diversity final

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According to the textbook, white men

#1 and #3 are correct. (1. are more likely to occupy decision-making positions in organizations, making their commitment to equity and fairness vital. 3. worked and sometimes died along with people pursuing equality.)

To help reduce the tendency to engage in in-group, out-group categorizations, an employer can

1. help group members work to achieve common goals.

Which of the following are some of the potential negative outcomes that may be consequences of increased diversity?

All of the above answers (numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4) are correct (Dysfunctional communication processes. Harassment. Perceptions that non-traditional workers are unqualified. Lowered attachment, commitment, and satisfaction.)

Differences in Black/White accumulation of wealth are influenced by

All of the above are correct. a difference in inheritance. effects of discrimination which limits the ability of African Americans to acquire and thus pass on wealth. disparities in mortgage loan approvals and rates for comparably credit-worthy African Americans and Whites. racial segregation of neighborhoods.

The number of people in a a particularly large group is critical for many different reasons including

All of the above responses are correct. (a louder voice in democratic governmental processes. the possibility of organizations paying more attention to their needs. more consumer buying power.)

The following could be true in regard to bilingualism in the workplace. (mark all that apply)

Being bilingual may be so beneficial that a bilingual employee could be compensated for that skill. It would be cost effective for organization to provide incentives and opportunities for manager to learn Spanish. Paying to have managers learn to speak Spanish may be cost-effective in the long run.

Which of the following is true of multiracial people? check all that apply

Care should be taken to avoid grouping multiracial individuals with one group and ignoring the other aspect(s) of their identity. Multiracial people may appear to be one race or the other, rather than multiracial. Having a culture of nondiscrimination in an organization would help avoid inadvertent discrimination against invisibly multiracial individuals.

Differential, negative treatment of consumers in the marketplace based on race or ethnicity is considered

Consumer Racial Profiling

Mr. Z is a member of a minority group. He is an effective employee, does his job well, and has low absenteeism; however, when he requests a weekend off, he finds that majority group members are given time off before him. He seems to be the one that has to work to cover for everyone else. This can be an example of

Correct answer: treatment discrimination

According to Cox and Blake, valuing diversity can benefits organizations in which of the following areas?

Cost, resource acquisition, marketing, creativity, problem solving and system flexibility.

Which of the following is true of religion and work?

Employers are encouraged to have a policy that includes prohibitions on religious harassment.

In the Central Station Casino case about English-only rules

Hispanic employees were harassed for speaking Spanish.

According to the textbook, four common characteristics of minority or non-dominant groups often include

Identifiability, differential power, discrimination, and group awareness.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 did what?

It ended immigration from China to the United States.

Which of the following are true of Executive Order #9066 issued during World War II. (mark all that apply)

It forced Asian American Citizens to be removed from the homes and placed in detention centers for the duration of the war. Some of the detained Asian American Citizens had immediate family members fighting in World War II on behalf of the United States. Many Asian American citizens lost their businesses and their homes were destroyed during their internment.

In 2007, Lucent Technologies discharged an installation estimator who was 55 years old in the the course of a reduction-in-force. The estimator had 34 years of experience with Lucent, including 10 in the estimator position and had received recent performance evaluations that were outstanding. The company discharged this individual along with another estimator who was 51 years old and retained to younger estimators who were 42 and 27. The younger estimators were less experienced than the person making the claim and had received lower performance ratings. Which of the following statements is not likely?

Lucent Technologies has engaged in treatment discrimination against the person making the claim.

It is a misperception that Asians have higher incomes than Whites. What is the reality? (mark all that apply)

Multiple family members may live together contributing to the household income. Many Asians tend to live in high cost-of-living regions in the United States. Income is sometimes based on long hours in family-owned businesses, with some of the family members working for free.

Which of the following statements fail to accurately describe research on the performance of diverse groups compared to homogenous groups?

Number 1 and number 2 both fail to describe the research findings. (1. Initially, the diverse groups performed better because they were more tolerant of each others' differences. 2. Over time, the diverse groups performed worse because they were less tolerant of each others' differences and felt comfortable expressing this discomfort.)

Which of the following is true of age, accidents, and injuries at work? mark all that apply

Proper training and supervision can help reduce the rate of accidents and injury at work. Younger employees are more likely to be injured at work.

In terms of access and treatment discrimination, which of the following is true of Hispanics?

Research has shown clear patterns of access and treatment discrimination against Hispanics.

When Cubans began to flee the communist regime of Fidel Castro in 1959, the United States

Response #1, #2, and #3 are correct. (1. welcomed them. 2. provided assistance in re-certifying medical and professional licensure in the U.S. 3. provided grants for settlement and education.)

Which of the following is true of American Indians as sports symbols? mark all that apply

The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) voted to penalize universities that continued to use them. The Civil Rights Commission has argued that the use of American Indians as sports symbols prevents people from learning about real American Indians and their culture. Some Indian tribes supported universities' use of the sports symbols.

Men working in female-dominated positions

are more likely to be promoted into management than women working in such positions.

Individual benefits of working and learning in diverse environments documented by researchers include

being able to take the perspectives of others.

Which of the following could be said about racial profiling and customer abuse and mistreatment. (mark all that apply)

can result in widespread negative publicity against organizations. are ways in which organizations participate in and facilitate unequal treatment of people based on their race or ethnicity. they partly result from poor management practices and lack of supervision.

Through U.S. history, assimilation policies (attempts at forced assimilation into American society), Euro-Americans _________________________________ . (mark all that apply)

caused the disappearance of many Native American cultural values and customs forced many American Indian children to attend American schools where they were forbidden to speak their native languages. were responsible for the disappearance of many native American religious practices

The "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" from the International Labour Organization (ILO) is viewed as a(n)

commitment by governments, employers' and workers' organizations to uphold basic human values-- values that are vital to our social and economic lives.

When one assumes that an individual cannot afford to purchase a particular item because of their race or ethnicity they are exhibiting

consumer racial profiling.

Unearned benefits received by a group of individuals for no other reason than being a member of the dominant group is called

dominant privilege.

Regarding Asian Americans and education,

education levels vary based on country of origin.

Although it was once believed to be true, discrimination cannot influence a person's health and well-being.


Aversive racism is the concept used to describe the actions of those who believe that racism no longer exists, citing that racial groups have attained excessive, unfair gains through programs such as affirmative action.


Gender is a biological determination based on the combination of XX or XY chromosomes, while sex is the social construct that determined the behaviors perceived as appropriate for males and females.


Generation X (born 1965-1980) is the largest of the generation groups.


Immigrant Blacks are treated differently than Native-born African Americans.


Income can be passed down from generation to generation, wealth cannot.


It has been shown that a transactional leadership style is more effective than a transformational leadership style.


Most Hispanics in the United States are immigrants.


The U.S. Military popularized the term "Hispanic."


The majority of American Indians live on Reservation lands.


The majority of Hispanic Americans are of Cuban origin.


The proportion of the U.S. population identifying as Christian is about 90%.


The study that involved the submission of equally qualified applications using both minority- and majority-sounding names resulted in more majority-sounding names being called for interviews. This is considered treatment discrimination.


Employers may require "English-only" rules in the following circumstances.

for communication with only English-speaking co-workers and customers If English is the only language the boss speaks. for safety reasons

The process by which social institutions, including families, friends, organization, and the media, form and shape expectations of acceptable behaviors for men and women is

gender role socialization

Invisible barrier that keeps minorities and women from moving up within an organization is referred to as

glass ceiling

Invisible horizontal barriers that confine minorities and women to certain positions within an organization are referred to as

glass walls

The tendency to favor those most like ourselves is called

in-group favoritism

Which of the following are true regarding the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Mark all that apply.

included lunch counter sit-ins and boycotts that college students organized was successful in helping to achieve the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 primarily occurred in the South, though there were some protests in the North as well was assisted by Jewish allies

The degree to which the different voices of a diverse workforce are respected and heard is referred to as


In their book outline the study of the "myth of meritocracy," McNamee and Miller suggest that which of following factors can influence an individual's personal success? Mark all that apply.

inheritance knowing the "right" people (social capital) unequal access to educational opportunities discrimination

Discrimination that occurs between members of the same ethnic group

is referred to as inter-ethnic discrimination.

Gender role socialization

is the process by which social institutions shape expectations of acceptable behaviors for men and women.

Aversive racism

may be more difficult to identify and change than traditional racism.

Dr. C will not hire people who drive purple cars because he feels negatively towards them. This is an example of (check all that apply).

prejudice discrimination

Glass ceilings and glass walls are likely strengthened by all of the practices below except

providing mentoring opportunities for women and minorities to take on positions involved with finance.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of

race, color, religion, sex, and national origin in employment-related matters.

In their book outlining the study of the "myth of meritocracy," McNamee and Miller suggest that

several factors that are not merit based can strongly influence people's success in life.

Latina employees experience the same discrimination patters of all other women; however, they experience much higher rates of

sexual harassment.

Reasonable accommodation(s)

should generally be made to accommodate the normal religious service of employees.

Mrs. A thinks that all people who drive red cars inherently break the law by speeding. This is an example of


Prof. J doesn't really like people with with short fingernails. She thinks they all less intelligent and because of that she does not allow them in her reading group. This is an example of (mark all that apply)

stereotype discrimination prejudice

If a person of Irish descent practices ethnic traditions such as embracing Irish foods, music, and participating in St. Patrick's Day parades, even to the point of indulging in Irish stereotypes, but those practices have little impact on one's daily life and are invoked at will, they are exhibiting a form of

symbolic ethnicity.

The boss is a purple man. When he finds that other purple men fail at their job in some way, the boss tends to blame the failure on outside influences (he may excuse them saying they had a bad day). However, when his green female employees fail in the same way, he tends to blame it on the fact that they are green females, thus have a character flaw (internal factors). This is an example of

the fundamental attribution error.

Social Identity is

the part of a person's self-concept that derives from membership in a particular social group and the value and emotional significance attached to that group membership.

The more goal-directed leadership style practiced by most men is referred to as


Women are known to have a conversation or leadership style that focuses on relationship. This is call _______________ leadership style.


Black unemployment is higher than the unemployment of every other racial/ethnic group at the same educational level.


From the time period of approximately 1900 through the 1940s, Mexican Americans could experience discrimination, repatriation to Mexico, and lynchings.


Harry Holser's research suggests that small companies hire a much smaller percentage of Black employees than larger companies do.


Native-born Hispanic Americans can find themselves treated as if they were immigrant Hispanics.


The term "prime age" refers to the age range of the most preferred employees, 25 to 35.


Wealth can be passed down from generation to generation; income cannot.


Worldwide, women earn 77% of what men earn, with a greater gap for women with children.


The experiment involving applications with Euro-sounding names and African -American sounding names sent to multiple employers, in which the Euro-sounding names were called for an interview at a rate 50% higher than African-American sounding names is an example of ______________________. mark all that apply

white privilege access discrimination

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