Digestive system

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What are hepatic cords?

"Strings" of hepatocytes that radiate away from the central vein

The liver consists of ______ major lobe(s) and ______ minor lobe(s).


The hepatic lobule is a _____ -sided structure with a(n) _____ triad at each corner and a central vein located in the center of each lobule.

6, portal

Describe a hepatic lobule.

A hexagon-shaped tissue with a portal triad at each corner

What is bile?

A substance produced by hepatocytes from metabolic by-products

Which cell of the duodenum produces digestive enzymes and absorbs food?

Absorptive cells

List blood proteins produced by the liver.

Albumins Heparin Fibrinogen

Describe the functions of hepatocytes.

Bile production Phagocytosis Synthesis of blood components Detoxification

Identify the factors that stimulate bile secretion from the liver.

Bile salts secretin Vagus nerve

What are hepatic sinusoids?

Blood filled channels between hepatic cords

Name the tubular coiled glands found in the submucosa that secrete mucus.

Brunner glands Duodenal glands

What mechanisms regulate the digestive system.

Chemical signals and nervous mechanisms

Name the hormone which inhibits stomach emptying and is secreted in response to lipids and fatty acids in the duodenum.


Identify the components of bile.

Cholesterol Bilirubin Mucus Lecithin Bile salts

Identify the ducts that join to form the hepatopancreatic duct

Common bile duct Pancreatic duct

Identify the ducts that join to directly form the common bile duct.

Cystic duct Common hepatic duct

Feces are eliminated from the body by the process of __.


Identify the functions of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Destroys ingested bacteria Activates pepsin Inactivates salivary amylase

What organs are located behind the peritoneal membrane?

Duodenum, pancreas, and kidneys

Identify the structures that are involved in deglutition.

Esophagus, oropharynx, tongue

True or false: Food regardless of type moves out of the stomach within 1.5 hours.


True or false: Most of the nervous control of the digestive system is through the parasympathetic nervous system.


Which part of the stomach is superior to the cardiac opening of the stomach? Pylorus Fundus Body


What hormone that promotes gastric secretions.


What are Brunner glands?

Glands in the duodenal submucosa that produce mucus

Membrane extending from the stomach to the transverse colon

Greater omentum

Identify the vessels that empty into the hepatic sinusoids

Hepatic artery Hepatic portal vein

Identify the structures that form the hepatic portal triad

Hepatic portal vein Hepatic duct Hepatic artery

Name the cells that produce bile, synthesize blood components, and perform interconversion of nutrients.


Acidic chyme in the duodenum stimulates secretion of hormones that inhibit gastric secretions.

Intestinal phase

What phase of gastric regulation inhibits gastric activity.

Intestinal phase

Membrane that connects the stomach and the proximal end of the duodenum to the liver and the diaphragm

Lesser omentum

Which is a membrane that connects the stomach and the proximal end of the duodenum to the liver and the diaphragm?

Lesser omentum

Identify the largest internal organ of the body.


Associated with the small intestine

Mesentery proper

Identify the features of the small intestine that function to increase surface area and thus enhance digestion and absorption.

Microvilli, villa, and circular folds

Gentle contractions that occur every 20 seconds that proceed from the body of the stomach toward the pyloric sphincter

Mixing waves

What part of the pharynx does not typically function in digestion?


What are major neurotransmitters that regulate the digestive system.

Norepinephrine Serotonin Acetylcholine

What parts of the pharynx function in digestion

Oropharynx and laryngopharynx

The serous membrane that covers the interior surface of the abdominal cavity is the ______.

Parietal peritoneum

What movements of the digestive tract will help to propel food from one end of the digestive tract to the other?

Peristalsis Mass movements Deglutition

Identify the types of movements that occur within the small intestine.

Peristaltic and segmental contractions

What is the pyloric pump?

Peristaltic contractions that move chyme through the partially closed pyloric opening

Strong contractions that force chyme near the periphery of the stomach toward the pyloric sphincter

Peristaltic waves

Functions of the liver

Production of blood proteins including clotting factors Production of bile Conversion of amino acids to carbohydrates Detoxification of harmful substances Phagocytosis of worn out red and white blood cells Nutrient storage

Peristaltic contractions that move chyme through the partially closed pyloric opening are called the ______.

Pyloric pumps

Identify the functions of bile.

Raises pH of small intestine Emulsification of lipids

Organs that are located behind the peritoneal membrane are referred to as ______.


Identify the folds of mucous membrane within the lining of the stomach that allow for stretching of the stomach.


Identify the secretions of the small intestine.

Secretin Mucus Cholecystokinin Disaccharidases Peptidases

What hormones decrease gastric secretions and gastric motility.

Secretin and cholecystokinin

Segmental contractions are mixing contractions that occur predominately in the _____.

Small Intestine

What organ of the digestive system primarily functions as a storage and mixing chamber.


Stomach secretion and stomach motility are controlled by neural mechanisms that respond to ______.

Stomach wall distension

Identify the functions of the gallbladder.

Store and concentrate bile

Serous membranes that secrete a serous lubricating fluid.

The membranes that line the abdominal cavity

How does the muscularis of the stomach differ from the muscularis of the majority of the alimentary canal?

The stomach has 3 layers of muscle in the muscularis and the majority of the digestive tract only has 2 layers of muscle.

Attaches the transverse colon to the posterior abdominal wall

Transverse mesocolon

True or False: Villi and microvilli of the small intestine serve to increase surface area to allow for greater digestion and absorption.


True or false: Both nervous and chemical mechanisms play an important role in regulating the digestive system.


Identify the MACROscopic fingerlike projections of the small intestine that increase surface area for increased absorption.


Name factors that influence stomach emptying.

Volume and type of food

The emulsification of lipids occurs primarily through the action of _______.

bile salts

All of the microvilli on the epithelial surface of the small intestine are collectively called the ______.

brush border

The names of the two minor lobes of the liver are the _______ and ________ lobes.

caudate, quadrate

Hepatic veins are formed when the _______ veins from each lobule unite.


The taste, smell, or thought of food stimulates gastric secretions by activating the ______ phase of gastric regulation.


Stomach contents are called ______.


The semi-fluid material within the stomach that is a mixture of ingested food and gastric secretions is called


Identify the duct leading from the gallbladder.

cystic duct

The elimination of semi-solid waste products from the body is called ______.


The tongue, oropharynx and mouth are all involved with swallowing or


Hepatocytes convert ammonia to urea which is more easily excreted from the body. This is an example of _____.


The three sections of the small intestine, listed in order as food passes through, are the _______, _______, and _______.

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

The majority of nervous stimulation of the digestive system comes from the _______.

enteric nervous system

The structure within the mediastinum, anterior to the vertebrae and posterior to the trachea is the ________.


True or false: Bile contains digestive enzymes.


The semi-solid waste products eliminated from the body


During stomach filling the rugae _______.

flatten and allow the stomach to increase in volume

The saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver is the _______.


The distension of the stomach stimulates gastrin secretion and activates the CNS by activating the _____ phase of gastric regulation.


Gastric glands are found in ______.

gastric pits

The openings in the mucous membrane of the stomach that contain gastric glands are called

gastric pits

The ______ phase of gastric regulation is initiated when acidic chyme enters the duodenum and stimulates the secretion of hormones and local reflexes that inhibit gastric activity.


In the lobule, hepatocytes that radiate away from the central vein to form a structure called ______.

hepatic cords

Identify the one-way valve between the small intestine and the large intestine.


Stretching the stomach wall leads to ______.

increased motility and secretion

Bile helps in ______ the pH of the small intestine to allow for normal function of pancreatic enzymes.


Cholecystokinin is the hormone that is a major _________ of stomach emptying and is secreted in response to the presence of fatty acids and lipids in the duodenum.


Vitamin B12 absorption occurs when it binds to ______ ______ in the small intestine.

intrinsic factor

Bile is continuously produced by the ______ and stored in the gallbladder. The bile is then released into the ______, where it emulsifies fat and raises the pH.

liver, duodenum

Digestion includes ____________ digestion, which involves mastication and mixing of food and ___________ digestion, which is accomplished by digestive enzymes.

mechanical, chemical

The esophagus is in the ______.


"Connective tissue sheets composed of two layers of serous membranes with a thin layer of loose connective tissue between them" best describes _______.


A connective tissue sheet composed of two layers of serous membranes


The movements of the small intestine include segmental contractions which ______ intestinal contents and peristaltic contractions which ______ intestinal contents.

mix, propel

Stomach movements that combine ingested materials and stomach secretions to form chyme are ______ waves and stomach movements that force chyme towards the pyloric sphincter are _____ waves.

mixing, peristaltic

Acetylcholine, norepinephrine and serotonin are ______ that affect digestive tract ______.

neurotransmitters, motility

In the liver excess amino acids can be re-metabolized to produce lipids, glucose or nucleic acids. This is known as _____.

nutrient interconversion

Intrinsic factor is secreted by the ______ cells of the ______.

parietal, stomach

The inflammation of the peritoneal membranes is called _______.


What are gallstones?

precipitates of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder

Heparin, globulins, clotting factors and albumin are ______.

produced in the liver

Which region of the stomach connects to the small intestine?

pyloric canal

The abdominal cavity is lined by _________ membranes which produce a thin, lubricating film.


Secretin, cholecystokinin, and peptidases are secretions of the ______.

small intestine

Intrinsic factor is secreted by the organ called the ________.


Pepsinogen and gastrin are both secretions of the ______.


What is the primary function of the stomach?

storage and mixing chamber

The low pH of the the stomach is due to _____.

the action of the proton pump

The central veins from hepatic lobules eventually unite to form _____.

the hepatic veins

The muscularis of the stomach consists of _____ layers; however, the muscularis of the majority of the digestive tract consists of _____ layers.

three, two

Parasympathetic stimulation through the ______ nerve increases bile secretion from the liver.


The serous membrane that covers the organs of the abdominal cavity is the _______ peritoneum.


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