Drug Use and Abuse: Chapter 6

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comprehensive methamphetamine control act

(1996) used to increase penalties for people making or trafficking meth

combat methamphetamine epidemic act

(2006) -regulates sell of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine -regulated in order to shut down "kitchen" meth labs -put a halt on meth labs but they just found new places to make it (migrated)

stimulant psychosis

(acute effects at high doses) -paranoid delusions (EX: schizophrenia) -compulsive stereotyped behavior: rocking, hair pulling, chain smoking, "fiddling" -hallucinations -formication: bugs crawling under skin→ only acute dose -convulsions and seizures: more likely to happen when you combine drugs -dont normally have these effects unless take drug consistently for a long time

behavioral effects

(acute effects at low and moderate doses) -mood elevation -increased alertness and arousal -marked insomnia -enhance performance speed, but may impair ability to learn complex tasks: state dependent learning

physiological effects

(acute effects at low and moderate doses) mimic activity in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system -increases effects you typically wouldn't have unless you were scared, panicking, etc. -stimulants -appetite-suppressant (or anorectic effects): any weight you lose will come back faster when you quit using it


(effects of chronic use) -withdrawal not associated with physical illness→ psychological -withdrawal is associated with depression, anxiety, changes in appetite, sleeping disturbances, and craving for the drug; severe exhaustion also associated with the drug leaving the body -crash -extinction phase

street cocaine

(of cocaine epidemic) -water-soluble -overdose deaths are less common with sniffing than injection -cocaine + HCl → can be sniffed or injected -sniffing→ less effects than injection bc capillaries become blocked


(of physiological effects of acute effects at low and moderate doses) -mimic activity in the sympathetic branch of the ANS -heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and sweating all increase: blood flow decreases to the internal organs and extremities -body temperature is also elevated and pupils dilated

free basing

(of the cocaine epidemic) natural cocaine + something else → heated → inhale gaseous state (pure cocaine) -cocaine + ether -late 70s -mostly only sniffed


(of the cocaine epidemic) street cocaine→ alkaline substance + cocaine -over dose death problems because people starting injecting it (during 1980s) -late 80s


(pharmacokinetics of ______) -can be absorbed orally (45min-1hr) -intranasally (15-20 mins) -intravenous (reaches CNS in 30s) -inhalation (reaches CNS before 30s; fastest) -cocaine effects last 20-80 minutes because they are metabolized quickly; excretion time is 2-3 days -amphetamines effects last 4-12 hours because they metabolize slower; effects last longer

reverse tolerance

(sensitization) dose of cocaine produces a larger effect after one or more administrations -dose produces better effect after 1 or more use -sensitization helps her verbally describe its effects

short duration

(stimulant drug and ADHD) ____ of action also leads to problems -effects end in about 4 hours EX: adderall


(stimulant drugs and ADHD) 1.5 million ____ are prescribed medication for ADHD -possibly had it whole life but didn't get prescribed in grade school


(stimulant drugs and ADHD) 12 hour duration of action -some report systems for longer -can create bad side effects EX: vyvanse


(stimulant drugs and ADHD) ___ has become a popular "club" drug -makes users feel energetic and enhances mood (also taken with ecstasy)


(stimulant drugs and ____) -children with ___ are not necessarily hyper: may suffer primarily from symptoms of inattention (gets them into trouble) -impaired academic performance -misbehavior at school, fighting with siblings, etc. -although some outgrow ___ during puberty, most often these problems continue into adulthood -Methlphenidate (Ritalin) -amphetamines (Adderrall) -Ritalin and Adderall are the most widely prescribed treatments for ____ -since 1990, the use of stimulants has increased by 500% -estimated that over 2 million children in the US take Ritalin or some other prescription stimulant drug -2004, prescription drug sales for ____ exceeded $3 billion

sigmund freud

-"on coca" -launched a major period of cocaine abuse -Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow: formication syndrome -endorsed by many influential people -thought it would it kill morphine addiction -prescribed cocaine for many different things: thought it would kill syphilis, used as local anesthetic, patent medicines


-"redneck cocaine" -largest use now in TN and South -change in law for the control of pseudo ephedrine impacted its migration to the South


-aka: ice, crystals, crank -reappeared on the West Coast and Hawaii (trafficked across border from Mexico) -"club" drug bc kept you awake -1996 Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act -combat methamphetamine epidemic act- 2006

mechanism of stimulant action

-block re-uptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin -amphetamines also increase the release of dopamine and norepinephrine - long term effect: depletion of monoamines which is linked to depression and the "cocaine blues" (receptor site gets diminished which lowers dopamine level) -powerful reinforcing property: action of dopamine containing neurons in the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway (the reward system); the drug highjacks the MDP therefore when the drug leaves the body, the body doesn't know what to do

acute tolerance for cocaine

-effects from the first administration of the drug are not produced by a second administration shortly afterward, unless a higher dose is used -strong effects can still be reached the next day -develops to positive subjective effects of methamphetamine -second dose never as good as first

coca leaf

-leaves from the Cocoa bush/tree produce the stimulant cocaine -Native of South America chewed the leaves: religious significance to Inca's, medical and work related purposes -Spanish control of coca: Spanish did not use coca but encouraged the Inca's to do so (because they worked harder) -European tales of coca: availability of coca- 1850s→ chemists isolated the active agent in the leaf-cocaine -extraction of cocaine: cocaine was more potent, intravenous injection and smoking


-medial uses in the 1920s (manufactured earlier, but not used for medicine) -soldiers used them in WWII (addiction problems when they returned) - used to treat heroin addiction (speed freak era of 1960s) -drug effects


In recent years, ___ has accounted for more drug related ER visits than any other illegal drug. -cocaine originally smuggled from Colombia, but later Mexico after the US and Colombia cracked down on smuggling -"crack house" -penalties: in the 1980s, street dealers got caught and sent to prison while the distributors weren't touched

anti-drug abuse act of 1986 and 1988

conviction for selling large quantities (500gm) of cocaine powder (the salt form- cocaine + HCl) -minimum sentence of 5 years in prison -5 grams of crack: 5 year minimum sentence -1988 law extended the 5 year minimum penalty: possession of 5 grams of cocaine -this led to problems because street dealers and distributor getting the same sentence


drug effects of _______: -incredible first high, but hard to reach again→ leads to continued use -side effects: fortification symptoms, "crank bugs", stimulant psychosis (similar to schizophrenia), depression (occurs if they try not to use or when the ___ is leaving their system)


free base, crack cocaine

state dependent learning

having a match between the encoding and retrieval drug state EX: adderral; if you're studying drunk, you should take the test drunk


patent medicines, coca cola, tonic medicines, over the counter drugs


problems that occur with ____: -growth delays may occur (especially in boys) -managed by drug holidays EX: summer, weekend -boys with untreated ___ are more likely to develop drug and alcohol problems than are boys with ___ who were treated with stimulants; the behavioral problem being untreated leads to issues

cocaine epidemic

several factors led to the increase in cocaine related problems -increased availability of cheaper cocaine (reason problem began to occur again) -smoking freebase cocaine or crack: free base (late 70s), crack (late 80s)

extinction phase

specific addiction to stimulant; trying to eliminate cues that make people continue to use drug


stimulant drugs do ___ performance in children with ADHD -children who received medication for ADHD compared to children unmedicated with ADHD (scored higher on standardized tests)

fair sentencing act of 2010

under the old sentencing guidelines, the penalty for possessing a gram of crack cocaine was the same as that for possessing 100 grams of powder cocaine→ led to the _______ -changed possession laws -was retrospective for people already in prison

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