Econ 1 -- Chapter 21, 22, 23

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​Real-Time Data Analysis​ Exercise* The table provides information about three U.S. price indexes for May each year from 2014 to 2020. (1) In the year to May 2020​, the inflation rate measured by the CPI was _______% (2) In the year to May 2020​, the inflation rate measured by the​ C-CPI was__________% (3) In the year to May 2020​, the inflation rate measured by the PCEPI was_________. (4) In the year to May 2020​, the inflation rate measured by the core index—CEless food and fuel —was ________%. (5) The price index with the greatest bias is​ ______ because​ ______.

(1) 0.235 [(255.8-255.2)x 100/255.2 ] (2) -0.2 [(143.9 - 144.2)×100 ​/144.2 =−0.2 ] (3) 0.54 [(110.1-109.5)x 100 / 110.1] (4) 1.0 [(112.5-109.5)x 100 /109.5] (5) the​ CPI; it​ isn't based on current period actual expenditure weights

​Real-Time Data Analysis​ Exercise* The table shows the levels of nominal GDP and real GDP for the first quarterfirst quarter of 20202020 ​(the most recent quarter for which data are​ available). (1)From the first quarter first quarter of 2019 to the first quarter first quarter of 2020​, nominal GDP increased by 2.09 (2)From the first quarter first quarter of 2019 to the first quarter first quarter of 2020​, real GDP increased by 2.2% (3)Which had the faster growth​ rate, nominal GDP or real​ GDP? (4)Why did real GDP have the faster growth​ rate?

(1) 2.09 [(21540-21099)x 100 /21099] (2) 2.2 [(17031-16666)x 100 / 16664] (3) real GDP (4)Because prices decreased

(1) The_______ line in the graph is jobs loser, the _________ red line is job leavers, and the ________ line is entrants and re-entrants. (2) ​______ are the most cyclical component of unemployment and​ ______ are the most stable source of frictional unemployment.

(1) blue ; red ; green (2) Job​ losers; job leavers

Read Eye on Booms and Busts. Explain why the NBER reported that the 2008 recession began before real GDP had fallen for two successive quarters. The NBER Committee​ _______.

based its decision on peaks in the data on real personal​ income, real​ manufacturing, wholesale and retail​ sales, industrial​ production, and​ employment, which all peaked between November 2007 and June 2008 (根据对个人实际收入,实际制造业,批发和零售销售,工业生产和就业的数据峰值的决定,这些峰值在2007年11月至2008年6月之间达到峰值)

Over the past two​ years, U.S. cyclical unemployment​ ______ and​ ________.

changed from negative ; there was an inflationary gap.

When the price level​ _______ the inflation rate​ ______. (价格水平_______通货膨胀率_______。)

rises​ rapidly; is high (迅速崛起; 高)

The economy is at full employment when all unemployment is​ _______. (当所有失业都______时,经济处于充分就业状态。)

structural and frictional (结构性和摩擦性)

A​ ______ is a final good and​ ______ is an intermediate good. (____是最终商品,______是中间商品。)

tank of gasoline bought by​ you; jet fuel bought by Southwest Airlines. (你买的汽油箱; 西南航空购买的喷气燃料)

If the BLS included all marginally attached workers as being​ unemployed, the​ _______ would be​ ______.

unemployment​ rate; higher

The CPI measures the average prices paid by​ _______ for​ _______. (CPI衡量_______为_______支付的平均价格。)

urban​ consumers; a fixed basket of consumption goods and services. (城市消费者; 固定篮子的消费品和服务)

The BLS counts Jody as being unemployed if she​ _______.

wants a job and is willing to take a job but after searching last week cannot find a job.

New home sales appear in the​ ______ category of the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts. New home sales​ _______.

​investment; increase GDP and the surge in new home sales this year make the increase in GDP greater than the previous year

In which​ year, 2000 or​ 2016, was real GDP below potential​ GDP? How can you tell from the graph to the​ right? Consider 2000 and 2016. We can tell that real GDP was below potential GDP in​ _______ because​ _______.

2016; in 2016 the output gap is negative.

Using BLS data for the CPI in 1982 and​ 1997, determine which movie had the greater real box office​ revenues, ​E.T.: The ​Extra-Terrestrial​, which earned​ $435 million in 1982 or Titanic​, which earned​ $601 million in 1997. Made in​ 1982, ​E.T.: The ​Extra-Terrestrial​, earned​ $435 million at the box office. Made in​ 1997, Titanic earned​ $601 million. The CPI in 1982 is​ 96.5, and the CPI in 1997 is 160.5. Converting to 1997​ dollars, the​ $435 million that E.T. earned in 1982 was the equivalent of ​$________million in​ 1997, so ______had the larger real box office revenues.

723 [(435 x 160.5) / 96.5] ; E.T.

When the CPI increases from 200 in 2016 to 210 in 2017 and the nominal wage rate is constant at​ $10 an​ hour, the real wage rate​ _______.

decreases by 5 percent

The graph shows the labor force participation rate of men in the U.S. labor market between 1970 and 2016. (1) The labor force participation rate of men decreased most during the​ _______. (2) One of the reasons why this decrease occurred was that​ _____.

(1) 2000s (2) more men lost their jobs and decided to withdraw from the labor force

​Real-Time Data Analysis​ Exercise* The table shows the levels of consumption expenditure​, investment​, government expenditure​, net exports​, and GDP for the first quarterfirst quarter of 20202020 ​(the most recent quarter for which data are​ available). Comparing the data for the first quarterfirst quarter of 20202020 with that for the secondsecond quarter of 20112011 in Table 21.1 LOADING... in your​ textbook, how has GDP​ changed? Consumption expenditure as a percentage of GDP has​ _______.

(1)GDP has increased. (2)decreased

​Real-Time Data Analysis​ Exercise* The tables to the right show the unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate from June 2019 to June 2020​, and real GDP​, and potential GDP from the first quarter of 2019 to the first quarter of 2020. In June 2020​, the U.S. the unemployment rate was​ ______ the natural unemployment rate and in the first quarter of 2020 the output gap was​ ______.

above​; positive

When using the income approach to measure GDP at market​ prices, in addition to summing all factor incomes it is necessary to​ ______. (当使用收入法以市场价格衡量GDP时,除求所有要素收入之和外,还必须______。)

add indirect taxes less subsidies to convert aggregate income from factor cost to market prices (增加间接税减补贴,将总收入从要素成本转换为市场价格)

The expenditure approach to measuring U.S. GDP equals​ ______. (衡量美国GDP的支出方法等于______。)

all expenditure on final goods and services produced in the United States in a given time period (在给定时间内在美国生产的最终商品和服务的所有支出)

Describe the relationship between the unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate as the output gap flutuates between being positive and being negative. When the output gap is​ positive, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate. When the output gap is​ negative, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate.

is less​ than; is greater than

The CPI bias arises from all of the following items except ​_______. (CPI偏差是由以下所有因素引起的,除了_______。)

the goods and services bought by poor people

The table above shows real GDP and potential GDP for the most recent four quarters. The graph to the right shows the same variables for a longer period. (1)In the​ graph, real GDP is the blue curve and potential GDP is the black curve. (2)In 2020 comma Upper Q 12020, Q1​, U.S. real GDP decreased by ​$245 billion from the previous quarter. (3)In 2020 comma Upper Q 12020, Q1​, the U.S. economy was in​ ______ because real GDP​ ______.

(1)Real GDP is the blue curve and potential GDP is the black curve. (2)decreased;245 ( 19222-18977) (3)an expansion; did not decrease for two successive quarters

The table shows the quantities produced and prices in 2015 and 2016 for an island economy which produces only melons and kiwi fruits. The base year is 2016. Calculate real GDP in 2015 and 2016 using the​ chained-dollar method. In terms of what dollars is each of these two real GDPs​ measured? (1) Real GDP in 2016 using the​ chained-dollar method is $_____ (2) Real GDP in 2015 using the​ chained-dollar method is $______ (3) Real GDP in 2015 and real GDP in 2016 are measured in _________ dollars.

(1) 1596 [(106 x 10)+(67 x 8)] (2) 1343 [1596/1.188(生产的平均百分比增长为18.8%)] (3)2016

Hawaiian Airlines hires 100​ workers, plans to add 170 more Hawaiian Airlines will hire more workers as it expands its fleet. The new hirings are a welcome sign for​ Hawaii's economy, which lost jobs during the year to May 2009 as the​ state's unemployment rate rose from​ 4% to​ 7%. ​Source: USA Today​, August​ 18, 2009 The labor force was​ 602,000 in May 2009 and​ 622,600 in May 2008. Calculate the change in the number unemployed between May 2008 and May 2009. (1)The number unemployed in May 2008 is_______ (2)The number unemployed in May 2009 is________ (3)The change in the number unemployed between May 2008 and May 2009 is_______of _______

(1) 24904 (2)42140 (3) an increase ; 17236

The table shows some banana prices and the CPI for four years. The reference base period is​ 1982-1984. Calculate the real price of bananas in each year in​ 1982-1984 dollars and enter your numbers in the table. (2) In which of the four years were bananas the most costly in real​ terms? (3) In which of the four years were bananas the least costly in real​ terms?

(1) 39.6 ; 35.24 ; 28.87 ; 25.18 (2) 1981 (3) 2006

The table gives information reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the second quarter ofthe second quarter of 20082008. What is the unemployment​ rate? What is the labor force participation​ rate? (1) The unemployment rate is ________

(1) 5.31 [(154294000-146089000)/154294000(失业率=(失业人数除以劳动力)乘以100。)] (2)66.1 [15429400/233410000 (劳动力参与率等于(劳动力除以工作年龄人口)乘以100)]

(1) Between 1949 and​ 2016, the average unemployment rate was​ _______. The unemployment rate was​ _______ average in​ 1973-1975, 1981-1982,​ 1990-1991, and​ 2008-2009. (2) After​ 1960, the unemployment rate reached its highest level in​ ______. (3) The unemployment rate was below average in​ ______.

(1) 5.8​ percent; above (2) ​1981-1982 and​ 2008-2009 (3) the 1960s

The table above provides information about the U.S. labor market in June comma June, 2019​, May comma May, 2020​, and June comma June, 2020. The graph shows the unemployment rate since June comma June, 2015. (1) In June, 2020 the number employed ______ and the number rate ______ (2) Over the year since June, 2019 the number employed _______ and the unemployment rate _________. (3) The change in the unemployment rate over the past year suggests that the U.S. economy​ ______.

(1) increased; decreases (2) decreased ; increased (3) was in a recession

Read Eye on Box Office Hits. Compare the method used by​ Box-Office Mojo to calculate real​ box-office receipts with the method used to calculate the real price of a postage stamp. (1) ​Box-Office Mojo calculates real​ box-office receipts by multiplying the movie revenue by the​ movie tickets​ sold; the goods and services bought by the average urban consumer_______ and dividing by the​ _______. (2) The real price of a stamp in current dollars is calculated by multiplying the price of a stamp by the​ _______ and dividing by the​ _______. (3) The real variable that​ Box-Office Mojo is calculating is in terms of​ _______. The real value of the stamp is calculated in terms of​ _______.

(1) movie ticket price in the current​ year; movie ticket price in the year the movie revenue was earned. (2) CPI in the current​ year; CPI in the year the stamp was purchased (3) movie tickets​ sold; the goods and services bought by the average urban consumer

Economists look to expand GDP to include the quality of life Robert​ Kennedy, when seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in​ 1968, remarked that GDP measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile. ​Source: The New York Times​, September​ 1, 2008 (1 ) Which items did Robert Kennedy probably think were​ missing? Robert Kennedy probably thought that​ _______ were missing from the measure of GDP. 罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert Kennedy)可能认为_______在GDP衡量标准中不存在。

(1) political freedom and social justice (政治自由与社会正义)

The table shows the prices that Terry paid for some of his expenditures in June and July 2016. Explain and discuss why these prices might have led to commodity substitution or outlet substitution. (1) On the basis of these price​ observations, commodity substitution and outlet substitution might have occurred when consumers bought more​ ______ in July because they had become relatively​ ______ expensive. (2) On the basis of these price​ observations, commodity substitution and outlet substitution might have occurred when consumers bought less​ ______ in July because they had become relatively​ ______ expensive.

(1) steak and​ bread; less (2) bananas and​ lettuce; more

Negative interest rates The Federal Reserve has held interest rates close to zero percent for the past seven years. Even with low​ inflation, "real" interest rates have been negative. ​Source: San Diego Union Tribune​, February​ 5, 2016 Explain why with a zero interest​ rate, even low inflation makes the real interest rate negative. Can the real interest rate exceed the nominal interest​ rate? (1) When the nominal interest rate equals​ zero, the real interest rate equals​ _______. (当名义利率等于零时,实际利率等于_______。) (2) The real interest rate exceeds the nominal interest rate when the inflation rate is​ _______. (当通货膨胀率为_______时,实际利率超过名义利率。)

(1) the negative of the inflation rate (通货膨胀率的负数) (2) negative

The metro areas with the lowest and highest unemployment In December​ 2015, Ames, Iowa had the lowest unemployment in the United States at 2.2 percent of the workforce. At the other end of the scale was El​ Centro, California with 19.6 percent of its workforce unemployed. ​ Source: Forbes​, February​ 9, 2016 Fact​: the depth of the​ 2008-2009 recession, the unemployment rate in Ames peaked at 5.7 percent. In El​ Centro, it peaked at 30.3 percent. Use the information provided to estimate how much of the unemployment in Ames and El Centro in 2009 was cyclical and how much was natural. Explain your assumptions in arriving at your estimates. (1) To estimate the unemployment that is​ natural, we need to know or make an assumption about ​ _____. (2) Assuming that the economy was at full employment in December​ 2015, the natural unemployment rate in Ames is______ % and in EI Centro is _____% (3) When unemployment was at its peak​ level, cyclical unemployment in Ames was _________ % and in El Centro was _______ %

(1) when the economy is at full employment (2) 2.2 ;19.6 (3) 3.5 ; 10.7 [(5.5-2.2);(30.3-19.6)]

Other information suggests that household production is similar in Canada and the United States and smaller than in China and Russia. The underground economy is larger in Russia and China and a similar proportion of each of these economies. Canadians and Americans enjoy more leisure hours than do the Chinese and Russians. Canada and the United States spend significantly more on the environment than do China and Russia. (1) Based on this​ information, differences in real GDP per person​ ______ correctly rank the standard of living in these countries because​ ______. (2) To accurately assess the relative standard of living in these​ countries, we need additional information about​ _____.

(1) ​do; when other factors that influence the standard of living are similar the differences in real GDP per person are​ small, but when these other factors are not​ similar, the differences are huge (2) the value of household​ production, the underground​ economy, leisure, and environment differences

The table shows the results of the survey. It shows the items that consumers buy and their prices. The Statistics Bureau fixes the reference base year as 2015. Is there a substitution bias in the CPI that uses the 2015​ basket? Explain. (1) A commodity substitution bias​ _______ when the CPI is calculated in 2016 using the 2015 basket. The reason is that​ _______.(当使用2015年篮子计算2016年CPI时的商品替代偏差_______。原因是_______。) (2) The CPI that uses the 2015 basket​ _______ the inflation rate in 2016. (使用2015年篮子的CPI _______ 2016年的通货膨胀率。)

(1) ​exists; people switch from the relatively more expensive hot dogs to the relatively less expensive burgers. (2) overstates the inflation rate in 2016

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