Driver's Ed. Permit Test

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How soon before you turn should you put on your turn signal on in the city? country?

100 ft 200 ft

Bright lights should be dimmed - feet before meeting an oncoming car and - before overtaking another vehicle.

500 ft 300 ft

Motorcyclist are entitled to use the full width of a traffic lane, therefore, a driver should pass a motorcycle the same way a driver would pass another vehicle. T/F


A driver must give the right or left turn signal when changing lanes. T/F


A driver whose license has been revoked as a result of DUI must meet several requirements, including an evaluation for alcohol and drug problems and paying a reinstatement fee, to regain their license. T/F


A merge sign means drivers should be prepared to change lanes or allow other traffic to come into their lane. T/F


A railroad crossbuck sign should be treated the same as a yield sign. T/F


After a train clears a crossing that has flashing signals, drivers may proceed after checking for a second train on another track and the lights have stopped flashing. T/F


After making a proper stop and yielding to traffic or pedestrians within the intersection, it is permissible for drivers on a one-way street to turn left at a red light onto another one-way street that moves traffic to the left. T/F


Alcohol is the single greatest factor in fatal motor vehicle crashes. T/F


An orange sign means drivers should be alert, adjust their speed and be prepared to stop if necessary. T/F


Drivers may open car doors on the side on which traffic is moving only when it can be done safely and without interfering with traffic. T/F


Drivers must yield to pedestrians in an unmarked crosswalk. T/F


Drivers who become stranded in blizzard conditions should remain in their vehicles. T/F


Driving privileges may be revoked for giving false info. to the Secretary of State. T/F


Headlights must be lighted from sunset to sunrise. T/F


IL law requires that headlights be on when atmospheric conditions require the use of windshield wipers. T/F


If arrested with a blood-alcohol concentration of .08% or more, an individual's driving privileges will be suspended for at least 6 months. T/F


If the front right wheel of a vehicle runs off the pavement, a driver should ease off the accelerator, brake gently and gently steer back onto the pavement. T/F


It is illegal for persons under age 21 to drive with any traces of alcohol or drugs in their systems. T/F


It is permissible to make a right turn against a red signal light after stopping and yielding to other vehicles and pedestrians. T/F


Most rear-end collisions are caused by the vehicle in back following too closely. T/F


Who has to wear a safety belt?


What is perjury and what are the penalties?

false info jail 1-3 years fines up to $25,000

Passing another car on a two lane two way road is a - maneuver.

high risk

- your following distance when driving behind a motorcycle.


Can you pass another vehicle on the shoulder of the road?


How much will a replacement permit cost if you lose or wash your original permit?


It is illegal to use ANY cellular device, including blue tooth, until what age?


Who is allowed to text in IL?


What Blood Alcohol Level is illegal in IL for a driver over the age of 21? Under 21?

.08 any level

How many passengers not related to you can you have in the first year that you have your license?


How many hours do you need to drive at night?


How far away should you sit from an air bag?

10-12 in.

If the speed limit sign says 45, how fast should you drive?

35 or 40

How many hours do you have to practice with your parents before you can get your driver's license?

50 hours

How long do you need to hold an IL permit before you can get your driver's license?

9 months

All vehicles are required to stop within how many feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing when a train is approaching? a. between 15 and 50 ft b. between 5 and 10 ft c. 10 ft


What is the penalty for being convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus? a. driving privileges or vehicle registration suspension and a minimum $150 fine b. 60-day suspension of driving privileges c. $30 fine and 14-day suspension of driving privileges


What should a driver do when approaching a traffic control signal that is not in operation? a. come to a full stop and yield the right-of-way before entering the intersection b. if the intersection is clear, the driver does not need to stop c. driver quickly through the intersection to get out of the way of other vehicles


When must a driver slow down for a school zone? a. on school days between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. when children are present and signs are posted b. on weekends c. only during recess


How should a driver proceed if within an intersection waiting to make a left turn and the traffic signal light turns red? a. wait in the intersection until the light turns green b. yield to oncoming traffic and complete the turn c. make sure it is clear, then back up from the intersection


What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body? a. strong coffee b. time c. cold shower


What should drivers do when approaching a construction area? a. increase their speed to get out of the way quickly b. slow down, stop all wireless telephone communications and yield the right-of-way c. honk their horn several times to alert individuals working in the area of their presence


An individual driving privileges may be suspended under which of the following conditions? a. 3 reckless driving offenses in 12 months b. drag or street racing c. illegally transporting alcohol twice in 12 months by a person over age 21


For what distance should a continuous turn signal be given when making a left or right turn in a business or residential district? a. not less than 50 ft before turning b. not less than 75 ft before turning c. not less than 100 ft before turning


Speed should be reduced below the posted speed limit for which of the following reasons? a. driver is driving in unfavorable weather conditions b. driver is approaching and crossing an intersection c. both of the above


Within how many ft is a driver required to dim the headlights before meeting another vehicle? a. 250 ft b. 400 ft c. 500 ft


A driver does not need to allow as much distance when following a motorcycle as when following a car. T/F


A driver may pass another vehicle by driving on the shoulder of the road. T/F


A driver may proceed immediately when waiting at an intersection and the traffic signal light turns green. T/F


Drivers may pass on a two-lane roadway marked with a single solid yellow line on their side of the center line. T/F


If a driver is arrested and refuses to submit to testing, driving privileges will be suspended for 3 months. T/F


If a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow, a driver may not turn in the direction of the arrow until the red light has changed. T/F


If a vehicle starts to skid on water, the driver should quickly apply the brakes. T/F


If a vehicle starts to skid, the driver should gently apply the brakes and steer in the opposite direction of the skid. T/F


If driving in fog, a driver should turn on the high-beam headlights to increase the field of vision. T/F


If moving with a stream of vehicles across a railroad track, it is safe to stop on the track for a short period of time. T/F


In urban areas, drivers moving out of an alley, building, private road or driveway need not come to a complete stop before entering the roadway if the roadway is clear of traffic. T/F


It is permissible for anyone to wear a headset while driving. T/F


It is permissible to pass on a two-lane, two-lane, two-way roadway within 100 ft of an intersection or railroad crossing. T/F


Slow vehicles should use the left-hand lane except when passing or making a left turn. T/F


When experiencing a tire blowout, the driver should apply the brakes quickly and pull off the roadway to check the tire. T/F


What law states that you automatically consent to submit to certain tests?

Implied Consent Law

If you lose your permit, where can you get a new one?

Secretary of State Office

Only vehicles displaying special plates or parking placards for persons with disabilities may park in spaces reserved for them by an official PARKING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES sign. T/F


The road surface of a bridge may be dangerous in winter because it may remain icy after the rest of the roadway is clear. T/F


The three-second rule helps the driver determine a safe following distance. T/F


Unless authorized to do so, drivers may not break into the line of a funeral procession. T/F


When a motorist is turning right and a bicyclist is approaching on the right, let the bicyclist go through the intersection first before making a right turn. T/F


When an authorized vehicle using its sirens and flashing lights approaches a vehicle, the driver should pull to the right-hand edge of the roadway and wait for the emergency vehicle to pass. T/F


When approaching a disabled pedestrian using a guide dog, white cane or other assistive device, a driver should yield the right of way. T/F


When approaching a railroad crossing that has no warning signals (such as electric flashing lights or gates), a driver should look, listen and slow down. T/F


When approaching a stop sign that is not marked by a crosswalk, drivers should stop their vehicles before entering the intersection. T/F


When following a truck at night, it is important to dim your headlights. T/F


When on a two-way roadway drivers must stop their vehicles when approaching a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing and its stop signal arm extended. T/F


When passing another vehicle, a driver should wait until the entire car the driver passed is visible in the review mirror before turning back into the right-hand lane. T/F


Your car must have a horn that can be heard from a distance of 200 ft. T/F


What are the curfew hours in IL if you are 15-17 years old?

a. Sunday-Thursday... b. Friday and Saturday...

Why is it more difficult to drive around large trucks?

a. they make wide turns b. they take longer to stop

Driving is a privilege and a...


Can you use your IL permit everywhere?

yes, except certain states

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