DPAS 1: Basic Data Processing Concepts

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c) A bold line

A participation constraint is indicated how in an ER diagram. a) A dotted line b) A dashed line c) A bold line d) A line

c) View

A particular query that pulls information from one or more tables is an example of a: a) Relation b) Physical Schema c) View d) Conceptual Schema

b) Projection

Consider a relation, STUDENT, with the following attributes: Name, ID number, Major, Graduation Year, and GPA. Consider a query using this relation: "List the names and ID numbers of students majoring in Computer Science." Which operator is absolutely necessary for this query? a) Union b) Projection c) Difference d) Intersection

d) 15

Consider two relations A and B in a database. Relation A has 5 rows and relation B has 3 rows. How many rows are produced if we apply the cartesian product operation to A and B? a) 8 b) 5 c) 3 d) 15

d) 5

Consider two sets: A with 10 tuples, and B with 5 tuples. What is the maximum number of tuples that the intersection of A and B can have? a) 15 b) 10 c) 50 d) 5

b) Create multiple user types

For which of the following functions require database management software because typical spreadsheet software cannot implement it? a) Update data b) Create multiple user types c) Store data d) Search data

b) 15

Given two tuple sets (A with 10 elements and B with 5 elements), what is the maximum number of tuples in the union of these sets? a) 50 b) 15 c) 10 d) 5



a) Relationship

What connects two entities in a database? a) Relationship b) Relation c) Record d) Table

b) All possible pairs from the two tables.

What does the relational algebra operator 'x' indicate? a) The intersection of the two tables. b) All possible pairs from the two tables. c) All pairs from two tables matched on a given field d) The union of the two tables.

a) Data comes from different sources in different formats.

What is a characteristic of big data? a) Data comes from different sources in different formats. b) Data growth is at a constant rate. c) Data comes from different sources in standard formats.

c) It can be applied to any two relations without a requirement.

What is required in order to use the cartesian product operator on two relations? a) The number of tuples in each relation must be the same. b) There must be at least one common attribute in the two relations. c) It can be applied to any two relations without a requirement. d) The number of attributes in each relation must be the same.

SELECT Name, ID_Number, Major FROM Student WHERE School='Business';

What is the SQL query to display the name, ID number and major of all business students?

d) To eliminate duplicate rows

What is the function of the DISTINCT command in a SQL query? a) To eliminate duplicate relations b) To eliminate duplicate columns c) To eliminate duplicate relationships d) To eliminate duplicate rows

c) Relational Model

What is the most widely used data model today? a) Graph Model b) Network Model c) Relational Model d) Hierarchical Model

c) ϴ-Join

What is the name of the operation used for joining two relations? a) β-Join b) α-Join c) ϴ-Join d) ⋈-Join

a) It connects two entities.

What is the role of a relationship in a database? a) It connects two entities. b) It helps users connect to a remote database. c) It is part of a relation. d) It connects two attributes.

d) To join two relations in a database.

What is the ϴ-Join operation used for? a) To join two tuples in the same relation. b) To join two databases. c) To join two attributes in the same relation. d) To join two relations in a database.

d) Database management software

What kind of software should be used if one needs to store data online, make certain parts of it accessible by different user types, and searchable? a) Spreadsheet software b) Presentation software c) Word processing software d) Database management software

a) Tables

What must be listed after the FROM command in a SQL query? a) Tables b) Records c) Conditions d) Attributes

b) Attributes

What must be listed after the SELECT command in a SQL query? a) Records b) Attributes c) Tables d) Conditions

a) Conditions

What must be listed after the WHERE command in a SQL query? a) Conditions b) Tables c) Attributes d) Records

a) Cartesian product

Which mathematical operation must be completed before the ϴ-Join operation? a) Cartesian product b) Multiplication c) Union d) Intersection

a) Difference

Which mathematical operator must be used in order to display information about students who are majoring in Computer Science but not in Electrical Engineering? a) Difference b) Intersection c) Union d) Cartesian Product

c) Intersection

Which mathematical operator must be used in order to display information about students who are majoring in both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering? a) Difference b) Cartesian Product c) Intersection d) Union

d) Student

Which of the following can be an entity name in a database? a) Age b) Gender c) First Name d) Student

c) Relational Database

Which of the following database types is most oriented toward storing well-structured data? a) Hadoop b) NoSQL Database c) Relational Database d) Spark

b) What is the name of the student with ID number 2357?

Which of the following is a correctly formatted database query? a) Is there a correlation between oil prices and temperature? b) What is the name of the student with ID number 2357? c) What will be the temperature in New York City tomorrow? d) What is the best U.S. state for retirement?

c) There may be multiple external schemas for a given database.

Which of the following is true about data schemas? a) There may be multiple internal schemas for a given database. b) There may be multiple conceptual schemas for a given database. c) There may be multiple external schemas for a given database. d) There may be multiple physical schemas for a given database.

c) Cartesian Product, ϴ-Join

Which of the following two operators must be used one after another? a) Cartesian Product, Multiplication b) Union, ϴ-Join c) Cartesian Product, ϴ-Join d) Multiplication, ϴ-Join

a) Union

Which operator must be used to display information about students majoring in Mathematics or Physics a) Union b) Difference c) Cartesian Product d) Intersection

• It displays certain tuples based on given criteria. • The selection operator can work on a relation even with a single attribute.

Which statement about the selection operator is correct? • It displays certain tuples based on given criteria. • It displays certain attributes based on given criteria. • It requires more than one relation. • The selection operator can work on a relation even with a single attribute.

a) It filters certain tuples in a relation based on given criteria.

Which statement about the selection operator is true? a) It filters certain tuples in a relation based on given criteria. b) It filters certain attributes in a relation based on given criteria. c) It requires more than one database as its input. d) It requires more than one relation as its input.

E.Name | E.ID | D.Name | D.ID John | 1357 | Brian | 1234 John | 1357 | Betsy | 6789 Mary | 2468 | Brian | 1234 Mary | 2468 | Betsy | 6789

You are given the following two relations A and B. What is the cartesian product of A and B, AXB?

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