E-commerce Final

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A ________ is hardware or software that acts as a filter to prevent unwanted packets from entering a network. A) firewall B) virtual private network C) proxy server D) PPTP


All of the following are platforms for C2C e-commerce except: A) Walmart B) Facebook Marketplace C) Craigslist D) Etsy


All of the following statements about e-commerce in the United States in 2018 are true except: A) social e-commerce generated more revenue than mobile e-commerce. B) mobile advertising accounted for over 70% of all digital advertising spending. C) on-demand service firms fueled the growth of local e-commerce. D) growth rates for retail e-commerce were higher in the Middle East than in the United States.


All of the following statements about patents are true except: A) it is more difficult to obtain a copyright than it is to obtain a patent. B) the four types of inventions protected by patent law are machines, manmade products, compositions of matter, and processing methods. C) computer programs can be patented. D) in order to be patented, an invention must be nonobvious


Asymmetric key cryptography is also known as: A) public key cryptography. B) secret key cryptography. C) PGP. D) PKI.


Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce in the United States: A) grew at double-digit rates between 2010 and 2018. B) has less revenue than C2C e-commerce. C) now constitutes over 50% of the overall U.S. retail market. D) is growing more slowly as it confronts its own fundamental limitations.


Registering a domain name similar or identical to trademarks of others to extort profits from legitimate holders is an example of: A) cybersquatting. B) cyberpiracy. C) framing. D) metatagging


Software that is used to obtain private user information such as a user's keystrokes or copies of e-mail is referred to as: A) spyware. B) a backdoor. C) browser parasite.


Which of the following is an example of e-business? A) Amazon's inventory control system B) the Amazon.com website C) an Amazon mobile app D) Amazon's Pinterest page


Which of the following statements about cloud computing is not true? A) A public cloud is typically used by companies with stringent privacy and security requirements. B) Dropbox is an example of a public cloud. C) Hybrid clouds offer both public and private cloud options. D) A private cloud may be hosted internally or externally


Which of the following statements about the Web is not true? A) The Web is the technology upon which the Internet is based. B) The Web was the original "killer app." C) The Web provides access to pages written in Hypertext Markup Language. D) The Web is both a communications infrastructure and an information storage system


A firm's ________ describes how a firm will produce a superior return on invested capital. A) value proposition B) revenue model C) market strategy D) competitive advantage


A website designed around a community of members who self-identify with a demographic or geographic category is classified as a(n): A) interest-based social network. B) affinity community. C) practice network. D) sponsored community


After Google, the next portal/search engine site with the most unique visitors is: A) Yahoo. B) Microsoft. C) AOL. D) Facebook.


Conficker is an example of a: A) virus. B) worm. C) Trojan horse. D) botnet


Downloading a music track owned by a record company without paying for it is an example of a violation of: A) patent law. B) copyright law. C) trademark law. D) privacy law.


During which phase of the development of the Internet was the Domain Name System (DNS) introduced? A) commercialization phase B) institutional phase C) innovation phase D) consolidation phase


Each of the following is one of the top seven social network sites in the United States, in terms of monthly unique visitors, except: A) Tumblr. B) Myspace. C) Instagram. D) Pinterest


In 2018, about ________ of Americans accessed the Internet solely via a mobile device. A) 8% B) 16% C) 28% D) 34%


Which of the following is an example of an on-demand service company? A) YouTube B) Airbnb C) Tumblr D) Facebook


Which of the following is not a major business trend in e-commerce in 2018-2019? A) Mobile e-commerce continues to grow. B) Retail e-commerce revenues exceed B2B e-commerce revenues for the first time. C) On-demand service companies garner multibillion-dollar valuations. D) Social e-commerce continues to grow


Which of the following is not a primary activity in a firm value chain? A) outbound logistics B) finance/accounting C) operations D) after-sales service


Which of the following is not one of the basic technological foundations of the Internet? A) client/server computing B) FTP C) TCP/IP D) packet switching


Which of the following protects original forms of expression in a tangible medium? A) trade secret law B) copyright law C) patent law D) trademark law


Which of the following protocols enables the exchange of routing information among different autonomous systems on the Internet? A) HTTP B) BGP C) FTP D) SMTP


Which of the following types of auctions "shields the brand" of the seller? A) English auction B) Name Your Own Price auction C) Dutch auction D) penny auction


Which type of e-commerce is distinguished by the type of technology used in the transaction rather than by the nature of the market relationship? A) consumer-to-consumer (C2C) B) social e-commerce C) mobile e-commerce D) business-to-business (B2B


________ is the market leader in C2C auctions. A) Amazon B) eBay C) uBid D) eBid


________ was the first truly large-scale digitally enabled transaction system in the B2C arena. A) Telex B) The Baxter Healthcare system C) The French Minitel D) Eelectronic Data Interchange (EDI)


According to Ponemon Institute's 2017 survey, which of the following was not among the causes of the most costly cybercrimes? A) malicious insiders B) malicious code C) denial of service D) botnets


HTTP/2 is supported by almost all the leading web browsers


Stickiness is an important attribute for which of the following revenue models? A) advertising revenue model B) subscription revenue model C) transaction fee revenue model D) affiliate revenue mode


The ________ helps define the overall structure of the Internet. A) IAB B) IESG C) W3C D) ITU


What is the primary revenue model for an e-distributor? A) sales B) transaction fee C) advertising D) subscription


n 2018, the overall retail market in the United States was estimated to be about: A) $53 trillion. B) $5.3 trillion. C) $530 billion. D) $53 billion


Vertical content portals and affinity group portals tend to be more well-known brands than general-purpose portals.


The fact that participating in an Internet auction means that you will need to purchase a computer, learn to use it, and pay for Internet access, is an example of ________ costs. A) equipment B) fulfillment C) delayed consumption D) monitoring


The layer of Internet architecture that ties the applications to the communications network and includes security and authentication services is called the: A) Network Technology Substrate layer. B) Middleware Services layer. C) Transport Services and Representation Standards layer. D) Applications layer.


The time spent watching and reviewing auction bids is a part of ________ costs. A) pricing B) monitoring C) delayed consumption D) fulfillment


Which of the following companies uses a transaction fee revenue model? A) Yahoo B) E*Trade C) Twitter D) Birchbox


According to Symantec, almost half of the e-mail addresses involved in business e-mail compromise (BEC) phishing that it analyzed had an IP address originating in: A) China. B) Russia. C) Nigeria. D) North Korea


Priceline's auctions utilize fixed pricing.


The process of slicing digital messages into parcels, sending them along different communication paths as they become available, and reassembling them at the destination point is called: A) routing. B) the Transmission Control Protocol. C) packet switching. D) the File Transfer Protocol


The term ________ refers to the advantages conferred as an auction site becomes larger in terms of visitors and products for sale. A) siphoning B) herd behavior C) network effects


Which dimension(s) of security is spoofing a threat to? A) integrity B) availability C) integrity and authenticity D) availability and integrity


Which of the following allows someone to obtain an exclusive monopoly on the ideas behind an invention for 20 years? A) copyright law B) trade secret law C) patent law D) trademark law


Which of the following is another name for a revenue model? A) business model B) business strategy C) financial model D) financial statements


Which of the following is considered one of the most contentious e-commerce patents? A) Acacia Technologies' patent on streaming video media transmission B) Priceline's patent on buyer-driven name your price tools C) Amazon's patent on one-click purchasing D) Google's PageRank paten


Which of the following is not a risk or cost of Internet auctions? A) delayed consumption costs B) equipment costs C) price transparency D) trust risks


Which of the following is not one of the defining functions of a portal? A) commerce B) content C) auctions D) navigation of the Web


Which of the following is not one of the top factors a business should consider when planning an Internet auction? A) type of product B) type of auction C) location of auction D) bid increments


Which of the following is the core communications protocol for the Internet? A) Telnet B) FTP C) TCP/IP D) TLS


It is estimated that by 2022, the size of the B2B market will reach: A) $730 million. B) $7.3 billion. C) $730 billion. D) $7.3 trillion


Priceline is an example of a(n): A) English auction. B) Dutch auction. C) penny auction. D) Name Your Own Price auction.


The Web runs in which layer of Internet architecture? A) Network Technology Substrate layer B) Middleware Services layer C) Transport Services and Representation Standards layer D) Applications layer


The ________ is a consortium of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices. A) Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) B) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) C) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) D) Internet Society (ISOC)


The profit a seller makes at auction is a function of all of the following except: A) initial pricing. B) auction length. C) the number of units for auction. D) watch lists


How long does copyright protection extend for corporate-owned works? A) 25 years B) 50 years C) 75 years D) 95 years


The basic value proposition of community providers is: A) they offer a fast, convenient one-stop site where users can focus on their most important concerns and interests. B) they offer consumers valuable, convenient, time-saving, and low-cost alternatives to traditional service providers. C) they create a digital electronic environment for buyers and sellers to meet, agree on a price, and transact. D) they increase customers' productivity by helping them get things done faster and more cheaply.


What is the FTC recommendation regarding choice as it relates to personally identifiable information (PII)? A) Require firms to have consumers affirmatively opt-in before PII is collected. B) Require firms to allow consumers to opt-out before PII is collected. C) Make collection of PII illegal. D) Require robust notice only before PII is collected


Which of the FTC's Fair Information Practices (FIP) principles requires identification of the collector of data? A) Notice/Awareness B) Choice/Consent C) Access/Participation D) Security


Which of the following are specialized computers that transmit message parcels along available Internet communication paths and on to their destinations? A) routers B) Web servers C) IP servers D) packet servers


Which of the following is a core Fair Information Practices (FIP) principle? A) Choice/Consent B) Access/Participation C) Security D) Enforcement


________ is a utility program that allows you to check the connection between your client and a TCP/IP network. A) Ping B) Telnet C) Tracert D) Finger


The Data Encryption Standard uses a(n) ________-bit key. A) 8 B) 56 C) 256 D) 512


The Internet Layer of TCP/IP is responsible for which of the following? A) placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium B) addressing, packaging, and routing messages C) providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application D) providing a variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers


The backbone of the Internet is formed by: A) Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). B) Tier 1 ISPs. C) Network Access Points (NAPs). D) Metropolitan Area Exchanges (MAEs)


The world's online population was estimated to be around ________ in 2018. A) 360 million B) 3.6 billion C) 36 billion D) 360 billion


Where does TLS operate within TCP/IP? A) between the Internet Layer and the Transport Layer B) between the Transport Layer and the Application Layer C) between the Network Interface Layer and the Transport Layer D) between the Internet Layer and the Application Layer


Which case was instrumental in paving the way for Internet business methods patents? A) Bilski et al. v. Kappos B) State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc. C) Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International D) Ticketmaster Corp. v. Tickets.com


Which of the FTC's Fair Information Practices (FIP) principles requires opt-in or opt-out policies to be in place? A) Notice/Awareness B) Choice/Consent C) Access/Participation D) Security


Which of the following allows the consumer to enter a maximum price and the auction software automatically places incremental bids, up to that maximum price, as their original bid is surpassed? A) watch lists B) proxy bidding C) sealed bidding D) price matching


Which of the following are Amazon's primary value propositions? A) personalization and customization 1 Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. B) selection and convenience C) reduction of price discovery cost D) management of product delivery


Which of the following statements best describes the potential impact of network effects with respect to portals? A) Specialized vertical market portals attract only a small percentage of the audience, while a few large megaportals garner most of the market. B) The value of the portal to advertisers and consumers increases geometrically as reach increases. C) The greater the amount of content provided by a portal, the greater its value to the community. D) The greater number of portals available, the greater the potential audience for each


Which of the following uses a subscription revenue model for books? A) Spotify B) Amazon Kindle Unlimited C) Rhapsody D) Pandor


Which of the following was the original "killer app" that made the Internet commercially interesting and extraordinarily popular? A) e-commerce B) The Web C) social networks D) mobile apps


________ and ________ are typically the most easily identifiable aspects of a company's business model. A) Market strategy; market opportunity B) Value proposition; revenue model C) Competitive advantage; competitive environment D) Revenue model; market opportunity


________ occurs when sellers agree informally or formally to set floor prices below which they will not sell on auction items. A) Discriminatory pricing B) Price matching C) Bid rigging D) Distress pricing


A(n) ________, in which the highest bidder wins, is the most common form of auction. A) Dutch Internet auction B) Japanese auction C) English auction D) reverse auction


All of the following are examples of open source CMSs except: A) Joomla B) Drupal C) Dreamweaver CC D) WordPress


All of the following are examples of social networks except: A) Instagram. B) Twitter. C) Y Combinator. D) Pinterest.


All of the following types of auctions involve single units except: A) an English auction. B) a Dutch Internet auction. C) a Name Your Own Price auction. D) a penny auction


All the following statements about symmetric key cryptography are true except: A) in symmetric key cryptography, both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message. B) the Data Encryption Standard is a symmetric key encryption system. C) symmetric key cryptography is computationally slower. D) symmetric key cryptography is a key element in digital envelopes


BlackPlanet is an example of a(n) ________ social network. A) practice-based B) interest-based C) affinity-based D) general


In 2018, around what percentage of the total United States population used social networks? A) 50% B) 60% C) 70% D) 80%


Portals primarily generate revenue in all of the following ways except: A) charging advertisers for ad placement. B) collecting transaction fees. C) sales of goods. D) charging subscription fees.


Proxy servers are also known as: A) firewalls. B) application gateways. C) dual home systems. D) packet filters.


TCP/IP operates in which layer of Internet architecture? A) Network Technology Substrate layer B) Middleware Services layer C) Transport Services and Representation Standards layer D) Applications layer


The Transport Layer of TCP/IP is responsible for which of the following? A) placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium B) addressing, packaging, and routing messages C) providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application D) providing a variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers


The early years of e-commerce are considered: 14 Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. A) the most promising time in history for the successful implementation of first mover advantages. B) an economist's dream come true, where for a brief time, consumers had access to all relevant market information and transaction costs plummeted. C) a stunning technological success as the Internet and the Web increased from a few thousand to billions of e-commerce transactions per year. D) a dramatic business success as 85% of dot-coms formed since 1995 became flourishing businesses.


Which of the following situations would not qualify for the fair use exception to U.S. copyright law? A) A professor clips a newspaper article just before class and distributes copies of it to his class. B) A journalist quotes a paragraph from a book in a review of the book. C) A student copies a photograph of his favorite band from a website created by the band's record label and places it on the student's personal website. D) Google posts thumbnail images of books in the Google Book Search Project.


Which of the following types of auctions is perfect for sellers that have many identical items to sell? A) English auctions B) Name Your Own Price auctions C) Dutch Internet auctions D) group buying auctions


Which of the following was the most popular web browser as of August 2018? A) Internet Explorer B) Safari C) Chrome D) Firefox


All of the following statements about HTML5 are true except: A) HTML5 has become the de facto web page development standard. B) HTML5 is an important tool for both response web design and adaptive web delivery. C) HTML5 apps work just like web pages. D) HTML5 stores page content into mobile device hardware rather loading into the browser from a web server


All of the following use an advertising revenue model except: A) Facebook. B) Yahoo. C) Google. D) Walmart


All of the following are examples of Web 2.0 sites and applications except: A) photo-sharing sites. B) blogs. C) wikis. 13 Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. D) auction sites.


All of the following are examples of business-to-business (B2B) business models except: A) e-distributors. B) e-procurement. C) exchanges. D) portals


All of the following are factors that will be considered in determining whether use of copyrighted material is "fair use" except the: A) nature of the work used. B) amount of the work used. C) market effect of the use. D) free availability of the work on the Web


All of the following are methods of improving the processing architecture of a website except: A) separating static content from dynamic content. B) optimizing ASP code. C) optimizing the database schema. D) adding web servers


All of the following can be considered examples of the market creator business model except: A) eBay. B) Priceline. C) Uber. D) Twitter


When talking about the physical elements of the Internet, the term redundancy refers to: A) transmitting multiple copies of a single packet to safeguard against data loss. B) the use of tiered high-speed switching computers to connect the backbone to regional and local networks. C) delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information through the network. D) multiple duplicate devices and paths in a network built so that data can be rerouted if a breakdown occurs


Which element of the business model addresses what a firm provides that other firms do not and cannot? A) competitive environment B) competitive advantage C) market strategy D) value proposition


Which of the following cannot be used to retrieve objects from a database? A) CGI B) ASP C) JSP D) HTML


Which of the following does not use a subscription revenue model? A) Apple Music B) eHarmony C) Ancestry D) Twitter


Which of the following is a leading platform for social e-commerce? A) Amazon B) eBay C) Wikipedia D) Facebook


Which of the following is a platform for B2B e-commerce? A) Airbnb B) Facebook C) Groupon D) Go2Paper


Which of the following is not one of the typical portal revenue sources? A) commissions on sales B) subscription fees C) tenancy deals D) referral fees


Which of the following occurred during the Commercialization phase of Internet development? A) The fundamental building blocks of the Internet were realized in actual hardware and software. B) Personal computers were invented. C) The Domain Name System was introduced. D) NSF privatized the operation of the Internet's backbone.


Which of the following technologies has enabled the Internet to grow exponentially to support millions of users, without overloading the network architecture? A) fiber optics B) Wi-Fi C) IPv6 D) client/server computing


You could expect to find all of the following services in a web server software package except: A) security services. B) FTP. C) search engine. D) an RSS aggregator.


________ is a model of computing in computer processing, storage, software, and other services which are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over the Internet. A) Client/server computing B) P2P computing C) Mobile computing D) Cloud computing


________ is a programming language invented by Netscape used to control the objects on an HTML page and handle interactions with the browser. A) VBScript B) ActiveX C) ColdFusion D) JavaScript


A security hole known as Shellshock enabled hackers to target JavaScript running on Apache web servers.


A value proposition defines how a company's product or service will generate revenue for the firm


Copyright protection protects against others copying the underlying ideas in a work


Facebook is the fastest growing of the most popular social networks


In B2C auctions, consumers control assets and use dynamic pricing to establish the price


Phishing attacks rely on browser parasites


Portals are not immune to network effects.


Storing HTML pages in RAM rather than on a server's hard drive is an expensive way to fine-tune the processing architecture of a website


A Trojan horse appears to be benign, but then does something other than expected


Auction prices are often higher than prices in fixed priced markets.


IoT botnets became the preferred platform for launching DDoS attacks in 2017


More than two-thirds of Internet users worldwide participate in social networks.


Objects can be retrieved from the database using Java Server Pages.


Spoofing is the attempt to hide a hacker's true identity by using someone else's e-mail or IP address.


The value of portals to advertisers and content owners is primarily a function of the size of the audience the portal reaches, and the length of time visitors stay on the site.


B2B e-commerce is the largest type of e-commerce.


E-commerce and e-business systems blur together at the business firm boundary, where internal business systems link up with suppliers or customers


FTP is the protocol that permits users to transfer files from a server to their client computer, and vice versa


The term latency refers to a delay that can be experienced in packet-switched networks


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