Drivers Ed Ch 12

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Actions to take to reduce risks : It looks like the water on the road ahead will be as high as the bottom of your vehicle.

do not enter

________________ skids are caused by too much acceleration on the drive wheels.

over power

In a _______ skid, steer quickly and precisely.

rear wheel

True or False ? : Bald tires reduce the chance of hydroplaning.


True or False ? : If the windshield wipers must be used, turn off the headlights.


True or False ? : Use cruise control on slippery roads for control.


True or False ? : Use high-beam headlights to increase visibility to others


What actions can you take to remind drivers to lower their high beam headlights ?

Flick you headlights low to high

Correct or Incorrect? : apply heavy brake pressure to help dry wet brakes

Incorrect, light

Correct or Incorrect? : use high beam headlights day or night when it snows

Incorrect, low headlights

Correct or Incorrect? : when your engine gets hot, turn on your air conditioner

Incorrect, off/turn off heater

Correct or Incorrect? : if water is just over the tire rims, drive quickly in low gear

Incorrect, slowly

Correct or Incorrect? : ABS will enable you to stop in a shorter distance

Innocent, not

Actions to take to reduce risks : You need to check your traction in icy areas.

Squeeze your brakes lightly at low speeds away from traffic.

True or False ? : A sign that the brakes are wet is the vehicle pulls to one side.


True or False ? : Estimate water depth by looking at parked vehicles.


True or False ? : Rain covered roadways create limited traction.


True or False ? : The roads are most slippery when rain start to fall


True or False ? : drive in the tire tracks left by other vehicles


True or False ? : increase following distance from other vehicles


What three actions can drivers take if moisture builds up on the inside of the windshield ?

Turn on heater, turn of defroster, and open windows

Actions to take to reduce risks : You encounter fog while driving.

Turn on low beams

How can stopping distance be checked on dry pavement at night?

Use the 4-second stopping distance rule.

If a vehicle does not have ABS

Use threshold braking to stop quickly and don't lock wheels

When driving safe to use high-beam headlights when other vehicles are on the road in front of you ?

When drivers are more than 1/2 a mile away


when tires lose all or part of their grip on the roadway while braking, accelerating, or steering

Remove accelerator or brake pedal pressure in a ________________ skid.

front wheel

What is the most important rule for your vehicles glass ?

keep it clean

Correct or Incorrect? : Turn on the heater to help reduce moisture on the inside of the windshield


Correct or Incorrect? : correct an over-power skid by letting off the accelerator


Correct or Incorrect? : in fog, others vehicles may be closer than you think


Correct or Incorrect? : slushy snow in standing water can increase low hydroplaning risk


Correct or Incorrect? : to correct a skid steer toward the target


Actions to take to reduce risks : Ice and slush are stuck to the underside of your vehicle when you park.

Do not set your parking brake.

Actions to take to reduce risks : You need to brake hard with your ABS-equipped vehicle.

Don't let up on the brake.

Actions to take to reduce risks : You must drive on a heavily traveled gravel road

Drive in the wheel paths left by other drivers.

Correct or Incorrect? : move to lane position 2 if the oncoming driver does not reduce high-beams headlights.


Correct or Incorrect? : the darkest days have the darkest shadows

Incorrect, brightest

Correct or Incorrect? : you are in a rear-wheel skid if you turn the steering wheel and the vehicle continues straight

Incorrect, front wheel

Actions to take to reduce risks : You get stuck in deep snow with your engine running.

Make sure the exhaust pipe is not blocked.

Actions to take to reduce risks : Snow is packed down in the tire tracks in lane position 1.

Move to lane position 3

List the three steps a driver should take to control a front-wheel skid.

Release accelerator or brake pedal pressure, look and steer to the target, quickly pump the brake pedal to slow if needed.

Actions to take to reduce risks : You get stuck in deep snow, mud, or sand.

Rock vehicle

A front-wheel skid result in a loss of __________ control.


controlled braking

a technique of applying your brakes to slow or stop quickly without locking your wheels


a tire rises up on top of water and no longer has contact with the road.

The squeeze-relax-squeeze technique is used for _____________________ braking.


overdriving headlights

driving at a speed that makes your stopping distance longer than the distance lighted by your headlights

rocking a vehicle

driving forward a little and then back a little to move your vehicle out of snow, mud, or sand


the rear of the vehicle swerving back and forth

Actions to take to reduce risks : You are driving at the maximum speed limit when sleet starts to fall

to reduce (speed), slow down

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