratified squamous epithelium C) simple cuboidal epithelium D) stratified columnar epithelium E) pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Answer: B stratified squamous epithelium

145) The ________ salivary glands are covered by the mucous membrane in the floor of the mouth. A) mandibular B) sublingual C) lingual D) submandibular E) parotid

Answer: B sublingual

11) Large blood vessels and lymphatics are found in the A) mucosa. B) submucosa. C) muscular layer. D) adventitia. E) serosa.

Answer: B submucosa

127) At the right colic flexure, the colon becomes the A) ascending colon. B) transverse colon. C) descending colon. D) sigmoid colon. E) rectum.

Answer: B transverse colon.

83) Mary had most of her stomach surgically removed in an effort to overcome obesity. As a result, Mary can expect to be at risk for A) protein malnutrition. B) vitamin B12 deficiency. C) diarrhea. D) dehydration. E) an ulcer.

Answer: B vitamin B12 deficiency

Figure 22-2 94) Identify the structures labeled "6." A) circular folds B) villi C) microvilli D) lacteals E) serosa

Answer: B Villi

108) The intestinal hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release enzymes and buffers is A) vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). B) secretin. C) lipase. D) gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP). E) gastrin.

Answer: B secretin

97) Duodenal glands are characteristic of the A) stomach. B) small intestine. C) large intestine. D) liver. E) pancreas.

Answer: B small intestine

Describe a portal triad. (Module 22.21B) A) A portal triad consists of two lobes of the liver and the gallbladder. B) A portal triad consists of the three primary lobes of the liver. C) A portal triad consists of an interlobular vein, an interlobular artery, and an interlobular bile duct. D) A portal triad consists of three hepatocytes forming a lobule. E) A portal triad consists of a central vein, bile canaliculi, and bile ductules.

Answer: C A portal triad consists of an interlobular vein, an interlobular artery, and an interlobular bile duct.

Define emulsification. (Module 22.22A) A) Breakdown of proteins into fatty acids by enzymes B) Breakdown of starches into glucose monomers C) Breakdown of lipid droplets by bile salts D) Breakdown of nucleic acids by bile salts E) Breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids by bile salts

Answer: C Breakdown of lipid droplets by bile salts

What bacterium is responsible for most peptic ulcers? (Module 22.24C) A) Escherichia coli B) Salmonella C) Helicobactor pylori D) Candida albicans E) Staphylococcus aureus

Answer: C Candida albicans

Describe the function of the large intestine. (Module 22.5C) A) Transport of materials to the stomach. B) Enzymatic digestion and absorption of water, organic substrates, vitamins, and ions. C) Dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials in preparation for elimination. D) Mechanical digestion. E) Chemical digestion by acids and enzymes.

Answer: C Dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials in preparation for elimination.

Explain the function of lacteals. (Module 22.12C) A) They primarily deliver hormones to the digestive mucosa. B) They transport materials that cannot enter lymphatic capillaries. C) They transport materials that cannot enter blood capillaries. D) They increase the surface area of the small intestine. E) They release defensins and lysozyme.

Answer: C They transport materials that cannot enter blood capillaries.

142) ________ pair(s) of salivary glands secrete into the oral cavity. A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four E) Six to ten

Answer: C Three

153) The enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates is A) lactase. B) rennin. C) amylase. D) carbonic anhydrase. E) lysozyme.

Answer: C amylase.

138) At what point in the large intestine does the epidermis change from stratified squamous non-keratinized tissue like the oral cavity to stratified squamous keratinized tissue like the skin? A) descending colon B) internal anal sphincter C) anus D) rectum E) sigmoid colon

Answer: C anus

162) Which of the following is not a component of the portal triad found at the edges of a liver lobule? A) hepatic artery B) bile duct C) central vein D) hepatic portal vein E) None of the answers is correct; all are present in the portal triad.

Answer: C central vein

109) An intestinal hormone that stimulates contraction of the gallbladder to release bile is A) enteropeptidase. B) secretin. C) cholecystokinin. D) gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP). E) gastrin.

Answer: C cholecystokinin

What effects might a shortened frenulum of tongue cause? (Module 22.6D) A) difficulty fighting off infections B) difficulty tasting sweet foods C) difficulty eating or talking D) difficulty trapping bacteria and other pathogens that enter the oral cavity E) difficulty tasting spicy foods

Answer: C difficulty eating or talking

105) The order of the small intestine segments, from proximal to distal, is A) ileum, jejunum, duodenum. B) jejunum, duodenum, ileum. C) duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

Answer: C duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What structure marks the division between the left lobe and right lobe of the liver? (Module 22.20B) A) bare area B) round ligament C) falciform ligament D) broad ligament E) peritoneal ligament

Answer: C falciform ligament

155) The structure that marks the division between the right and left lobes of the liver is the A) lesser omentum. B) greater omentum. C) falciform ligament. D) ligamentum teres. E) hepatic ligament.

Answer: C falciform ligament.

64) The portion of the stomach that is superior to the junction between the stomach and the esophagus is the A) cardia. B) pylorus. C) fundus. D) antrum. E) body.

Answer: C fundus

Name the four major regions of the stomach in order from its junction with the esophagus to the small intestine. (Module 22.10A) A) pyloric part, cardia, body, fundus B) cardia, body, pyloric part, fundus C) fundus, cardia, body, pyloric part D) fundus, pyloric part, body, cardia E) cardia, fundus, body, pyloric part

Answer: C fundus, cardia, body, pyloric part

106) G cells of the stomach secrete A) cholecystokinin. B) secretin. C) gastrin. D) enteropeptidase. E) pepsin.

Answer: C gastrin

101) The portion of the small intestine that attaches to the cecum is the A) haustrum. B) appendix. C) ileum. D) duodenum. E) jejunum.

Answer: C ileum

25) All of the following are associated with the oral cavity except A) mechanical processing of food. B) rapid absorption of lipid-soluble drugs. C) initial digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. D) aiding in speech. E) lined by stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium.

Answer: C initial digestion of carbohydrates and proteins

Why might severing the branches of the vagus nerves that supply the stomach provide relief for a person who suffers from chronic gastric ulcers (sores on the stomach lining)? (Module 22.15C) A) it would block sympathetic stimulation of gastric secretions B) it would block the flow of hydrogen ions down the vagus nerve C) it would block parasympathetic stimulation of gastric secretions D) it would block somatic nerve activity to the myenteric plexus E) it would block stomach stretch sensory neurons from being activated

Answer: C it would block parasympathetic stimulation of gastric secretions

100) The middle segment of the small intestine is the A) ileum. B) duodenum. C) jejunum. D) pylorus. E) cecum.

Answer: C jejunum

124) Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials? A) small intestine B) esophagus C) large intestine D) stomach E) anus

Answer: C large intestine

133) What organ is primarily responsible for water absorption? A) small intestine B) esophagus C) large intestine D) stomach E) anus

Answer: C large intestine

53) Which of the following is not a phase of deglutition? A) buccal B) pharyngeal C) laryngeal D) esophageal E) None of the answers is correct; all are phases in deglutition.

Answer: C laryngeal

Which accessory organ of the digestive system is responsible for almost 200 known functions? (Module 22.18C) A) salivary glands B) gallbladder C) liver D) pancreas E) appendix

Answer: C liver

159) The basic functional unit of the liver is the A) hepatocyte. B) Kupffer cell. C) lobule. D) portal area. E) bile canaliculus.

Answer: C lobule.

134) Movements unique to the large intestine are ________ movements. A) peristaltic B) segmentation C) mass D) pendular E) writhing

Answer: C mass

The ________ is a double sheet of peritoneal membrane that suspends the visceral organs and carries nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels. A) serosa B) adventitia C) mesentery D) fibrosa E) lamina propria

Answer: C mesentery

55) The ________ supports most of the small intestine and provides stability and limited movement. A) falciform ligament B) greater omentum C) mesentery proper D) lesser omentum E) diaphragm

Answer: C mesentery proper

Figure 21-1 69) Identify the structure labeled "10." A) longitudinal muscle layer B) circular muscle layer C) oblique muscle layer D) rugae E) submucosa

Answer: C oblique muscle layer

77) Gastric pits are A) ridges in the body of the stomach. B) involved in absorption of liquids from the stomach. C) openings into gastric glands. D) acid scars in the esophagus. E) hollows where proteins are stored.

Answer: C openings into gastric glands

171) The exocrine portion of the pancreas is composed of A) pancreatic islets. B) pancreatic crypts. C) pancreatic acini. D) pancreatic lobules. E) triads

Answer: C pancreatic acini.

148) Increased secretion by all the salivary glands results from A) sympathetic stimulation. B) hormonal stimulation. C) parasympathetic stimulation. D) myenteric reflexes. E) hunger.

Answer: C parasympathetic stimulation.

147) The ________ gland empties into the oral cavity at the level of the second upper molar. A) submaxillary B) submandibular C) parotid D) sublingual E) vestibular

Answer: C parotid

18) Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called A) segmentations. B) pendular movements. C) peristalsis. D) churning movements. E) mastication.

Answer: C peristalsis

115) Gastrin secretion is associated with A) glucose entering the small intestine. B) decreased stomach motility. C) decreased gastric acid production. D) food arriving in the stomach. E) chyme entering the duodenum.

Answer: D D) food arriving in the stomach.

190) Which is more efficient in propelling intestinal contents along the digestive tract: peristalsis or segmentation? Why? (Module 22.4A) A) segmentation; because it involves pushing the bolus forward B) segmentation; because it involves mixing and churning C) peristalsis; because it involves pushing the bolus forward D) peristalsis; because it involves mixing and churning E) both segmentation and peristalsis are equally effective at propelling intestinal contents along the digestive tract

Answer: C peristalsis; because it involves pushing the bolus forward

128) Approximately the last 15 cm of the digestive tract is the A) anus. B) anal canal. C) rectum. D) sigmoid colon. E) rectal column.

Answer: C rectum.

What is the falciform ligament? (Module 22.9A) A) dorsal mesentery of the stomach B) dorsal mesentery of the small intestine C) remnant of the ventral mesentery between the liver and the anterior wall of the peritoneal cavity D) remnant of the ventral mesentery between the stomach and the liver E) dorsal mesentery of the large intestine

Answer: C remnant of the ventral mesentery between the liver and the anterior wall of the peritoneal cavity

103) The cecum and the vermiform appendix are physically located in the A) right lumbar region. B) left lumbar region. C) right inguinal region. D) hypogastric region. E) left inguinal region.

Answer: C right inguinal region

68) The prominent ridges in the lining of the empty stomach are called A) cardia. B) papillae. C) rugae. D) plicae. E) villi.

Answer: C rugae

What is the function of parietal cells? (Module 22.11B) A) secrete mucous B) secrete pepsinogen C) secrete intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid D) secrete a variety of hormones E) absorb nutrients

Answer: C secrete intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid

23) Chemical breakdown of materials by acid and enzymes takes place in the A) oral cavity. B) esophagus. C) stomach. D) small intestine. E) large intestine.

Answer: C stomach

Which pair of salivary glands contributes most to saliva production? (Module 22.19C) A) lingual B) sublingual C) submandibular D) parotid E) buccal

Answer: C submandibular

Which pair of salivary glands secretes substances that reduce oral bacteria populations? (Module 22.19D) A) lingual B) sublingual C) submandibular D) parotid E) buccal

Answer: C submandibular

54) Muscles known as the pharyngeal constrictors function in A) mastication. B) moving the tongue. C) swallowing. D) esophageal peristalsis. E) opening the cardiac sphincter.

Answer: C swallowing

List the accessory organs of the digestive system. (Module 22.1C) A) oral cavity, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, esophagus B) oral cavity, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver C) teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas D) teeth, tongue, stomach, liver, gallbladder, large intestine E) pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Answer: C teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

75) Parietal cells and their secretions are not involved in A) the absorption of vitamin B12. B) erythropoiesis. C) the release of bicarbonate into the stomach. D) activation of pepsinogen to pepsin. E) the release of bicarbonate into the blood.

Answer: C the release of bicarbonate into the stomach

33) Which of the following statements about the tongue is false? A) The dorsal surface is covered with papillae. B) It is composed of skeletal muscle. C) The uvula attaches to the base. D) It secretes lingual lipase. E) It is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).

Answer: C the uvula attaches to the base

118) During the cephalic phase of gastric secretion, A) the stomach responds to distention. B) secretin inhibits parietal and chief cells. C) the vagus nerve innervates the stomach. D) the intestinal reflex inhibits gastric emptying. E) production of gastric juice slows down.

Answer: C the vagus nerve innervates the stomach.

What is the importance of the mesenteries? (Module 22.2A) A) they increase the surface area available for absorption in the small intestine B) they produce enzymes to increase the digestion of proteins and fats in the small intestine C) they support and stabilize organs of the abdominal cavity and provide a passageway for blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels D) they consist of smooth muscle that contracts to push food along the digestive tract E) they produce hormones that regulate the activities of the digestive organs

Answer: C they support and stabilize organs of the abdominal cavity and provide a passageway for blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels

107) An intestinal hormone that stimulates mucus secretion by the submucosal duodenal glands and dilation of intestinal capillaries is A) secretin. B) cholecystokinin. C) vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). D) gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP). E) gastrin.

Answer: C vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)

49) The first teeth to appear are not associated with A) milk teeth. B) baby teeth. C) wisdom teeth. D) primary teeth. E) deciduous teeth.

Answer: C wisdom teeth

95) Where would you find a brush border? A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 9 E) 10

Answer: C 6

98) The villi are most developed in the A) stomach. B) duodenum. C) jejunum. D) esophagus. E) colon.

Answer: C jejunum

Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony? A) increased clotting time B) jaundice C) portal hypertension and ascites D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Answer: D All of the answers are correct

135) Functions of the large intestine include A) storage of fecal material prior to defection. B) absorption of vitamins. C) reabsorption of water and compaction of feces. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Answer: D All of the answers are correct.

149) A blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands would A) reduce delivery of saliva. B) cause mumps-like swelling of the face. C) interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Answer: D All of the answers are correct.

Define ingestion. (Module 22.5A) A) The movement of nutrients across the digestive epithelium and into the bloodstream. B) The discharge of feces. C) The enzymatic breakdown of food. D) Entry of food and liquids into the digestive tract through the mouth. E) The crushing and shearing of food.

Answer: D Entry of food and liquids into the digestive tract through the mouth.

Describe the outer covering of the liver. (Module 22.20A) A) It is covered by a delicate serous membrane filled peritoneal fluid. B) It is covered by a thick layer of adipose tissue. C) It is covered by ligaments that suspend the liver. D) It is covered by a layer of visceral peritoneum and wrapped in a tough fibrous capsule. E) It is covered by thick stratified squamous epithelial tissue for protection.

Answer: D It is covered by a layer of visceral peritoneum and wrapped in a tough fibrous capsule.

How does digestion occur in the large intestine? (Module 22.17A) A) The mucosa of the large intestine produces enzymes that begin digestion. B) Pancreatic juice flows through the pancreatic duct into the large intestine allowing digestion to occur. C) Bile enters the large intestine through the bile duct. D) No digestive enzymes are produced in the large intestine but digestion continues from the enzymes present that were secreted or produced in the small intestine. E) No digestive enzymes are produced and the digestive enzymes from the small intestine are inactivated in the large intestine so digestion does not occur in the large intestine.

Answer: D No digestive enzymes are produced in the large intestine but digestion continues from the enzymes present that were secreted or produced in the small intestine.

Describe the alkaline tide. (Module 22.11C) A) The alkaline tide is the activation of carbonic acid inside parietal cells. B) The alkaline tide is the release of intrinsic factor. C) The alkaline tide is the release of hormones that influence digestion. D) The alkaline tide is the sudden influx of bicarbonate ions into the bloodstream. E) The alkaline tide is the active transport of hydrogen ions into the gastric lumen.

Answer: D The alkaline tide is the sudden influx of bicarbonate ions into the bloodstream.

Describe two central reflexes triggered by stimulation of the stretch receptors in the stomach wall. (Module 22.15B) A) The cephalic reflex opens the esophagus during swallowing and the gastric reflex opens the cardiac sphincter. B) The gastric reflex opens the cardiac sphincter and the enteric reflex opens the pyloric sphincter. C) The enterogastric reflex closes the pyloric sphincter and the gastroenteric reflex stimulates motility and secretion in the small intestine. D) The gastroenteric reflex stimulates motility and secretion in the small intestine and the gastroileal reflex opens the ileocecal valve. E) The gastroileal reflex opens the ileocecal valve and the colonic reflex closes the ileocecal valve.

Answer: D The gastroenteric reflex stimulates motility and secretion in the small intestine and the gastroileal reflex opens the ileocecal valve.

Explain the significance of the alkaline mucous layer lining the interior surface of the stomach. (Module 22.11A) A) The mucous layer protects against foreign pathogens in the gastric lumen. B) The mucous layer modifies the pH of food for better digestion. C) The mucous layer activates antibodies to kill microorganisms in the gastric lumen. D) The mucous layer protects epithelial cells from the acid and enzymes in the gastric lumen. E) The mucous layer keeps food from sticking to the walls of the stomach so it can enter the small intestine.

Answer: D The mucous layer protects epithelial cells from the acid and enzymes in the gastric lumen.

Compare the submucosal neural plexus with the myenteric plexus. (Module 22.2C) A) The submucosal neural plexus and the myenteric plexus both contain neurons but the submucosal neural plexus innervates the mucosa only, whereas the myenteric plexus innervates the serosa only. B) The submucosal neural plexus contains only sensory neurons, whereas the myenteric plexus contains only motor neurons. C) The submucosal neural plexus and the myenteric plexus are both intricate capillary beds found in the layers of the digestive tract. D) The submucosal neural plexus and the myenteric plexus both contain neurons but the submucosal neural plexus innervates the mucosa and submucosa, whereas the myenteric plexus innervates the muscular layer. E) The submucosal neural plexus contains only motor neurons, whereas the myenteric plexus contains only sensory neurons.

Answer: D The submucosal neural plexus and the myenteric plexus both contain neurons but the submucosal neural plexus innervates the mucosa and submucosa, whereas the myenteric plexus innervates the muscular layer.

81) Which of the following is not true of parietal cells? A) They contain carbonic anhydrase that converts carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid. B) They produce bicarbonate by dissociation of carbonic acid. C) They import chloride ions from the interstitial fluid to produce hydrochloric acid in the gastric glands. D) They release bicarbonate into the lumen of gastric glands. E) They release bicarbonate into the interstitial fluid that then enters the bloodstream.

Answer: D They release bicarbonate into the lumen of gastric glands.

63) The greater omentum is A) the entrance to the stomach. B) attached to the stomach at the lesser curvature. C) important in the digestion of fats. D) a fatty sheet that hangs like an apron over the abdominal viscera. E) a sheet of mesentery that attaches to the liver

Answer: D a fatty sheet that hangs like apron over the abdominal viscera

117) A drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would not affect the A) sensation of hunger. B) release of pancreatic secretions into the duodenum. C) delivery of bile. D) ability to absorb carbohydrates. E) ability to digest a fatty meal.

Answer: D ability to absorb carbohydrates.

32) The functions of the oral cavity include all of the following except A) analysis of material before swallowing. B) mechanical processing of food. C) lubrication. D) absorption of monosaccharides. E) digestion of carbohydrates

Answer: D absorption of monosaccharides

52) During deglutition, A) the soft palate elevates. B) the larynx elevates and the epiglottis closes. C) the lower esophageal sphincter opens. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Answer: D all of the answer are correct

132) A small, wormlike structure attached to the posteromedial surface of the cecum is the A) haustra. B) pancreas. C) gallbladder. D) appendix. E) ileum.

Answer: D appendix.

146) Which salivary gland produces a serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase? A) mandibular B) sublingual C) lingual D) submandibular E) parotid

Answer: E parotid

Identify the four regions of the colon. (Module 22.16B) A) ileum, cecum, transverse colon, sigmoid colon B) duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum C) cardia, pylorus, body, sigmoid colon D) ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon E) cecum, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus

Answer: D ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon

Each of the following organs is a component of the digestive tract except the A) stomach. B) pharynx. C) esophagus. D) bladder. E) colon.

Answer: D bladder

26) The roof of the oral cavity is formed by A) the hard palate. B) the soft palate. C) the frenulum. D) both the hard palate and the soft palate. E) the uvula.

Answer: D both the hard palate and the soft palate

158) In the center of a liver lobule there is a A) hepatic duct. B) portal area. C) sinusoid. D) central vein. E) portal vein.

Answer: D central vein.

67) After food and gastric juices combine, the gastric contents are referred to as A) a bolus. B) secretin. C) plicae. D) chyme. E) bile.

Answer: D chyme

Which of these descriptions best matches the term "myenteric plexus"? A) component of mucosa B) sensory neural network C) secretes a watery fluid D) coordinates activity of the muscular layer E) loose connective tissue layer containing blood vessels

Answer: D coordinates activity of the muscular layer

41) ________ are pointed teeth that are adapted for tearing and slashing. A) Incisors B) Bicuspids C) Premolars D) Cuspids E) Molars

Answer: D cuspids

60) Ascites, the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, would not be caused by A) liver disease. B) cancer. C) kidney disease. D) dehydration. E) heart failure.

Answer: D dehydration

Identify the segment of the small intestine found within the epigastric region. (Module 22.13B) A) ileum B) ileocecal valve C) jejunum D) duodenum E) cecum

Answer: D duodenum

154) The human liver is composed of ________ lobe(s). A) one B) two C) three D) four E) two large and four small

Answer: D four

111) An intestinal hormone that stimulates gastric secretion is A) secretin. B) cholecystokinin. C) enteropeptidase. D) gastrin. E) gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP).

Answer: D gastrin

48) The articulation between the periodontal ligament and the bone at the base of the tooth is what type of joint? A) syndesmosis B) synostosis C) suture D) gomphosis E) symphysis

Answer: D gomphosis

Name the structure that forms the roof of the mouth. (Module 22.6B) A) palatoglossal arch B) lingual tonsils C) pharyngeal tonsil D) hard palate E) uvula

Answer: D hard palate

61) Regions of the stomach include all of the following except A) cardia. B) body. C) pylorus. D) ileum. E) fundus.

Answer: D ileum

99) Aggregated lymphoid nodules are characteristic of the A) stomach. B) duodenum. C) jejunum. D) ileum. E) colon.

Answer: D ileum

40) ________ are blade-shaped teeth that function in cutting or clipping. A) Canines B) Bicuspids C) Cuspids D) Incisors E) Molars

Answer: D incisors

172) Pancreatic exocrine cells secrete all of the following except A) lipases and amylase. B) nucleases. C) peptidases and proteinases. D) insulin. E) bicarbonate.

Answer: D insulin.

136) The ________ is composed of smooth muscle fibers and is not under voluntary control. A) rectum B) sigmoid flexure C) anal canal D) internal anal sphincter E) external anal sphincter

Answer: D internal anal sphincter

30) The upper and lower lips are attached to the gums by the A) gingiva. B) fauces. C) lingual frenulum. D) labial frenulum. E) vestibule.

Answer: D labial frenulum

Figure 22-2 89) Which of the following is not found in layer "3"? A) lymphatic vessels B) arteries C) veins D) lacteals E) nerves

Answer: D lacteals

56) What provides access for blood vessels entering and leaving the liver? A) falciform ligament B) greater omentum C) mesentery proper D) lesser omentum E) diaphragm

Answer: D lesser omentum

Define stellate macrophages, and indicate their functions. (Module 22.21C) A) liver macrophages which breakdown and phagocytose excess bile B) liver macrophages which synthesize bile C) gallbladder macrophages which breakdown and phagocytose excess bile D) liver macrophages which engulf pathogens, cell debris, and damaged blood cells E) liver macrophages which adjust circulating levels of nutrients through selective absorption and secretion

Answer: D liver macrophages which engulf pathogens, cell debris, and damaged blood cells

121) The gastroileal reflex A) empties the duodenum. B) promotes gastric secretion. C) decreases peristaltic activity. D) moves some chyme to the colon. E) is relayed through the CNS.

Answer: D moves some chyme to the colon.

The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the A) serosa. B) adventitia. C) muscularis mucosa. D) mucosa. E) submucosa.

Answer: D mucosa

A viral infection that often involves the parotid glands, which swell noticeably, is A) gastric ulceration. B) hepatitis. C) cirrhosis. D) mumps. E) HIV.

Answer: D mumps

5) Contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves epithelial pleats and folds. A) mucosa B) submucosa C) submucosal plexus D) muscularis mucosa E) adventitia

Answer: D muscularis mucosa

) Sandwiched between the layer of circular and longitudinal muscle in the muscular layer is the A) mucosa. B) submucosa. C) muscularis mucosa. D) myenteric plexus. E) submucosal plexus.

Answer: D myenteric plexus

Figure 22-2 90) Which structure controls the contraction of the muscular layer? A) muscularis mucosae (2) B) submucosal plexus (8) C) circular layer of smooth muscle (9) D) myenteric plexus (10) E) longitudinal layer of smooth muscle (11)

Answer: D myenteric plexus (10)

16) The ability of smooth muscle to contract over a wide range of lengths is called ________, while its normal background level of activity is known as ________. A) extensibility; plasticity B) elasticity; tone C) electicity; spasticity D) plasticity; tone E) plasticity; compaction

Answer: D plasticity; tone

31) The uvula is located at the A) posterior of the tongue. B) margin of the vestibule. C) base of a tooth. D) posterior margin of the soft palate. E) margin of the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx.

Answer: D posterior margin of the soft palate

Explain the significance of peritoneal fluid. (Module 22.9C) A) provide a liquid medium for the intestines to be suspended in B) gas exchange occurs in the peritoneal fluid C) hormones travel through the peritoneal fluid to their target digestive organs D) prevent friction and irritation when digestive organs move E) nutrients pass from the digestive lumen into the peritoneal fluid before entering the bloodstream

Answer: D prevent friction and irritation when digestive organs move

37) The chamber within a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves is the A) enamel. B) cement. C) dentin. D) pulp cavity. E) periodontium.

Answer: D pulp cavity

79) An enzyme secreted by the gastric mucosa of a newborn that assists in the digestion of milk proteins is A) pepsin. B) trypsin. C) gastrin. D) rennin. E) cholecystokinin.

Answer: D rennin.

181) Which other systems work with the digestive system to support the cells and tissues of the human body? (Module 22.1A) A) reproductive, integumentary, and lymphatic systems B) skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems C) endocrine, lymphatic and integumentary systems D) respiratory, cardiovascular, and urinary systems E) nervous, lymphatic, and endocrine systems

Answer: D respiratory, cardiovascular, and urinary systems

15) In the digestive and urinary systems, rings of smooth muscle, called ________, regulate the movement of materials along internal passageways. A) circular muscles B) longitudinal muscles C) muscularis mucosae D) sphincters E) the muscular layer

Answer: D sphincters

Identify the structural characteristics of smooth muscle fibers. (Module 22.3B) A) long fibers with T tubules, myofibrils, and sarcomeres B) short fibers with T tubules, myofibrils, and intercalated discs C) thick fibers with myofibrils and desmosomes D) spindle shaped fibers that lack T tubules, myofibrils, and sarcomeres E) round fibers that lack thin filaments and dense bodies

Answer: D spindle shaped fibers that lack T tubules, myofibrils, and sarcomeres

74) The ________ mechanically digests ingested food. A) small intestine B) esophagus C) large intestine D) stomach E) anus

Answer: D stomach

143) What is the salivary gland that secretes a watery mixture rich in salivary amylase and buffers? A) mandibular B) sublingual C) lingual D) submandibular E) parotid

Answer: D submandibular

Sensory nerve cells, parasympathetic ganglia, and sympathetic postganglionic fibers can be found in the A) mucosa. B) serosa. C) adventitia. D) submucosal plexus. E) lamina propria.

Answer: D submucosal plexus

What anatomical feature of the stomach allows the organ to form chyme? (Module 22.10B) A) the muscular pyloric sphincter contracts B) the rugae allows the lumen to expand C) the wide body gives ample space D) the 3 muscular layers allows mixing and churning E) the long greater curvature produces an angle creating a pouch

Answer: D the 3 muscular layers allows mixing and churning

27) The space between the cheeks or lips and the teeth is called the A) pharynx. B) larynx. C) fauces. D) vestibule. E) dip sulcus.

Answer: D vestibule

17) What type of muscle cells are arranged in sheets or layers, with adjacent muscle cells electrically connected by gap junctions and mechanically connected by dense bodies? A) skeletal muscles B) cardiac muscles C) multi-unit smooth muscles D) visceral smooth muscles

Answer: D visceral smooth muscles

What is the name sometimes given to the third set of molars? (Module 22.7B) A) deciduous teeth B) baby teeth C) milk teeth D) wisdom teeth E) permanent teeth

Answer: D wisdom teeth

Figure 22-2 92) What type of epithelium covers the structures labeled "6"? A) simple squamous B) stratified squamous C) simple cuboidal D) simple columnar E) pseudostratified ciliated columnar

Answer: D Simple columnar

114) Which of the following descriptions is not related to cholecystokinin (CCK)? A) secreted when chyme enters the duodenum B) accelerates the production and secretion of digestive enzymes C) causes the relaxation of the hepatopancreatic sphincter D) causes the gallbladder to contract and eject bile E) increases the sensation of hunger

Answer: E increases the sensation of hunger

51) X-rays of the mandible and maxillae of an average 4-year-old child would capture the image of ________ teeth. A) 18 B) 20 C) 26 D) 32 E) 52 Answer: E

Answer: E 52

59) Approximately ________ liters of fluid are secreted and reabsorbed into the peritoneal cavity each day. A) 5 B) 10 C) 2 D) 1 E) 7

Answer: E 7

Figure 21-1 72) Which structure helps the stomach to stretch as it fills with food? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 9

Answer: E 9

88) Which of the following does not describe how products of fat digestion are absorbed and transported? A) Absorbed fatty acids are assembled into protein-lipid packages. B) Lipid rich packages reach the venous circulation via the thoracic duct. C) Lacteals transport materials that cannot enter the blood capillaries. D) Fats must pass through the simple columnar epithelium lining the small intestines. E) Brush border enzymes break down the fats so they can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Answer: E Brush border enzymes break down the fats so they can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

152) Which of the following cranial nerves are not involved in stimulating salivary reflexes or taste buds? A) Trigeminal (V) B) Facial (VII) C) Glossopharyngeal (IX) D) Vagus (X) E) Hypoglossal (XII)

Answer: E Hypoglossal (XII)

Distinguish between the exocrine and endocrine secretions of the pancreas. (Module 22.18B) A) The exocrine pancreas produces acidic secretions and the endocrine pancreas produces alkaline secretions. B) The exocrine pancreas produces mucous and the endocrine pancreas produces enzymes. C) The exocrine pancreas produces bile and the endocrine pancreas concentrates and stores bile. D) The exocrine pancreas produces hormones and the endocrine pancreas produces buffers and enzymes. E) The exocrine pancreas produces buffers and enzymes and the endocrine pancreas produces hormones.

Answer: E The exocrine pancreas produces buffers and enzymes and the endocrine pancreas produces hormones.

122) Which of the following is true regarding the central and local mechanisms controlling gastric and intestinal activities? A) The cephalic phase begins as food enters the stomach. B) The gastric phase only lasts for minutes. C) The cephalic phase includes the release of bile from the gallbladder. D) The intestinal phase increases the stimulation of the stomach's stretch receptors. E) The intestinal phase triggers mucus and bicarbonate to help protect the duodenum from arriving acid.

Answer: E The intestinal phase triggers mucus and bicarbonate to help protect the duodenum from arriving acid.

179) Colon cancer is the #3 cancer killer. Whether you are a man or a woman, current guidelines urge you to have a colonoscopy screening when you reach age 50 because A) colon cancer is the #3 cancer killer, behind breast and lung cancer for women, so you could die if you don't get screened. B) colon cancer is the #3 cancer killer, behind prostate and lung cancer for men, so you could die if you don't get screened. C) colon cancer is treatable with surgery if caught in time with a colonoscopy, but you could die if you don't get screened. D) early colon cancer often has no symptoms, which is why screening is so important, so you could die if you don't get screened. E) all of the answers are correct, and you could die if you don't have a screening colonoscopy when you reach age 50.

Answer: E all of the answers are correct, and you could die if you don't have a screening colonoscopy when you reach age 50.

A traumatic injury to the umbilical region could affect which segments of the small intestine? (Module 22.13D) A) only the duodenum would be affected B) only the jejunum would be affected C) only the ileum would be affected D) the duodenum and jejunum would be affected E) all three segments of the small intestine would be affected

Answer: E all three segments of the small intestine would be affected

45) ________ crush and grind food. A) Bicuspids B) Incisors C) Molars D) Cuspids E) Both bicuspids and molars

Answer: E both bicuspids and molars

131) The sac-like structure that joins the ileum at the ileocecal valve is the A) appendix. B) sigmoid colon. C) rectum. D) haustra. E) cecum.

Answer: E cecum.

87) Which of the following does not enhance the absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine? A) circular folds B) villi C) microvilli D) intestinal movements E) cilia

Answer: E cilia

144) Which of the following is false about secretions from the salivary glands? A) are mostly water B) help control bacterial populations in the mouth C) help lubricate the oral cavity and its contents D) contain enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates E) contain enzymes for the digestion of lipids

Answer: E contain enzymes for the digestion of lipids

137) Which of the following is not a component of the defecation reflex? A) increased local peristalsis B) stimulation of myenteric plexus in sigmoid colon C) stimulation of stretch receptors D) stimulation of parasympathetic motor neurons in sacral spinal cord E) contraction of the external anal sphincter

Answer: E contraction of the external anal sphincter

Name the three main parts of a typical tooth. (Module 22.7A) A) bulb, shaft, and root B) labia, body, and root C) canal, cavity, and socket D) papilla, cortex, and medulla E) crown, neck, and root

Answer: E crown, neck, and root

Name the three segments of the small intestine from proximal to distal. (Module 22.13A) A) ileum, jejunum, cecum B) cecum, transverse colon, sigmoid colon C) jejunum, duodenum, cecum D) ileum, jejunum, duodenum E) duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Answer: E duodenum, jejunum, ileum

21) Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system? A) mechanical processing B) absorption C) compaction D) ingestion E) filtration

Answer: E filtration

178) Your patient has inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach. This is known clinically as A) an ulcer. B) gingivitis. C) cholecystitis. D) ascites. E) gastritis.

Answer: E gastritis

174) All of the following enzymes are secreted by the pancreas except A) trypsin. B) amylase. C) nuclease. D) chymotrypsin. E) insulin.

Answer: E insulin

58) Which of the following is not true of the serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity? A) It secretes peritoneal fluid. B) It decreases friction. C) It lubricates the cavity. D) It prevents irritation. E) It can be directly observed during a colonoscopy.

Answer: E it can de directly observed during a colonscopy

Cite the major mechanisms that regulate and control digestive activities. (Module 22.4B) A) local factors B) central nervous system reflexes C) local factors and neural mechanisms D) neural mechanisms and hormonal mechanisms E) local factors, neural mechanisms, and hormonal mechanisms

Answer: E local factors, neural mechanisms, and hormonal mechanisms

125) Powerful peristaltic contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called A) segmentation. B) pendular movements. C) haustral churning. D) defecation. E) mass movements.

Answer: E mass movements.

Name the regions and functions of the pharynx. (Module 22.8A) A) buccal pharynx, lingual pharynx, and oral pharynx; to mix food with salivary gland secretions B) labial pharynx, palatopharynx, and lingual pharynx; to mix food with salivary gland secretions C) buccal pharynx, labial pharynx, and palatopharynx; to provide a passageway for food to enter the esophagus D) nasopharynx, oropharynx, and palatopharynx; to provide a passageway for food to enter the esophagus E) nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx; to provide a passageway for food to enter the esophagus

Answer: E nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx; to provide a passageway for food to enter the esophagus

46) The ________ of the tooth marks the boundary between the crown and the root. A) occlusal surface B) cement. C) gingival sulcus D) apical foramen E) neck

Answer: E neck

Describe mass movements. (Module 22.16C) A) movements of chyme out of the esophagus into the stomach B) movements of chyme out of the stomach into the small intestine C) movements of chyme out of the small intestine into the colon D) powerful peristaltic contractions that occur in response to the amount of blood flow to the digestive organs E) powerful peristaltic contractions that occur in response to distension of the stomach and duodenum

Answer: E powerful peristaltic contractions that occur in response to distension of the stomach and duodenum

66) The region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the A) antrum. B) fundus. C) body. D) cardia. E) pylorus.

Answer: E pylorus

Figure 21-1 71) Identify the structure labeled "7." A) esophagus B) cardia C) lesser curvature D) greater curvature E) pylorus

Answer: E pylorus

80) All of the following are true of the lining of the stomach except that it A) has a simple columnar epithelium. B) is covered by thick, alkaline mucus. C) is constantly being replaced. D) contains gastric pits. E) recycles bile.

Answer: E recycles bile.

Name the lobes of the liver. (Module 22.20C) A) superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior B) superior, inferior, medial, and lateral C) superior, inferior, right, and left D) anterior, posterior, caudate, and quadrate E) right, left, caudate, and quadrate

Answer: E right, left, caudate, and quadrate

34) Which of the following is not a function of the tongue? A) manipulation to assist with chewing B) mechanical processing C) sensory analysis D) secretion of mucins E) saliva production

Answer: E salvia production

123) Enterogastric reflexes A) increase gastric motility. B) increase gastric secretion. C) are triggered by bile entering the gallbladder. D) involve the central nervous system. E) stimulate the contraction of the pyloric sphincter.

Answer: E stimulate the contraction of the pyloric sphincter.

112) Which of these descriptions best matches the term gastrin? A) where pancreatic juice and bile enter duodenum B) carries absorbed sugars and amino acids C) stimulates pancreas to secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid D) causes gall bladder to contract E) stimulates gastric secretion

Answer: E stimulates gastric secretion

19) The physiological activities of the digestive system are not regulated by A) hormones. B) parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons. C) the contents of the digestive tract. D) intrinsic nerve plexuses. E) the cerebral cortex

Answer: E the cerebral cortex

161) Which of the following is not true of the Kupffer cells of the liver? A) they destroy damaged RBCs B) they engulf bacteria C) they store heavy metals D) they are phagocytic E) they are also called hepatocytes

Answer: E they are also called hepatocytes

What is the primary digestive function of the pancreas? (Module 22.23A) A) to produce hormones that increase digestion in the small intestine B) to produce acid for the digestion of proteins in the stomach C) to produce mucus for the ease of feces passing through the rectum D) to produce bile for the digestion of lipids E) to produce buffers and enzymes for the digestion of starches, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins

Answer: E to produce buffers and enzymes for the digestion of starches, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins

Figure 22-2 93) Which of the following is not true for the structure labeled "5"? A) It contributes to the mesentery of the small intestine. B) It has a simple squamous epithelium. C) It is part of the visceral peritoneum. D) It is called the serosa. E) It contains brush border enzymes.

Answer: E It contains brush border enzymes

43) ________ are also known as canines. A) Bicuspids B) Incisors C) Molars D) Secondary teeth E) Cuspids

Answer: E cuspids

110) An intestinal hormone that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreatic islet cells is A) vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). B) enteropeptidase. C) secretin. D) cholecystokinin. E) gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP).

Answer: E gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)

Define hemorrhoids. (Module 22.17B) A) Hemorrhoids are distended veins in the distal portion of the rectum. B) Hemorrhoids are polyps that form in the sigmoid colon. C) Hemorrhoids are ulcers in the large intestine from acidic chyme that was not neutralized. D) Hemorrhoids are pouches in the wall of the colon. E) Hemorrhoids are collections of fat along the serosa of the rectum.

answer: A Hemorrhoids are distended veins in the distal portion of the rectum.

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