Discovering Psychology Chapter 4,5,& 6.

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The tendency to remember items at the beginning and end of a list better than the items in the middle.

Serial Position Effect

The tendency to remember items at the beginning & end of a list compared to items in the middle of a list is referred to as:

Serial-Position Effect

What is NOT a research finding about the content of dreams?

Sexual behavior often occurs as an element of a dream story.

Jonah's parents are trying to teach him to use the bathroom. They first reward him for saying "potty", then only for walking to the bathroom & finally only after he uses the toilet. This is an example of:


Reported cases of sleep related eating disorder (SRED) have found people eating all but which of the following?


Active stage of memory in which information is stored for about 20 seconds.

Short-Term Memory

In ______memory, information is temporarily stored for up to 20 seconds.

Short-Term Memory

Using the principles of observational learning, many countries have television programs that promote healthy behavior & social change. Which of the following is not an example of such programming?

Shows that promote Torah observance in Isreal

Short burst of brain activity that characterizes stage 2 NREM sleep

Sleep Spindles

Bland, uncreative ruminations about real-life event that usually occur during NREM slow-wave sleep.

Sleep Thinking

Term applied to the combination of Stage 3 & Stage 4 sleep:

Slow-Wave Sleep

Mike's wife asked him to go to the store to get grapes, peanuts, olive oil, soda, lemonade, rolls, & diapers. According to the serial position effect, which item is Mike most likely to forget?


Which stage of NREM sleep is marked by brain activity called sleep spindles and K complexes?

Stage 2

Model that describes memory as consisting of three distinct stages sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

Stage Model of Memory

Jimmy was frightened by the barking dog. For the next few months, he was afraid of all dogs. This is an example of:

Stimulus Generalization.

Motivated forgetting that occurs consciously; a deliberate attempt to not think about and remember specific information.


The carcadian cycle is the body's biological clock. A tiny cluster of neurons called __________, located in the hypothalamus, helps govern the sleep-wake cycle.

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

The word "carcadian" comes from the Latin words that mean

About & Days

"During the Stone Age cavement slept in their caves every night to hide from predators." This statement is consistent with which theory of why we sleep?

Adaptive Theory of Sleep

Brain-wave pattern associated with relaxed wakefulness & drowsiness.

Alpha Brain Waves

The most common cause of dementia is

Alzheimer's Disease

Severe Memory Loss.


Prolonged use of cocaine can result in auditory hallucinations of voices and bizarre and paranoid ideas, a condition called:

Amphetamine Psychosis

According to the ______ perspective, mental processes as well as external events are an important component in the learning of new behaviors.


Because you have a _______ map of your own home you should be able to get to the kitchen to get a glass of milk at night without turning on the lights.


Tolman's term for the mental representation of the layout of a familiar environment.

Cognitive Map

Ramon was flirting with a girl at a club, and convinced her to give him her telephone number. He had nothing to write it down with, though, so he recited it to himself repeatedly to keep from forgetting it. Which component of working memory was Ramon using?

Phonological Loop

An individual's psychological & physiological response to what's actually a fake treatment or drug.

Placebo response

In _______ reinforcement, a response is strengthened because something is added while in ______ reinforcement, a response is strengthened because something is taken away.

Positive; Negative

A brain structure that plays an important role in working memory.

Prefrontal Cortex

Yvette is a very gifted flute player, but when she tries to learn how to play the clarinet she keeps using the finger techniques for a flute. Yvette's difficulty with the new instrument is explained by:

Proactive Interference.

Category of long-term memory that includes memories of different skills, operations, and actions.

Procedural Memory

Sleep deprivation can result in


Phenomenon in which a person is deprived of REM sleep greatly increases the amount of time in REM sleep at the first opportunity for uninterrupted sleep.

REM Rebound

Sleep that's associated with dreaming.

REM Sleep

Jason was involved in a bad car accident on the highway. Ever since then, he always get the "chills" when he drives past that one location. In classical conditioning, this is a:

Conditioned Emotional Response

According to the Principles of Classical Conditioning a ______ refers to a formerly stimulus that acquires the capacity to elicit a reflective response while a ______ refers to the natural stimulus that reflexively elicits a response without the need for prior learning.

Conditioned Stimulus; Unconditioned Stimulus

The process of learning associations between environmental events & behavior responses.


Personal awareness of mental activities, internal sensations, and the external environment.


Tendency to recover information more easily when the retrieval occurs in the same setting as the original learning of the information.

Context Effect

Schedule of reinforcement in which every occurrence of a particular response is reinforced.

Continuous Reinforcement

Test of long-term memory that involves remembering an item of information in response to a retrieval cue.

Cued Recall

Which of the following is NOT one of the manners in which retrieval is tested?

Cued Recognition

Theory that forgetting is due to normal metabolic processes that occur in the brain over time.

Decay Theory

The "Law of Effect" which addresses the likelihood of repeating a behavior based on the consequences of that action, was proposed by:

Edward L. Thorndike

Rehearsal that involves focusing on the meaning of information to help encode and transfer it to long-term memory.

Elaborative Rehearsal

__________ significantly improves memory for new information.

Elaborative Rehearsal

An instrument that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure and record the brain's electrical activity.


Which researcher is widely recognized as one of the world's highest authorities on the validity of eyewitness memories?

Elizabeth Loftus

The process of transforming information into a form that can be entered into and retained by the memory system.


Inability to recall specific information because of insufficient encoding of the information for storage in long-term memory.

Encoding Failure

Memory failure that occurs when attention is divided and the relevant information is not encoded.

Encoding Failure

Cognitive processes in classical conditioning have been demonstrated by Robert Rescorla when:

Tones did not predict the coming of UCS

Unlearned, reflexive response that is elicited by an uncontrolled stimulus.

Unconditioned Response

In Pavlov's experiment the food was the:

Unconditioned Stimulus

Natural stimulus that reflexively elicits a response without the need for prior learning.

Unconditioned Stimulus

A standard Las Vegas or Atlantic City slot machine operates on which of the following schedules of partial reinforcement?

Variable Ratio

A schedule of reinforcement that would require that a reinforcer be delivered for the first response that occurs after an average time interval, which varies unpredictably from trial to trial.


Research examining the effect of violence on television has found all but which of the following?

Violence on TV increases violence in girls more than it does in boys.

Iconic Memory is to _______ as echoic memory is to ______.


The use of mental representations, or pictures, especially vivid ones, to enhance encoding.

Visual Imagery

Principle that when the conditions of information retrieval are similar to the conditions of information encoding, retrieval is more likely to be successful.

Encoding Specificity Principle

Memories of personally experienced event that tend to be formed during NREM slow-wave sleep.

Episodic Memories

Category of long-term memory that includes memories of particular events that includes memories of particular events.

Episodic Memory

What is not one of the different types of learning discussed in the chapter on LEARNING?

Experimental Conditioning

The gradual weakening & apparent disappearance of conditioned behavior; in classical conditioning, it occurs when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus.


Reinforcement schedule in which a reinforce is delivered for the first response that occurs after a preset time interval has elapsed.

Fixed-Interval Schedule

Reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is delivered after a fixed number of responses has occurred.

Fixed-Ratio Schedule

Recall of very specific images or details surrounding a vivid, rare, or significant personal event.

Flashbulb Memory

Which of the following is true with regard to flashbulb memories?

Flashbulb memories are no more accurate than regular memories.

The inability to recall information previously available.


During REM dreaming the sleeper's _____ _____ are inactive and the _____ is active.

Frontal Lobes; Limbic System

Source confusion can contribute to false memory if the person remembering:

Has a bad memory to begin with.

According to the concept of _________, stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus also elicit the conditioned response, even though they have never been paired with the unconditioned stimulus.

Higher Order Conditioning

Vivid sensory phenomena that can occur during the onset of sleep.

Hypnagogic Hallucinations

Autopsies of the brains of people who suffered from narcolepsy have found greatly reduced numbers of _______- producing neurons.


A tiny cluster of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the _________ serves as the body's own internal peacemaker.


For years Alicia has envisioned that she was terribly embarrassed at a wedding when she spilled punch all over her blouse. As an adult, she truly believes this event occurred, even though it did not. Which memory error explains this belief?

Imagination Inflation

When we remember how to do something but cannot consciously explain it or even recall how we do it, ______ is involved.

Implicit Memory

With his hippocampus removed, H.M. could solve a logical puzzle that he previously worked on more quickly, but he did not recall having seen it before. This illustrates that the surgery had the most impact on his

Implicit Memory

Condition in which people repeatedly complain about the quality or duration of their sleep, have difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep, or wake up before it is time to get up.


Keller & Marian Breland observed that some animals resisted being taught certain behaviors, & they \posited that _____ could interfere with operant conditioning.

Instinctive Drift

The tendency of an animal to revert to instinctive behaviors, which can interfere with the performance of an operant conditioned response.

Instinctive Drift

The theory that forgetting is caused by one memory competing with one or replacing another.

Interference Theory

The three fundamental processes of memory include all but which of the following?


Verbal, self-reports that try to capture the "structure" of conscious.


Albert Bandura contends that most human behavior:

Is acquired through observational learning.

Of the Various explanations for why people experience deja vu, which of the following has the least scientific support?

It is likely a paranormal experience.

Which of the following has research demonstrated about the decay theory of forgetting?

It is the best theory we have for why we forget information.

Watson's experiment with Little Albert was criticized because:

It is unethical to cause such distress to an infant.

Symptoms such as physical and mental fatigue, depression or irritability, disrupted sleep, and fuzziness in concentration, thinking, and memory that result from carcadian rhythms being out of sync with daylight and darkness cues.

Jet Lag

Single but large high-voltage spikes of brain activity that characterize stage 2 NREM sleep

K Complexes

What drug has never been available legally & for medical purposes in the USA?


In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, ______ ______ refers to the unconscious wishes, thoughts, and urges that are concealed in the content of a dream.

Latent Content

Through his experiments running rats through mazes, Edward Tolman observed that sometimes learning is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior. This is called:

Latent Learning

Tolman's term for learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement but is not behaviorally demonstrated until a reinforcer becomes available.

Latent Learning

A phenomenon in which exposure to inescapable & uncontrollable aversive events produces passive behavior.

Learned Dissonance

A phenomenon in which exposure to inescapable and uncontrollable aversive events produces passive behaviors.

Learned Helplessness

Martin Seligman demonstrated the concept of ________ by exposing dogs to electrical shocks that they were unable to control or stop.

Learned Helplessness

A process that produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of experience.


More recent investigations into the process of classical conditioning suggest that it involves:

Learning how events are related.

According to Sigmund Freud, the actual story we dream about is the ______ content, and the meaning that it represents is ______ content.

Manifest; Latent

Hormone manufactured by the pineal gland that produces sleepiness.


The mental process that enables us to acquire, retain, and use information over time.


The gradual, physical process of converting new long-term memories to stable, enduring long-term memory codes.

Memory Consolidation

The process of permanently "setting" a new memory is called

Memory Consolidation

Memory distortion phenomenon in which a person's existing memories can be altered if the person is exposed to misleading information.

Misinformation Effect

Encoding specifically phenomenon in which a given mood tends to evoke memories that are consistent with that mood.

Mood Congruence

Max & Noah went to a football game together. Max's favorite team won, while Noah's lost. Later, Max told his mother now nice the weather was, while Noah complained that it was too cold. This is an example of:

Mood Congruence.

Researchers have found that when people dream:

Most dreams are in color.

Involuntary muscle spasm of the whole body that jolts the person completely awake & often accompanies the hypnagogic hallucination of falling:

Myoclonic Jerk

The parasomnias include all but which of the following?

Narcolepsy (Sleep Attacks)

A vivid & disturbing dream that typically involves fear, anxiety, or terror, & that often awakes the sleeper.


Learning that occurs through observing the actions of others.

Observational Learning

A sleep disorder in which a person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorder in which the sleeper's airway becomes narrowed or blocked causing shallow breathing or repeated pauses in breathing.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

According to Ebbinghaus, most of forgetting:

Occurs soon after learning.

What have researchers determined about the correlation of TV viewing and imitative behavior?

We can decrease violence in our society if we decrease the amount of violence on TV.

In this stage of memory, information transferred from sensory memory and information retrieved from long-term memory becomes conscious.

Working Memory

Short-Term memory as analogous to __________.

Working Memory

The temporary storage and active, conscious manipulation of information needed for complex cognitive tasks, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving.

Working Memory

The two general types of meditation involve

concentration & opening up techniques.

Of the following sources of caffeine, which has the highest dose?

Coffee (Grande, 16 ounces)

People usually have around _______ dreaming episodes each night.


The application of learning principles to help people develop more effective or adaptive behaviors.

Behavior Modification

School of psychology & theoretical viewpoint that emphasizes the scientific study of observable behaviors, especially as they pertain to the process of learning.


According to John Garcia human beings have a greater tendency to be afraid of dangerous, potentially harmful stimuli due to:

Biological Preparedness

Which device is used to treat moderate to severe cases of sleep apnea?


_____is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, but ______ is the most widely abused substance in the USA.

Caffeine; Alcohol

A sudden loss of voluntary muscle strength & control that is usually triggered by an intense emotion and often occurs during episodes of narcolepsy.


Jen has narcolepsy. She experiences a sudden loss of muscle strength and control, resulting in collapsing when excited. This symptom is called


Katherine was asked to remember the letters "E-H-I-J-J-J-M-N-N-O-O-Y." She chose to use the names of 3 of her friends- Joe, Johnny, & Jim- to remember the letters. Which strategy did Katherine employ?


Organizing items into related groups during recall from long-term memory.


A large involuntary automatic response to an external stimulus.


Which of the following is not one of the crucial cognitive processes involved in imitating a behavior according to Albert Bandura?


Hailey's parents are using punishment by _______ when they take away her dolls away from her for pulling her little sister's hair.


Motivated forgetting that occurs unconsciously; a memory that is blocked and unavailable to consciousness.


While considered a cornerstone of psychoanalysis, _____ is an extremely controversial topic among psychologists because it is difficult to distinguish from normal forgetting.


The process of accessing store information.


The process of recovering information stored in memory so that we are consciously aware of it.


Clue, prompt, or hint that helps trigger recall of a given piece of information stored in long-term memory.

Retrieval Cue

After she was in a very serious car accident. Aisha was unable to remember anything that had happened for days before the injury. She has no difficulty in encoding and remembering new data, however. This is an example of:

Retrograde Amnesia

Organized cluster of information about a particular topic.


False memories may be the result of a preconceived _____, which refers to the typical sequence of actions and behaviors that occur at a common event.


According to research into academic learned helplessness, what's the first step in helping students develop a sense of mastery over their academic demands?

Seeking knowledge about course requirements & setting goals.

Memory that's closely related to episodic memory and involves memories of events in our lives and our personal life story.

Semantic Memory

Model that describes units of information in long-term memory as being organized in a complex network of associations.

Semantic Network Model

Classically conditioned dislike for and avoidance of a particular food that develops when an organism becomes ill after eating the food.

Taste Aversion

Marla got a batch of bad shrimp at her favorite restaurant one evening, and thereafter never ate shrimp again. This is an example of:

Taste Aversion

Which of the following brain structures has not been identified as playing a role in memory?

The Medulla Oblongata

What are you absolutely sure that you know the name of the old classmate, but you have a temporary problem accessing that memory, it is called:

The Tip-of-the-tongue experience

When hypnosis influences behavior after the hypnotic state has ended, the subject was given

a posthypnotic suggestion

Graphic record of brain activity produced by an electroencephalograph

brain waves

Research into hypnosis has found that:

hypnosis can help you lose weight, stop smoking, or stop biting your fingernails.

The best time to deliver a positive reinforcer is:

immediately after explaining the relationship to the preferred behavior.

According to Ernest Hilgard's theory of hypnosis:

the subject's consciousness is split and includes a hidden observer.

Police Chief Jeffries is considering using a hypnotist on an eye-witness to help recall the events of a crime. The chief needs to know that

there is an increased risk of false memories with hypnosis.

Two factors involved in determining physical dependence are:

tolerance & withdrawal.

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