Doctrines Th 360 Enns and Sidwell

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Sidwell discusses _________ in his chapter on "Separation from the World."

1 John 2:15-17 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

_________ involves the drawing power of God.

Efficacious grace

Although man's will and emotion are depraved, his intellect was not affected by the fall.


Which of the reformers affirmed the doctrine of predestination?

Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli

The "Holiness movement" arose within which denomination/movement?


Place the Five Points of Calvinism in order:

Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited Atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance

________ is known as the "father of the social gospel."

Walter Rauschenbusch

The _________________ view is most likely to base its position on the fact that the words "soul" and "spirit" may be used interchangeably in Scripture.


Sidwell believes that the distinction between first- and second-degree separation _______.

is not valid

The reformers believed that the ________ method was the best way to interpret Scripture.


Calvin _______ that God predestinated some to be eternally separated from Him.


The doctrines set for by Arminianism (as opposed to Calvinism) were collected within _____________.

the five articles of the Remonstrance

The term sacrament refers to ________.

"an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace."

Outside of the Gospels, _______ has the most complete description of the ritual and theological meaning of the Lord's supper.

1 Corinthians 11

Complete the following statement with a book and chapter: "In his detailed defense and explanation of the resurrection in ________, ________ cites the resurrection as foundation to the Christian faith."

1 Corinthians 15, Paul

The series of pamphlets called The Fundamentals were published during the _____.


Complete the following quotation: "Pope Pius XII invoked this authority [that the pope is preserved from all error when pronouncing official church teaching] when he declared in ______ that all Catholics must believe in ____________."

1950...the Assumption of Mary

The __________ teaches that Jesus was a preacher of the kingdom of God and died as a result of getting caught unawares in the struggle between good and evil.

Accident Theory

Enns points out that progressive creationism does acknowledge the direct creation of

Adam and Eve

Enns points out that progressive creationism does acknowledge the direct creation of _________.

Adam and Eve

Which is not one of the emphases of new evangelicalism that distinguish it from fundamentalism?

An emphasis on separation from denominations with theologically heretical leadership

The __________ view teaches that God grants to each sinner "a special influence of the Holy Spirit, which is sufficient to counteract the effect of the inherited depravity."


The __________ view teaches that all men were seminally (actually) present in Adam and thus participated in his sin.


A _________ is most likely to hold that baptism merely symbolizes the inward change that God has made in the believer.


________ formulated the primary ideas within the theology of Neo-orthodoxy.


Which view concerning the conditions for salvation does Enns note as being based on a misunderstanding of Acts 2:38?

Believe and be baptized

Which view concerning the conditions for salvation does Enns not reject?

Believe the gospel

Jacobus Arminius began as a _____________ .


The political conflict between _________ was the backdrop for the rise of the Calvinist confession of faith in England.

Charles I and Oliver Cromwell

Sidwell mentions ________ as becoming concerned with the "downgrade" controversy within the Baptist Fellowship.

Charles Spurgeon

The _______ form of church government emphasizes autonomy and democracy.


Regarding the Lord's supper, Luther held to _________.


___________ holds that the bread and wine do not change into Christ's body and blood, but that Jesus's physical body is nonetheless still present.


The churches at ________ were especially guilty of schisms.


According to Sidwell, the biblical doctrine of personal separation from a sinning brother does not include __________.

Cutting off all communication with him

The _________, written in the 2nd century, indicates that the early church________.

Didache ... preferred baptism by immersion but allowed for pouring

__________ separation best describes the action that a church takes when leaving a doctrinally or morally corrupt denomination.


Which form of church government does Enns believe is the most biblical?

Elements of Prebyterian and Congregational

Most Methodist and Lutheran churches follow the _______ form of church government.


_________ refers to the level of holiness that a believer exhibits in his present life

Experiential Sanctification

Arminianism teaches that man, apart from any work of grace, has the ability to come to God in faith.


Paul commands separation from other believers only in cases of immorality.


Sidwell regards the terms Pentecostal and Charismatic as synonymous.


Which does not reflect the direct biblical data on election?

False teachers are elected to hell.

The __________ view teaches that Adam is the representative head of the human race and thus plunged the entire race under God's judgment by his sin


Which of the following views believes that there was a lengthy period of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2?

Gap Theory

________ depends upon a particular interpretation of the phrase "formless and void."

Gap theory

_________ argues that God judged his original creation due to Lucifer's rebellion, after which God later created life on earth as we currently know it.

Gap theory

_________ depends upon a particular interpretation of the phrase "formless and void."

Gap theory

The term _______ refers to the Valley of Hinnom where infants were sacrificed to Moloch.


Calvin is most identified with the city of ________.


Calvin did the majority of his life's work in ________.

Geneva, Switzerland

Which best describes the Arminian view of election and foreknowledge?

God elects those whom he foreknows will respond in faith.

Regarding the effects of original sin on mankind, Arminian doctrine teaches that _________.

God's grace removes the condemnation associated with Adam's sin.

The __________ teaches that God, in response to the death of Christ, set aside the requirement of the law and offers salvation to sinners.

Governmental Theory

__________ is known as the "father of New Evangelicalism."

Harold J. Ockenga

Which event does Sidwell believes marks the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church?

He does not identify any of these events as the sole beginning of the Roman Catholic Church.

According to Sidwell, the phrase "doctrine of Christ" in 2 John 9-11 most likely refers to ________.

His incarnation

According to Sidwell, what became the greatest concern that fundamentalists had with Falwell?

His inclusion of non-christian groups in his group that lobbied for morality in legislation

What was the primary cause of the break between Billy Graham and fundamentalists?

His inviting theological liberals to participate in his crusades and sending converts back to liberal churches

Which dichotomy does Sidwell discuss most (in chapter 2)?

Holiness vs. Love

________ was the "birthplace" of Arminianism.

Holland (Netherlands)

Of the major doctrines at stake in the downgrade controversy, which does Sidwell mention?

Inspiration of Scripture

What is the name of Calvin's most significant work?


___________ is the name of Calvin's "magnum opus"?

Institutes of the Christian Religion

What fundamentalist leader in the Presbyterian Church left Princeton to found Westminster Theological Seminary?

J. Gresham Machen

Luther referred to _______ as a 'strawy epistle'?


_________ specifically mention regeneration (or the new birth).

John 3 and Titus 3

A primary basis for irresistible grace is ________.

John 6:37-44

The key Scottish leader of the Reformation, __________, studied under Calvin?

John Knox

Enns credits _________ with "reviving the true teachings of Arminius"?

John Wesley

Enns credits _________ with "reviving the true teachings of Arminius."

John Wesley

Luther referred to _______ as a 'strawy epistle'?


_______ said that both sensory experience and the mind (i.e. reason) played a role in finding knowledge/truth? (He also said that there is a realm of ideas beyond time or sapece where reason cannot operate and where only faith could understand things).


______ called the "universal sense of right and wrong" the ______.

Kant ... categorical imperative

Complete the following sentence: "Another influence was ___________ holiness teaching....[which] stressed the need for personal holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit."


"Four-point Calvinists" generally reject or modify __________.

Limited Atonement

A Christian who held ___________ would most likely make this statement during a discussion regarding the extent of the atonment: "Logic demands that if Christ made atonement for every person, then all people will eventually be saved."

Limited Atonement

A Christian who held to __________ would most likely make this statement during a discussion regarding the extent of the atonment: "The Bible says that Christ laid down his life for the sheep."

Limited Atonement

Enns mentions that the term particular redemption (or definite redemption) is sometimes preferred over what common theological term?

Limited Atonement

Enns believes that _______ is relevant to the question of whether death is annihilation, since it _____________.

Luke 16 ... portrays life as continuing after death for both the righteous and the wicked

Enns uses ______ as proof that ______.

Luke 23:43 ("Today thou shalt be with me in paradise") ... the believer enters the presents of the Lord immediately after death

_________ believed that baptism was necessary for salvation.


The _________ practiced speaking in tongues.


The __________ teaches that God never intended to pay for sin through the death of Christ, but wanted to move man to a place that he would feel an emotional pull to turn back to God.

Moral Influence Theory

Sidwell places Jerry Falwell within the "category" of _________.


The _________ view teaches that man is created neutral and can freely choose to be either holy or sinful.


Which of the following statements is true?

Pentecostals are more likely than Charismatics to practice personal separation.

In Revelation 2, Christ rebukes the church at ____________ for teaching the doctrine of ___________.

Pergamum ... Balaam

Of the major doctrines at stake in the downgrade controversy, which does Sidwell mention?

Personal Separation

The following quotation (from the Church of England's Book of Common Prayer) is describing which of the following kinds of separation that Sidwell discusses? "From all inordinate and sinful affections and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil, Good Lord, deliver us."

Personal separation

Complete the following quotation: "'There are no facts, only interpretations' is a summary of ______________ teaching."


The __________ form of church government has a synod.


_________ bases its position (in part) on Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8.

Progressive Creation

bases its position (in part) on Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8

Progressive Creation

The _________ teaches that Satan held people captive since the fall and that Christ's death paid a debt to settle Satan's claim on mankind.

Ransom to Satan Theory

The _________ teaches "that Christ went through all the phases of Adam's life and experience, including the experience of sin," enabling him "to succeed wherein Adam failed."

Recapitulation Theory

The ________ view of the Lord's supper holds that Christ is mystically present in the elements, making the grace communicated through the Word of God even more effective.

Reformed view

The ________ view of the Lord's supper holds that grace is communicated to the recipient because of a real, but non-physical presence of Christ in the elements (this grace mades the grace communicated through the Word of God even more effective).

Reformed view

_________ holds that faith is not a necessary part of ensuring that the rite of baptism saves the soul of a person.

Roman Catholicis

What key verse describes the doctrine of the imputation of Adam's sin?

Romans 5:12

Complete the following sentence: "Generally, we look at separation as an expression of sanctification....[which], in turn, is usually discussed under ___________."


Arminian doctrine was condemned at the _________ (1618-1619).

Synod of Dort

Which statement regarding the Fundamentalist/Modernist controversy is true?

The Fundamentalists sought to exclude the Modernists/Liberals from their churches, schools, and mission boards.

Which of the following views regarding the purpose of the body does Enns associate with hedonism?

The body is the only part of man that is important.

Which picture of the church is developed exclusively by Paul?

The church as a body

Which does Enns state is a theological problem for theistic evolution?

The comparison between Adam and Christ in Romans 5:12-21

Which statement best describes Enns' view concerning the church and the kingdom?

The offer for the kingdom was rejected and thus delayed, resulting in Christ's announcement that he would build his church.

Which of the following statements is true?

The terms "universal church" and "invisible church" are often interchangable.

Which of the following views of the origin of the soul has the least support in Scripture?

Theory of Pre-existence

The _________ best explains the ongoing transmission of human depravity.

Traducian Theory

Enns critiques ________ for treating Christ's saving work on the cross as essentially unfinished.


___________ holds that the bread and wine change into the substance of Christ's body and blood, so that his body and blood are actually consumed during the observation of the Lord's supper


According to Sidwell, a fundamental doctrine is anything that is so essential to Christianity that you cannot deny it without destroying Christianity.


Some Pentecostals have practiced ecclesiastical separation.


According to Sidwell, a biblical definition of legalism is _________.

Trying to earn merit with God by one's works

Machen titled his defense of othrodoxy "Shall __________ Win?"


Complete the following sentence: "Before the Civil War, the only important form of liberalism in the United States was _________________."


A Christian who held _________ would most likely make this statement during a discussion regarding the extent of the atonment: "The Bible says that Christ died for false teachers who were 'denying the Lord that bought them.'"

Unlimited Atonement

A Christian who held _________ would most likely make this statement during a discussion regarding the extent of the atonment: "The word 'whosoever' always has an unrestricted meaning."

Unlimited Atonement

________ is commonly thought to be the meeting during which Catholicism opened to the possibility of working together with non-Catholics.

Vatican II

The _________ Confession became the doctrinal foundation for many Protestant churches that affirm a strong Calvinistic position.


The Pelagian, Arminian, Federal, and Augustinian views are all relevant for which question?

What affect did Adam's sin have on rest of the human race?

Luther is most identified with the city of ________.


Luther is most identified with the city of ________.


With what city is Zwingli most identified?


Place the Five Points of Calvinism in order.

__1__ Total Depravity __2__ Unconditional Election __3__ Limited Atonement __4__ Irresistible Grace __5__ Perseverance of the Saints

Enns states that the change in the view of hell among evangelicals is due to ________.

a change in the view of God

Complete the following statement: "The term ____________ in ______________ demands an understanding of unending and everlasting punishment."

aionion . . . Matthew 25:46

Enns believes that the enmity mentioned by God in Genesis 3:15 is not referring to a state of animosity between _________.

all later serpents (the creatures) and human beings

The doctrine of human depravity teaches that _____________.

all of a person is affected by sin.

Karl Barth believed the Bible to be ________.

an errant, human book that God could use to convey His revelation to man.

The prepositions __________ emphasize the substitutionary nature of Christ's death.

anti and huper

According to Enns, the church began ______.

at Pentecost when the disciples were first baptized by the Holy Spirit

Complete the following sentence by Sidwell: "At its root, however, worldliness is __________________________ ... the world system."

attitude of friendship towards

Regarding the phrase "husband of one wife," Enns believes the best interpretation is that it is a prohibition against _______.

being divorced and remarried

"[The] denial of ____________ is the root of liberal errors on the fundamentals."

biblical authority

When presenting the unity between Jews and Gentiles, God uses the image of the church as a ________.

body and building

Enns emphasizes that the tribulation is a time of God's wrath against _________.

both Israel and the church

Scripture describes sin as _______.

both the inner impulse to rebel and the actions themselves

The Holy Spirit is involved in _________.

both the works of common and efficacious grace

God exhibits __________ by restraining sin through institutions such as human government.

common grace

God exhibits his __________ by sending rain on the just and the unjust

common grace

Enns believes that Old Testament saints _________ until Christ died, rose, and ascended before they could enter God's presence.

did not have to wait

Complete the following sentence: "These publications, conferences, and schools sometimes taught different forms of premillennialism. The most important form for the formation of Fundamentalism was ________________[, which emphasized] a distinction between Israel and the church."


Enns notes that the doctrine of election __________ man's responsibility for his sinful state and lost condition.

does not nullify

God uses _________ to move a person to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior.

efficacious grace

_______ is the primary Greek word for church.


_________ refers to the church but also the mob at Ephesus in Acts 19.


According to Enns, Adam and Eve could have gained the knowledge of good and evil ___________.

even if they had not eaten the fruit

The Scripture __________ that the fellowship practiced by the early church included helping those who had no one else to supply their needs.

explicitly states

he view that God created in 24-hour days is also referred to as ________

fiat creation

The picture of salvation as __________ portrays salvation as settling a debt that man owes to God.


According to Enns, Satan intended to make Eve suspect God's ________.


Enns states that regeneration _________

happens in a single moment.

In Scripture, ______ often has the meaning of "division."


The first battle amongst evangelicals was fought over ____________. (Hint: Harold Lindsell wrote a work about it).


Enns believe that there _____ an emotional component to conviction.


Enns argues that the Scripture's mention of distinct genders created by God ______ compatible with some theories of evolution.

is not at all

Enns believes that referring to the church as "new Israel" _________.

is not biblically accurate

The picture of salvation as __________ portrays salvation God's declaration that a person is righteous--rather than sinful--in his sight.


According to Sidwell, the Catholic Church confuses ______________.

justification and sanctification

According to Enns, the emphasis of the concept of total depravity is on the fact that _______.

man cannot do anything to initiate his own salvation

Which of the following aspects of the non-material nature of man does Enns specifically say are being restored in Christ?

man's moral nature

Which of the following does Enns specifically reject in reference to the image of God in man?

man's physical nature

Arminianism teaches that a believer ________.

may consciously forsake Christ and thereby choose to forfeit his salvation.

The Greek word for church _______.

most frequently refers to the local church

Enns believes that there is _________ evidence for the argument that we should Genesis 1-2 should be interpreted allegorically.


Enns believes that there is ______ that is is possible for those who have died to be saved after death.

no biblical evidence

Regarding reprobation, Enns believes that it is ________.

not sustained by Scripture

Enns states that the term presbyter ________.

occurs in both a literal and a figurative sense, referring to an older Christian of a leader in the church

Daniel 12:1-2 is _________.

one of several Old Testament passages that teach the resurrection of the dead.

Limited Atonement is sometimes also referred to as ________.

particular redemption

Which view regarding the rapture does historic premillennialism generally hold?

post-tribulational rapture

Which of the following views believes that Revelation 19:11-21 depicts Christ returning to a world in which the church has successfully fulfilled the Great Commission?


Which metaphor for the church is developed mostly by Peter?


The picture of salvation as __________ deals specifically with God's wrath.


The _________ teaches "that Christ went through all the phases of Adam's life and experience, including the experience of sin," enabling him "to succeed wherein Adam failed."

recapitulation Theory

The analogy of salvation as ___________ emphasizes the fact that salvation involves "making peace with God."


The analogy of salvation as ________ teaches us that salvation involves making a purchase.


The JEDP theory is best contracted by the fact that Jesus _______.

said that Moses was the author of the Penteteuch

Complete the following statement: "One of the great problems of Neo-orthodoxy is its ______________."


Which of the following does Enns not include in his response to the "believe only" view of salvation?

that repentance was part of the Old Covenant, but not the New Covenant.

The fact that "formless and void" do not necessarily refer to something that results from divine judgement is primarily a difficulty for __________.

the Gap Theory

Enns points out that a problem with ________ is that Scripture neither explicitly states or implicitly suggests that the recipient of the Lord's supper receives grace by means of his consuming the elements at the Lord's supper.

the Reformed view

Enns notes that the book of _______ is especially usefully in contradicting the idea held by some ________ that the body is inherently evil due merely to the fact that it is physical.

the Song of Solomon ... Greek philosophers

Which are the three ways that the term heaven is used in Scripture?

the atmospheric heaven, the celestial heaven, and the dwelling place of God

In the New Testament, the Greek word for church is also used to refer to ________.

the mob gathered against Paul in the city of Ephesus

Sidwell does not believe that differences over _________ should be a barrier for fellowship or cooperation between Christians.

the mode of baptism

Enns believes that the idea that the church began after the ascension is supported by the fact that _________

the only "technical" reference to the church in the Gospels occurs in a prophetic passage

Luther and Zwingli disagreed most significantly concerning _________.

the presence of Christ's body in the elements used in the Lord's Supper

Higher criticism does not deal with questions regarding ________.

the surviving manuscript copies of the Bible

Regarding the terms presbyter and overseer, Enns believes that ________.

the terms refer to the same office

Enns attributes the eternal security of the believer to __________

the work of the Father, Son, and the Spirit.

How many steps (minimum) are there in church discipline involving one Christian's sin against another if the person sinning will not repent?


Which phrase did the group Promise Keepers alter in 1997 to make it less objectionable to Catholics?

through faith alone

"Impute" means _________.

to charge to one's account

The word "reprove" in Ephesians 5:11 means _____________.

to expose

The basic meaning of the word baptizo is "_________."

to immerse

Arminian theology teaches that God intended the death of Christ _________.

to make salvation available to all mankind

Luther believed that _______ sacraments were legitimate.


Enns believes that the _______ passages that refer to deaconesses ________.

two ... are not clear whether the term deaconesses refers to a technical office or to a general description of service

Enns believes that the _______ passages that refer to deaconesses ________.

two ... clearly designate the deaconesses a recognized office in the early church

Jesus ___________ in John 10 to emphasize the believer's security.

uses double negatives

Enns believes that believers _______ retain knowledge of their own identities and that or their friends in heaven


Enns states that believers ________.

will be judged and receive either rewards or a loss of rewards

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