Digestive System

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Which type of epithelium lines the oral cavity?

Stratified Squamous

Where in the human body would you find the fauces?

The fauces is the opening between the oral cavity and the pharynx.

How does enterokinase/enteropeptidase 'kick start' protein digestion in the duodenum?

The proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas are secreted in proenzyme form (to protect the pancreas from eating itself). Enterokinase is in the brush borders of the intestinal epithelial cells of the small intestine. Enterokinase converts trypsinogen (proenzyme from pancreas) to trypsin. Trypsin then activates other proenzymes from the pancreas in the duodenum including chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin, procarboxypeptidase to carboxypeptidase, and proelastase to elastase.

___ is the condition of having gallstones. A. Cholelithasis B. Gout C. Cholecystokinin D. Achalasia


____ reflex is stimulated by the arrival of food in the stomach. This reflex will increase peristalsis along the small intestine. A. Gastroenteric B. Enterogastric C. Gastroileal D. Enteroileal


During __ phase of gastric secretion, gastric acid and pepsinogen production are inhibited. A. Gastric B. Intestinal C. Cephalic D. Enterogastric


____ is the bony substance that covers the ___ in the root region and anchors the tooth to the periodontal ligament. A. Enamel, cementum B. Cementum, dentin C. Enamel, dentin D. Dentin, cementum


How does bile aid in lipid catabolism?

Bile consists mostly of water with minor amounts of ions, bilirubin (a pigment derived from hemoglobin), cholesterol, and an assortment of lipids collectively known as bile salts. The water and ions assist in the dilution and buffering of acids in chyme as it enters the small intestine. The bile salts emulsify lipids into smaller lipids exposing more surface area of water insoluble lipids to water soluble lipases. Bile salts also promote the absorption of lipids by the intestinal epithelium

There are about 800 permanent transverse folds in the small intestine called A. Lacteal B. Haustra C. Plicae D. Villi


___ cells of the gastric glands secrete H+, Cl-, and intrinsic factor. A. G B. D C. Parietal D. Chief


Seventy percent of the pancreatic enzymes are A. Carbohydrases B. Lipases C. Nucleases D. Proteolytic enzymes


This 10 inch to 1 foot muscular tube transports bolus. A. Small intestine B. Cecum C. Vermiform appendix D. Esophagus


___ is produced from the ___ so that lipids are ___. A. Lipase, liver, digested B. Lipase, pancreas, emulsified C. Bile, gall bladder, digested D. Bile, liver, emulsified


What is the difference between the enterogastric reflex and the gastroenteric reflex?

Enterogastric Reflex: is triggered by baroreceptors (arrival of chyme stretches the receptors) and chemoreceptors (pH change in the arrival of chyme) in the duodenum. The results are temporarily inhibit gastrin production, decrease stomach contractions, and increase the contraction of the pyloric sphincter. The enterogastric reflex gives the duodenum time to deal with newly arrived acidic chyme before the stomach spews out more. Gastroenteric Reflex: is stimulated by the baroreceptors in the stomach when stretched with bolus. The results os this reflex are increase motility and increase secretion along the small intestine. The actions of these reflexes are opposite.

The stomach is mostly on what side of the body?


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