Early Civilizations

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What does the rainbow represent?

"Perpetual and everlasting" covenant of Noah with God


(adj) capable of producing / growing crops; suitable for farming; suited to the plow and for tillage. (noun) land that can be or is cultivated.


(noun) delta has a lot of definitions, but in this case, we're thinking of the delta of the Nile River. A nearly flat plain of alluvial deposit between diverging branches of the mouth of a river, often, though not necessarily, triangular: ex. the Nile delta


(verb) to treat (a dead body) to preserve it, as with chemicals, drugs, or balsams.

How long were the Hyksos in power in Egypt?

140 years

The Bible tells us that the earth and mankind were created in ______ days.

6 (the 7th day was God's day of rest).


A form of writing (possibly the first ever) developed by the Sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets.

The Tigris-Euphrates valley, the Fertile Crescent, and Palestine were controlled by ____________________.


What was the name of the first city built in Babylon?



Belief in many gods.

Civilization first developed among the descendants of __________.


As a result of Ham's sin, God put a curse on his son _____________.


Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, is best noted for his _______________.

Codes of 282 laws (aka Code of Hammurabi)

Who interpreted the vision of Belshazzar of Babylon?


Why was Daniel thrown into the lion's den?

Disobeying the King's law by praying to the one true God. Daniel, of course, survived this ordeal - as God kept the lion's mouths shut and tamed them so no harm would come to Daniel. Proving that Daniel's God was real and true.

Which place is known as "the gift of the Nile" ?


Known as the "Gift of the Nile."

Egypt was called this because it would not have existed without the Nile.

The Rosetta Stone allowed scholars for the first time to read ______________.

Egyptian hieroglyphics


Egyptian pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid at Giza

God confounded the languages at the Tower of Ziggurat.


Where can you find the story of creation in the Bible?


The Babylonian account of the Flood is the _______________________.

Gilgamesh Epic


Greek Historian, considered "the Father of History."

The ruler who saw himself as the upholder of the oppressed, common people was ____________________.

Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, is best known for the development of a code of laws known as the Code of Hammurabi, which was used to regulate Mesopotamian society.


Hebrew prophet and Israelite law giver who was raised by Pharaoh's daughter. Eventually, led the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt into freedom (called the Exodus).


Hebrew word for day

The Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt

Historians believe to be the most outstanding dynasty in Egyptian history. It re-established the capital near Memphis, at Ithet-Tawy. Ruled by Pharaoh Amenenhat. It was probably during this dynasty that Abraham visited Egypt in search of food.


In ancient Egypt, the immortal human life force; spirit double (soul).

What is the difference between Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt?

Lower Egypt is from the delta to past Memphis. Upper Egypt is the rest of the area.

Who established the Egyptian capital at Thebes?

Menuhotep I (founder of Eleventh Dynasty; 2079 - 2061 B.C.)

Thutmose III may have been the Pharaoh who expelled ______________ from Egypt.


Shem, Japheth, and Ham

Noah's 3 sons

The great pyramids were built during the ________________________________.

Old Kingdom of Egyptian civilization.

Egyptian history has traditionally been divided into three main parts, known as the __________________, ________________________, and ________________________.

Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, or New Kingdom (Empire).

Who conquered Sumer?

Sargon of Akkad

In 2400 B.C. Sargon conquered ___________________.


Which document had the ancient Mesopotamian oral account of the Flood?

Sumerian King list

Why did Herodotus call Egypt the gift of the Nile?

The Nile River brought fertility and life to the region; it gave all its water to Egypt. Egypt would not have existed without it.

Which represents a united human strength in rebellion against God?

The Tower of Babel

Who was Amun?

The state god of Egypt; king of the gods.

Jesus Christ was an heir of Abraham.


Most Hamitic people went to Africa.


Which documents had both Oral and written accounts of the Flood?

all of the choices


architect of the Step Pyramid.

Theistic Evolution

belief that God started the evolutionary process.

theistic evolutionist

believes in both evolution and Genesis

The term civilization comes from the Latin word for ________________.


follows the rise of cities


society with developed cities


mark of an advanced society

commerce and trade


divine revelation by God, believed in by monotheistic Christians.

In the struggle for _______________________, civilization develops.


What is the Egyptian process of preserving the dead called?


The concept that man arose from a lower form of life is known as the theory of __________________________.


Memphis was king of the Hyksos.


One feature of most primitive societies is a widespread use of money.


The rule of Hammurabi can best be described as a democracy in which every citizen had a voice.


The delta region of the Nile River in Egypt was very fertile land for farming because every year it ____________________.


Who were the Hyksos?

foreign Semitic Asians, probably beginning in Lower Egypt and moving to Ithet-Tawy.


historian who labeled dynasties

Mankind's original state was one of . . .


Who was made in God's image?

mankind; humankind

The Babylonians made significant contributions in __________________ and ________________.

mathematics and astronomy


oldest Egyptian writing system.

What did the Egyptians make from papyrus?


Civilizations require a higher order of ________________________ organization.


The ancient Egyptians were


what type of society lacks political organization?

primitive societies

The sign of the Noahic Covenant was the ________________.


In Persia, a satrap was a ___________________>

royal governor


sign of God's covenant with Noah, God's promise never to flood the earth again.

Egypt's Old Kingdom spanned _______________ dynasties.


According to Genesis, God created man on the ___________________ day.


What was the major building material of the Egyptians?




What was the Persian rule of Israel called?

the Restoration

Accounts of the Flood are contained in both the Gilgamesh Epic and

the book of Genesis in the Old Testament

What was the major achievement of Hammurabi, ruler of Babylon?

the code of laws


the most ancient name for Egypt and a descendant (son) of Ham.

Step Pyramid of Sakkara

the oldest pyramid

Who deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden?

the serpent (who was also Satan)

division of labor

the specialization of work tasks


the world's first system of writing developed by the Sumerians.

God's mandate to man in Genesis

to "subdue" the earth

(one of) God's (earliest) mandates

to subdue the Earth

Evolutionists agree that there was no six-day Creation.


Man will not fully dominate the earth until Christ returns.


One of the four borders of ancient Egypt was the Mediterranean Sea.


Scholars believe advanced civilizations have higher moral codes than primitive ones.


The Babylonians introduced such mathematical ideas as multiplication, division, and the concept of zero.


The Old Kingdom of Egypt spanned six dynasties.


The prophet, Jeremiah, warned the kings of Judah against resisting Babylon.



united the kingdoms of lower and upper Egypt and created first Egyptian dynasty.

How did the Assyrians treat their conquered enemies?

with great cruelty

Did the Egyptians write poetry?


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